Makow–It’s Time to Face Harsh Reality (Encore)


First the sheep
are put in pens.

We’re in denial. This nightmare can’t be happening, we think. But it is. Covid is not going to end because it is a pretext to establish a police state. We’re mice in a laboratory run by psychopaths.
slightly updated from last WednesdayBy Henry Makow PhD
A Twitter poll of readers shows that almost 45% still think Donald Trump will stop the steal.
I am almost certain he will notbecause he is part of the Illuminati, the satanic cult that controls the world. (I’d love to be wrong.) 


We don’t realize how dire our situation is. Trump invoking the Insurrection Act is a comforting fantasy.  Won’t happen. Already conceded.
Humanity has given the keys to the store to its worst enemy, the Satanist central banking cartel. The “keys” refer to the power to create the medium of exchange, (money or credit) out of thin air, with interest, as a debt to themselves. 
Money is Control. Our feckless ancestors gave away the farm and as a consequence mankind is doomed. 
The way media, politicians, the Supreme Court, the military, big tech and corporations have all rubber-stamped a brazen Commie coup, and spun the Capitol protest (and not the election theft) as “sedition” shows that the US has been totally subverted by the Illuminati cult. A large segment has gone over to the Dark Side.
Blood doesn’t flow through their veins. Money does. Money bought the election and money bought the COVID hoax. The Illuminati bankers have an unlimited supply of it. They just sprinkle this fairy dust 


on a problem and it goes away. A phoney epidemic has crippled the economy? The stock market is at an all-time high, thanks to “stimulus.”


Money is the blood of the social organism. Unfortunately our craven ancestors allowed Satanists to usurp this power.

THE BITTER TRUTHThe Illuminati bankers are Satanists. They are EVIL.
We want to like rich and powerful people. But they’re not likeable. They are Pure Evil. And they hate us.
Naturally they would say good and evil are subjective.
They are not. Good is an absolute, and evil is its opposite. Good is Life. Evil is Death. Satanism is the religion of death. They will not rest until they have robbed life of all its joy and meaning. Quite simply, the purpose of the lockdowns is the destruction of civilied society. This is also the purpose of the havoc in Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles… coming to your city because they intend to dismantle the US, and start a civil war doing it.
(I kissed a girl)
We have been under relentless occult attack for centuries. Never has it been more intense than today. The new Netflix series, Teenage Bounty Hunters, promotes premarital, lesbian and interracial sex. The very first scene shows a supposedly Christian girl overcome the resistance of a Christian lad who wants to reserve sex for marriage. They are replacing healthy Christian norms with Satanist norms designed to make people dysfunctional.
A satanic cult controls and exploits its members by corrupting and making them sick. Humanity has been inducted into this satanic cult, i.e. Cabalism.
We have been under occult attack long before the #scamdemic. I listed ten examples in this 2019 article.
We were being disenfranchised before they stole the election. Corporate America made it clear that didn’t want “toxic” customers who didn’t conform to Communist shibboleths like allowing trannies in women’s bathrooms.
They have made it clear that control not profit is their priority. Christians and conservatives must be destroyed. We have already been banished from social networks. Parler was kicked off Amazon. Protesters are losing their jobs.
What next? This is what Communists do. Have no illusions. Biden has already announced his intention to discriminate against whites.
(left, Illusions persist. Another Patriot wet dream: Pelosi arrested!)Quite simply, Evil is determined to eradicate Good, and Evil seems to have all the money and power. Most of our “leaders” belong to this cult. We are impaled on Lucifer’s talons.
The question is, how do we defend ourselves?
How do you effect change when honest elections no longer exist? When the social contract has been broken?
One thing is for certain. Do not trust Trump’s leadership going forward. He is a Judas Goat. At least with Biden, we know where we stand. He is senile, a pedophile, a Communist, a traitor and a criminal. ——–Related Satanism Explained ——————Why Judaism hates Christ —————–What Cure for the Cancer that Ails Us?PBS Lawyer Wants Trump Voters’ Children Sent to Re-Education CampsOntario will issue fines for leaving home for “non-essential purposes”Reddit- What’s the Appropriate Response to a Commie Coup?

“Prosperity doth best discover vice and adversity doth best discover virtue”

Francis Bacon

As many of the columns in Henry’s posts have noted since the November 3 election, we are experiencing unprecedented dysfunction in America and it only seems to be headed for worse. However, we have seen worse in world history, then today, and, as Abraham Lincoln once sagely said, the wisest words that were ever said, are “And this too shall pass away”.

America has departed from God, quite simply. The virtues that made us strong were replaced by the vices that are destroying us. The pagan Indians were easily conquered because of their habits. They used drugs, they were promiscuous, and they often committed human sacrifice, at least the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas did.
Do these practices sound familiar? Well they should, because they are fiercely fought for by the majority of Democrats, and the majority of Republicans don’t really see too many problems with these behaviors. Many Republicans are far more likely to fight their own Republicans who stand up for a virtue, then they are to object to the evil outrages that the Democrats advocate for. Human sacrifice is today’s abortion, promiscuity is today’s porn and sleep around culture, drugs… Well you’d have to be blind not to see how widespread drugs are today, they are more popular today than at any other point in American history. We even have a lesson, a nation in the past two centuries who introduced drugs and was destroyed in a century and turned to communism which killed 60 million of its citizens. Which nation is that, you ask? That is Communist China, Destroyed by opium. Introduced, as I learned from Henry’s columns, by the Talmudic Jewish Sassoon family.

The twin backbones of America were marriage and the Christian church, and both are under unprecedented attack today. The solution is to regain the habits that we just had. Just in 1960, pornography, abortion, birth control, and homosexuality were all illegal in America. None of us voted to legalize those, a rogue supreme court, controlled by corrupt and wicked bankers, the same ones who steal 30% of our income every time we get a paycheck, legalized these moral outrages.

If, on payday when you got your paycheck, someone came up to you every single payday, with a gun, and demanded 30% of your check, you’d be pretty disturbed. But that is exactly what does happen every time we get our paychecks, except the 30% is taken out forcibly, without our consent, by the rogue bankers who own the Federal Reserve and may not even be American citizens. We literally finance this chaos and mayhem, by the bankers, who not only have controlled the Democrat party since 1912, when they got Woodrow Wilson elected, but now control both sides, and have controlled every single presidential candidate on both sides since Woodrow Wilson, including Reagan and Trump.

The solution is restoring the church and the family, and having a stable backbone. This moral backbone can stand up and repeal the 16th amendment, the income tax, and the 17th amendment, direct election of Senators, used by bankers to control the United States Senate, and the Federal Reserve Act, all enacted in the worst year in America’s history, 1913.

The bankers will not give up without a fight. Remember, these are the people who funded communism and Hitler. Nearly 125,000,000 people are dead, and likely far more, as a result of these bankers. They have perverted Judaism into a twisted and satanic version of what Moses and the Torah decree.
In conclusion, let us remember that it is not other countries that we have to fear, it is the evil within us. Because it is our own individual evil that poses the greatest threat to each of us individually, and it is the evil that is in our nation, that poses the greatest threat to us as a nation.

The young Lincoln, at age 29, brilliantly outlined this in a speech he gave to young men.

“How then shall we perform it?–At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?– Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!–All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide”.

And Washington outlined the attitude that he advised for his troops, and it is an attitude that each American would be well advised to profit from today.

“ “The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.””