Saturday, June 7th, 2018

Wait, how many immigrants are on welfare again?

Worse than Watergate!! Memos show Strzok accelerating Russia probe before election. 

Greenspan: Our Founders Christian faith helped to ensure our Independence

Brown: When preachers fail to warn.

Lewis: When will California reach the breaking point?

Klayman: Without citizens grand juries there will be no justice.

Farah: Why Donald Trump is so popular and so hated.

Weckesser: Memo to China.

Americans overjoyed to kill themselves off. They are doing a WONDERFUL job of it. Since contraception was legalized in 1965, 200 million American babies have been contracepted or aborted away. All our wars combined killed less than 2 million. So, silly and corrupt Americans have killed 100 times more than all our enemies. Hitler and Stalin are green with envy.

Unethical Anti-America, Anti-Trump Media Tied-up in Rhetorical Bows

Crouere: The Party of Hate.

Adams: Jesus was not a Democrat.

McCarthy: ‘Don’t you dare touch Roe’, Judicial confirmation silly season begins.

Will the SCOTUS nominee be a mother of seven with strong Constitutional and Christian views?

Trump: My Responsibility ‘Is To Select a Justice Who Will Faithfully Interpret the Constitution as Written’

Hawkins: How Socialism can ruin your life.

Reagan: The Democrats socialist meltdown

Dempsey: Democrats are splintering.

Paxton: On SCOTUS nominee, Trump should deliver more of the same.

Levin: Our Founding Fathers reject the philosophy that undergirds Progressivism.

New York Slimes calls for ‘Godfather’ tactics to stop Trump SCOTUS nominee.

Levin offers personal top three SCOTUS candidates

Scotto: Hey Never Trumps where would be, with Hillary as President?

Knight: Frankenstein’s Body Politic.

Ingrassia: Deactivating Affirmative action.

Latino-Hispanic unemployment hits lowest rate record in June.

Delingpole: Pruitt is gone, but Wheeler will be an even worse nightmare for the left.

Ellis: New EPA chief is no demon, despite media coverage.

Judge sentences Portland BLM leader to probation for multiple instances of molesting children.

Laurie: Carpe Diem, the Value of Today.

Genghis Khan and his hawk.

U.N. Official calls for Ark to save the world from global warming.

Random House sued for axing book critical of Islam.

Boston gets sued for banning Christian flag.

China and U.S. in biggest trade war in economic history.

An American Agenda for Trump’s summit with Putin.

McAlister: No Ocasio-Cortez won’t be another Obama, unless Republicans legitimize her.

Amid SCOTUS fight, desperate forces on left declare open season on truth.

Why the left will hate Andrew Wheeler at EPA more than it did Scott Pruitt.

McNicoll: Pentagon needs to stop doing business with foreign fraudsters.

Mexico’s New President Insults Trump’s Policies as ‘Criminal’—But Named His Son in Honor of Che Guevara

Pence: We will never “Abolish ICE”

LANGHOFER: Public Civility, On-Campus Censorship At Odds In Shapiro Lawsuit

Whitlock: Lebron in Los Angeles to be Hollyweird’s political puppet.

Alton: Trump keeps his promises to veterans.

Egerer: Preaching and Punching.

Showalter: Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s social fanaticism come from bitter failure in business?

Showalter: Washington Compost comes up with a reason for us to hate the booming job market.

Lifson: The left’s personal destruction machine turns it’s focus on Jim Jordan.

Warmest day in history’ claim based on thermometer next to an ice cream truck with its engine running all day to keep its freezer operating

Woman ordered by police to stop praying gets some relief from SCOTUS.

Celebrities risk backlash with vulgar anti-Trump rhetoric.


Friday, July 6th, 2018

Rap Sheet: 133 acts of media approved violence and harassment against Trump supporters.

Record: 155,576,000 employed in June, 10th record for Trump.

Carson: A New Vision for helping families.

Watch: Gowdy destroys Corrupt Dem Sycophant Schiff.

Only 2/3rd’s of generation Z identify as exclusively heterosexual.  Homosexual agenda is working!!

MUST READ:‘The New Politics Of Sex’ Explains How Sexual Libertinism Grows Government!!!!!!!

7 reasons it is misleading to claim Americans support Roe V. Wade.

Hollis: Free Speech for the Goose only?

Limbaugh: The Democrat party’s Christian problem.

Norris: Is stress, busyness killing us?

Boyfriend who allegedly killed unborn baby may escape charges.

San Francisco logs over 16,000 feces complaints in ONE WEEK.

Dunn: The opportunities of Socialism.

Logis: Vicious Democrat Lie: The GOP stole Obama’s SCOTUS seat.

Weichert: America needs a new Independence Day.

Lifson: Iran has completely stopped harassing American ships now that strong Trump has replaced weakling Obama.

Lopez: the Democrats unhealthy platform

Imani: Liberty under siege.

Reports: Burdensome housing regulations are exacerbating the housing crisis.

Pullman: Trump loses my vote if he nominates a justice weak on religious liberty.

Simon: Why Maxine Waters is going crazy.

Trump’s trade war escalates as tariffs slam Chinese imports.

York: What is Devin Nunes up to?

Trump says he doesn’t want another SCOTUS judge who practices ‘judicial activism’.

“Let’s Enjoy this”.  Hollyweird celebrates ‘enemy of nature’ Scott Pruitt resignation.

Robotics engineer compares Silicon Valley to Soviet Union. 

Longtime Democratic assemblyman tells Schumer he’s supporting GOP until Democrats return to ‘sanity and honesty’.

Dershowitz: Martha’s Vineyarder said she wanted to stab me through the heart.

Keyes: Why some hate the Declaration of Independence.

Gilbert: Here’s why Hillary is running again in 2020.

Rogers: The incredible scam of rooftop solar.

Showalter: Democrats turning on each other over Maxine Waters as Trump has his fun.

Showalter: NATO in tizzy over Trump saying ‘Pay your bills’.

Showalter: Fauxahantas Warren gets another dunk in the barrel from Trump.

Wisconsin court tells Marquette University to reinstate conservative professor.

Schaper: Socialist Ocasio-Cortez, the Democrat party’s obituary.

Mindlin: I’m a teacher, here’s why I’m cheering my new freedom from Unions.

Friends defend Jim Jordan against accusations of ignoring sexual abuse allegations. 

Trump believes Jim Jordan 100%, among most outstanding in D.C.

Delusional and traitorous Dems blast booming jobs report, Trump worker agenda, ‘reckless’.

Whitney Houston’s tragic sexual abuse.

Immigration top issue for American voters.

Thursday, June 5th, 2018

70 instances of media approved violence and harassment against Trump supporters. 

Report: President Trump has made his decision on SCOTUS nominee.

Scott Pruitt resigns as EPA chief. 

Flashback: Hard left activists publish Pruitt’s personal address.

Flashback: Pruitt bans Junk Science from EPA.

Flashback: 43 EPA scandals during the Obama era the media ignored.

Video shows Teen attacked for wearing Make America Great Again hat.

Larry Elder: Did media blame Obama for killing of cops?

Hayward: China’s censorship ideals take root with the American left.

Alexander: Illegal immigration: A Lawless Frankenstein in the ‘Land of Is’.

Amazon top 500 reviewer banned after ‘Gospel’ rave.

Report: Iran imploding before sanctions return.

Victor Davis Hanson: The left can’t come to grips with loss of power.

Schlichter: Should we invade Mexico?

Illegitimate fraud Mueller hiring more prosecutors to continue his bogus Trump witchhunt, spurred on by degenerate Democrats.

RNC spokeswoman warns the morally bankrupt Democrats will try to impeach Trump if they win the House back. 

Hunter: Liberals oppose (insert name here) for Supreme Court.

Can you pass a Department of Homeland Security citizenship test?

Muslim London Mayor approves Anti-Trump Blimp for Trump London visit.

Book Review: ‘Sex matters: How Modern Feminism lost touch with Science, Love, and Common Sense.

Russell: Military sees increase in conflicts over First Amendment Freedoms.

Prentice: The two culture leaders changing today’s world.

Joondeph: Another Hail Mary attempt from the left to deny Trump his SCOTUS pick.

Forest and Rayne: The Sino-Mexican influence in America’s backyard.

Straker: Mark Levin: If Stare Decisis is paramount, put monkeys on the Supreme Court.

FakeNews CNN Ratings Implosion continues.

Engelhardt: Union pressure tactics like their giant rat balloon prove they are not the good guys.

The Firefly – Summer nighttime wonder of the East Coast.

Napolitano: The values underlying Independence Day.

When Hollywood actually loved America.

Gornoski: Media project own bigotry onto Ron Paul

‘To the King’ seal  points to Hezekiah

Conservative actor dropped by liberal talent agent on July 4th, because he was ‘feeling patriotic’.

Dershowitz slams far left, ‘I won’t let the Democrats take my party from me’.

Thomas: Trump supporters compared to cultists.

Japanese American congressman: ‘Hysteria and scapegoating’ in child separations similar to WWII internment.

When July 4th meant defeat by Islam: The Battle of Hattin.

Fields: Men behaving badly are on the run, but we’re still debating what women want.

Facebook flags Declaration of Independence as Hate Speech.

Update: Facebook apologizes for flagging the Declaration of Independence as Hate Speech.

Quinn: the Foxconn plant is a bad deal for Wisconsin taxpayers.

Meyers: Judge Kethledge faithfully applies immigration laws.

If America is so bad, why do they keep coming here?

Watch: Brainwashed, ahistorical, debauched college students not proud to be Americans.

Iranian and Chinese military boost ties, call America ‘biggest threat to humanity’.

Nigeria to Christian farmers: We can’t save you, surrender land to terrorists.

Talcum X: The Fourth of July has always been a sham, always.

33,415 documented Islamic terror attacks worldwide since 9/11.

Mexico’s new President announces absolutely insane plan before taking office.

Marcus: Asian American’s are the tipping point for rejecting Affirmative Action.

Schlesman: It’s preposterous to put the U.S. in the 10 most dangerous countries for women.

Cochran: When the left uses civility as a weapon, drop it and fight back.

Bilek: Transgenderism is just big business dressed up in Civil Rights Cloths.

Trunnell: I just gave up AC to live within my means.  America should try that.

Del Mastro: How today’s concept of ‘Human Rights’ breeds Identity politics.

Sobieski: Dems on SCOTUS pick: Catholics need not apply.

Spencer: Summer causes Climate Change Hysteria.

Dem nightmare deepens as party is ‘underperforming’ among Hispanics.

Walker: How immigrants do and do not help the world.

O’Brien: Liberal hypocrisy: Independence Day Version.

Surge in illegal California Pot shops undercuts legal market.


Wednesday, July 4th, 2018.

Bill Federer: We cannot let our nation ‘stumble and fall’

Coulter: Happy Fourth of July, you wonderful country!

Lloyd Marcus: Happy Independence Day, Remembering our Forgotten Founding.

Trump Strong on Fourth of July.

Justice Kennedy V. Cicero, Jefferson, Hamilton, and MLK Jr.

Obama officials threatened with subpoena in Russia probe.

Walter Williams: How colleges destroy black students.

Farah: Happy Independence Day! Trump is taking America back.

Star Parker: The socialist lies of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Malkin: Jahi McMath mattered.

Newcombe: Who died and made the Supreme Court God?

Robert Spencer: A Muslim Professor rewrites history.

Tobin: Liberals sour on the First Amendment.

Kelly: If you don’t believe in limited self government, you aren’t an American patriot.

Smith: You can’t celebrate America’s Independence while vilifying the Founders.

Young: The Constitution is the fulfillment of the Declaration of Independence.

Cooper: Hamilton Vs. Jefferson

Powell: Times Change but the ideas behind Independence day remain.

Noel: What is America?

Goldman: What America can learn from Israel.

Hellner: Happy Fourth  of July, Thank God we are Independent!

In U.S. record low extremely proud to be American.

Flashback: High Ranking KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov 1983 interview: First step of brainwashing is demoralization.

Dems Depressed!  “The way of a transgressor is hard”

Goldberg: Trump must stick to his Supreme Court list.

Parchment copy of Declaration of Independence discovered.

Dems slap SPLC ‘hate smear’ on Trump SCOTUS finalist.

School sued for banishing Shapiro speech to remote location.

DOJ won’t prosecute Pakistani Dem aide for espionage.

Walsh: No virgins in the Grey Ladies Whorehouse.

Amid Supreme Court fight, desperate forces on the left declare open season on the truth.

George Washington’s Fourths of July.

Kearns: On July Fourth, thank the Scots.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court impeccable record of Constitutional Conservatism.

Ponnuru: David Savage keeps misrepresenting Amy Coney Barrett.

Potemra: Born on the Fourth of July.

Trump to Reverse Obama Guideline for Considering Race in College Admissions

Shapiro: What the courts are for.

Stossel: One nation, many individuals.

McAllister: A response to Washington Compost writer who has lost hope in “White America”.

Tracinski: The left celebrates the Fourth by denouncing the First Amendment.

Regan: Illegal immigrants, Palestinian refugees, and their liberal cheerleaders: The startling similarities.

Kirkwood: Liberty, yours, mine, and ours.

Scotto: Trump’s burden, cleaning up Obama’s mess.

Jarratt and Talgo: Gun control threatens America’s natural rights.

Frank: Today’s protest marchers are not heroes.

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

Bill Federer: Battle of Gettysburg: Tremendous Turning point.

Prager U: The Amazing life of Ulysses S. Grant.

Thomas: The Marriage Precedent!

City thrives after evicting all politicians, police

Harsanyi: Hey Democrats, the system doesn’t need to be fixed every time you lose an election. 

Backlash over Pro-life, Roe V. Wade movie filming in New Orleans.

Washington Compost’s Jennifer Rubin calls for mobs to harass Sarah Huckabee Sanders for the rest of her life.

Farah: The Bible and the Red Hot border issue.

Dunaway: 7 ways to uphold true patriotism.

Massie: Dems: From party of slavery to party of crazy!

Brown: Twitter locks my account for “hateful” conduct.

Brown: I’m not playing the new game of “Deny Trump to prove your love for Jesus” and neither should you.

Buchanan: Ingrates stampede to “abolish ICE”.

Man threatens to chop up Rand Paul and his family with an ax.

Rahn: The unthinking and the unobservant.

Victor Davis Hanson: History as nothing much at all. 

Lowry: Roe is a travesty.

Black: On immigration and SCOTUS, Democrats are snookered.

Colon: How to read the news, a guide for truth seekers.

Skurkiss: The coming Democratic crackup.

Lott Jr.: Here is a simple rule regarding Kennedy replacement.

Supremes drop 2nd shoe on organized labor.

5 black patriots who helped win independence.

Pruitt latest administration official to be confronted by leftist while dining out.

Rep. Jim Jordan accused of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse as college wrestling coach.

Prager: If we are Nazi’s, expect more violence.

Greenberg: SCOTUS strikes a blow for bricks and mortar.

Klavan: The toxic race mongering of the left.

Evolutionists: Oops, we may have been wrong all along.

Trump accuses Obama of giving citizenship to 2,500 Iranians.

Dershowitz: Trump should nominate a “true conservative” to SCOTUS.

Trump: Crazy Maxine Waters the face of the Democrat Party.

DNC chair Perez: Ocasio-Perez “the future of our party”.

China develops laser gun.

Justin Trudeau accused of groping.

Lemiska: Trump hatred: evil in the name of virtue.

Facebook shuts down Christian ideas while letting others post threats.

Henry: Is progressive ideology incompatible with the First Amendment.

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

Grudem: Why building a wall is a morally good action.

Planned Murderhood sues Trump Administration over Abstinence based Sex Education.

Mexico leftist Lopez-Obrador wins largest landslide in countries recent history.

Simon: the Democrat party has a death wish.

Bawer: Fighting Free Speech at the NY Times.

Ohio lawmaker introduces bill to protect kids from the transgender mafia at school.

Big Tech mobilizes against CA privacy law.

Crowley: He (Trump) just keeps confounding his Detractors

NY Slimes: Liberal Free Speech defenders turn against First Amendment.  “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.  Lord Acton.

Nordlinger: Trust no one, document everything.

Jesse Lee Peterson: Warning to Whites, you are hated.

Cohen: The Convenient outrage of Democrats.

Blackwell: America celebrates another freedom revolution.

Duke: Time to put the Democrat party on Suicide Watch.

Politico: Democrat started GOP Amnesty fight.

Orwellian metropolis fears in new Google “Smart City”.

Cohen breaks silence. 

Weinstein slapped with 3 new criminal charges.

Weinstein faces life in prison from new sex crime charges.

Ocasio-Cortez faces questions after it’s revealed her youth was spent in wealthy superb, not hard upbringing she describes.

Maxine Waters tears into Schumer.  “Will do anything” to protect power.

Gates praises GOP led Congress, says world far better place today than it ever was before.

Washington Compost’s malevolent Jen Rubin: Sarah Sanders “deserves a lifetime of being uncomfortable”.

Left denounces Bernie for reluctance to embrace “Abolish ICE”.

Narcissist Obama urges Democrats to sound more like him in 2018.

Cost: Declaration of Independence was more radical than any of the men who signed it.

Fund: Librarians Airbrush Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Name from Award

White House Staff re assigned to ensure Trump’s SCOTUS pick gets confirmed.

McConnell didn’t steal Obama’s SCOTUS pick, Ginsberg did.

Morefield: Liberal tears aside, this SCOTUS pick means a LOT more to us than it does to them.

Sunday, July 1st, 2018

Democrats, You Had a Good Monopoly With the Media, but It’s Over

Cadwaladr: The Zombie Media.

Riots in Portland! Antifa degenerates attack Patriot Prayer rally.

Police revoke permit for march in Portland, declare it a riot. Leftists seek to shut down free speech again.

Bogus ‘Human Rights’ organizations fight law to end sex trafficking.

Millennial California degenerate arrested for threatening to kill FCC chairman’s children.

Trump requests detention space, tent cities to detain 12,000 illegal aliens.

Trump meets with SCOTUS picks ahead of July 9th announcement.

Norris: Dems would reject Moses if Trump nominated him for SCOTUS.

Hunter: A Supreme liberal meltdown.

Rivera: Ted Cruz should be on Trump’s short list for SCOTUS.

Saunders: Where is the independent voice among Justices appointed by Democrats?

Maine’s Sen. Collins, impervious to history, sez she won’t support a SCOTUS nominee “hostile” to abortion.  Forgets abortion is pretty hostile to a baby.  It would be nice if we could invent a time machine and place Collins and the other abortion lovers in it, to send them back into the womb they came from, and let them holler for an abortion to their hearts content there.  That way, we can do to them, what they want to do to others.

Updated total: 1,898 refugees admitted into America in June.

Trump: “Abortion rights could end up with the states at some point.”

EXCLUSIVE — Samantha Markle Calls for British Constitution, Treatment of Tommy Robinson Is ‘Extreme’

Williams: Why liberals have flip flopped on free speech.

Liberal SF mandates first $15 minimum wage in CA.  Always reduces jobs.   Not the government’s job to mandate minimum wages.

The Color of Crime.

What’s wrong with Britain?

Can Muslims in West ever be De-Radicalized?

Six Life Lessons from the Battle of Gettysburg.

Farah: Obama’s become movie moguls, thanks to…..

Bialosky: Stop whining about discord when you are causing the discord.

How Jeff Bezos and Amazon Are Inviting China Into America’s DoD Computers

Feldman: Is Trump the most Fun President ever?

Young Stockton, CA mayor has never held a job before.

Goodwin: Left needs to face reality, Trump is winning.

Mag: Death of a Once Great City.

112 year old Austin resident, America’s oldest living veteran, robbed of savings, identity.

Beneath the surface: Quiet superpower race for nuke supremacy.

Londonistan: Khan called a Jihadist by Tommy Robinson supporters.

Maxine responds to death threats: “You better shoot straight”.

Bacow promises more outward looking Harvard.

AMLO on the brink, as Mexico prepares to take a turn towards the left.

American carrier force operating in the Atlantic as Russian Sub activity on the rise.

EXCLUSIVE – Hungary Backs Salvini’s ‘Gamechanging’ Move to Shut Ports to Migrants, Brands EU Leaders All Talk

Chuck Todd: Trump “winning”, Dems, “reeling”.

Corrupt former FBI director James Comey calls for gun control, says NRA “Lies”.

Suspect in Boise stabbing spree doesn’t quite match media narrative.

Dems cutting their own throat by calling for abolishing ICE

Abortion is the “True Family” Separator

American Millennials are leaving religion because they are sinners.

New Poll shows Millennials don’t value Democracy.

Joondeph: NeverTrumpers and a 5-4 vote.

Sobieski: No Lib outrage for Andrew Tahmooressi.

Voshell: the Trump-Putin Summit.

Showalter: In Iran, the armed revolt is beginning.

Lifson: Hilarious satire of Dem apoplexy over next Trump SCOTUS pick.

Canto: the left’s hysteria over abortion.

Straker: Libs say First Amendment is dangerous and needs to be curtailed.

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

Congressman: Rosenstein spying on me.

McCarthy: House Republicans grill Rosenstein over Trump-Russia

Fake Mueller investigation prosecutors still not ready to level bogus charges at Flynn.

Delusional Dem Megadonor calls for “Nuclear War” to provide “course correction” for Trump.

School board bans fact: Biological sex is no more.

Trump to announce SCOTUS pick on July 9th.

Tobin: The Democrats can’t block Trump’s next SCOTUS pick.

Sobieski: Ted Cruz for Supreme Court.

Darling: Senator Mike Lee is perfect pick for SCOTUS.

Lewis: Good riddance to Justice Kennedy.

Brent Smith: Not Right Vs. Left, but Right Vs. Wrong.

Lunatic from California, the land of fruits and nuts, charged with threatening to kill FCC chair Ajit Pai’s family, over net neutrality.

Anti Establishment grips ahistorical, debauched Dems. 

Michael Moore, unhealthy physically and mentally, prescribes mobs to subvert appointment of SCOTUS justice.

Walter Williams: Diversity and Inclusion Harm II.

Warner: Toward a better political elite.

Washington Compost’s Rubin: apply pressure to L.L. Bean in Maine to ensure Susan Collins votes to allow women to continue to murder their babies.

Shameless radical rabble rouser Luis Gutierrez: House GOP trying to put Rosenstein’s head on a platter for Trump.

“The Resistance” is turning into a national lynch mob.

Imagine how overturning Roe would transform U.S. politics.

Limbaugh: Trump’s clarifying effect.

Busler: The only way the Democrat party can save itself.

Erickson: This stuff actually matters.

Watch: Reporter attacked by left wing activists protesting ICE.

Another Trump win?  ‘Death to Khamenei’ protests continue in Iran.

Girl at center of Legal Fight for Life, dies during surgery.

Scientists observe coldest temperatures ever on earth’s surface.

Report: Save the oceans, stop recycling plastic.

Prager: Donnie Deutsch, Michael Hayden and the moral collapse of American Jewish Institutions. 

Journalists blame ‘fake news’ for shooting, claim they are off limits to criticism.

Manafort assistant gave FBI access to storage locker: testimony.

Seditious Democrats choose “Abolish ICE” as 2020 rallying cry.

Treasonous Democrat organizations plan rallies today to attack American sovereignty. 

Trump summer hot streak.

Can Trump counter soaring oil prices?

Two of top 25 internet influencers are of substance, Trump and Drudge.  The rest are a sign of our idolatrous culture.  Trump has shades of an idolatrous following as well as Drudge.  Until humans learn to be people of substance, they will continue to follow shallow charlatans.

In a nation dominated by libertine men, prostitutes leave Twitter for lecher haven, Switter.

Iran’s rulers face discontent as U.S. Pressure mounts.

Mexico’s presidential frontrunner promising a revolution.  Can he deliver?

Two men with 29 wives, 160 children arrested for polygamy.

Tucker: The left knows if we abolish ICE, “borders become irrelevant.”

Sessions reversal of four Obama positions validated by SCOTUS.

Charles Hurt: The Democrats flirt with an old fantasy.

Coffin: Scurrilous attacks on a potential Trump nominee, from the right.

Klayman: The judge Trump must not pick for SCOTUS.

Patrice Lewis: The left is losing it, here is what they plan.

Farah: the New SCOTUS.

Family Research Council calls out 2 Supremes for double standards.

Deranged, debauched, degenerate de Blasio calls for abolishment of ICE.

Trump Administration officially announces: Yes, you can do your taxes on a postcard.

Loudon: the rough life of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill.

Nolte: CNN’s Jim Acosta caught on video manufacturing Very Fake News.

O’Malley: Are Republicans doomed?

Markovsky: America tried socialism, and did not like it.

Trinko: Those who live by the court.

Rogers: Wind and solar require massive subsidies.

Friday, June 29th, 2018

“Finish it the Hell  up!!”  Gowdy tells Rosenstein to either show evidence of Trump wrongdoing or end Mueller probe.

Judge: Even a blind person can see Mueller using Manafort to target Trump.

5 Dead in targeted attack at Capital Gazette.

Targeted attack.

Reporter shares details of attack.

Police respond in 60 seconds.

Killer posted revenge tweets branding enemies to death.

Accused newsroom shooters stalking victim: “I told police, “He will be your next Mass shooter””.  She moved 3 times, slept with a gun by her bed out of fear.

SEDITIOUS AND TRAITOROUS Lamestream  media irrationally and inexplicably blame Trump for Maryland shooting.

Update: Every mass shooting since Columbine has involved one or more of the following three factors: Porn use that escalated, psychotropic drug use, and Islam.  This latest attack appears to involve porn use and/or psychotropic drug use.  The reader will note nearly every shooter has been a troubled man, normally a young one.  This problem will get worse before it gets better, as the internet came along in 1993, and made porn into a disaster that humanity has never before encountered.  The solution to ensure the vast decrease of mass shootings is to ban pornography in America, as it just was fifty years ago before a rogue SCOTUS legalized it with the insane Stanley Vs. Georgia decision in 1969, ban psychotropic drugs, and to closely monitor Islam, ensuring Muslims here, and all Americans are CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY taught the Constitution and American history.   

Shapiro at Sacramento Bee: Get a grip over Kennedy, Liberals.

Hawkins: 7 things men love about women in marriage.

Why Trump’s SCOTUS pick matters so much: Protecting the innocence of children.

Watch: Trailer for Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie comparing Trump to Lincoln

Worst President in American history to Democrat voters, “You have a right to be concerned”.

Flashback: Obama the most biblically hostile president in American  history.

Wicked Witch of the East calls for “strength” to resist Trump.

Flashback: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever.

Americans tired of lamestream news.

What’s wrong with Nancy?

Delusional leftists plan nationwide protests against Trump immigration policy.

Report Trump wants to leave WTO.

NeverTrump would have given radical lefties a 6-3 SCOTUS advantage.

Murderess Warren afraid Women won’t be able to murder babies anymore with new SCOTUS appointee.

Fight for SCOTUS nomination will be the most expensive ever.

Waters cancels weekend events over one very serious death threat.

June 28, 1098: The Battle of Antioch.

Thursday, June 28th, 2018.


Thank you to all the readers!!  We are growing!!  90% of California has never seriously been exposed to Constitutional conservative news for 2 months of their ENTIRE lives.  Please help to lift the veil from their eyes.  Together, we can bring vision back into the land, and bring our state from the darkness of ignorance into the bright light of knowledge, wisdom, and virtue.  RIGHT MAKES MIGHT!  We are welcoming advertisers.  Our goal is to destroy all the lying left media.  They are making billions off of lying and deceiving the simple.  Will those who love truth and liberty stand by and do nothing, while evil and lies triumph?  If you want to contribute or advertise, or have suggestions for me, please call me, Ryan Messano at (707) 580 1849.  Thank you kindly! 

Jordan lambastes lying FBI director Rosenstein.  Democrats run interference to hide their criminal wrongdoing. 

Multiple people shot at newspaper in Annapolis

Federer: Why politicians aren’t the Fittest People for the Job!

Federal Cops move in on radical leftist ICE demonstrators in Portland to restore order to the lawless leftist lemmings. 

Chowka: ICE at bay: Siege at Portland continues as copycat insurrections spread nationwide.

ICE barricades DC headquarters to prevent protester “occupation”.

DHS agents interrupt news conference between lamestream media and delusional ICE “whistleblower”. 

Ahistorical Cortez, trying to destroy the nation with socialism.  The dangerous delusion of socialism is upon us, and the badly misinformed millennials are trying to immediately move upon the ignorance and corruption they were raised with.

Trump to “extremist” Democrats: We will not tolerate attacks on “courageous” ICE agents, Border patrol.

More evidence to disprove the liberal fairy tale of the “Noble Savage”.  Aztec “Skull Tower” revealed.  Archaeologists say THOUSANDS of still beating hearts were cut out of victims, then their heads were severed and added to a grisly monument. 

Liberal Meltdown over Kennedy retirement.

Democrat wailing over Kennedy retiring.  The virtuous rejoice, the corrupt mourn. 

The Day conservatives have been waiting for on SCOTUS.

Another SCOTUS selection for Trump?

Hollyweird implodes over Kennedy retirement.  Debauched and uninformed stars shriek hysterically.

No, THANK YOU, Harry Reid!

Wagner: SCOTUS pick: How Trump pick can remedy decades old Democrat racism

6  rulings that could be overturned by a Post Kennedy SCOTUS.

The Rundown: Here is what you need to know about Trump’s top five nominees.

Pro life leader Lila Rose issues bold statement on abortion after Kennedy retirement.

Deranged left plans full scale assault on Trump nominee.

Mike Lee puts himself back in running for SCOTUS.

Trump’s SCOTUS legacy could top Reagans.

French: What should America expect from a more originalist SCOTUS.

Good Riddance, Justice Kennedy.

Filozof: As Trump replaces Kennedy, time for some conservative judicial activism.

Huffy Puffy posts a picture of a cloths hanger, as Left mourns the threat to their ability to barbarously murder babies.

Hunter: The liberal mob won’t stop until someone gets killed, and then only maybe.

Larry Elder: Criminal behavior, not racism, explains “racial disparities” in crime stats.

Coulter: Country overboard! Women and children last!

Hurt: The New Civil War is upon us.

Ahistorical, radical communist in training Cortez wants to be President!!

Canadian Bus Driver arrested two years later for criticizing homosexuality.

London: Solzhenitsyn: 40 years later!

Hall: On the financial ‘wisdom’ of attending today’s colleges.

Herring: We are seeing the violence of the ’60’s again, but worse.

Victor Davis Hanson: Progressives should back up their rhetoric on illegal immigration.

Jones: ‘Hotel California’ and America’s decomposing values.

Weir: What’s the meaning of truth?

Wilhelm: No really, delete your accounts!

Gowdy obliterates Rosenstein over Russia investigation.

Jordan tells Rosenstein he has “a week to get his act together” over totally bogus Mueller investigation. 

Countries largest newspapers eliminate conservative sources.  Ideological purity a must in companies run by leftist tyrants.

Trump-Putin Summit set.

Cortez New Face of left.  Typifies the “Dumbest Generation”.  Ahistorical, with lots of enthusiasm for ideas they don’t understand.

Read “The Dumbest Generation” to understand the 18-29 liberals.

Cortez, the latest of the deluded, corrupt, and indoctrinated Democrat Pols who favor impeachment for no other reason than they don’t like Trump.

Cortez wants to move nation forward-doesn’t realize she’s headed forward right off a cliff into socialism and communism.

China caps film star pay, good example for idolatrous Americans who worship athletes and entertainers for no reason. 

Venezuela’s failing dictator Maduro calls Pence a “Poisonous Viper”.

Feds to begin distributing grant money to non-sanctuary cities.

Just 23% of adults get enough exercise.

WaPo: Tribal identities replace ideology in Dem Primaries.

Pelosi: Progressive activists call me “corporate pawn”

Expert: China refuses refugees due to belief in “ethnic superiority”.

Top 4 Democrat candidates for Prez in 2020 revealed. Hilarity ensues.

Watch: Ami Horowitz speaks with senior HAMAS leader in wild interview.

Justice Robert’s stomps on Sotomayor’s “wholly inapt” Travel ban dissent.

Schlichter: It is terrible to be a liberal in 2018, which is a good thing!

McCullough: The Bluer the Dems, the more Trump wins.

Klavan: Leftist justices don’t like the law.

The Democrats go full Venezuela.

For ‘migrants’ and ‘asylum’ spoofers, the parties nearly over.

Fields: Defining Deviancy down.

Domenech: Anthony Kennedy: The most important voter in America.

5 Questions the Cortez upset poses for Democrats.

Blake: 3 years of experience have only proved Obergefell was a huge mistake.

Noel: The left’s alternate universe.

Sobieski: SCOTUS echoes Jefferson on Dues and Don’ts

Feinstein: Donald Trump and the Supreme Court’s future.

Showalter: You know things are bad for the left when they start calling each other racists.

Favish: There is something “fishy” about one of Trump’s SCOTUS nominees.

DeAngelis: Silent Obama sends a message.

Dodd: The forces of political hate are waxing. 

James: Maxine in Dunceland.

Smith: The Democrats are done pretending to be moderate.

Lowry: The tawdry and dumb “Nazi” charge.