The FDA Has Proved Itself To Be A Totally Corrupt And Criminal Organization

The FDA Has Proved Itself To Be A Totally Corrupt And Criminal Organization

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers,

As I predicted, the corrupt US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), allegedly a regulatory agency but in actuality an agent for Big Pharma and agri-business, has, according to news reports, given final approval to Pfizer’s Covid “vaccine.”  (Why only Pfizer’s? Is there favoritism at the FDA?) The FDA congratulates itself declaring the “vaccine” a “milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic.” 

In one of the worse and most transparent lies ever told by a US government agency, the FDA said: 

“The FDA’s approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. While this and other vaccines have met the FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for emergency use authorization, as the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “While millions of people have already safely received COVID-19 vaccines, we recognize that for some, the FDA approval of a vaccine may now instill additional confidence to get vaccinated. Today’s milestone puts us one step closer to altering the course of this pandemic in the U.S.” 

Notice the last two sentences to which I added emphasis.  The purpose of the approval is to convince those resisting inoculation with an extremely dangerous and totally ineffective “vaccine” to submit and take the shot.

As so many experts, men and women with scientific and medical knowledge far beyond what the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO can muster, have stressed, the scientific evidence that does exist proves beyond all doubt that the mRNA vaccines fail to protect and actually enable the virus to escape the immune response, thus creating variants that infect the vaccinated.  No evidence exists that supports the FDA’s claims.

Consider Commissioner Janet Woodcock’s claim that millions of people have already safely received Covid-19 vaccines.  The official vaccine adverse reporting systems of the US, UK, and EU as of mid-June, two months ago, report 22,821 vaccine-related deaths and 4,085,204 health injuries, some serious and permanent.  Clearly, the vaccine was not safe for these 4,108,025 people.  As it is known that only a small percentage of adverse vaccine reactions and deaths are reported, the actual number of people harmed by the vaccine is much larger.  See: 

Notice that the FDA gave a “safe” approval to a “vaccine” that official government databases for the US, EU, and UK show has killed as of last June 22,821 people and injured 4,085,204 people. 

In its approval letter to Pfizer the FDA says that its analysis confirms that Pfizer’s “vaccine” is 95% effective.  This statement is contradicted by all known evidence.  From all over the world evidence is available that the majority of those in hospitals stricken with Covid are the fully vaccinated. 

If the “vaccine” is 95% effective how is it possible that Iceland with a 95% vaccination rate has a massive outbreak of Covid?  How is it possible that Israel, which almost exclusively used Pfizer vaccine, reports from the Israeli health ministry that at the beginning of July the effectiveness of the Pfizer “vaccine” was 64% and fell to 39% by the end of July? 

The utterly corrupt FDA pulled 95% out of its ass.

Nowhere in the FDA’s letter of approval is there any mention that the vaccine produces Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). ADE is a mechanism that increases the ability of a virus to enter cells and cause a worsening of the disease. The evidence is clear that the Pfizer “vaccine” and the rest of the mRNA “vaccines” produce virus variants that cannot be controlled by vaccines. 

It is totally and illegally impossible for any vaccine that has this result ever under any conditions being approved.

Why has the FDA broken the law?  What is the FDA’s real agenda.  It most certainly is not public health.

Why does the FDA want to destroy the health of all Americans and all others in the world? What is the real agenda?

What is really going on here?  Incompetence alone cannot be the answer.  The incompetence required is too vast to be possible especially when from all over the world the most distinguished scientists and medical experts of our  time are issuing alarms that are censored by “official health authorities” and the media.  The corrupt dumbshits doing the censoring are not capable of carrying the books for the real experts who are being silenced.

Clearly, we are being set up for something very bad.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains another aspect of the FDA’s deception of the people:

The FDA Has Proved Itself To Be A Totally Corrupt And Criminal Organization

Denmark Abolishes All Covid Measures

Denmark Abolishes All Covid Measures 

Danish parliament recently decided in Copenhagen that all Corona measures should be ended from October 1. There will therefore no longer be a mask requirement and the test regime will be abolished. The Danes will then no longer have to provide evidence of whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated, or whether they have tested positive or negative.

Tyrolean lawyer Dr. Renate Holzeisen, meanwhile strongly recommended that all employers refrain from vaccination pressure or compulsory vaccination, because most of them were “obviously not even aware of the far-reaching legal consequences associated with it”.

The fact that the so-called Covid-19 vaccines, according to the official approval documents of the EMA and the European Commission were not developed and approved for the prevention of infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus, but solely to prevent a more severe course of the disease, were conditionally approved for this reason alone, Holzeisen underscored.

The official approval documents therefore show that these substances cannot interrupt the chain of infection because the people treated with them can become infected and thus be infectious. Practice also proves that people who are completely “vaccinated” become infected with the virus and even have the same viral load as “unvaccinated people” as the CDC, among others, has admitted. It is therefore clear that any Covid-19 “compulsory vaccination” actually lacks any justification.

All pressure, including moral pressure (alleged act of solidarity with one’s neighbor) is therefore illegal in terms of criminal and liability law based on the official approval documents.

“As a lawyer advising on corporate law, I strongly recommend that every employer stay away from Covid-19 vaccination pressure or compulsory vaccination, because most of them are obviously not even aware of the far-reaching legal consequences associated with it,” she said.

Denmark Abolishes All Covid Measures

Gary D Barnett – The Noose Draws Tighter; Soon You’ll be Dead


(left, Illustrator David Dees died May 31, 2020. He was truly a great visionary. Watch this doc about him.) 

Americans are mostly complacent and compliant in the face of their impending demise. A pandemic with a 
survival rate of 99.7% is not a pandemic. A disease with no symptoms is not a disease. Unless we regain our common sense and realize covid is a political psy op and a hoax, we are finished.

Barnett – “In order to gain freedom, one has to act free. 
Freedom has to be taken, not begged for, 
and this does not even require any violence or aggression;it just requires disobedience and dissent, 
and a refusal to comply with thisheinous government’s orders,mandates, and corrupt attempts to control you.”

Why Do I Do This? 
By Gary D. Barnett

I have been writing about these matters concerning freedom, liberty, and the sovereignty of the individual for over two decades, and look where we are today. 

I have watched as this country has continued to worsen every year since I was born, and now we face the ultimate challenge, and the only defence evident are the efforts of a minuscule few. 

Yes, there is talk of pushback and some threats to not comply, but it is nothing more than talk. 

There are more protests as well, at least in other parts of the world, but what is necessary is not protest after all, for protest in most cases is nothing more than an effort in futility. It is dependent on a weak population’s reliance on their governing jailers giving them some relief. 

In order to gain freedom, one has to act free. Freedom has to be taken, not begged for, and this does not even require any violence or aggression; it just requires disobedience and dissent, and a refusal to comply with this heinous government’s orders, mandates, and corrupt attempts to control you.

The intent of the chosen and unchosen masters that have been allowed to reign over this weak and pathetic populace, have now become so bold as to be able to do as they please without scrutiny. 

The ignorance of Americans has reached such a level that virtually everything the state does to gain more power and control is applauded and immediately accepted by this crowd of frightened serfs that still believe they are free. 


The dullness of mind that is necessary in order for this takeover of society to take place is staggering beyond the imagination of any left with the ability to think even in simple terms. I am stunned by this posture, but I am not surprised in the least.

Many have called me names, have told me I was too harsh and brutal in my approach, have said I only talked of doom, and have attempted to chastise me for telling the truth that they did not want to hear. I have been censored, threatened, shunned, and cursed, simply for warning about what is now here in plain sight. I have been labeled as a conspiracy nut, and ignored in the midst of rolling eyes. What are all these people thinking today as they watch their lives disappear?

With the mass collusion of Bill gatesand the Gates Foundation, the pharmaceutical industry, the government and world ‘health’ organizations, and the other worst criminal elements of society, the FDA approved what are ludicrously called‘Covid vaccines‘ today at Pfizer and BioNTech, the first of many, and now the beginning of the end is certainly here to stay. 

Within moments, New York, California, Puerto Rico, and likely more as I write this, are mandating that all get injected or else. Maybe this is a good time to say I told you so!

Get ready if not willing to be a slave, to get fully injected with deadly poison in order to survive. 

Those of us unwilling to go along now are targets not only of the criminal and murderous United States dictatorship, but of all our neighbors and so-called friends. 

Soon, all ability to travel, all entry into shops, restaurants, grocery stores, schools, and any number of ‘public’ places will be closed off to those choosing to not get jabbed, but at this point, the aggression against the real intelligent dissenters will be ramped up to a very high level. It could easily become in the very near future nearly impossible to function without compliance

But this will not end with ‘vaccine’ mandates, it will end with total tyranny and death.

The frustration is maddening, as knowing where this was headed for years is no consolation considering the hell we now face.

In the days, weeks, and months ahead, this country will have changed into a totalitarian nightmare never experienced before in history. 

All your children are at great risk, and I say this not to be sensational, but to warn of the destruction of the mindsand bodies of all the young that has been planned and openly announced over the entirety of this fake ‘pandemic’ by this wicked state, and of course, it was promoted once again today by the evil Biden.

So why do I do this? Why do I write? Why do I continue in my attempts to wake up the pathetic masses? What is the point, when most are still asleep, and have no desire whatsoever to protect themselves or their families?

I do so for myself and my family, because if I do nothing, my life will have no meaning, just as the bulk of the masses’ lives have no meaning. So I will continue on, but I believe this will be at great risk the longer this travesty is allowed to continue. 

I will write and fight back for myself, my family, and all those that have the courage to stand up for what is right. I will defend at all costs against state aggression and never acquiesce to this state. As for those that wallow in self-pity, and refuse to speak out and disobey, that hide from the truth and expect to be protected by others, you are on your own.

This society is mentally ill to the point of total apathetic confusion.Related–  Today from Gary D Barnett – Medical Care for the Unvaccinated – Comply or Die 

Source links:

FDA approves eugenist Gates ‘vaccine’

Military and states announce vaccine mandates within minutes of FDA approval

Biden says employers, schools, and businesses should require ‘Covid vaccination’

Mass Psychosis : A killing of the Mind

Copyright © 2021

Covid Ruse Implements the Protocols of Zion (c. 1892)


(“We own the world. You’re being evicted.”)

“There remains a small space to cross before all states of Europe will be locked in the coils of the symbolic snake, by which we symbolize our people, as in a powerful vice.” 

The Protocols of Zion: Introduction and Synopsis


The Protocols of Zion are required reading for anyone who wishes to understand the world in which we live. Theyexhibit a pathological hatred for non-Jews, and a desire to undermine and exploit them. The Protocols were part of an “initiation” for 33 degrees Masonic Jews. Most Jews are unaware of this agenda and therefore are easily manipulated. 

“Anti-Semitism is indispensable to us in the management of our lesser brethren.”(Protocols, 9)

A synopsis is below. The document is found here.

from July 9, 2017

by Henry Makow PhD. 

(from Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World) 

Many people think “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is “hate literature” and fraud.

Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that the book exhibits “the mind of a genius.” Pretty good for a hoax, wouldn’t you say? 

Solzhenitsyn said it exhibits “great strength of thought and insight… Its design… (increasing freedom and liberalism, which is terminated in social cataclysm)…is well above the abilities of an ordinary mind… It is more complicated than a nuclear bomb.” 

I believe the Protocols are genuine. They are lectures addressed to Jewish Freemasons (probably at the Mizraim Lodge in Paris) detailing an incredible plan to overthrow Western Civilization, subjugate mankind, and concentrate “all the wealth of the world… in our hands.” They were given as a regular series of workshops to these Masons in Paris. The author describes them as an “exposition of our programme” and often begins by saying, “Today we will discuss…” 


Those who think the Protocols were delivered at the First Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897 are sadly mistaken. This is not information that the average Jew was privy to. There were over 200 delegates at that conference along with 26 members of the press. 

Rabbi Ehrenpreis, (1869-1951) the Chief Rabbi of Sweden from 1910-1951, reportedly wrote in 1924: “Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the Protocols, indeed for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same. Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world who know.” (Quoted without source online in “1001 Quotations About Jews.”)

This “compressed extract” is confirmed by the widespread use of ellipsis–indicating words have been left out. Researchers have speculated that Adam Weishaupt, Theodore Herzl or Asher Ginzberg penned the Protocols. At first, I thought it was Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1844) himself. Later I thought it might be Lionel Nathan Rothschild (1809- 1879) or James de Rothschild (1792-1868) or Adolphe Cremieux (1796-1880.) It’s hard to pinpoint because I think this document was revised by different hands. 

Protocols 20-23, the “financial programme… the crowning and the decisive point of our plans” is the reason I think the author was a banker and probably a Rothschild. These lectures require detailed knowledge of finance and profound psychological insight. Moreover, the author states that all power ultimately will reside in the “King of the Jews,” which is how the Rothschilds were known. As you read this, it will be evident that much of this programme has taken effect. 


Protocol One Refers to the plan as “our system.” Says men are governed “by force”: “By the law of nature right lies in might.” Most men are willing to betray their fellow man for profit. (The “end justifies the means” is the Communist motto.) The promise of “freedom” (i.e. liberalism, reform, revolution) is used to take power from the Old Order (monarch, landed aristocracy, church, army) and transfer it to our hands, the power of “Gold” and the despotism of Capital which is entirely in our hands.” 

The State is dependent on us, or it “goes to the bottom.” If the state can be ruthless in subjecting an external foe, surely an “internal foe” i.e. Masonic Jews, who are “the destroyer of society and the Commonweal” are justified in using any form of subterfuge. Morality is an obstacle to successful conquest and liability to any political leadership. 


The goal is to “scatter to the winds all existing forces for order and regulation” and to become the “sovereign lord” of those so stupid as to lay down their powers and fall for liberal entreaties. Their power is “more invincible” by virtue of “remaining invisible” until insurmountable. This is a “strategic plan from which we cannot deviate” or risk“seeing the labour of many centuries brought to naught.” 

“Our countersign is–Force and Make-believe” i.e. deception. The writer emphasizes that the goal is to “seize the property of others” and “bring all governments into subjection to our super-government.” 

The words “Liberty, Fraternity, Equality” were “baits” the Masonic Jews used “from ancient times” to overthrow “the genealogical aristocracy of the goyim” which was the peoples’ only defence. It will be replaced by the “aristocracy of money.” 

Throughout history, they have played upon the greed, lust and vanity of men to ensnare their agents. In other words, “democracy” is a perfect instrument for their covert control. Monarchs were much harder to subvert. Democracy, the “replacing of representatives of the people” has “placed them at our disposal” and “given us the power of appointment.” 

Protocol Two: “Wars as far as possible should not result in any territorial gains,” but should demonstrate to both sides their dependence on “our international agentur” [i.e. agents] which “possess millions of eyes ever on the watch and unhampered by any limitations whatsoever.” 

This implies they control the outcome of wars and have millions of spies (Masons, Jews?) “Our international right will then wipe out national rights…” as the civil law of states rules their subjects. Gentile leaders (“administrators”) will be chosen for their strict obedience and will be run by “advisors.” The goyim “can amuse themselves until the hour strikes…” 

We have implanted the false doctrines “by means of our press arousing blind confidence in these theories.” “Think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzchism. To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating effect these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim.” 


The Press has fallen into our hands. It fashions the thought of the people. Its role is to express and create discontent. Thanks to the Press, we have the Gold in our hands though we sacrificed many of our people. Each… in the sight of God is worth “a thousand goyim.” 

Protocol Three: “We have made a gulf between the far-seeing Sovereign Power and the blind force of the people so that both have lost all meaning, for like the blind man and his stick, both are powerless apart.” 

“Of States we have made gladiatorial arenas where a host of confused issues contend….” “We appear on the scene as the alleged saviours of the worker… and we suggest that he should enter the ranks of our fighting forces–Socialists, Anarchists, Communists– to which we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our social masonry. The aristocracy… was interested in seeing the workers were well fed, healthy and strong. We are interested in just the opposite–in the diminution, the killing out of the goyim.” 

Protocol Four:“Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is. Gentile masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects but the plan of action of our force, even its abiding place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.” Freedom would be possible if it rested “upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity, unconnected with the conception of equality, which is negated by the very laws of creation…” “This is the reason why it is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the minds of the goyim the very principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put in its place …material needs.” Goyim must have no time to think but rather must be diverted to industry and trade.

 “All nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race for it, will not take note of their common foe.” We must put industry on a “speculative basis” so wealth will pass to our classes. The rat race will create, no has already created “disenchanted, cold and heartless communities.” This materialism will allow us to direct the lower classes of the goyim against our rivals for power “the privileged and… the intellectuals of the goyim.” 

to be continued… Part Two and Part Three  and Part Four are here. 

Related – Protocols “Forgery” Argument is Flawed

—————- Maurice Joly Plagiarized Protocols (and not vice-versa)


A woman on YouTube with the handle @behindherfaith recently wrote this on her page: “LADIES IMAGINE THIS: you stop idealizing marriage and start acting like a 23-year-old with her whole life ahead of her. You get an education, you travel the world, and you stop assuming your life starts and ends with a husband.”

It sounds like she’s simply reiterating the old, worn-out feminist agenda to me. When young women desire marriage, it’s a natural desire given by God. It’s what their heart longs for. They know there were created to marry and bear children. This isn’t idealizing marriage. It’s longing for what God wants for them.

When women like her say that women need to “get an education,” they aren’t saying learn to read, write, and do math. No, it now means that in order to be educated, one must go to a college or university. This is the only way in feminists’ minds of being “educated.” I can tell you one thing, I have learned a whole lot more through my own study and grown in wisdom than I ever did in my Christian college I attended. I remember nothing that I learned in college!

Why must a young woman travel the world? What is so special about living out of a suitcase and in hotel rooms for weeks on end? Yes, some enjoy it but it’s not a necessity for having a good life. Plus, it costs a lot to travel. Many simply can’t afford it, especially with all of their college debt. Oh yeah, this doesn’t matter anymore. “Keep spending money that you don’t have” is how our nation operates.

No, life doesn’t begin and end with a husband, but it was sure all I ever longed for. I am thankful I married and had children. It’s been the biggest blessings in my life! Yes, it takes a lot of hard work, but hard isn’t bad. Until young women get married, they can be productive and fruitful while they’re waiting for a husband. They shouldn’t sit around moping about it or becoming discontent over it. Find ways that God can use you now! There are many ways besides college and traveling. These aren’t ministry or helping others. Find ways to minister and help others. These will prepare you for marriage and raising children far more than college and traveling will.

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
Proverbs 18:22

For Women Who are Idealizing Marriage

Jews Ostracized Righteous Jew Who Then Shot Himself

uriel dacosta portrait.jpg

(l. Uriel de Costa, 1585-1640)
True Jews are pariahs in Judaism which is defined by Cabalism ( i.e. Satanism) which seeks to replace God.
To be born a Jew is to be unwittingly linked to this conspiracy against God and humanity. 

To be considered an “anti semite” or “self-hating Jew” means you uphold the true meaning of Judaism, obedience to God who is synonymous with absolute Truth, Justice, Beauty, Goodness and Love. 

From Oct 27, 2009by Henry Makow PhD

Most people think Judaism is synonymous with the Old Testament. But Uriel de Costa (1585-1640) became a Jewish heretic because he upheld the Law of Moses.  

In 14th & 15th century Spain, over 250,000 Jews were forced to become Christians on pain of death or expulsion.  The family of Uriel de Costa was among these “conversos” or “Marranos.” A member of the nobility and very wealthy, Uriel studied at a Jesuit University and became a priest. However, he began to question his faith: “Reason whispered in my ear something utterly irreconcilable with faith.” 

He read the Old Testament and found it offered “fewer difficulties.” He believed in Moses and “decided to live according to his law.” So he gave up his ecclesiastical office and beautiful home and sailed to Amsterdam with his family. It was a “place where we felt the Jews could live in freedom and fulfill the commandments.” 

On arrival, he and his brothers immediately “submitted to circumcision.”

De Costa had a rude awakening. Biblical Judaism no longer existed.

“After the first few days, I began to understand that the customs and institutions of the Jews were not at all in accordance with what Moses had written. ..the Jews were wrong to have invented so many things which deviated…The present-day sages have maintained both their customs and their evil character. They still fight stubbornly for the sect and the institutions of the evil Pharisees..”

He could not find a basis for most Jewish customs in the Bible. He found that the Old Testament did not speak of resurrection or immortality of the soul. 

Ironically for a man who left his home for religious freedom, Amsterdam Jewry would not let him deviate from their opinion “in the slightest.” He was threatened with excommunication and exclusion from the community. He insisted on religious freedom and was expelled. 


“Even my brothers whose teacher I was, passed me by, so afraid were they of the authorities that they did not even greet me in the street.” 

De Costa “believed in doing something pleasing to God [by] defending freely and openly the law of Moses,”  he wrote in his autobiography, “Example of a Human Life.” 

But he was ostracized by the Jewish community and lived in great loneliness. After seven years, he sought reconciliation. He describes the penance he was required to endure from this primitive people, who are not a religion but a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. He was stripped to the waist, tied to a column and made to recite a psalm while being lashed 39 times. 
Following this, he dressed and lay down over the threshold of the synagogue while the whole congregation –men, women, children and elderly–walked over him into the street.

“No monkey could have invented a more despicable, tasteless and ridiculous action,” he wrote.  

The sting of this humiliation stayed with De Costa and he could not execute the reconciliation.  He shot himself. As a suicide, he could not be buried in a marked grave in the Jewish cemetery.


Faced with Christian intolerance, De Costa discovered its Jewish counterpart. Like many Marranos, he was stranded between two worlds.

He belonged to the tradition of the Sadducees and later the Karaites who insisted on adherence to the written law. But these groups had been suppressed by the Pharisees who dominated Judaism with the oral tradition (Talmud) and the Satanic pseudo mystical Cabala. (The Cabala pretends Cabalists can be God without becoming God-like, i.e. morally perfect.)  

The Old Testament strikes me as a mixed bag. You have to scour it for valid parts. Certainly, it contains the same kind of xenophobia as the Talmud. But the Prophets’ denunciation of corruption and decadence ring true. 

De Costa should probably have melded back into Christian society. Instead, he remained loyal to his God to the end. 

Source: The Secret Jews by Joachim Prinz (1973)

The Banking System is Key to Our Servitude


(Money is just a ledger kept by the Rothschilds. Occasionally they will produce currency to make it seem real.) 
The best analogy for “Money” is electricity.It powers society.Central banks control the electrical grid. 
“Currency” is the current.There can be no fundamental improvement 

dees-cb (2).jpg

until the central bank is nationalized. And that is not likely to happen as longas its minions control everything. 

Money is a Mind Game
“…They created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. …it is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith….”    Illuminati Insider Chaim Rakovsky  

Updated from 28-7-18
by Henry Makow Ph.D. 
In the last few years, banks have become increasingly active in pushing the globalist agenda. For example, my bank is all for “diversity” –homosexuality and im-migration. (It is rare to find a male white teller at a Canadian bank who is not a homosexual.) Similarly, most corporations sing from the same globalist songbook.   For example, Citibank just announced they will not do business with clients who do not meet progressive gun-control requirements.  
Banks are all franchises of the Rothschild world central banking system, much like some MacDonald’s stores are independently owned. But banks all depend on the central bank for “money.” That’s why banks and the corporations dependent on them promote bizarre agendas like gender dysfunction, family breakdown, gun control, miscegenation and minority status for Caucasians.  
WHAT DOES ‘MONEY? LOOK LIKE? (When it’s not currency)
What follows is my best guess but I could be wrong. I welcome correction from better-informed people. 

When I write a cheque to the gas company, an armored car does not pull up to my bank, collect the cash from my account and deliver it to the gas company’s bank. All that REALLY happens is some digits change at the two banks. 
My bank account is not a little letterbox with cash sitting in it. My account is just a number in their books signifying what they owe me should, God forbid, I decide to withdraw the cash. 
When we use our credit cards or when we buy a stock, the only thing that happens is that accounts are adjusted. 
We are really banking with the Rothschilds. Our little nest egg is actually their magical “credit”, a slice of the national “debt” owed to them, “money” which they created from nothing and “loaned” to the government. It is a reflection of the government’s ability to repay, although it never will. 
The banking system is a vast system of accounts. Money doesn’t actually exist except for a small amount in paper coupons (currency). “Money” is an imaginary concept denoting value.Our currency is a medium of exchange. Think of it as electrical current instead of currency. It is basically a virtual credit system that is the lifeblood of every economy. Who owns this franchise? This system of accounts? Who adds or subtracts credit? Who decides who gets to play? 
A syndicate of mostly cabalist (Masonic) Jewish banking families led by the Rothschilds. 
Unfortunately, these Cabalists are Satanists. They are determined to protect and extend this banking monopoly to a monopoly over everything — real wealth, political power, knowledge, media, education, culture, religion, law etc. They want to own us and our children as well. (We are collateral on the national debt.)  This isthe essence of Communism and New World Order which is largely in place. The goal is to gradually enslave humanity. When they finally get rid of cash, they can cut off our “credit” at a moment’s notice. 
How do they maintain control? They control the corporate cartels who are all dependent on banks. These corporations fund the politicians who follow bankers’ orders. 
Many of these politicians are Freemasons. Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are accomplices in the banking racket. In general, complicity in the banking fraud is the price of success today. 
Why is it a fraud? Because sovereign governments could “generate their own electricity”   interest and debt-free. We wouldn’t need to sell our soul and our children’s birthright.
In the future, it is conceivable that human life will be no better than that of the animals we breed for food. 
The “Deep State” is the secret network dedicated to protecting the fraudulent banking system and advancing its satanic agenda. Most of the players belong to Freemasonry or Organized Jewry. Intelligence agencies like the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6, the police and the army are the bankers’ enforcers. Mass surveillance (the NSA etc.) ensures that nobody gets any ideas.

Everyone — MDs, cops, politicians, journalists — is controlled by money. Our feckless ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us, This, in a nutshell, is the key to understanding the covid hoax.

Related– Money as Occult Spell ———————-

Related Central Banks


In almost every single book in the New Testament, God warns us about false teachers. He commands that we mark and avoid them (Romans 16:17). Colleges and universities are full of false teachers. Most of them are anti-God and teach against His ways. They teach lies. They serve the father of lies (Satan), rather than the King of all kings. I only learn from those who teach and speak Truth, as God commands.

Colleges these days teach Marxist Feminism. Why do you think our culture is in the mess it’s in? Students are taught to hate America and hate our Constitution, along with hating anything to do with godliness. Women are taught to be like men and men are taught to be like women. This is what happens when a culture has been turned over to reprobate minds. There is no truth taught. Mark and avoid these institutions. Don’t send your children to them!

We are warned that bad company corrupts good morals. Universities are full of bad company. The sights and sounds that your children will be exposed to will be horrific. I won’t go into detail, since you all know what’s going on in our culture, but read Romans 1. Many have been turned over to reprobate minds (Romans 1:28). They believe that good is evil and evil is good. They are abandoned to sin and its consequences. Why would any wise parent want their children to be exposed to this? I don’t expose myself to this wickedness!

They are astronomically expensive. Why do you want your hard-earned money to support the evil your children will be taught and see? If you don’t pay for it, your children will be burdened with debt for many, many years. Your daughters will be putting off marriage and having children. If they do have children, they won’t be able to raise them.

Most jobs don’t require a college education. The majority of college graduates don’t even use their degree for a job. Going to college has become a right of passage for Americans these days. It’s not! Many have never gone to college and are doing great in life. If you have a son who wants to be something that requires a college education, try to get him into a solid Bible believing and teaching college like Master’s College. In this way, you’ll be supporting a godly institution which values God and His Word.

What about the salt and light argument? One doesn’t need to spend a boat load of money they don’t have to learn from false teachers in order to be salt and light. We can be salt and light without doing these things. We can be salt and light with our neighbors, with people we meet in life, and any opportunity that presents itself. God doesn’t command we financially support wickedness in order to be salt and light. The risk is too great. Too many children who were raised in Christian homes walk away from their faith in college.

Have women going to college made them more feminine, more godly, better wives and mothers? Has it made them more loving, kinder, sacrificial, and more willing to serve others? Has it made them discreet with meek and quiet spirits, encouraged them to be chaste, or anything else that God commands of women? No. It has done none of these, unless they have gone to a small handful of solid Christian colleges that actually teach biblical womanhood. Most colleges and universities teach women to be the opposite of these.

Please read and study 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. God is very clear about being yoked together with unbelievers. Heed His warnings. We are to dwell on the honest and the good. Universities are the opposite of being honest, pure, and good (Philippians 4:8).

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14

Multiple Reasons for Not Sending Your Children to College

Swiss Police Reject The ‘Great Reset’: ‘We Work For The People, Not The Elite’

Police in Switzerland are rising up against the “Great Reset” by refusing to enforce government-imposed restrictions on the general public.

by Jay Greenberg

swiss police reject the ‘great reset’ ‘we work for the people, not the elite’

A group representing Swiss police officers wrote a letter to the Swiss Federation of Police Officers (FSFP) declaring that cops work for the people and not the global elite.

The group warned they will not enforce restrictive measures that disproportionately undermine the fundamental rights of citizens.

“If the measures were to conflict with the general opinion of the population, disproportionately limiting their fundamental rights, many police officers would no longer be willing to apply them,” the group wrote in the letter.

While the letter was received favorably by the Swiss public, the FSFP attempted to downplay the uprising by claiming it only represents a small number of police officers.

Adrian Gaugler of the Conference of Cantonal Police Commanders went further, threatening the officers with sanctions if they refused to enforce the measures.

“An officer who refuses to enforce the law can be punished,” saidGaugler.

“Police refusing to enforce coronavirus measures is not unique to Switzerland,” writes Chris Tomlinson.

“Earlier this year, police in the Canadian province of Ontario rejected new powers given by the provincial government that would have allowed them to stop any motorist or pedestrian and demand to know where they live and why they were not at home.”

It’s not just in Europe where restrictive measures are being rejected, however.

Lawmakers in the United States are now also calling on the public to demand freedom.

As Neon Nettle first reported last week, Republican Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has released a statement calling on patriotic Americans to rise up against Joe Biden’s tyrannical government to “resist” the “Great Reset” through mass civil disobedience.

Senator Paul has called on the public to stand up against unconstitutional lockdowns, mandates, and harmful policies being imposed by “power-hungry” elites.

In an op-ed for Fox News, Paul slammed Democrat leaders Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as “tyrants.”

“They can’t arrest us all,” Paul declared as he urged patriots to “resist” the Democrats’ attempts to “destroy America.”

“We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads,” Paul declared.

“Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children?

“Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. Not this time. I choose freedom.”

9/11 and invasion of Afghanistan dates coincide with two huge victories of the West against Islam: The Battle of Lepanto, and the Battle of Vienna.

Wow, the battle of Lepanto, between Italians and Muslim Turks, happened on October 7th, 1571, and the Italians won. It was a huge victory against Islam.

And the Battle of Vienna, was fought on 9/11-9/12 1683, between the Poles, and Viennese, against Islam, and was another huge victory for the West against Islam.

Well, 9/11, 2001, the fake attack on The World Trade Towers in NY was launched, and, amazingly enough, the attack on Afghanistan, which had nothing to do with the fraudulent Talmudic Jew banker attack, was launched on October 7th, 2001.

Coincidence? I think not.