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Makow- The Social Contract is Broken


What is now happeningin the US mirrorsthe 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.
Will it be followed by aRed Terror?  

“This is the test. If Trump retains the Presidency, he is a genuine American patriot. But if he doesn’t, it means he took a fall because he is beholden to the same people as the Communists.”

by Henry Makow PhD
The social contract guarantees personal freedom, democracy, and justice in exchange for the obligations of citizenship. “No taxation without representation” was the battle cry of the American Revolution. 
This contract has been severed by two world-changing events:
1. The upgrading of the common flu to a “pandemic” in order to rob millions of their livelihoods and enact drastic, political, social, and economic changes outlined in UN Agenda 21. Include the preposterous idea that they can vaccinate the whole world against an ailment with no symptoms and a minuscule death rate. And exclude you from society unless you submit to a vaccination which is no different than rape.


2. The blatant theft of the 2020 US Presidential election with the complicity of the mass media, corporate America, Dept. of Justice, the FBI, and possibly Trump himself. Communists have been rigging elections around the world for decades. It is very hard to believe that Trump did not know that George Soros’ Antifa was counting the vote. 
What does this mean? We have been egregiously betrayed.
Clearly, a Communist one-world government is already in place. It is based at the UN, the WHO, the US Demonrat Party, and China. It seeks total control over our lives combined with total surveillance. 
They have imposed an identical covid template worldwide: masks, social distancing, lockdowns, remote learning, plexiglass, floor signs, etc.  
The Masonic Jewish (Satanist) central banking cartel is behind all of this. They control all corporations; this is why their advertising promotes homosexuality, white displacement, and miscegenation instead of just a product. 
The ultimate goal is outlined in The Protocols of Zion, to dispossess and enslave humanity, starting with Europeans. 

We gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us. They create the medium of exchange, our “money” out of nothing as a debt to themselves. We could do this ourselves debt-and-interest-free. They intend to extend this monopoly over our credit into a monopoly over our souls. This cancer is the source of our problems.


If Biden assumes power, we can kiss civilization goodbye. We’ll see reality turned upside down; truth, reason, merit, and justice will be replaced by Communist shibboleths designed to destroy us. 

The American equivalent of the Bolshevik Revolution is happening right now. You can bet that if Biden gets confirmed, people who voted for Trump will be persecuted. Read James Perloff’s article, “Do Americans Face a Red Terror?”     Read what the Cheka did.  The Demonrats have already made noises about exacting revenge and reeducating 70 million Americans. What if they decide it is easier to kill them? I am sounding an alarm here. If Biden is confirmed, they’ll come after Conservatives.
Unfortunately, Trump may be a Kerensky figure, a midwife to Communism. Like Kerensky, Trump is a Freemason. Communism and Zionism are the two pincers of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is the instrument of Organized Jewry, which is controlled by the Rothschilds.  
Are we kidding ourselves? Trump is in favor of mass vaccinations. He allowed Bill Gates and Fauci to commit this atrocity. 

Is this man seriously interested in preserving freedom? Trump supports what Israel is doing to Palestinians, what Saudis are doing to Yemenese. He menaces Iran on Israel’s behalf.
This is our defense against tyranny?
This is the test. If Trump retains the Presidency, he is a genuine American patriot. But if he doesn’t, it means he took a fall because he is beholden to the same people as the Communists.
Civilization is hanging by a thread. A New York Jewish gangster is our only defence against a Dark Winter for eternity.
See why I am anxious?

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