A degenerate, pervert German Jew, Magnus Hirschfeld invented the word “racism”

A degenerate, pervert German Jew, Magnus Hirschfeld invented the word “racism”




Total Page Visits: 1888 - Today Page Visits: 4

2 Replies to “A degenerate, pervert German Jew, Magnus Hirschfeld invented the word “racism””

  1. More ignorant conspiracy theories and delusional bigotry.

    The Oxford English Dictionary’s first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902. Pratt was railing against the evils of racial segregation.

    Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.

  2. Who invented the term ‘conspiracy theorist’, dimwit?

    Stop running to Google to check out information. Who are the two founders of Google, slow one?

    Can you talk about how desegregation has benefited blacks and whites? Any objective data?

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