Dr. Marie N. Robinson’s 1958 book, The Power of Sexual Surrender, explains that women need to surrender to a loving man in order to have a satisfying orgasm. By encouraging women to become “strong”, “independent” and wary of men, feminism is blocking their sexual fulfillment. As result, women become frustrated, angry, and compensate by becoming masculine.
In their crusade to destroy European Christian civilization, Cabalists (satanist Jews and Freemasons, i.e. Communists) exploit every division. When they couldn’t foment class war, they turned woman against man.
Under the guise of women’s, gay and tranny “rights,” heterosexuals are victims of a vicious satanic attack on their human identity. They are being re-engineered and they don’t even know it. A woman’s love of husband and child is divine. Only demonically possessed people would destroy it.
The Illuminati’s ultimate aim is to induct society into their satanic cult and to impose a veiled Communist police state.
Satanic cults are designed to exploit their members by corrupting and making them sick.
“The foundation of the Christian family is the sacrament of matrimony, the spring of all domestic and public morals. The anti-Christian societies [i.e. Illuminati] are opposed to the principle of home. When they have destroyed the hearth, the morality of society will perish.” Benjamin Disraeli (Lothair, 1870)
(Revised from July 25, 2015 and June 10, 2017)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Marie N. Robinson MD, a Cornell-educated psychiatrist devoted her New York City practice to the treatment of frigidity. Her book, The Power of Sexual Surrender (1958) online here, is a revealing study of the feminine psyche. It is out-of-print. Why? It is politically incorrect.
Dr. Robinson says that millions of American women suffer from frigidity. While she explores many different causes, she notes that frigid women universally adopt the feminist view. This view, that a career as a wife and mother is demeaning and men exploit women, creates an “emotional logjam” that obstructs sexual response and psychological development.
Dr. Robinson writes that a woman’s identity lies in an “essential feminine altruism.” Her self-expression and power are based on making her husband and children her first priority. Similarly, her sexual satisfaction and spiritual fecundity depend on self-surrender.
Robinson writes that “to millions of women, hostility towards the opposite sex seems almost a natural law. Although modern women may pay lip service to the ideal of a passionate and productive marriage to a man, underneath they deeply resent their role, and conceive of the male as fundamentally hostile to her, as an exploiter of her. She wishes in her deepest heart, and often without the slightest awareness of the fact, to supplant him, to exchange roles with him.” (emphasis mine 56)
Robinson says that if feminism had brought women happiness, the game might have been worth it.
“But it hasn’t been. The game has brought frigidity and restlessness and a soaring divorce rate, neurosis, homosexuality, juvenile delinquency all that results when a woman in any society deserts her true function.” (56)
Dr. Robinson writes that once the emotional “log jam” is removed, a woman’s natural instincts will flow and health will be restored. Essentially this involves “allowing herself to trust her husband in a very deep sense. It means that she finally realizes that she no longer has to fear or oppose his strength, but that she can rely on it to protect her, to give her the secure climate necessary for the full flowering of her femininity.” (153)
For a profound vaginal orgasm, Robinson writes, “The excitement comes from the act of surrender. There is a tremendous surging physical ecstasy in the yielding itself, in the feeling of being the passive instrument of another person…” (158)
On the other hand, the woman who mistrusts her husband’s love and, as a consequence, her own femininity has a “difficult, painful, frenetic” approach to life. She is at war with herself. In bed, she has to feel “in control all the time.”
Dr. Robinson says there is nothing in life more important than love. She believes marriage is the key to human development. The power of love is felt in the world through this relationship.
“Love means, in its very deepest sense union; union between individuals…It is the most basic and profound urge we have and its power for good is illimitable… the lover partner becomes as important as oneself…This fact is why real love never leads to domination or to a struggle for power…” (129)
Robinson says men and women are different by nature. Men are designed for mastery of the external (physical) world, and women for mastery of the internal (spiritual) world and the home. These are not social stereotypes, as feminists argue.
“Women are designed for duties different from those of the marketplace, another kind of stress entirely,” writes Robinson. They “tend to lose their essential womanliness if they stay [in the marketplace] by choice.” (149)
According to Robinson, “the feminist credo thoroughly discredited feminine needs and characteristics and substituted male goals for female goals.”(53)
“The depreciation of the goals of femininity, biological and psychological, became part and parcel of the education of millions of American girls. Homemaking, childbearing and rearing, cooking, the virtues of patience, lovingness, giving ness in marriage, have been systematically devalued. The life of male achievement has been substituted for the life of female achievement.” (55)
The significance of The Power of Sexual Surrender is profound.
By coercing women to abandon their femininity and usurp the male role, feminism throws a spanner in the natural heterosexual mechanism of humanity. Women have been deprived of their natural biological and social roles and condemned to loneliness and frustration. Similarly, men are deprived of the role of protector and provider essential to their development and fulfillment.
The triumph of such a wrongheaded ideology, and the suppression of the truth, signifies that control in the world has passed to a malignant force.
Robinson confirms my view that heterosexual union is based on an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. A woman who seeks power is neutering herself and her husband. She will not receive love from a man whose identity is based on power. She cannot love someone she competes with. He cannot love her. This is the dilemma of feminists today.
As Marie N. Robinson confirms, a woman loves by entrusting her power to the right man, her husband. He uses it to champion her interests. Thus she both empowers him and channels male power in a socially constructive direction. A woman’s real power is love, the power of self surrender.
Note: Sex therapist Kim Anami writes: “The game-changing factor that separates the girls from the women (or the clitoris from the vagina) is the ability to open up, drop your guard, and surrender. If you can’t do that, you won’t get there. These deeper, internal orgasms call on the deeper, internal parts of you. Your vulnerability, your authentic self–they need to be present. You can’t hide behind a wall. That’s why these orgasms are less likely to appear in casual sex situations. Or, if you have unresolved issues in the space between you and your partner. If anything is holding you back, you won’t get there.
Related– The Ego Epidemic Attacking Young Women
Makow – Womyn’s Protest Plea for Male Love
————— The Effect of Fatherlessness on Women