Sunday, August 5th, 2018

Chumley: This War on the Bible must stop.

President Trump: The Fake News Media is ‘Very dangerous and very sick!’

Jacob: Their turn is a falling blade.

Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, and Antifa square off in Portland.

Ellis: How Progressive ‘Christianity’ is targeting children.

Cohen Should Be Disbarred — Davis Next — While Press Stews in Its Own Hatred

Abortion accounts for 61% of black deaths in America.

Federer: How to treat the Indians, Greed V. the Gospel.

Hunter: Double Standards are the only standards the left has.

Gutknecht: If you can’t communicate.

Venezuelan President Maduro survives apparent assassination attempt.

ANC shocks Twitter by calling all white people ‘murderers’.

South African Farms to be taken from owners without compensation.

South Africa on brink of Anarchy!

Anarchy breakout in Portland, with Mayor’s blessing.

Sally Pipes on why Single Payer Healthcare is bad for America.

Feldman: Three-card Mueller

Wisdom: the Islamic threat can be countered.

Showalter: Always a showman, Trump spots a star in Jim Jordan.

McSwain: Actually, white people have contributed quite a lot.

Donohew: CNN sucks a nice change of pace.

Words Matter: Different Definitions of Racism Create Confusion for the Masses

On taxes, eat-the-rich envy wears a mask of concern.

Morrison: Immigration will not make America great again.

Goldman: individual rights and the nation-state.

Williamson:  ‘Look upon my works, Ye Mighty, and despair’.

Transgender campaign ‘surgically mutilating’ children.

Pro-gun student subjected to gauntlet, sues school.

Court approves starving brain-injured to death.

State slaps down doctor who wants to cut patients imaging costs.

Palestinian official who pays murderers salaries now in bull’s-eye.

Charity kicked out of fair for being pro-life.

Congress may need ‘to act’ against chemical weapons.

3 Strikes: Alex Jones Takes a Hit From Another Digital Platform

Whoopi slams Jake Tapper for mocking Obama’s DNC toll.

Deval Patrick: ICE ‘sadistic’.

NBC’s Chuck Todd: Trump’s ‘Dehumanizing’ Tweet on Press Is Rationalizing Violence

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘There Is No District Too Red for Us To Flip’

Watch Delusional CNN commentator explodes, compares ICE with slave traders.

Holland: Educational choice must be truly free.

Saturday, August 4th, 2018


Portland tense: Fears of violence ahead of Patriot rally.  Leftwing Antifa is vicious and often resorts to violence, which is allowed and ignored by police in Democrat cities.

Right wing Constitutionalists face off against evil Marxist Antifa in Portland.

Rogue Judge to Trump: Restart DACA.

Bailey: Marxist masses arise: ‘Tsar’ Trump must die!

Obama lawyers ‘kowtowed’ to Clinton over e-mail evidence. 

Dinesh D’Souza’s Death of a Nation.

Bin Ladin’s mother: My boy was ‘brainwashed’ in college.

Logis: Lebron misses easy activist layup.

Herring :Socialism can’t fluorish without ignorance.

Crouere: Racism is alive and well at the NY Times.

McCarthy: Trump Vs. Mueller: Bill Clinton’s Starr strategy meets Twitter

Feinstein’s driver groomed for spying by China.

Trump Friday Nite Twitter blast: Drudge, Lebron, Feinstein.

D’Souza: ‘Moral Disgrace’ That Democratic Party Has ‘Become the Champion of Illegal Immigration’

Six times the Obama Administration should have appointed a Special Counsel.

Bombshell: Parkland shooter asked for help before massacre, was denied.

Report: Abortion makes up 61% of deaths in black community.

Solway: Socialism and equality.

Lifson: Six things the NY Times didn’t think about before it hired Sarah Jeong.

Showalter: Sneaky Pete: FBI kept buying scurrilous anti-Trump documents from Chris Steele even after ‘firing’ him for lying.

Washington Compost ‘Fact check’ excuses vicious harassment of Sarah Sanders.

Donald Trump Jr. calls out New York Times racist Sarah Jeong.

Pelosi confuses millions, billions, trillions.

Hundreds line up for gushing West Texas oil jobs.

NY Slimes editorial board member: Kill all men, F*** the police. 

Adams: The selective abortion of free speech.

Erickson: What does it mean to be Conservative?

Feds face demands to give up stats on Cell Phone spying.

Christian pastor who beat Iranian death sentence, back in jail.

Sex Neuroscientist: Sex differences biological, not social construct.

Police chief OD’s on drugs taken from evidence room.

Goldberg: Why racism begets more racism.

Hobbs: The DOJ’s Religious Liberty task force is a breath of fresh air.

Watch: NAACP official urges people to ‘jack up’ senators who don’t oppose Trump.

Reporters Shocked at MAGA Hats, ‘Fake News’ T-Shirts Sold at Newseum: ‘Insult to Journalists!’

Mueller Siccing ‘Jack the Ripper-Like’ Prosecutor on Manafort to Make Him ‘Flip,’ diGenova Says

Cory Booker bemoans ‘Savage Injustice’.

Wallace: Trump and the Bannister effect.

Rasmussen: Black approval rating for Trump is now at 29%

Deluded Ana Navarro defends CNN as ‘balanced news’.

Degenerate Maher: Trump is a traitor.

Degenerate Maher again: Trump, Murdoch, and Koch are Axis of Evil.

Potential American political hell: Dems with subpoena power.

The NRA’s future rests in the hands of one court case.  Here’s why.

Lewis: Parenting in the age of fear and feelings-as-fact.

Ellis: China’s trade war over the plastic in your wallet.

6 ‘citizen’s’ of Al-Qaida hotbed smuggled into Texas.

Holy Toledo: Pro-Lifers sue city over rights.

Man dies after officer puts him in chokehold.

Man assaulted on bus for being white.

Ex GOP official says he is second coming of Christ, sacrifices mother’s dog.

Study: ‘Kardashian’ viewers cold hearted to the poor.

Bozell & Graham: CNN Pits Lebron James against Trump.

Is Senator Booker auditioning for the Presidency or a daytime drama.

Comrade Bernie smitten with Cuba’s healthcare.

Waddy: Is Trump emerging as the ‘grown up in the room’?

Walton: Trump’s EPA must stand firm in fight over fuel-economy laws.

D’Amato: Government Job-Guarantee programs guarantee nothing but fewer jobs.

Hawkins: Why am I in favor of liberal and conservative states seceding.

D’Souza: ‘Bigotry’ is ‘unifying glue’ of ‘Progressives and the Democrat party’.

Sobieski: Chicago’s blacks turn against Rahmbo.

Regan: Rajneeshpuram: A microcosm of today’s Democrat.

Kirk: Calling out the nonsense victim narrative.

Folks: Florida’s Mr. Nowhere man faces a challenge.

Showalter: ‘Socialism or death’ gets creepily literal in Canada.

Solomon: To those who say just let the Mueller investigation run it’s course.

Friday, August 3rd, 2018

Straker: The liberal media are the enemy of the rule of law and civil society.

Last Antifa altercation may forecast worse this weekend in Portland.

Reports: Dianne Feinstein’s personal driver for 20 years was a Chinese Spy.

Parents SHOULD NOT give their children cell phones, under age 11.  Wise parents don’t give kids cell phones under 18.

My son, Osama: The Al-Queda leader’s mother speaks for the first time.

Blackwell: the left wants to control elections in Ohio.

Richards: Why is Trump fighting a trade war?

Markus: 1066 A.D. in 2018

Six times the Obama administration should have appointed a Special Counsel.

Record 155,965,000 employed under Trump.

Hispanic unemployment record low in July.

Farah: Google: King of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Anti-Sharia activist psychologically tortured in British Prison.

Federer: So just why did Columbus sail the ocean blue?

Klavan: Hey media, you started it.

Flashback: Frenzied, angry mob turns on reporters in dangerous altercation.

Delusional Washington Compost: Wringing Sarah Sanders neck different from choking her.

Geller: Unmasking the Creation of “Islamophobia’ in the academy.

Let’s all thank Sarah Jeong for showing us what liberals think of white people.

New York Times defends double standard in hiring writer with a history of explicit, hateful racism directed at whites

The New York Slimes must explain why it’s racial double standard is good for society.

NYT’s Sarah Jeong anti-cop, anti-men tweets.

Warner: Trump and his war on fake news.

Judge Ellis loses patience with Manafort prosecutors, ends court early.

Delusional April Ryan: Jim Acosta’s life was ‘in danger’ at rally.

CNN’s Jim Acosta continues to prove he is a political activist, not a journalist.

Jim Acosta is okay with bullying a woman as long as she’s Sarah Huckaby Sanders.

Pruden: The Derangement virus stalks the land.

Prabhu: How SpyGate is turning Democrats like me against our party.

Multiple people arrested for threatening Republican Representatives Smith and Scalise.

Walsh: If you support abortion, your opposition to the death penalty is idiotic and deranged.

Prager on Western values, Leftist Jews, and censorship.

Green: How to read the news like a pro.

Trump kills Obama’s unhelpful emissions standards.

Diane Black loses Tennessee GOP gubernatorial primary to political newcomer in major upset.

White House: China economy is slipping.

Imani: Iran’s regime is falling apart.

Don’t be evil, unless it’s worth untold new riches.

Survey: many who shun church are believers.

Break the law, get a free plane ticket

Bobby Bowden to Supremes: Let Coach Kennedy pray.

Huckabee-Sanders rejects CNN demand she contradict the President.

David Limbaugh: Congratulations to Rush for 30 remarkable years.

Judge: Twitter can be sued for falsely advertising free speech.

Mercer: White men, Republicans, and other scum.

Buchanan: Would war with Iran doom Trump?

Gornoski: The ‘Starry Night’ House: A win for freedom.

Geraghty: There are a lot of reasons to feel optimistic about America’s Future.

Lowry: the John the Baptist of the Left.

Simon: Are liberals and progressives sabotaging the economy?

Fakebook hires team of psychologists to help snowflake employees deal with objectionable content.

O’Keefe catches Antifa teaching activists to inflict pain

China moves to take part in Syrian Civil War.

Congress: Let’s see Bruce Ohr interviews.

Confusion: Ocasio-Cortez once viewed herself as a capitalist, viewed feminism as a ‘relic’.

Hospitals to post prices online under new Trump administration rule.

Thursday, August 2nd, 2018

Herland: The West is all about Sex – and much of it deviant.

Price: K-12: Parallels with Venezuela.

Safi: Porn and human trafficking.

Rail: This isn’t a culture war, it’s worse.

Acosta: Journalists should chant: ‘We’re not the enemy of the people in front of the White House’.

Sarah Sanders: I was attacked at a restaurant and mocked for my looks, and it’s the media’s fault.

Farah: Does Trump know how much Google hates him?

Federer: What JFK thought made America great.

Federer: Captured by Cannibals? Not your everyday experience.

Victor Davis Hanson: The American Art of Renewal.

Enraged by Trump bumper sticker, Massachusetts woman rams into mans car.

French: Yes, Anti-White racism exists.

Levy: France, the Nazi’s, and gun control

Fields: Lost in the Deep Blue Sea of fakery.

New York Slimes newest hire sent tons of anti-white racist tweets.

NY Slimes newest editor a white hating bigot. 

Sammin: It’s not white threat harming our politics, it’s tying race to politics.

Schlichter: It is the sacred duty of all conservatives to own the libs.

Hunter: Are we really a fundamentally racist nation?

Vietnam Vet killed by police after fighting off naked intruder who attacked his grandson.

Drowning in debt: These states are approaching a point of no return.

Watch: MSNBC host bans Sanders,  fans herself, ‘makes her sweat’.

Trump and Sulzberger on media bias.

Jerry Falwell Jr. slams Sessions as a phony.

Sessions targets those branding religious groups as ‘hate groups’.

Rush Limbaugh gets huge surprise on 30th anniversary.

Zumwalt: What Rosa Parks would think of Diversity Absurdity.

Elder: Anne Hathaway is making ‘race relations’ worse.

Coulter: ACLU won’t rest until every illegal gets in.

Hatch fed up with Democrat obstructionism.

Curtis: Israel defines itself.

Moran: Congress moves to blunt Trump’s shutdown threat.

4 Dentists accused of raping woman in Las Vegas Suite.

Here’s Ivanka’s ‘low point’. 

Delusional female Don Quixote blocked deportation of man jailed for assault.

‘I’m confused’: Dem senator gets a law lesson from ICE

Black pastor: Trump more pro-black than Obama.

Abortion pill fast tracked by Bill Clinton kills at least 22.

Facebook: Heartwarming ad ‘shocking, sensational, disrespectful’.

See top white nationalist confess he’s a progressive.

Delusional NPR: ‘climate change agenda’ is solution to wildfires.

Debauched Dems demand their questions on 2020 Census.

Chastain: We are to forgive Moonves but crucify Trump.

Brown: Isreal’s looming (cold) Civil War.

Williamson: ICE breakers.

Blackwell: Protecting the integrity of our elections.

Sobieski: 3-D plastic gun hype misfires.

Scaros: Our Statue of Liberty is really more a ‘statute of limitations’. 

Jackson: Government permission to petition.

Lifson: Mueller team signals it may not call it’s star witness against Manafort.

Lifson: Mueller prosecutors go low in Manafort trial and are rebuked by judge.

Showalter: Politico reporter calls Trump supporters ‘garbage people’, then lectures us.

Hakim: Lebron needs to change his game off the court.

Moran: Young Democratic Socialist chapters springing up on campuses.

Dunlap: Eugenics are back and the reasons are as selfish as ever.


Wednesday, August 1st, 2018

BREAKING: Trump slams Mueller, urges Sessions to end Witch Hunt NOW!

Walter Williams: Some ideas to think about.

Safi: The porn industry and trafficking reinforce each other.

Blake: How Identity Politics fuels hatred.

Flaherty: The Wicked Witches of Silicon Valley.

Trinko: Freeing people from Left-Wing lies.

This is catastrophic for Democrats.’  Woman gets first refund of union dues.

This is how it feels to have an Alcoholic Relapse.

Farah: Book banners and news controllers.

Farber: Since 1918, 39 socialist nations, 0 successes

Kamala Harris’s rent subsidy would help landlord’s, not renters.

Watch: Trump supporters give rude Jim Acosta a dose of his own medicine.

Trump predicts demise of ‘fake news media’, taunts deluded CNN’s Acosta.

Tommy Robinson Freed!

Cashill: Paramount owes America an apology for Jay-Z’s Trayvon series.

Ward: Lebron James is perpetuating the problem.

27 times people predicted a political catastrophe for Trump that didn’t materialize.

Ellis: Trumpservative nation at a precipice.

Trump in Florida: ‘The time has come for photo ID’ in voting.

Florida governor candidate DeSantis: Civics ‘ignorance’ led to Ocasio-Cortez win. 

DOJ’s religious liberty arm set to investigate the SPLC?

Bruce: Liberals still hysterical over Hillary’s loss get their own ‘disease’.

CNN’s hapless Jim Acosta responds to hecklers: ‘hostility will result in someone getting hurt’.

Connecticut town official kneels for Pledge of Allegiance, met with backlash from community

DHS official on what would happen if Dems do ‘abolish ICE’.

Pope: Sacrificing children for career is ‘idolatry’.

Showalter: What part of ‘illegal’ does Sen. Mazie Hirono not understand?

South Africa to change Constitution to legalize taking away white Farmers land.

Malkin: Free Valentino Dixon

The baseless attack on Marc Short.

D’Souza: White nationalists on left, not on the right.

Charlie Daniels warns NFL: offend handful – or millions

Strzok argued to keep FBI privileges.

Just a ‘crock’, Limbaugh slams FB claim.

More than 450 in Florida ordered to surrender guns.

Muslim immigrant: Nothing wrong with sexually abusing 13 women.

Parker: Trump’s economic renaissance.

Schlafly: Trump right to push back against Koch brothers.

Smith: The strange world of Kavanaugh opposition.

Sandefur: Native American children at risk need protection too.

Shapiro: Being a socialist means never having to say you’re sorry.

Chinese media: U.S. Marines in Taiwan would be ‘invasion of Chinese soil’.

Harsanyi: Let’s debunk the misleading panic over 3-D Guns.

Berryhill: Trump’s economy is destroying Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s fantasies.

Hall: The election that creates the most problems.

Syrios: Ending online outrage mobs.

Gottfried: Trump and Carl Schmitt: an Unlikely association.

Lifson: Are the Democrats actually trying to build a bad image of being bad sports?

Skurkiss: Trump Derangement Syndrome at National Review Online.

Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

USA:666 minutes every day on daily media consumption.

Florida Governor Candidate DeSantis: Civics ignorance led to Ocasio-Cortez win.

Federer: Booker T. Washington: Advice for everyone.

Top ten cities for homelessness in America, all run by Democrats.

Massie: No group more evil: White Progressives.

Victor Davis Hanson: Origins of our second Civil War.

Chalk: Don’t let your kids waste their summers and lives on video games, like I did.

Analysis: Here are the stunning tax hikes required to pay for single payer healthcare’s $32.6 trillion price tag.

Wildfires barrel toward California lake towns.

Threaten 10,000 homes.

Firefighters battling fatigue.

Record breaking heat brings unprecedented destruction.

Video shows massive fire cloud.

Fifty Years on, warnings on contraception have been proven correct.

Marcus: All hands on deck for Operation midterm.

Solway: Is there a cure for the modern university?

Rail: Doing what we must.

Watch: Armed man tells cops to ‘leave me alone’ before being fatally shot.

Raleigh: China’s latest vaccine scandal illustrates the dangers of socialized medicine.

Lowry: The battle over socialism is joined.

Buchanan: Will America again see secession?

Dr. Vliet: SCOTUS, the Constitution, and your health

Dunaway: Goals of socialism, Christianity, irreconcilable.

Margolis: The left is working overtime to normalize fascism.

Media workforce down 23% in last decade.

Smith: Poor Facebook.

RIP Ron Dellums: Anti-American, Pro-Communist to the end.

Ahistorical Lebron sez ‘ feels like we are going back to slavery or Jim Crow’.  Funny how that works when you are making hundreds of millions, and no one in slavery or Jim Crow ever had your riches. 

Ebenhack: Trump vs. The NY Times.

Patriotism: The secret of Trump’s success.

Levin: Interrupt Obama and reporters are racist, interrupt Trump and they’re heroes.

Reprobate Durbin calls on Nielsen to resign over immigrant separations. 

House prepared to hold Rosenstein in contempt.

Giuliani: It’s time for Mueller to put up or shut up.

FBI still has relationship with discredited SPLC.

Cooke: The unserious face of an unserious movement. 

Whatever happened to Obama’s ‘unmasking probe’?

Hollywood star to Joy Behar: Move to a socialist country.

Coulter: Trump’s numbers through the roof if he does just one thing.

Texas: Muslim immigrant kills Christian son-in-law.

New video game: Shoot the unborn baby.

DOJ deal to post 3D printer gun plans online in crosshairs.

Prager: Why millennials don’t have hobbies.

Moore: Trump’s trade triumph.

Tomczak: 4 things Spurgeon would have said in a podcast.

DeSanctis: Progressive reactions to the religious liberty task force: Prove we need it.

N. California wildfire 9th most destructive ever.

Jackson: Black professor projects  her own racism onto Trumpsters.

Shapiro: Boys and girls are different, let’s celebrate that.

Crypto ‘Assassination’ market let’s users bet on whether or not Trump will be killed.

The rise and fall of Paul Manafort.

Ninth circuit: Trump supporters brutalized by liberal mob, can still sue San Jose police department.

McAleer: Michael Moore and his ever changing lies.

Kataline: Donald Trump is dragging kicking and screaming down the road to prosperity and peace.

Root: Everyone hates Trump.

Thomas: What’s not to like about Trump’s policies.

Trump taunts fake news, when I’m gone, you’re ratings will crash.

Andrea Mitchell compares Trump to Josef Stalin, calls his attacks on press ‘very dangerous’.

Lebron: Trump using sports to divide us, I would never sit across from him.

Minneapolis police under fire for fatal shooting of black man; new report reveals suspect fired at officers.

Woman discovers husband renewed porn subscription, then she gets her gun.

It’s war, Trump slams ‘total joke’ Koch brothers, mocks them as ‘overrated’.

China’s Latest Vaccine Scandal Illustrates The Dangers Of Socialized Medicine

Konrad: The return of the Valkyrie.

Chantrill: The enlightened superstitions of Stephen Pinker.

McCarthy: Alysin Camerota is from Mars, Rudy Giuliani is from earth.

Rail: The ever receding Socialist Paradise.

Hakim: Off with their security clearances.

McSwain: The latest concept liberals don’t get.

Monday, July 30th, 2018

NY Slimes publisher complains to Trump about ‘potential’ violence against journalists – ignores over 500 violent attacks on Trump supporters.

NY Slimes millennial publisher, whines ‘Stop calling us fake news’.

Imani: Robert Spencer’s ‘History of Jihad’ opens eyes.

Moran: The collective American media are mentally ill.

Perkins: The FBI, Hillary’s computers, and the Russians.

Vicious War on freedom loving media gets hot.

Federer: How persecution led to religious freedom.

James Dobson warns Christians to vote – or lose freedoms.

Schaper: Trump will continue to prove the president wrong, here’s why.

Hawkins: 5 reasons why Hillary Clinton was the worst presidential nominee in American history.

Nunes: American people ‘will be shocked’ when they read redacted portion of FISA application.

Knight: On the run at  UVa

Trump’s fight against deranged lamestream media intensifies.

Pompeo: U.S. will oppose China’s play for regional dominance.

Feinstein, other Senate Dems have plan on Brett Kavanaugh, stall.

Dem race baiters fraud Blumenthal: ‘Americans should be really angry’ about Trump’s ‘consciously and purposefully inflicted cruelty’ on immigrants.

Krumholz: The Facts behind the Trump Tower meeting are incriminating, but not for Trump.

Schlichter: Millennial Socialism: Stupid, evil, or both.

Adler: De Leon’s nightmare tax program for the wealthy.

Morefield: Pastor Robert Jeffress, Christians, and ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’, Reality Vs. Rhetoric.

Nazaryan: Fantasyland.

Murray: the Savagery of Isis.

Geraghty: The liberal faith in the inevitability of impeachment.

Watch: Cory Booker’s split personality.

Lifson: Iranian economy collapsing

Cost: Why a Democratic wave in November looks likely.

Armstrong: The SCOTUS is destroying national unity.

McKinley: Twitter banned me for ‘hate speech’ when I opposed trans troops, honor killings.

Braunstein: Lawyers seven miscarriages lead to infertility memoir everyone needs to read.

Calder: Women are worse off in ‘democrat socialist countries’.

Dems plan to crack down on big tech.

Trump demands funding to build the wall faster.

Ginsburg, one of the worst SCOTUS justices in history, suggests she will clog up SCOTUS for five more years.

Study: Medicare for all projected to cost $32.6 trillion.

MSNBC legal expert: Cohen flipping puts Trump one witness away from catastrophe.

Justice Department creates religious liberty task force.

Ledeen: Why the CNN reporter ban doesn’t bother me.

Illegal aliens in court over bad burritos, cold soup.

Feds: New rules needed for Jetson’s like flying cars.

D’Souza’s new film claims Democrats once too racist for Nazi’s.

Joondeph: Michael Cohen already exonerated Trump.

Blackwell: Unleashing America’s entrepreneurial spirit.

Thau: Once upon a time, small business made America great.

Peterson: The Republican party, not much of a horse, but the only one in the corral. 

Bargo Jr.: How Mitch McConnell stole the 2016 congressional elections.

Showalter: Greece’s fire disaster another gift of socialism.

Straker: NH working hard to make state less white.

Club for growth targets female voters in McCaskill race.

Sunday, July 29th, 2018

Federer: Why the French thought 19th century America was great.

James Dobson warns Christians to vote or lose freedoms!!

Hawkins: 5 reasons why Hillary Clinton was the worst Presidential nominee in history.

6 reasons why Barack Obama was the worst President in history.

Hawkins: The 10 most destructive Americans of my 8 decades!

Barone: Is America’s Birth rate about to start booming?

Jesse Lee Peterson: Abortion is destroying blacks – and all Americans!

Trump lashes out at Mueller for his nasty business relationship!  Mueller is illegitimate and has no business investigating Trump.  He is a weapon of the corrupt Dems and RINO’s to overturn the will of the people.  His appointment was treason.

37 year old Millennial/ Publisher heir/editor of the New York Slimes feels Trump’s criticism of the lamestream media is ‘divisive’ and ‘dangerous’.  Can’t understand the unhinged media is lying by both omission and commission, and that Free Speech was never designed for the ahistorical and corrupt press to spread their fairytales and whip up the American population, as they are currently doing with gullible and naïve Americans.

Update: NY Slimes editor is part of the Dumbest Generation.  Must read book!

Maxine Waters sadly is delusional: Claims she has been sent by God to get Trump.  God doesn’t send anyone who approves of homosexuality, Islam, and abortion.  But that doesn’t bother Maxine, she’s worshiping the other God: Satan.  She is right that Satan has sent her to get Trump.  Will she succeed?

Showalter: Meanwhile, the Chinese think Trump is a genius.

Jordan: We will actually call the vote for the impeachment of Rod Rosenstein.

Italy’s Salvini wants more babies fewer migrants.  ‘A country which does not create children is destined to die.’

Nunes: FBI & DOJ stalling hoping the GOP will lose House in 2018.

Lifson: Misreporting the rise in homicides.

Norris: Has the First Amendment been abolished?

Chumley: The good, the bad, and the sad reality of the U.S. push for religious freedom.

Feldman: Old prosecutors speaking frankly.

Federer: Civil Rights, A century-long fight with Democrats.

Farah: Help us fight back against the Google-Facebook machine.

Filmmaker blasts ‘Gangster-ization’ of Democrat party.

McMillan: What on earth have the Democrats become?

Trump: ‘I will shut down government over wall funding’. 

Maxine….’He’s bluffing and bullying’.

GOP lawmaker wants answers on FBI’s SPLC ties.

Walker: Lawless Washington.

Massage Parlor Prostitution on the rise.

Christian pastor slams NAACP for supporting ‘black genocide’ of abortion.

Tucker Carlson reports the FBI collaborates with the Communist SPLC.

Wood: Undue Deference.

Media’s ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ endangering lives, President says.

Hunter: Democrats embracing crazy could be a gift to GOP.

Bialosky: Russia phobia hides our biggest adversary – China.

Sigler: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of education.

Whistleblower: Denver VA office didn’t do work for….an entire year!

Devin Nunes looking for legal remedies against Twitter for shadow banning.

Hennessey: Wall Street finally taught Zuckerberg the lesson he deserved.

Scotto: Defining modern liberalism.

Schwimmer: How leftist slogans might mean GOP court packing.

Judges banish anything that might resemble prayer.

Sunday Schadenfreude: Seems working for Socialist Comrade de Blasio isn’t much fun for an SJW.

Churches may have to pay taxes, and members of Congress may pay politically.

Bernstein: CNN is to Trump what Washington Compost was to Nixon.

NY Slimes publisher effrontery: Sez he told Trump his criticism of the press is ‘increasingly dangerous’.  What’s dangerous is how the lying and delusional press keeps whipping up the masses with skewed identity politics and deceitful lies.

Mike Pence on banning reporter: ‘We are maintaining due decorum’.

Licentious Amsterdam a lawless jungle.

Simon: Voting early, but not often in Nashville

Abolishing ICE just might be the dumbest Democrat idea yet.

Jacob: Trump’s secret identity.

In their own words, suicide bombers justify blowing up kids.

Austin considering name change due to slave holding past.  Interesting those agitating the loudest for changing statues and names due to slavery have the least comprehension of the Civil War and world history on slavery, and the greatest comprehension of present day pop culture. 

22 illegal aliens arrested in identity fraud scheme, stealing thousands in taxpayer money.

This day in liberal judicial activism: July 29th.  The corrupt dimwit Breyer is confirmed to SCOTUS.  His views are nearly guaranteed to be wrong on any given subject, yet he pontificates as if he’s a veritable Oracle at Delphi.  The most infuriating paradigm.  A total waste of a SCOTUS seat.

Payne: Six miscarriages of injustice in Winona, Miss.

McCarthy: My Collusion Confusion.

Trump warns of rocky September: Willing to shut down government over border security.

He slept with a married woman, now a judge says, pay the jilted husband $8.8 million.

Precinct Data: Rich white neighborhoods voted Democrat in 2016.

Bill would lift secrecy on ‘Stingrays’.  Cell phone tower imitators used by law enforcement to intercept data.

Deluded and corrupt Eric Holder announces he is interested in being President.

Dougherty: Doom and the dismal science.

Arkansas woman accused of killing husband in disagreement over porn.

Moran: What do ‘real socialists’ think of democrat socialists?

Lifson: You’ll never believe the latest argument against Brexit from the EU.

Soros just quadrupled lobbying expenditures.

Moran: Therapists report widespread cases of ‘Trump anxiety disorder’.

Cohen: The irony of the plastic straw ban.

Man who defecated on high school track plans to sue cops.

Saturday, July 28th, 2018

President Trump declares National Emergency for California Wild Fires.

1,400 years of uninterrupted conflict laid on Islam’s door.

Lewis: The Dangers of worshiping Science.

Klayman: Mr. President, tell Rosenstein, ‘You’re fired’!

Master: Media cartel’s economy reporting, Silly & Stupid.

FB troubles grow, facing lawsuits in the billions.

LGBT legal group: No lawyer should help conservatives.

Dershowitz: Release of Cohen tape undermines trust in legal system.

Friday, July 27th, 2018

My name is Ryan Messano, and my number is (707) 580-1849.  I’m happy to assist anyone looking for more information on conservative, Christian, Constitutional causes.  Thank you kindly for reading, have a great weekend! 

President Harry S Truman spoke at the laying of the cornerstone of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., April 3, 1951: “Without a firm moral foundation, freedom degenerates quickly into selfishness and license. Unless men exercise their freedom in a just and honest way, within moral restraints, a free society can degenerate into anarchy. Then there will be freedom only for the rapacious and those who are stronger and more unscrupulous than the rank and file of the people. … The international Communist movement is based on a fierce and terrible fanaticism. It denies the existence of God and, wherever it can, it stamps out the worship of God. Our religious faith gives us the answer to the false beliefs of Communism. Our faith shows us the way to create a society where man can find his greatest happiness under God. Surely, we can follow that faith with the same devotion and determination the Communists give to their godless creed. … Every day our newspapers tell us about the fighting in Korea. Our men there are making heroic sacrifices. They are fighting and suffering in an effort to prevent the tide of aggression from sweeping across the world. … Our young men are offering their lives for us in the hills of Korea – and yet too many of us are chiefly concerned over whether or not we can buy a television set next week. … This is a failure to understand the moral principles upon which our Nation is founded.”

Federer: The Forgotten War and why we fought it.

Walsh: Young people flock to Socialism because they  have been badly parented and badly educated.

Delingpole: Free speech is  under attack by Silicon Valley, and only one man can save it.

D’Souza: The Lincoln Model: How Trump can shut down the Democrat Plantation.

Marshall: The Trump-Russia collusion: The new ‘Climate Change’.

Payton: How Athens rebuilt itself only to be defeated by a foreign power

Fiene: If you don’t know enough about politics, don’t tweet or vote.

GOP Rep. Gaetz rips House Republican leadership for opposition to Rosenstein impeachment – ‘Not very bold people’.

Shock Video: Brawl breaks out at Trump’s Star on Hollywood Blvd – Youth Pastor assaulted/robbed for wearing MAGA gear!

Mob attacks cameraman filming fight!

Twitter drops 18% in morning trading.

Judge forces high schoolers to share showers with opposite sex.

Marcus: The American Left’s selective outrage.

Why do Christians love Trump, despite his sins?  It’s simple.

Breaking: Leslie Moonves accused of sexual misconduct in Ronan Farrow expose.

Hemingway: Media gaslighting can’t hide fact that Trump campaign was spied upon. 

Bargo Jr. : The Blue State Housing Bubble

Ocasio-Cortez insanely claims the military budget went up $700 billion  last year.  Note: The annual military budget has been around $600 billion for the last few years.

GDP jumps to 4.1% in second  quarter!!

Trump triumphant: ‘we’re going a lot higher than 4.1%’!!

Pruden: Making sport calling out ‘them lyin’ newspapers’.  Editors Note: The Vallejo Times Herald is one of ‘them lyin’ newspapers’ and has a very bad case of TARDS (Trump Acceptance Reluctance Disorder). 

Pompeo: Religious freedom ‘not exclusively an American Right – it is a God-Given Universal Right’.

Cornyn to Delusional Dems, ‘Get a grip’!

Pastor: Facebook throttling Christianity.

Limbaugh on Facebook:’Ridiculous to have an enterprise this big run by people who are so ignorant’

Geraghty: Mark Zuckerberg’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad week

Facebook stands to lose tens of billions in lawsuits.

Mind blowing plunge: Facebook has biggest daily stock market loss in  American history: $100 billion!

Another judicial activist judge, a termite from within, stymies Trump’s attempt to override lawless Chicago’s Sanctuary City treason. 

Judge orders crooked Fusion GPS to give deposition.

Farah: Look who is crying out for censorship!

Mercer: A pair of motor mouth faux conservatives.

Keyes: Why impeaching Rosenstein serves a greater purpose.

Racist debauched professor: ‘I DEMAND white editors resign’.

Dems introduce legislation to criminalize lying about elections.  Would put nearly every Democrat in America in jail. 

Clueless, ahistorical, and delusional Ocasio-Cortez seeks to tax the rich/slash the military.  Exact strategy that destroyed nearly every great empire in world history.

Mark Meadows backs courageous Jim Jordan for speaker.

Lott Jr.: California and Hawaii’s huge Second Amendment victory.

Hiestand: A hatred ignored from the pulpit.

Feldman: Trey Gowdy wants specifics from DOJ on 12 Russian indictments.

Lifson:  Fusion GPS to face grilling under oath about ‘Steele Dossier’.

Fed Housing chief under investigation for sexual harassment.

Hirschi:  Taming swamp critters with security clearances.

Paul La Valle: Obama’s dying vision, the only card in the Democrat deck.

Mike Pence: Religious freedom is the ‘top priority’ of Trump administration.

Watch: Do Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s supporters understand socialism?

Ibrahim: Lessons from the past, why Eastern European nations reject Muslim Migrants. 

Hess & Addison: Teachers unions plan to become more political, not less political.

DeSanctis: What the public really thinks about ROE.

Trump warns Turkey of sanctions if U.S. pastor not freed.

Limbaugh: Setting straight finger wagging Never-Trumpers.

Ramsey: Is all debt bad?

Safi: The Simele Massacre and the unsung hero of the genocide convention.

Trump may bomb Iran as soon as next month.

Orca mom mourns calf’s death by carrying it for days.

How Silicon Valley became a den of spies.

Moral Midget Jimmy Kimmel hopes Cohen tapes end Trump marriage.

Blue State Blues: New Rules for Impeachment.

Watch: Judge Jeannine: ‘Left thinks they have a right to shut you down.’

Corrupt and ahistorical NPR, leeching off taxpayers, sez ‘Jesus was a Socialist’.

Dem Sycophant Tapper: Mueller critics are ‘unpatriotic’.

Kamala Harris sez, ‘We must think of immigrant children as our own’.  Has no qualms about sending swat teams to the home of a whistleblower of her biggest donor, Planned Murderhood.  So American children don’t matter to her. 

Curtis: A French Watergate.

Aussie media report that US has advised their government of a military strike on Iran next month

Moran: San Fran wants to ban Free lunch perk at companies.

Showalter: Jeb Bush’s Florida Do-Gooder with a $761,000 salary.

Vaughn: A ‘walkaway movement’ might not be enough.

Canto: In the early hours of July 26, 1960.

Hakim: Our kids are asking and we have no easy answers.