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WEF – “No Return to Normal”: Why Isn’t Anyone Listening?


“At the time of writing (June 2020), the pandemic continues to worsen globally. Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never.”Covid 19: The Great Resetby Andrew
( how the our mainstream media claimed only conspiracy theorists of the worst order would associate the COVID 19 pandemic with a “Great Reset?” 
Au contraire, fellow North Americans! In the following paragraphs, I hope to provide sufficient insight to cause you to do what I did – READ the World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s)  COVID-19: The Great Reset. If you aren’t already familiar with the WEF, it was created in 1971 as the lead planner for the world’s various governmental advisory organizations as shown below:


The WEF’s Founder and co-author of this book is Klaws Swab. The other co-author is Thierry Malleret, Managing Partner of The Monthly Barometer, a powerful global predictive analysis resource. The following mid-book (p.145) statement on “Enlightened Leadership” is key to the authors’ game plan:
“Some leaders and decision-makers who were already at the forefront of the fight against climate change may want to take advantage of the shock inflicted by the pandemic to implement long-lasting and wider environmental changes.” 
They will, in effect, make “good use” of the pandemic by not letting the crisis go to waste.
The exhortation of different leaders ranging from HRH the Prince of Wales (Prince Charles) to Andrew Cuomo to “build it back better” goes in that direction. So does a dual declaration made by the IEA with Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities of Denmark, suggesting that clean energy transitions could help kick-start economies: 
“Around the world, leaders are getting ready now, drawing up massive economic stimulus packages. Some of these plans will provide short-term boosts, others will shape infrastructure for decades to come. We believe that by making clean energy an integral part of their plans, governments can deliver jobs and economic growth while also ensuring that their energy systems are modernized, more resilient and less polluting.” 
Governments led by enlightened leaders will make their stimulus packages conditional upon green commitments. They will, for example, provide more generous financial conditions for companies with low-carbon business models.
Klaus and Malleret couldn’t be more clear how the COVID-19 faux pandemic serves the purposes of their clients, the global elites. 
Here it is in plain sight! Yet did any of you see this “pandemic-wrapped” game plan discussed by your favorite politicians, digital and social media or TV “news?”
Let’s take quick look at a few of the book’s interesting revelations:
“At the time of writing (June 2020), the pandemic continues to worsen globally. Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never.” P. 12, second paragraph.


“The broader point is this: the possibilities for change and the resulting new order are now unlimited and only bound by our imagination, for better or for worse. … You get the point: we should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world, in a bid to make it a better and more resilient one as it emerges on the other side of this crisis.” P.19
Oddly, Schwab and Malleret reveal a key element of the plan, vaccines, by saying: 
“Several months into the pandemic, it looks like even a semblance of a return to ‘business as usual’ for most service companies is inconceivable as long as COVID-19 remains a threat to our health. This in turn suggests that a full return to ‘normal’ cannot be envisaged before a vaccine is available.” P. 48
Such brazen writing reveals their objective is making everyone so desperate for a return to normal that they would rush to embrace these dangerous “vaccines.”
At this time, nothing else other than continued complicity from a corrupt media is necessary to keep this heinous conspiracy’s momentum going.  
And the media is fuelling this momentum by keeping a fearful public desperate for vaccines. For example, according to a report from The Hill, Pfizer will announce that it would be seeking authorization for a third dose of its COVID-19 vaccine. 
Pfizer and BioNTech said in a Thursday statement that they had seen “encouraging data” from a booster shot trial. As planned by these nefarious men and Big Pharma, returning to normal will be a distant goal as long as the public buys into the “news” of the Indian Variant, the Delta Variant, and, etc. 
And what are the effects of these continued virus scares? Japan just announced that there will be no spectators for The Olympic Games in Tokyo. All the world travellers with tickets to the Olympics will be relegated to watching the events on TV from their Tokyo hotel rooms. How sad!


Now let’s return to the WEF’s COVID-19: The Great Reset and its ideas for looking forward. In their own words:
“The direction of the trend is clear but, ultimately, systemic change will come from policy-makers and business leaders willing to take advantage of COVID stimulus packages to kick-start the nature-positive economy. This will not only be about public investments. The key to crowding private capital into new sources of nature-positive economic value will be to shift key policy levers and public finance incentives as part of a wider economic reset.” P.150
“Resetting the environment should not be seen as a cost, but rather as an investment that will generate economic activity and employment opportunities.” P. 151
COVID-19: The Great Reset is a both a confession of an active global conspiracy and a roadmap for its implementation.
I encourage you to read this book yourself. It’s vitally important for you and those you love to know how COVID-19 has been used and what these global sociopaths intend. I leave you with this from WEF Founder and CEO, Klaus Schwab:
“You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.”

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