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Path to prosperity for Vallejo Schools. Elect Ryan Messano to the Vallejo School Board on November 6th!

Update:  Thank you very much to viewers!   In a little over two months, the site has had nearly 50,000 views!  It would be tragic if every Vallejo voter did not read this before November 6th, and before they vote.  If they read it and disagree, that’s fine, but thousands vote without considering all aspects of the issues at all.   Thank you very much to those who share!  I cannot alone do this.  If Vallejo is to change for the better, we all must get involved.  I don’t ask for your money, only that you share this with as many people as possible.  Thank you kindly!

Vallejos children, like the children in all Democrat controlled schools, are being indoctrinated.    Our children are being turned into savage mindless drones in modern educaysion.

Please share with family and friends.  Not all will love truth, but Vallejo is waking up.

Please contact me with any questions or comments at (707) 580-1849.

Thank you for visiting, thank you for reading, and thank you for caring about Vallejo’s schools and children!  Thank you to the many teachers, students, community members, business owners, elected officials, and retired officials who support me.  The day will come when the evil forces who seek to terrorize the righteous into silence will be no more.  The most effective way to destroy an enemy is to make them a friend.

 ‘And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free’


’Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave’

Frederick Douglass 

First, an introduction.  My name is Ryan Messano, I am running for school board, and I humbly ask for your vote on November 6th.  I love Vallejo, and am writing a book about the wonderful childhood I had in this city, including the years I spent in schools here.  I had many wonderful teachers, some of whom still teach, and I am grateful to them all.  I am first grateful to God, who is in all, and above all, and to my wonderful parents who sacrificed to have 18 wonderful children, of whom I was honored to be the eldest, and raised us with love and values.  We had little money, but we had something money can’t buy-love, and that is all that mattered.  And I cannot fail to mention thanking the wonderful church that helped raise me and my siblings,  for without God and His church,  the story of me and my family is impossible.

I did not get a high school diploma, and joined the Nuclear Navy.  I passed the rigorous nuclear Navy training school,  which some have compared to a four year Harvard or Yale compressed into two years.  I feel compelled to share with the pedants, that Abraham Lincoln  had exactly one year of a second grade education for his formal education, yet, his writing and grasp of math, philosophy, and history, far exceeds the vast majority of most college graduates today.  Not that I feel defensive about my lack of college, but, in today’s society there is often a mistaken belief that knowledge and wisdom are only possible with a college degree.  While a college degree is commendable and meritorious, it appears that nothing taught in college cannot be learned in the library for free.  As long as schools give a child the ability to do math, and english at the twelfth grade level, they have the potential to learn and become anything, in my opinion.  Our society may do well to remove formal obstacles currently in force for those who are qualified but may have become so without college.

After receiving an honorable discharge, I returned to Vallejo in 2002, and ten years later, in 2012, bought an insurance agency.  After selling this agency in 2015, I still work in insurance, am working on a realtors license, am writing a book, and am maintaining this website.  As the eldest of eighteen children, all of whom attended the Vallejo School System, I have seen the deterioration of the Vallejo Schools up close and personal, and am convinced that I understand why it happened, and how to repair and heal the schools.

Vallejo’s schools have serious problems.  Our schools are crumbling within and without.  Many of the same people responsible for the schools dysfunction assure us that if we trust them, they will fix the schools.  Is not insanity doing the same thing and expecting different results?  The citizens of Vallejo have a choice in the upcoming election.  Do they allow the usual Vallejo interest groups, who are involved in electing school board and city council candidates  for no other reason than to line their pockets and increase their power to proceed apace, or do they take a brave stand and reclaim the excellence and virtue our schools and citizens once had?  If we are free, we will reject the heavily funded establishment candidates, who pretend to be for our best interests, but in reality, they seek to enslave us.  If we are already slaves, we will vote for Ruscal Cayangyang, Tony Gross, John Fox, Christy Gardner, Hakeem Brown, and  Katie Miessner.  These candidates have good stated intentions, a few real principles, however many are cloaking DANGEROUS ideologies!!  They are discussed at length in other posts.  I started this website because the media is censoring the truth.  The Vallejo Times Herald has deteriorated into an anti-Constitutional  megaphone, routinely censoring opinions it doesn’t like.  Most Vallejoans know this, and reject the Times Herald, which is why it’s subscriptions, like most print media, have dramatically plummeted in the last twenty years.   There is virtually no where else but here for voters to get the honest truth about all candidates in Vallejo.  The indoctrination is so powerful that a whisper campaign has been started against me.  Notice, dear reader, my opponents do not dare come out in public and speak against me.  Oh no.  They do their deeds in darkness.  Like the conspirators from Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’, Cassius and Brutus, and like the malevolent Iago, from Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’, they plot in private, as evildoers always do.  My opinion on that is cockroaches do not like the light.

There are five basic steps to improve the schools.  

  1. Improve school safety.  Consider in 2011, Vallejo schools had 14,000 students, and had NEARLY 80,000 referrals, suspensions, and expulsions.  THAT IS NEARLY FIVE INCIDENTS PER STUDENT!    The solution is NOT TO STOP PUNISHING UNRULY STUDENTS.  The solution is to enroll community assistance, and ensure kids are being disciplined at home, so they come to school knowing how to behave.  What parent wants their child going to school where they might be beaten up, or where unruly kids dominate the classrooms?  No sane one, that is for sure.
  2. Seek to create good and virtuous citizens, not just students who can get good grades
  3. Return reading, writing, and mathematical skills to excellence for students of all races, from all backgrounds. 
  4. Foster an environment of academic excellence and safety which will attract skilled teachers
  5. Encourage the community to do it’s part and to become the wise and virtuous citizens required to have wise and virtuous students and a wise and virtuous government. 


Three necessary tenets to face the problem are:

  1. Ban cell phones from all Vallejo Schools.  94% of children have seen porn by age 14.  That is a disgrace and it is a travesty that parents and teachers do not eliminate the risk this poses to our children.  The potential disadvantages of cell phones far outweigh the greatest potential benefits.  It’s irrational to give children, whose brains are not fully developed until 25, a device that they lack the capacity to use wisely.  It is inexcusable that children are exposed to evil while our society sits silently by. 
  2. Educate children on the pervasive influence of media, including television, and educate them how the tech giants are indoctrinating children and adults.  Get children into classics, literature that empowers, and math and science.  Once they possess the building  blocks of math and english they can use the past and innovate brilliant new solutions to the problems we face today.  How can we train children to be objective when 90% of the staff of the schools and many of the voters in Vallejo have no problem naming seven liberal Democrat news sources, but are utterly incapable of naming seven conservative news sources?  Respectable opinions are formed by THOROUGHLY EVALUATING BOTH SIDES, and then concluding.   I have done this, as I once was deceived and enthusiastically supported Democrats.  There is a reason why the Democrats target young voters.  They understand the young are particularly susceptible to their control of the media and schools, and so their ideological attacks are focused on our weakest link. The near utter lack of objectivity is leading to massive groupthink, and tribalism, and this is tearing us apart.  While adults squabble amongst themselves, the children are taking advantage. 
  3. Enforce equal discipline for all students of all races.  There should be no minimizing or emphasizing misbehavior due to a students race, AT ALL. 

In addition, there are societal issues that play a major role in the dysfunction in our schools that need to be addressed as well.  Three factors figure prominently in the discussion.  While it will be said it isn’t the role of the school board to address these issues, the fact is, if we don’t all address these issues, our schools will never be fixed.  We cannot throw money at the problems and think they will fix themselves.  These are only listed to inform the public.  This is not saying that we on the school board have the power to directly change these problems.  We don’t.  However, our vision can empower the people to make positive changes personally, in Vallejo, in California, and in America.  The people can only be as good and wise as their leaders are, and the leaders can only be as good and wise as the people wish to be.  A corrupt people will not have wise and virtuous leaders, and a wise and virtuous people will not have corrupt leaders. 

Seven of the societal issues are:

  1. The average American wastes 9 years watching television, which may quite possibly be the worst communication medium in human history.  Two books on the topic are here and here.
  2. 70 million Americans are on psychotropic drugs.
  3. 70% of all internet clicks are for porn, it is responsible for 47% of families having issues due to it, 56% of all divorces, and an infidelity rate that balloons by 300% when it is used by either spouse in a marriage.  The facts are here.

4) Until our community addresses the rampant illiteracy and illegitimacy which plagues all races in Vallejo, we will continue to have problems.  Fatherlessness is a huge problem that cannot be ignored, nor will it be dismissed with social engineering.  Further, while we are having all kinds of relations outside of marriage, our fertility rate in America has gone from 3.7 children per woman in 1955-1960, to 1.7 kids per woman as of today.  The Vallejo schools have shrunk from 24,000 children approximately in the 1990’s when I attended, to approximately 12,000 today.  This massive funding decrease has contributed hugely to the decaying school buildings.  It is impossible to have a successful society short and long term with a low fertility rate.  China just got done making this mistake, and, with it’s economy in shambles today due to it’s mandated 1 child birth rate, it just removed the one child limit, and now is headed towards removing the two child limit. 

5)  The unawareness and lack of being informed on Civics among the community. 90% of voters cannot name the nine Supreme Court Justices, and they also cannot name just five of the 204 biographies Founders of America they have read.  60% can’t name even one Supreme Court Justice and can’t name the 3 branches of government.  Only 33% of Americans can even pass a 100 question Civics naturalization test that foreigners have to pass to become American Citizens.  People who are very unaware of Civics and politics need to educate themselves and should not be voting.  But, what we often see is these people are voting the most and are the most enthusiastic.  They are naïve and gullible, and easily manipulated by the media puppetmasters.

6)  The ethnocentric crowd, which has members among all races, demanding revisionist history in the schools.  This crowd believes if only kids learn about people of their color, their self esteem will improve and they will perform better in school. Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one’s own culture.  That is total nonsense, as Black, Asian, and Latino students performed much better in the schools in the 1940’s and 1950’s, and there was no ethnocentric education model used. 

7) The 16th and 17th Amendments.  The 16th Amendment legalized the income tax in 1913, and it has made a big and bloated government which does more harm than good.  This bureaucratic government has made for poorly managed, inefficient schools.  This has enabled the ruinous Cloward-Piven Strategy.  The 17th Amendment took the election of state senators away from the state legislature and placed it in the hands of voters with direct elections.  This has proven to be disastrous, as special interests have hijacked the elections and control who is appointed senator.  They then control the senate.  This is a huge reason why we had this huge fight over the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court because special interests were controlling their senators to oppose him.  They could give two figs about the Constitution, their only law is that which promotes their money and power. 

Our nation was sabotaged in 1948, and it is important that every Vallejoan learn about it. 

No civilization in human history has ever removed sex from heterosexual marriage and lived to talk about it.  Unfortunately, our nation is being fed prodigious amounts of disinformation by Google, and reason, truth, and virtue are under fierce assault by those who wish to tyrannically rule over us all.  John Fox and Tony Ubalde, whether consciously or unconsciously, have talked about partnering with Google, when Google talks about being a ‘Good Censor’.  They are, wittingly or unwittingly, may the reader decide, bringing Big Brother, into the classroom, to control the thinking of our children, to form them into unthinking, mindless drones.  Like Mao, Stalin, Lenin, and Hitler, these tech totalitarians promise us equality and prosperity, but in reality we are headed to the same horrors these four dictators spawned in their nations. Ion Pacepa was a master at spreading Disinformation in Romania, and he shares how it is done, and his occurring here in America.   Yuri Bezmenov, a high ranking KGB defector, taught us how it works in 1983.

We have to  be brutally  honest and ask ourselves, has the advent of the Internet in 1993 benefited us and our children, or has Silicon Valley gotten fabulously wealthy, we have gotten poorer, and our children have gotten badly misinformed, and are dumber than they have ever been before in American history?  Why is it that Silicon Valley chooses to keep it’s own kids away from cell phones and computers in school?  Simply ask how is it that in 1912, before we paid an income tax, our 8th graders were able to answer non-multiple choice questions that were more advanced than today’s college graduates? 

Additionally, our children and many of us are being taught fake and revisionist history.  It is inexcusable that any child graduates high school without being mandated to have read at least five of the 204 American Founders biographies.  The lack of comprehension of Civics and history is creating a dangerous environment where the media controls entire populations.  We are going back to the feudal ages where we had serfs and peons, and the Lords who ruled them. 

Let us ask ourselves, if slaves were not permitted to read in 1861 when the Civil War broke out, to keep them enslaved, what does that make us if we voluntarily don’t read?  Others and myself would argue it makes us slaves, and I’m running for school board to liberate the city and it’s children from the slavery of mindless groupthink which those who seek to rule us seek to impose upon us.

We cannot, fellow citizens, have freedom and liberty if we are not wise and virtuous.  So the question becomes, are we free or are we slaves?  This election will determine the answer to this question.  Thank you for reading this, I humbly ask for your vote, and hope for a Vallejo that can be the best she was created to become.

Thank you to Norman Reece, Michael Brown, Rochelle Connor, and many others who did not wish to be named,  for their endorsements.  Though few in number, the endorsements of the righteous mean a lot to me.  I am happy to say that those who promote ideas damaging to children did not support me, but they did support many of my opponents.  Thank you to all of the others who encouraged me, inspired me, and supported me.   Thank you to the silent majority, who may not have the time to get involved, but who passionately want to improve Vallejo, and will vote for me on November 6th.

Update: Summary of the September 22nd Vallejo Unified Cultural Competency Academy.  Ten points.  Vallejo must resist Afrocentric indoctrination, tribalism, and the multicultural mafia. 

I attended the Academy, along with school board candidate John Fox, and School Board member Burky Worel.  First, it would be interesting to find out if even half of the school district turned out.  It would be interesting to find out what those who didn’t come had to say, as I’m pretty confident some had legitimate reasons for not attending.  I wonder if any did not speak up if they disagreed with the event for fear of reprisal or of losing their jobs.  I was reluctant to even offer a differing opinion for fear of being labeled with my ‘white privilege’, or being told I was part of ‘systemic racism’.  How do you even reason with someone who believes your entire race has issues and it can’t be helped?  Admittedly, America had this issue sixty years ago, but did we overcome it just so the roles could be reversed?  Most of us thought we were overcoming slavery and segregation so that all Americans of all races could have an equal opportunity, not an equal outcome no matter what our choices are.  We didn’t think we’d overcome it so that future generations could have vengeance taken on them for the crimes of their long dead ancestors.  I commend Dr. Clark for attempting to address the problem of poor academic performance and excessive disciplinary action among black students in the district.  It is a noble goal, and while I disagree with the methods used to improve the problem, I do agree the problem does need to be addressed.  It would be wise to remember that evil surmising is to believe evil exists in another when it doesn’t, and that our law is based on Blackstone’s dictum, “It is better to let ten guilty men go free, than to wrongly convict one innocent man”. It is also wise to ensure that injustices of the past do not lead to avenging injustices today.

Second, it would be interesting to find out why practically none of the Vallejo community at large turned out.  It appeared that teachers just showed up, and at least half of them would not have showed up if they had not been paid.  Surprisingly, the black community in Vallejo was stunningly under represented.  Fewer than 30 members of Vallejo’s black community who were not affiliated with the school district showed up.    I believe this was a gross waste of taxpayer dollars.  In a time when we are scrounging for money for aging structures and to pay teachers, how is it we can pay tens of thousands of dollars to pay for an event that is not even close to the root of the problem of disproportional performance of black students in Vallejo?  The city of Vallejo deserves to know how much the speakers were paid. At a time when we are struggling to pay the bills, we need absolute accountability. 

Third, there are many other individuals in the black community who do not agree with the Keynote Speaker, Amar Saheli’s, message of systemic racism at all.  Why is it that less than 10% of the teachers and attendees can even name ten black conservatives?  Why do they not know Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Jesse Lee Peterson, Star Parker, Mychal Massie, Ken Blackwell, Jason Riley, David Clarke, or Candace Owens? Why were these individuals not allowed to speak?  If the event was stated to be a cultural competency training, then why are all parts of the culture not represented? 

Fourth, Why was there little to no feedback allowed, and the little feedback that was allowed was derisively dismissed and alluded to as examples of white privilege, etc?  In one class, a white teacher raised her hand and requested that the ‘white people in the room just be quiet’.  Unbelievable!  What would happen if it was requested that the blacks or latinos in the room just be quiet?  We would have had a full scale riot.  So why is it alright to silence the majority race, but not others?  Last I checked, the validity of our ideas  has absolutely nothing to do with our skin color.  Last I checked, we are all guilty of our own wrongdoings, and not that of everyone else who has our skin shade, and certainly not for the crimes of those who went to their graves long ago.  Only 3% of America today is even blood related to the Confederates who owned slaves, so besides creating racial tensions, what is the purpose in pushing the ‘systemic racism’ myth, that has been repeatedly disproven? 

Fifth, why was there absolutely no discussion of Marxism, which pushes race division in order to rule and conquer us?  Why did we not hear about how KGB agents from Russia sowed racial unrest in America in the 1960’s, and that the remainders of that still plague us?  Why were we not taught on how communism infiltrated the Civil Rights movement, and poisoned a very noble cause?  Why didn’t most attendees even understand the basics of how Communism wiped out 100 million in a little less than a century, and yet we are here imitating the stereotyping of populations and sowing unrest?

Sixth, why were there logical fallacies present in the presentation?  From the appeal to expert, meaning assuming something to be true just because someone has a degree or professes to be an expert, to the appeal to anecdote, meaning we assume something is true just from personal experiences a person had, there were massive amounts of information delivered that weren’t objective in the least.  Numerous times we had presenters and people in the audience share experiences they had of alleged or perceived racism from white people, with no other side of the story, and this was shared as if this indicates that all of white America has an issue with racism.  That’s totally bogus and is stereotyping.  Meanwhile, no instances of racism from blacks to whites was shared.  These exist as well, and I saw much more of the latter than the former in my years in the Vallejo schools.  The definition of racism is: ‘prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.’  We have taken a different tack and are now saying that if one race can claim wrongs against it in the past, it gets special rights today.  Every single race has been the victim of and has had racism towards every other race.  It is a problem every single person needs to address.  It is totally bogus to ignore the fact that America is the only nation in world history to fight a war to overcome racism, and that it was white Americans who made overcoming segregation and electing Obama possible, yet still be lectured that our nation is racist.  That is unconscionable and is a distortion of the facts.  It is just as racist to vote for Obama because he is black, as it is to not vote for Obama because he is black.  No one deserves anything because of the skin color they were born.  We are badly mistreating any individual when we make them expect anything based on their skin color.  Entitlement leads to pride, and pride destroys.  Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech, “The Drum Major Instinct” and he said that we all want to be great, but our greatness is in direct proportion to how we serve others.  He never said our greatness had anything to do with our skin color. 

Seventh, why were the underlying causes of disproportionate poor performance in schools from black students and and high incarceration rates in the black community not addressed?  Not once did I hear fatherlessness or a low literacy rate among black boys discussed.  Yet, illegitimacy in the black community is currently at 75%, up from 14% in 1942, and functional illiteracy among black boys is at 75% as well, according to the San Jose Mercury News of last year.  Consider that when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation only 2% of the black community could read, and that 20 years later, 99% could.  So the problem in illiteracy and illegitimacy cannot be slavery or segregation, because these problems didn’t exist even when slavery and segregation were in full force.  This is not to say slavery and segregation were not heinous evils, they were, but it is to say that illiteracy and illegitimacy are problems in the black community for reasons other than ‘systemic racism’.  We cannot cure a problem when the cure is worse than the disease, and when we misdiagnose a problem, as we are doing by saying it’s due to systemic racism, the cure is indeed, worse than the disease.   The job of making sure a child has a father and can read is the parents job, it is not the schools, or the communities job.  One of the presenters, Dr. Mary Bacon, who had a wonderful disposition, and quite a bit of wisdom, was asking teachers how the responses of the black students in their classes differed from the responses of other students. The teachers said that they were often loud, often liked to dance, often were unruly, and often did not raise their hands before talking.  All of these behaviors have nothing to do with being black, and everything to do with not having a father in the home to discipline, and a child not reading.  God bless the single mothers, but they do not have the capacity to be a man.  While the community does need to step up and help the single mothers, still, it is the men’s job to be there for the children they have.  It all starts in the home.  Education, discipline, and self control begin and end with the parents.  Children do not leave home as angels and turn into devils at school.

Eighth, why did I enter a classroom which was a part of the Bethel Law Academy, and the walls were plastered with sports and sports stars?  There had to be over 100 pictures of entertainers in the last 100 years, and I didn’t see more than five lawyers on the wall? What kind of class is it?  It should have been called entertainment idols academy.  What kind of message are students being sent when they are encouraged to idolize sports stars, entertainers, singers, and other famous performers?  If these are the ideals we give them, no wonder why they don’t learn Math and English.  You don’t need to know Math and English to play sports or be an entertainer.  Also, why are we teaching kids homosexuality and pushing the homosexual agenda when parents are not aware of this and would never approve of it?  It was pretty ironic in one classroom where the presenter was giving her speech, and behind her was a sticker of the poorly named “Human Rights Campaign”.    The logo is a blue background with two yellow lines going through it.  It should be called the “Human Rights Perversion”, since it teaches an aberrant sexual behavior and represents a public health disaster to kids as perfectly normal.  So while the instructor is addressing the myth of systemic racism, she is ignoring the very real threat to kids from teaching them public health disasters.  On my way out of Bethel High School I saw a decaying paper in a drainage ditch, which invited students from age 12-20 to attend a Solano ‘Pride’ event ( a homosexual organization), taking place in Fairfield.  Since when did any community in America vote to teach their students homosexuality or represent it as normal?  Who gave the schools the idea that it’s alright to teach homosexuality, when the Supreme Court never had the right to legalize it in 2003’s bogus “Lawrence Vs. Texas’ ruling, and California voters in 2008, just voted to keep marriage between a man and a woman with Proposition 8?  Who is going to take responsibility for this and make sure teachers shape up or ship out? 

Ninth, Are we deliberately trying to turn our children into mindless drones?  There seemed to be very little in the way of educating children on actual history, and a lot in the way of indoctrinating them with ideas that are parroted from the media.  Apparently, our children are supposed to simply shut up and listen to what the liberal media and schools teach them, not question it, and graduate to vote Democrat for the remainder of their lives.  How depressing and how wrong it is to deprive a child of information on the history of the greatest nation on earth, because the teachers themselves don’t even know it, apparently in many cases.

Tenth, why are there so many teachers in the Vallejo School district who are incapable of having a reasonable discussion on ideas they disagree with?  If they can’t keep an open mind on ideas they don’t like, how in the world are students going to be taught to do this?  Once a member of the school district pointedly said she had no idea about conservative sources, and could care less about them.  So she had strong beliefs and had never searched out the matter thoroughly.  A second time, an actual principal of a school in Vallejo had the impudence to inform me that ‘I don’t want to continue this conversation with you’, when she heard details she disagreed with.  If what I said was wrong, I’d be happy to be corrected, but it’s very rude to just interrupt some one in a conversation, with zero regard to what is right or wrong, and simply say you aren’t interested in what they have to say.  If the principal of a school acts like this, I’d hate to see what the kids are like.  I had a conversation last week with another teacher, who continued to ask me “When was America ever great”? and could not answer a question about how many biographies of the Founders she had read?  How are you going to ask another person when was America great, when you’ve never researched the topic thoroughly ever in your life?  This same teacher shut the conversation down and refused to speak, informing me that I couldn’t be reasonable?  What??? What is wrong with this picture?  She can’t defend her position and then accuses me of being unreasonable.  She is badly indoctrinated, as are many of the teachers in Vallejo.   That needs to end ASAP, or we need to start firing those teachers, and replacing the board members and superintendents responsible for them.  No wonder Vallejo has a hard time attracting teachers.  Intelligent and reasonable teachers do not want to work in a district where they are discriminated against if they happen to not be a minority, and informed that they are responsible for America being such a horrible place.  They also don’t want to work in a district where kids have no discipline, the parents are given a free pass, and the teachers are blamed for students acting badly. Then, if a minority student acts up and is punished, a white teacher will be corrected for being ‘racist’ if their class happens to have more blacks and latinos who misbehave than whites.  When we hear about ‘disproportionate’ punishment and ‘disproportionate’ academic achievement, we are never told every single case that make up the statistics and how each case was a mistake.  We don’t hear complaints that the NBA is 75% black.  That’s because many black boys dream of being an NBA star, and many realize their dreams.  Is it discrimination against whites?  No, many black men are far better at basketball than white men are.  Is it discrimination when we have zero place kickers in the NFL?  No, because very few black boys grow up dreaming of being a place kicker.  So, maybe we have misplaced goals and dreams and that is why we have poor academic achievement in the black community?  Also, the black community has the highest rates of television watching of any race in America, and this can contribute to the over emphasis on sports and entertainment in the black community.  If black children constantly see entertainers idolized, then if they don’t become that, what are they going to fall back on?  If they don’t fall back on another career, aren’t their chances of going to prison, or ending up in poverty much higher? 

Lastly, there were a few reasonable teachers there.  I don’t want to take away from the many wonderful teachers in the district.  One very courageous African American teacher, who was a joy to be around, actually spoke up when the white teacher tyrannically requested all white people to be quiet, and said she would like to hear the opinions of all races.  There are others who are willing to listen to ideas they may not agree with, but at least they will hear it.  Personally, I can relate to the idea of systemic racism, because I once believed it too.  When I read only the newspapers, Google, and watched television, I was outraged by police brutality, and thought that blacks were always being unfairly victimized. But then I started to look deeper, and to consider all the voices on the spectrum, right and left.  And a different picture emerged.  I began to realize that racism is a problem in all races towards all races.  I can personally recall discussing the Vallejo police and how bad they were after the latest shooting involving a Vallejo police officer and a black man that happened over six years ago.  But, I only had the media’s information, I didn’t have the whole story.  I wrote a published letter to the Times Herald condemning Dylann Roof’s shooting at a black church, and I also wrote a letter condemning a black man in Vallejo who attempted to shoot two innocent police officers in a Starbucks.  Justice is supposed to be color blind.  A great book about a black man who had a huge change of heart that changed my mind was Jesse Lee Peterson’s ‘The Antidote’.  I really wish that book could be given to every teacher in Vallejo.  It would prove to be the antidote to the racial divisions in Vallejo’s schools, as Mr. Peterson has been on both sides of the issue. 



  1. I’m a college student and I honestly think you have no place on the Vallejo school district. The video of you speaking out against gay people is disgusting.

    1. Thank you for responding. Neither you, nor anyone else in the world who supports homosexuality can defend their position in a debate. The homosexual community in Vallejo was challenged to a debate on why it’s a public health disaster, and every last one went running for cover, like cockroaches. Not one of them would debate. Of course, you have just demonstrated that you have never read a book on the harms of homosexuality at all, and are simply a mindless drone, indoctrinated by the media. It’s wonderful you are learning that now when you are young, as Vallejo has many people who are over fifty who still haven’t learned.

      Respond again without listing a book you’ve read on the damages of homosexuality, and you will be blocked for impudence. You have two ears and one mouth so you can listen twice as much as you speak. Thank you!

      You have no business commenting on topics that you have not thoroughly researched. Your attitude is why Vallejo has so many problems. We have thousands of people with strong opinions based upon little to no research.

      However, I do commend you on your courage. Many agree with you and are too afraid to speak up. Courage is the first virtue, and none of the others are possible without it.

    2. I apologize for the media and schools brainwashing you. Time for you to wake up.

      I’d recommend reading ‘The Naked Communist’. Also, why should we take your opinion seriously when you’ve obviously never
      read 7 conservative news sites for 2 months of
      your life? Don’t you think we all should be fully informed of both sides, and of history before we vote or form our opinions?

      Thank you for commenting and reading, and have a great day.

      Also, let’s be clear, any of your teachers or media figures you admire, who oppose what I say, will be obliterated and pulverized in a debate. Why would you follow fooolish and corrupt opinions?

  2. ” BEST OF ARYAN WARRIOR ✞ Ryan MESSANO ✞ : THE ✞ Georges Lincoln ROCKWELL ✞ OF 21st CENTURY ? ”,-May-24,-2023:f ( ✞ )




    ” PRO-WHITE WARRIOR Ryan MESSANO TAKES ON TALMUDIC ((( HEEBS ))) – Part # 2 ” ©,-Part-2,-May-4,-2023:a ( ✞ )

    ” Jim RIZOLI INTERVIEWS Ryan MESSANO THE ‘ Georges Lincoln ROCKWELL ‘ OF 21st CENTURY ? – Part # 3 ” ©,-Part-3,-May-4,-2023:f


    ” WHAT IF I TOLD YOU – EXPOSING THE ((( YIDS ))) ” by Ryan ✞ MESSANO ©,-July-30,-2022:5


    Fuck / Boycott jewish fascist scams : FaceBerg, Twittard, Instashit, JooTube ..

  3. What if I told you that there is a small group of religious people that took control of America’s money in 1913, Federal reserve act, the 16th amendment, the income tax and the 17th amendment which is the election of two US senators from each state by popular vote which was a script to control all 100 senators in America.

    What if I told you this group uses the Federal Reserve to print off hundreds of trillions of dollars for them and their friends to use and the owners are anonymous.

    What if I told you they charged the American people for this plus interest.

    What if I told you that a small group of religious people have been behind every single American military conflict from 1898, Spanish-American war onwards.

    What if I told you that the sinking of the main in 1898 was staged. What if I told you that the Lusitania incident which caused America’s involvement in World war I was rigged, that the Pearl Harbor incident that got America into World war II was rigged. That the Gulf of Tonkin incident that morphed into the Vietnam war was rigged.

    That 9/11 which caused involvement in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars which led to the invasion of Libya and the disposition of Qaddafi was rigged too.

    That this group is behind the 100 million murdered under communism in the last century.

    What if I told you that this small religious group controls nearly every single famous person that any of us knows today. They control everything on television, they control everything on radio, they control all the newspapers and they virtually control all social media as well.

    What if I told you that this small religious group controls all of our schools, colleges and victim groups like the NAACP, ACLU, black lives matter, anti-defamation league , and a whole bunch of others.

    What if I told you the truth about this small group of religious people and then you are slandered as an antisemite, nazi, Hitler, you want to kill Jews, a white supremacist, a racist, homophobic and a host of other names.

    What if I told you that if you expose the small group of religious people, this would solve all of America’s problems.

    What if I told you that this small group of religious people legalizes child molestation, murder, lying, cheating, robbery, theft, transgenderism, homosexuality, stealing, pornography, perversion of every kind and a host of other evils.

    What if I told you that this small religious group follows the Talmud.

    What if I told you this small religious group that runs the world were jews.

    Well never mind “what ifs.” I am telling you, Talmudic Jews run the World.

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