Uncategorized Hope That Someday Huey Long Will Return At some point as kleptocratic faux democracy and it’s equally faux economy crashes and burns in the U.S.,… byRyan MessanoSeptember 11, 2021
Politics Joe Biden Is Not Incompetent – He Is Doing Exactly What He Was Hired To Do: Collapse America oe Biden is a man in obvious cognitive decline. But he is not crazy, stupid or incompetent. Biden knows… byRyan MessanoSeptember 11, 2021
The Media Osama bin Laden Consistently Denied Any Responsibility for 9/11 Osama bin Laden Consistently Denied Any Responsibility for 9/11 A few days after the attack he said: “I… byRyan MessanoSeptember 11, 2021
Jewish People The Foundation and Development of British-Judeo Bankster Money Power n his classic work Imperialism, a Study, J.A. Hobson (1858-1940) argued that “men of a single and peculiar race, who… byRyan MessanoSeptember 11, 2021
Freemasonry What a Good “Reset” Would Look Like As usual, Cabalist Jews have overreached.They have discredited themselves with the Afghanfiasco, the scamdemic and the mandatory “vaccines.”We… byRyan MessanoSeptember 11, 2021