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Judy Mikovits — Vaccinated Billions are Pharma “Customers for Life”
September 28, 2021 https://www.brighteon.com/embed/4e0bdf1b-c0a8-4bd0-b777-ad610fabcea7
“We knew the spike protein, alone, the envelope protein, alone is the disease, so they can all backtrack because they just injected everyone in the world with a synthetic deadly virus. They injected the poison. The word ‘virus’ means ‘poison’ and they injected it into everybody in the world, so they can back off now, because they’ve accomplished their end game. You will have customers for life and you will succeed at mass-murder.
The biggest vaccination campaign in history is underway. As of Sept. 27, more than 6.17 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries, to about 40% of the world’s population. The latest rate was roughly 31.7 million doses a day. In the U.S., 390 million doses have been given so far. In the last week, an average of 716,762 doses per day were administered.
Natural NewsFauci Behind Every Epidemic Since 1984
Dr Judy Mikovits is dismayed that despite all of her best efforts to warn people for the past year and the best efforts of people like Dr Luc Montagnier, Dr Dolores Cahill, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and many others who predicted this mass murder, and yet it happened, anyway.
“100 million Americans have been injected with a synthetic virus with…the most dangerous spike protein, consisting of HIV, XMRV and SARS.”
She reminds us that the lab origins of the current pandemic are hardly novel; that every “pandemic” has had lab origins since 1984, when Anthony Fauci started working at the NIAID, starting with AIDS.
“HIV/AIDS; you’ll remember the story of how we were lied to by Tony Fauci, Bob Gallo, the people at the top of NIH, CDC, FDA, even then. So the scenario, the game plan is exactly the same…
“We knew the spike protein, alone, the envelope protein, alone is the disease, so they can all backtrack, because they just injected everyone in the world with a synthetic deadly virus. They injected the poison. The word ‘virus’ means ‘poison’ and they injected it into everybody in the world, so they can back off now, because they’ve accomplished their end game. You will have customers for life and you will succeed at mass-murder.
“You’re going to kill everyone with HIV, you’re going to kill the 6% of America that had XMRV, when we were supposedly debunked. Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus is the mouse’s syncytin gene. So we knew the mouse virus was in everybody from the vaccines. We knew the flu vaccine put people at risk of dying of COVID…what I think what everybody has to wake up to is NEVER, EVER, EVER get another shot and we will never, ever, ever see another pandemic.
“We’ve been creating these in our labs my entire career. This was my job.”
She says their motivation is “To kill people and cover up these crimes. Remember, they’re cremating people, so you can’t realize it was the vaccine strain, so you can’t realize that we were right in 2011, in 1984…
“When our paper, that was ultimately published in Science, in October of 2009…and the entire upper echelons of the government realized that these things were coming out of our laboratories and they re-wrote history then. They called it…an ‘unintended spread of a Biosafety Level 2 contaminant.’
“It’s not ‘Biosafety Level 2’, when it’s contagious cancer, contagious prostate cancer, contagious ovarian cancer, lung cancer! And who are the people now, who they’re inoculating? We never inoculated an AIDS patient! They have an acquired immune dysfunction or deficiency! They can’t make an appropriate antibody or immune response of any kind, that’s why they’re sick. So why, now would you inject them, if the intention is now to kill them and call it ‘COVID’ – it’s not COVID! You created the cancer. You created the disease and now you’re murdering the victims to cover up your crimes…
“We’ve been lied to for 40 years…[HIV] was spread by a Hepatitis vaccination program with a contaminated vaccine. Who dies in the first wave of HIV? All the people that had HIV and XMRV; mouse viruses from a contaminated blood supply. This is what our book showed…
You can’t mix animal tissue, aborted fetal tissue; that you’re actually injecting into the most vulnerable people another animal’s virome.