Thursday, August 9th, 2018

Hawkins: The Liberal hate for white people should cost them big at the ballot box.

Federer: Indian Missionaries were critical in settling the West.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Ancient war between the Press and the President.

Curry: the Pitiful roots of Anti-Americanism.

Man arrested at New Mexico compound is son of imam with possible link to 1993 World Trade Center bombing

Why Resurrecting The Old Stories Of Confederates, Cowboys, And Indians Will Do America Good

LaRue: Trump and the media war.

Harsanyi: Social Media Giants shouldn’t be arbiters of free speech.

Giuliani on Russia Investigation: ‘It’s Going to Blow Up’ on Mueller

Cashill: The Big Lie in Jay-Z’s Trayvon series, Part 2.

Farah: First they came for Alex Jones.

Treacher: It’s a Mistake to ‘Deplatform’ Alex Jones (Or Anybody Else)

Antifa Prof Who Bashed Trump Supporter in Head with Bike Lock at Berkeley Given Slap on Wrist

MacDonald: Sarah Jeong is a typical boring product of the American Academy.

Trump’s Welfare Ban On Immigrants Would Save Americans $57 Billion

Chastain: What the liberal media won’t admit about South Africa.

Brown: Every Customer of Planet Fitness needs to read this.

Holy War: Franklin Graham shreds Vile Media.

Elder: NY Times hires left wing bigot for editorial board.

Farah: President Trump, Google must be stopped.

Coulter: Sarah Jeong better drive carefully.

Female terrorists 4 times deadlier than men.

Russians could have ‘thrown the power switch’ on U.S. power grid.

D’Souza: Left set to exploit ‘Unite the right’ again.

Drunk driver tells cops she is a ‘clean, thoroughbred white girl’.

Professor Allegedly Assaults YouTuber Who Slammed Social Justice Gaming

Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Fell and Inflation Ticked Down, Suggesting Strong U.S. Economy Unfazed by Trade War

MAGA vs. CNN: How Trump Supporters Debated Trump Regretters, Then Came Together Afterwards

Ohio Race Just Got Even Closer as Hundreds of Uncounted Votes Discovered

Hunter: Are journalists the enemy of the People?

Schlichter: The Elite freaks out when Trump puts Americans first.

Chumley: Censorship has no part in the American Story.

Chumley: Michigan Muslim emerges as next Anti-Trumping tool of the left.

Fields: Women rise to defy the sleaze-slingers

Atlanta charter school cuts Pledge of Allegiance from morning schedule

Defiant China draws spotlight away from Trump’s progress in trade talks

Dunphy: the Real Reasons for Chicago’s deadly crime wave.

French: The Great White Cultural War.

Memo to Google: Don’t go back to China.

Master: Liberal media, keep up the false predictions.

Bernie Sanders once agreed with Trump on media.

FDA contract buying ‘fresh’ baby parts.

Dr. Singleton: Mission Possible: Saving freedom in health care.

Adams: Life, Death, and Moral inconsistencies.

Trailer for Michael Moore’s Trump documentary ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ released: Watch

Thomas: Advice for the President

Michael Moore: Trump last president of USA.

South Carolina Churches shrinking.

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