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Letter to Mayor and City Council of Vallejo, CA.

Dear Mayor, Men and Women of the City Council, City Staff, and fellow citizens,

The planners of the New World Order did not envision this conversation taking place.  They planned on Twitter and Facebook being the main forums of discussion for politics, and they would remove troublesome voices telling the truth, such as yours truly, which has largely worked.

Why any American is still on Twitter or Facebook, and why the City of Vallejo has Facebook and Twitter accounts is beyond me.

It’s pure stupidity.  You know fellow Americans are being banned on these platforms, which is a violation of our Free Speech rights, but you stupidly think it won’t happen to you?  Are you daft?  Get off those platforms right now.  And get rid of your televisions while you’re at it, it has been controlled information since its inception.

I want to begin by saying it’s difficult for me to strongly denounce any of you, because I have levels of appreciation for what the Mayor and members of the City Council have done.  I’m assuming you have achieved your leadership roles through your own determination and hard work, and had no assistance from secret societies, like the Freemasonry lodges, the Elks Lodge, Lions Club, Moose Lodge, or other Jew run organizations.  Vast majority of these clubs are unaware of Jewish control at the highest levels.

Incredible that this book is still on Amazon, but it nicely details the Jewish involvement in Freemasonry.

A very good read, considering Vallejo has had Freemason lodges for well over a century, and the first Freemason Lodge in California was first built in neighboring Benicia.

I have had good relationships with Council member Rozzana Verder-Aliga, Mayor McConnell, and Council Member Mina Diaz.  I have been treated courteously by you three, though when my First Amendment rights were publicly violated, none of you defended me, and Mayor McConnell actively promoted violating my First Amendment rights, by having police remove me, when I insisted on receiving the remainder of my speaking time, after being interrupted by a mob.  Simply because members of the audience have screaming fits over truthful criticism of Jewish wrongdoing, is not an excuse for my First Amendment rights to be trampled on.

As for the four new council members, I have high regard for Council member Matulac and Palmares, though I have seen little indication of public virtue or wisdom from either of you.  My estimation of you comes from the fact you appear to be diligent and hard working men with common sense.  Whether either of you has the bravery to stand up for right against massive opposition, an attribute that has been sorely lacking in members of the City Council for at least the last forty years, remains to be seen.

As for Council member Arriola, I was unimpressed by my one interaction with you on Facebook, where you scornfully dismissed my ideas that you didn’t bother to research or consider, you instead lazily rejected them.  Highly unimpressive.  Only a fool answers a matter they do not consider, as Proverbs 18:13 says.

And for Council Member Bregenzer, you are only on the City Council because of the woke agenda that elevates homosexuals like you into positions of leadership.  It’s Cultural Marxism, and it uses the most degenerate Americans, like you, to wage war on, and terrorize all wise and virtuous Americans.  This already happened in Communist Russia and China, and 100 million were slaughtered.  It’s high time people wake up so this same bloodshed doesn’t come to America.

However, let us proceed to the main issue.

For eleven years I have been attending City Council meetings, and opposing the city of Vallejo’s clear descent into corruption and tyranny.  My words have been ignored, interrupted, and attacked, and why wouldn’t they be?  The truth is a massive threat to the corrupt elites who loot Vallejo, California, and America daily.

I have managed to be very patient, and have been very magnanimous in overlooking the personal offenses done to me, rarely deciding to personally attack individuals in my public remarks.

However, that is about to change.  No longer will I accept that you are leaders who are simply ignorant, and that if you are told the truth, you will decide to change course.  Time tells all tales, and the tale of the last eleven years has clearly shown that few of you have any  intention of guiding Vallejo back to the virtuous and wise foundations she was founded upon.  

Now, you will be held accountable.  If you wish to be leaders, you now will be held fully responsible.  I know the tactics.  You have your victim groups that march up to City Hall causing mayhem, and you meekly cower in your seats and claim to be powerless.  Well you aren’t.  If you cannot uphold order in Vallejo, you need to resign.  Let others do the job you either cannot or will not do.

One of the most vocal victim groups, are the grieving relatives of many of the 19 men shot and killed by Vallejo police in the last twenty years.  Of course, every human with a heart wishes the deceased were still here, but, that means you need to train your police force better, so the entire city isn’t interrupted by the terrible results of the incompetence of the police.  And, you need to revise your hiring standards.  You are nearly forty officers short, needing 120, having just over 80, and what police officer wants to work in a city where police are commanded to arbitrarily trample on citizens free speech rights, and then are terrorized by thugs?  Vallejo, as nearly every big American city, has a problem with black crime.  

Black men make up 6% of the population of America, yet, make up 50-75% of all violent crime, rapes,  and murders, mostly black on black.  This is largely due to the machinations of the bankers, who introduced illiteracy and illegitimacy in the black community with the bogus Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s, quickly followed by Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “War on Poverty”, incentivizing black women to kick black men out of the home to get welfare.  This was followed by the bankers funding rap music in the 1970’s, leading to role models for the black community lionizing drugs, promiscuity, and violence.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to be able to predict the resultant chaos, and when it came, the same bankers who plotted the disaster, quickly stepped in with their media to sensationalize how “racist” America is to blacks.  They have been planning on using the black community as their victim group for their Communist Revolution for well over 100 years. They knew they couldn’t destroy America with the Marxist tactics they used on the largely unarmed and illiterate peasants of Russia and China, so they knew they would have to use race and the other diversions of Cultural Marxism.

Now, there are three recent actions in the last four years that have caused me to rethink my approach.  First is your response to the coronavirus hoax plandemic, second is your response to the George Floyd rioting in Vallejo, and lastly, is your response to the requests to post “Black Lives Matter” mural on the street in front of City Hall.

These must be addressed in a letter, as it would take far too long to discuss this individually with each of you, and I’d be here for the next three years trying to lay this out in the three minutes I’m allotted for public comment in community forum.

First, the coronavirus was a planned disruption of the United States, of that there can be no doubt.

Plenty of evidence there, and it’s likely the coronavirus, as predicted in the book “The Invisible Rainbow”, was a direct result of 5G towers being turned on.  Ask yourself, if 5G towers and vaccines are so safe, why are we unable to sue telecommunication companies and vaccine companies?

Anyone who follows the money knows the United Nations (UN) was set up BEFORE the end of World War 2, by the same Jewish bankers who had rigged the war, rigging Pearl Harbor ( ) to engineer Americas entry into the war.  And they were the same bankers rigging World War 1, plotting the sinking of the Lusitania (, to engineer Americas entry into that war, and failing to obtain their previous “League of Nations”, their precursor to the United Nations.  Out of spite, they loaded Germany up with disastrous reparations, leading to economic ruin for Germany after World War 1.  This set the stage for World War 2, and this time they got their United Nations.

The U.N. Is over the World Health Organization (WHO), which must immediately call  into question the legitimacy of both organizations and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  All three organizations are a farce, are completely unaccountable to the elected public they are supposed to represent, and are simply organizations used by shadow rulers to rule the world.

So, all of the mandates to wear masks and to get vaccines were totally bogus, and yet, four of you went along with the charade.  Mayor McConnell, Council members Diaz, Verder-Aliga, and Arriola, why were you so naive and gullible?  Why didn’t you oppose these tyrannical actions?  I came to a City Council Meeting in March of 2020, and I told you then that this was bogus, I sent numerous emails, and you did what you nearly always do.  Stony silence, stubborn rejection, and an insistence on following the wrong course of action.  The entire City of Vallejo was thrown into confusion because of the lack of wisdom and courage from you, the leaders who are supposed to guide and protect us?!  Who cares that the lying media, television, radio, Vallejo Times Herald, and corporations were screaming for masks and vaccines, they all are controlled by the same people. Speaking of vaccines, they have always been about depopulation, for their entire history.  Smallpox, mumps, and measles were already on their way out before vaccines were introduced, due to better sanitation.

Moving on, the City of Vallejo was severely disrupted by the media induced George Floyd rioting.  The media never focuses on the fact that we have a problem with black crime, thoroughly documented in these two books, both by the recently deceased Colin Flaherty, “Don’t make the black kids angry”, and “White Girl Bleed a Lot”.  

‘Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry:’ The hoax of black victimization and …


Instead, they constantly ignore black on white crime, which makes up 90% of all black/white violent crime and murders.  But they will sensationalize Rodney King, George Floyd, and many others.  They do it in Vallejo too.  The Vallejo Times Herald has little to nothing to say about the thousands of victims of violent black crime in Vallejo over the last ten years, but they screech bloody murder when Willie McCoy falls asleep in a car with a loaded stolen gun in his lap, and is shot by Vallejo police when he wakes up and reaches for it.

In nearly every Democrat city in America, the police hide the massively disproportional rates of black males committing murder, violent crime, and rape.  We are then told that it’s “racist” to mention these facts.  But, it’s not “racist” to silently cover up the cries of innocent victims of all races of these hardened criminals.  

Totally bogus.  I understand people being deceived by the lying Jewish media, television, radio, schools, newspapers, and internet social media algorithms, but, you are supposed to be leaders.  I was deceived by this disinformation too, just a decade ago.  I remember being relieved in 2008 when Obama was elected President, because poor deceived me believed that maybe now black men wouldn’t be killed by police.  I didn’t realize a black man is 18 times more likely to kill a police officer than to be killed by them.

Lastly, is your response to the requests for a “Black Lives Matter” mural in front of City Hall.  Your response should have been to acknowledge that all lives matter, that no police injustice should ever happen.  I never heard you say one peep about Kelly Thomas being killed, a white man.  It’s doubtful you know about him, because the Jewish media has criminalized whites.

You should have done your research, and learned that all victim groups, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL, started to defend the guilty child rapist and murderer Leo Frank in 1913,, the NAACP (Founded around 1913 by Jewish bankers trying to use blacks as a victim group), the ACLU (founded by Jewish bankers to attack Christianity), and Black Lives Matter, are nearly all funded by Jewish bankers.

Black Lives Matter is admittedly communist.

Communism murdered 100 million worldwide in 100 years.  It’s the biggest death machine in world history, so why are you allowing Cultural Marxism, a Communist variant into Vallejo?

You did nothing to avert or stop the George Floyd rioting, and we had to have the NATIONAL GUARD called into Vallejo!!! Do you feel any remorse or guilt over that?  You are at fault, because you actively promoted, for the three on the City Council longer than four years, this black victimization myth.  

I would like to talk individually with every member of the City Council, preferably in person, to review your response to this massive negligence on your part.  If you can admit your fault publicly, and pledge to listen in the future, and to stop participating in this Marxist agenda, then we will have peace.  But if not, to borrow the misguided oft-used motto of the deceived protesters at Vallejo City Hall, “No Justice, No Peace”.  

If we cannot reasonably resolve your egregious past errors which you never corrected, then, I’ll be forced to publicly denounce you, as you were warned in private, and refused to hear it.  Of course, you will be supported by the usual deceived rabble rousers in the audience, but only fools care for their opinions.

Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you, 


Ryan Messano

1 comment
  1. Thank you! Well said. Now ask them about the 15 minute city agenda and the C-40. These are prisons designed to take our freedom away. I did and got no response. They are all compromised. Probably got caught with a goat or a child.

    We will not back down to the Nazi’s.

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