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Wednesday, December 19th, 2018

Hayes: Once invisible, now exposed.

Boycott-hit Chick-Fil-A flying high in fast food rankings.

Gordon: FBI abused the law to keep Flynn from using his right to keep silent.

Lifson: Flynn sentencing hearing devolved into a fiasco.

Mill: The evidence coming out of the Flynn case makes Mueller look worse and worse.

Clancy: The Gospel according to Nancy, no borders, kill babies.

Walter Williams: FDA policies kill.

Fed raises rates.

Opponents of the Cotton amendment to ‘prison reform’ bill exposed the whole lie.

Parker: Trump’s important new Africa strategy.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Biopic ‘On the basis of sex’ latest Hollywood film with Chinese backing.

Walsh, a judge says cops have no duty to protect kids in a school shooting.  This is why we need the 2nd Amendment.

Chicago Tribune: Gun control not the solution for American Firearm deaths.

Markovsky: Ideas of socialism, transcend time.

Sobieski: If a Green Beret is a war criminal, so is Obama.

Stone: Going to Yale makes women rich, but only if they marry – and other studies women should see.

Gonzalez: Why President Trump is right to consider pardoning Green Beret Matthew Golsteyn.

Shupe:  Criminal records show women are prudent to  not want men in their restrooms.

Lifson: Hall of Shame: Advertisers sign up for boycott of Tucker Carlson for telling the truth about illegal immigration.

Davis: Trump administration’s new ‘bump stock ban’ is a legal abomination.

75% of Americans deal with loneliness. Wisdom helps.

Exercise as good as drugs in cutting high blood pressure.

Actor: Tech savvy teens have the capacity to vote.

Saudi man in Oklahoma admits to attending Al-Queda terror camp, Visa fraud.

Massie: GOP secured $100 billion for hurricane relief, can’t find $5 billion for a wall.

After Trump’s cave, Freedom Caucus to launch last stand on border wall.

Dietrich: The Congressional Accountability act won’t solve the problem of sexual harassment in Congress.

Shapiro: The left’s war on parenting.

Beware the Big Tech backlash.

Showalter: Sweet revenge on McCain’s: Martha McSally to take old man’s Senate seat.

Brown: The Oscar worldview.

Feinstein: It’s been a good year.

Gottfried: Burying the Weekly Standard.

Williamson: Learning the real lesson of Obamacare.

Payton: How Mark Twain created the Great American Hero.

Man tries cashing real paycheck, bank calls cops.

Hemingway: The Federalist’s favorite books of 2018.

Moran: Hackers broke into sensitive EU communication network and stole thousands of secret cables.

Moran: U.S. pledges $10.6 billion in aid to Central America and Mexico.

Showalter: Rep. Dan Crenshaw shows class again.

Lifson: Ocasio-Cortez garners media rebuke.

Jimmy Kimmel skit says Ted Cruz should be in hell.


Breitbart comment:


No Conjugal Visits.

No Weight Rooms.

No Law Library.

No Television.

No Early Release without a public hearing.
Sustainable Prison – No Cost to Tax Payers :

Grow their own food. (A learned skill & work)

Job programs that pay for their keep –

Give back their cost to society through prison work program.
~Prison is NOT for “rehabilitation.”

PRISON is intended to RE-Pay the Convicted Criminal’s debt to society.

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