The Dems plan to steal the Presidency

It comes as a stark and frightening realization that the Democrats are not the idiots they appear to be. Stark, because they tried to use the Steele Dossier, a folder full of ridiculous and easily debunked rumor and imaginative narrative, to at first steal an election and then, depose a president. And they are now trying to convince Americans that “law and order” Trump, who has decried the riots from the beginning and offered federal support to Democrat-run cities and states to stop them, is somehow now responsible for all the destruction and violence. It is obvious they think Americans are the stupid ones.

It is frightening because the realization comes with an understanding that the Democrats have a many-faceted plan to steal the Presidential Election, now less than two months away.

They tried everything in Trump’s first term, from the aforementioned dossier to the “phone call” impeachment. None of it worked. Then, the disease from the despicable Chinese befell America. It was a tragedy for America but a stroke of luck for Democrats.

They have used the pandemic to so frighten the nation into serial semi-permanent shutdowns intended to so immiserate Americans through the destroyed economy as to cost Trump the election. And mephitic Dems have tried to blame their intention to maintain perpetual lockdowns on Trump’s mismanagement of COVID.

The rioting was another fortuitous opportunity for Dems. With the coopting of the BLAME (Black, Latin, Antifa, and Minority Excluded) agenda as their own, they hoped to keep support for the rioting high enough to continue through the election, thereby allowing the Dems to use the rioters as stormtroopers at the polls in November to deny Trump voters their right to vote. Of course, they mistook sympathy for a cause as support for the violence and destruction and are only now coming to the epiphany that would seem to have obvious non-epiphany status to non-morons: People don’t like their lives, families, property, and livelihoods threatened by violent anarchists who will never be pleased no how much they are given.

Oh… and Americans as a group are loath to surrender to outsiders breaking and burning their stuff as they prosecute bodily harm to their loved ones. And now that the polls are turning against the rioters, it may seem idiotic that the Dems are trying to blame Trump for the riotous havoc laying waste to our cities they have fomented and excused for months, if not years.

Yet, it is all part of their plan.

Apart from having Antifa intimidate at the polls, the Biden Campaign has hired hundreds of lawyers to supposedly prevent Trump from stealing the election, but who, in reality, are intended to muck up with legal technicalities and lawsuits what is looking more and more to be a Trump landslide. At least until they “find in someone’s trunk” or manufacture enough votes to turn the election.

Republicans have always seemed remarkably flaccid in their response to these “lost” and “found” votes always being cast for the Democrat.

As Angelo M. Codevilla warned:

“Consider the 2020 election. In July, the Democratic National Committee engaged some 600 lawyers to litigate the outcome, possibly in every state. No particular outcome of such litigations is needed to set off a systemic crisis. The existence of the litigations themselves is enough for one or more blue state governors to refuse to certify that state’s electors to the Electoral College, so as to prevent the college from recording a majority of votes for the winner. In case no winner could be confirmed by January’s Inauguration Day, the 20th Amendment provides that Congress would elect the next president. Who doubts that, were Donald Trump the apparent winner, and were Congress in Democratic hands, that this would be likelier than not to happen?”

COVID is essential for this as well because Dems are going to maintain that since Democrats believe in science and the Chinese flu is more dangerous than ever, most Biden supporters will elect to vote by mail and with the vote totals known early on Election Day, Dems will know exactly how many votes they will need to “harvest” in the days succeeding the election to steal the election.

In addition, look for the fabled “October Surprise.” For instance, the NY attorney general will probably attempt to charge Trump with some imaginary crime before election day. It is common knowledge a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, and there is no bigger ham than Trump — all they need do is make the sandwich.

If they have problems vote-harvesting enough votes to steal the election, Dems will, as they did in 2016, roll out media heads, celebrities, and prominent Democrats to convince members of the Electoral College not to award their votes to Trump. This time they will coerce through doxing, violence, economic intimidation, tweetstorm, and social media ostracism to impel electors to award their votes to Biden.

Of course, they will facilitate illegals voting as well as people illegally voting more than once. And then, there are the Democrats’ strongest supporters, the dead, and the almost dead, whose ballots they will complete and deliver for them. Talk about vote harvesting…

Americans need to be aware of the harassment they will receive from Democratic Party paramilitary members at the polls and be prepared.

Trump must have a plan in place to fight for this victory and organize a resistance to the Democrats installing Joe Biden as president.

The author can be found on Twitter @williamlgensert

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