Truth is only hateful to those who hate the truth.
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Dickinson (ND) 370 Hits: 5.63%

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Montreal (QC) 53 Hits: 0.81%

Chicago (IL) 48 Hits: 0.73%

Dallas (TX) 46 Hits: 0.70%

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Livonia (MI) 45 Hits: 0.68%

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Planet Lockdown. Brilliant expose video.

“They can see everything you do, you don’t even know who they are.”

The BLM riots happened in 34 of the 37 American cities that have Federal Reserve banks. These areas have “opportunity zones” where the extremely wealthy can buy property tax free. So, the riots were a way to drive down property costs.

Solution is to stop cooperating with the system. Get a home where you have your own water and food. Work in jobs that don’t support the system.

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