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Saturday, June 7th, 2018

Wait, how many immigrants are on welfare again?

Worse than Watergate!! Memos show Strzok accelerating Russia probe before election. 

Greenspan: Our Founders Christian faith helped to ensure our Independence

Brown: When preachers fail to warn.

Lewis: When will California reach the breaking point?

Klayman: Without citizens grand juries there will be no justice.

Farah: Why Donald Trump is so popular and so hated.

Weckesser: Memo to China.

Americans overjoyed to kill themselves off. They are doing a WONDERFUL job of it. Since contraception was legalized in 1965, 200 million American babies have been contracepted or aborted away. All our wars combined killed less than 2 million. So, silly and corrupt Americans have killed 100 times more than all our enemies. Hitler and Stalin are green with envy.

Unethical Anti-America, Anti-Trump Media Tied-up in Rhetorical Bows

Crouere: The Party of Hate.

Adams: Jesus was not a Democrat.

McCarthy: ‘Don’t you dare touch Roe’, Judicial confirmation silly season begins.

Will the SCOTUS nominee be a mother of seven with strong Constitutional and Christian views?

Trump: My Responsibility ‘Is To Select a Justice Who Will Faithfully Interpret the Constitution as Written’

Hawkins: How Socialism can ruin your life.

Reagan: The Democrats socialist meltdown

Dempsey: Democrats are splintering.

Paxton: On SCOTUS nominee, Trump should deliver more of the same.

Levin: Our Founding Fathers reject the philosophy that undergirds Progressivism.

New York Slimes calls for ‘Godfather’ tactics to stop Trump SCOTUS nominee.

Levin offers personal top three SCOTUS candidates

Scotto: Hey Never Trumps where would be, with Hillary as President?

Knight: Frankenstein’s Body Politic.

Ingrassia: Deactivating Affirmative action.

Latino-Hispanic unemployment hits lowest rate record in June.

Delingpole: Pruitt is gone, but Wheeler will be an even worse nightmare for the left.

Ellis: New EPA chief is no demon, despite media coverage.

Judge sentences Portland BLM leader to probation for multiple instances of molesting children.

Laurie: Carpe Diem, the Value of Today.

Genghis Khan and his hawk.

U.N. Official calls for Ark to save the world from global warming.

Random House sued for axing book critical of Islam.

Boston gets sued for banning Christian flag.

China and U.S. in biggest trade war in economic history.

An American Agenda for Trump’s summit with Putin.

McAlister: No Ocasio-Cortez won’t be another Obama, unless Republicans legitimize her.

Amid SCOTUS fight, desperate forces on left declare open season on truth.

Why the left will hate Andrew Wheeler at EPA more than it did Scott Pruitt.

McNicoll: Pentagon needs to stop doing business with foreign fraudsters.

Mexico’s New President Insults Trump’s Policies as ‘Criminal’—But Named His Son in Honor of Che Guevara

Pence: We will never “Abolish ICE”

LANGHOFER: Public Civility, On-Campus Censorship At Odds In Shapiro Lawsuit

Whitlock: Lebron in Los Angeles to be Hollyweird’s political puppet.

Alton: Trump keeps his promises to veterans.

Egerer: Preaching and Punching.

Showalter: Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s social fanaticism come from bitter failure in business?

Showalter: Washington Compost comes up with a reason for us to hate the booming job market.

Lifson: The left’s personal destruction machine turns it’s focus on Jim Jordan.

Warmest day in history’ claim based on thermometer next to an ice cream truck with its engine running all day to keep its freezer operating

Woman ordered by police to stop praying gets some relief from SCOTUS.

Celebrities risk backlash with vulgar anti-Trump rhetoric.


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