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Anti-Gentilism causes anti-semitism

Anti-Gentilism Causes Antisemitism

July 25, 2020


Some three thousand years ago, 
Jewish Pharisees amassed and collated 
the Babylonian Talmud   
declaring eternal war on all Gentiles
(Disclaimer – This is the agenda of Organized Jewry. Although many Jews (and non-Jews)
have been duped into supporting nation-destroying globalist policies, and the COVID hoax,
most Jews don’t hate Gentiles and actually want to assimilate.]
 by Taxi
(Abridged by
The first bullet of hate was fired by the Jews in the Talmud.
This genocidal, tribal [screed] is the first recorded case of Jewish Anti-Gentilism.  It took place a good several millennia before even the concept of Antisemitism was invented.  Ancient Jews had actually put this historic and dark Anti-Gentile declaration down in writing some two thousand years before pogroms and the religious persecution of Jews were ever recorded.


(This meme has been scrubbed from search engines)
We actually presently know of the genocidal inclinations of the Jews from their own ancient Talmudic writings: fairly well hidden from the eyes of Gentiles for thousands of years till the advent of the internet clearly revealed the Jewish ill-intention towards all Gentiles.
This long-silent Jewish war against Gentiles continues to persist some four thousand years later; except nowadays, this ‘eternal’ war on Gentiles is overt and profoundly malicious and nihilistic: having already caused the destruction of many modern Gentile nations, as well as the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent Gentiles since the late 1800s.  Here, I’m counting casualties from both World Wars, the Russian Revolution, as well as past and present devastating Mideast wars – numerous savage wars whose architects bare the clear Jewish fingerprint.
When the content and calendar of the Jewish Talmud are soberly considered, one cannot help but conclude that Anti-Gentilism manifested before Antisemitism, therefore, Anti-Gentilism is actually the very source of Antisemitism.  Moreover, we can even say that, more often than not, Antisemitism is a reaction to covert and overt Anti-Gentilism.


Yes, Anti-Gentilism is the primal source and cause of Antisemitism.
It’s that simple.
And it’s astonishing that not a single piece of academic literature on this topic can be found on the internet.  Astonishing too that some dictionaries don’t even list ‘Anti-Gentilism’ as a phrase or word – and some that do, actually give the wrong definition.
Yet, this in itself is not surprising at all: considering that Jews are masters of the dark art of deception and mass-distraction; considering too that they either own or run Western Education Ministries, Mainstream Media, Identitarian Culture, Internet Censorship, etc.
Since World War II, and all thanks to relentless Hollywood and MSM propaganda, ostensibly, modern Jews are viewed as both victim and hero.  (A contradiction in terms, no?!).  The Jews have been incessantly telling us that antisemitism is the “irrational hatred of Jews”.  At least this was their definition and talking point during and post World War II.
Some seventy years after the so-called German Holocaust and the creation of the genocidal state of Israel, this old definition has now morphed into the fascistic: “criticism of Israel is the New Antisemitism”.
This means that not even Jewish ‘property’ is allowed to be criticized, and every single Jewish government is sacred.  This right here, dear reader, is your classic definition of ‘zero freedom of speech’ for all Gentiles, not just for the White Supremacist minority.  Here, we can clearly see that with each updated Jewish definition of ‘antisemitism’, larger chunks of Gentiles suffer harsher censorship and a darker social fate.
Let us be clear here that the modern weapons used by Jews against Gentile societies are numerous and the most powerful weapon they have is their so-called ‘holocaust narrative’.  Elite secular and Rabbinical Jews alike use the holocaust like a buzzing chainsaw to silence and censor Gentiles with.  They also use the holocaust narrative to brainwash unsuspecting Gentiles as well as Jews themselves.  The holocaust-brainwash is undoubtedly the most powerful mind-potion that Jews have ever concocted.  Moreover, it’s the holocaust brainwash that actually weaponizes the ‘antisemite’ smear.  Without the holocaust narrative brainwash, the antisemitic smear would be utterly meaningless and ineffectual.
Here, one naturally wonders: why are Jews such enthusiastic supporters of tyrannical censorship when it comes to their tribal affairs?  Why are Jews always on the offensive when it comes to Gentile free-speech?  What is it they are trying to hide?  What dark truths and histories are they consistently trying to bury and obscure from Gentile eyes?  Some would say the inconsistencies of the lucrative holocaust narrative explains this antisocial Jewish behavior towards inquiring Gentiles.  Of course, this is true – and I call this the ‘guarding of the golden calf’ syndrome.  But, I also say it’s deeper than that.  I say that elite Jews fear that once the swindles in the Jewish holocaust narrative have been exposed and gone universally viral, the next big exposé, nay the mother of all targets for sunlight will be the content and calendar of the Jewish Talmud.


In other words, Jews fear Gentiles en mass discovering that the first bullet of hate is actually embedded and fossilized in the Jewish Talmud.
Jews deeply-deeply fear Gentiles unraveling the true identity of the owner of the first bullet of hate in the war between Gentile and Jew.
They absolutely and utterly fear the discovery of their pathological and deep-seated Anti-Gentilism.
Sure, they have managed to suppress the ‘Anti-Gentile’ discussion and debate for over four thousand years – they have even succeeded at covertly suppressing even the mere ‘mention’ of the phrase ‘Anti-Gentilism’.
 So then, isn’t it high time now, before Jewish censorship gets even more suffocating, to squarely and nakedly put this crucial topic on the table for all to examine?  Isn’t it high time to start asking Jews why they fired the first shot?  I say it plainly here: it behooves all Gentiles to now counter the viral ‘Antisemitic’ smear with the viral ‘Anti-Gentile’ one.  I can assure you (from experience) that Jews become dumbfounded stutterers when a Gentile brings up the topic of Jewish Anti-Gentilism.  This is because, as we all know, there is no existing Hasbara in the Jewish lexicon that can explain away the enduring hatred that Jews have felt towards Gentiles for millennia.
Time to ‘chatter’ about Anti-Gentilism en mass.
Time for Jews to face their Kryptonite.
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