Keep Warning About a US Provocation Too Big for Russia to Accept and the Dumbshit US Secretary of Defense has come up a Big One
Let’s See, the US is in Ukraine Conducting Joint Military Exercises Against Russia (who else?) and the Quota-hire at the Pentagon blames “destabilizing activities” on Russia. Pray Europe has enough sense to block Ukraine from NATO. Doubtful that Russia would tolerate it.
Neocon Warmonger Victoria Nuland US Undersecretary of State in the Corrupt Biden Regime Let Her Arrogance Run Away With Her and Provoked this Response from the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister:
“ If you will insist, we are ready to close down all US missions in Russia, and to lock down our remaining offices at Washington. We can terminate all diplomatic interaction; if you want our relations be based on the number of our nuclear missiles, we are ready. But it’s your choice, not ours.”
Americans do not understand that there is not a single person of merit in the entire Biden regime. There are only corrupt morons capable of destroying our liberty and our lives.
The Biden Regime Boils Down to Perversion and Idiocy
Just as the US is about to lose much of its military force to deaths and health injuries from the mandated dangerous “vaccine,” and from resignation and court martial, the quota-hire in the Pentagon and the White House moron are picking a fight with Russia
Lying western officials blame the break in relations that they initiated on Russia.
Totally Despicable Democrats, No Honor, No Integrity, No Soul, Just Evil