Sobieski: The Democrats IT cover up scandal.
A glimpse inside George Soros’ Open Society Foundations
McGowan and Argento inadvertently explain Bourdain’s suicide.
Dems lament SCOTUS decision keeping voter rolls more honest.
Greenwald: Dem view of identity politics appears cynical.
One third of Americans take meds with depressive side effects.
Primary night: MAGA candidates win big.
Victor Davis Hanson: The bad Iran deal was always going to get worse.
Proof: Leftist haters set rules at Amazon.
Farah: De Niro: Shut up and act!
Star Parker: Why can’t we fix Social Security and Medicare?
Vanished: Government records faced wholesale destruction under Obama.
Proof: Obama sent U.S. Tax dollars to defeat Bibi.
Malkin: NYC’s war on academic excellence.
Sheriff Clarke: Memo to Congress: do your job!
Walter Williams; Diversity and Inclusion Harm.
Prof warns Christians are theocratizing Constitution.
Foodstamp level falls to lowest in 8 years.
Judge gives media mania green light.
Trump credits Warmbier death as impetus for N. Korea summit.