Brainwashing children into homosexuality.

A California school teacher sent me this today, he was given this by the teachers union.

A friend of mine is a teacher, this is the guidance he received from the teachers Union.

I’m receiving the following guidance from the teachers union:

  1. Put a rainbow flag in my classroom, and posters with obvious connotations and messages in support of homosexual and transgender students.
  2. Introduce myself by announcing my pronouns. Instruct my students to introduce themselves by announcing their pronouns.
  3. Explicitly ban any language in my classroom that might be perceived by anyone to potentially be racist, misogynistic, or anti-homosexual / anti-transsexual.
  4. Post personal pictures of family and friends that show homosexuals and transsexuals.
  5. Visit Web sites such as GLSEN and TREVOR Project, and implement their curriculum ideas.
  6. Use story books for younger students that have homosexual, transsexual, and interracial parents and adults, and adopted and foster children.
  7. Advocate for a school “coming out plan” in coordination with administrators.
  8. If a student “comes out” to me, assure that student that he or she is “safe” and that you’ll only share this with his or her parents or other staff with his or her permission. Be careful about which pronouns are used with respect to that student when communicating with parents.

ADL (Anti-Defamation League) doesn’t like me, that’s great, since they were started to defend Leo Frank, who murdered and raped 13 year old Mary Phagan in 1913!

Made the Major Leagues!!

Very excited!

The ADL doesn’t like me! Since it was founded to protect Child rapist and child murderer Leo Frank, I am ecstatic to have them as my enemy!

I strongly disavow the racial slurs and profanity used by others mentioned, including John Minedeo.

I am not associated with Proud Boys, Neo-Nazi’s, skinheads, GDL, or White Lives Matter. While I agree with some of what they say, I don’t know most of their leadership.

ADL tries to call us all “anti-semites, bigots, racists, white supremacists, Nazis” and will not allow any discussion.

Guess who funds the ADL? Jews, since 1913. You are not allowed to criticize Jewish wrongdoing in America.

At least they honestly repeated what I stated. Notice how they try to hide Jewish councilwoman Kaplan’s name in Sacramento.