Top 20 cities for adultery all voted Democrat in the 2016 election.
Trump pushes back on News media hysteria on children at border, calls news media “treasonous”.
Same Sex Wedding cakes case headed back to SCOTUS!
Supreme Smackdown: Must get warrant to track cell phone
Jim Jordan: We are prepared to impeach Rosenstein if he doesn’t comply with document requests.
R.I.P. Charles Krauthammer, beloved Conservative commentator.
From the Archives: Ten great Charles Krauthammer columns.
Charles Krauthammer: Critic in Chief.
TIME magazine’s shocking cover is a total lie. No wonder American’s don’t trust the media.
Federer: Why Revolutionary War wasn’t simply a regime change.
Buchanan: Has the West the will to survive?
Poll: Majority say parents to blame for border crisis, not government.
Escalation: Protesters surround DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s home.
Trump official rips federal regulations at “Drain the Swamp” cabinet meeting.
What if Gen. Flynn didn’t lie?
Treacher: Rules don’t apply to you if you are really angry.
Klimas: the real lesson of the Inspector General’s report.
Sobieski: Hillary and the children.
Hoff: Tommy Robinson’s last stand.
Ragesistance: Scarborough: Trump using rhetoric out of Hitler’s playbook.
MSNBC’s Deutsch: Trump voters at the border like Nazi’s.
7 recent lies from media on emotion driven immigration debate.
Walsh: There isn’t any nice or pleasant way to enforce the immigration law.
Shapiro at Newsweek: Why millennials are falling behind.
Leftwing’s PC gambits backfiring.
U.S. median age reaches an all time high of 38!
Nearly 400 people used California assisted death law in 2017.
Journalist: Washington Compost killed my story over retweet.
Tom Arnold say’s he’s teaming with Michael Cohen to take down Trump.
Arnold say’s Cohen has all the tapes.
OPEC strikes deal on oil production.
Inside the trials of Johnny Depp.
Thirty years on, how well do Global Warming predictions stand up?
Bill Gates engineered mosquitos to kill each other using sex.
U.S. faces unprecedented threat from China on tech takeover.
Mueller calls out NY Slimes, Washington compost over irresponsible reporting.
Poll: Nearly 5 in 9 Americans say U.S. should not become a migrant camp.
Watch: Don Lemon to Colbert, Border policy about whites losing their privilege.
Politico just ran the single stupidest story ever. It’s about Stephen Miller. In third grade.
Williamson: Enforce immigration law, or change it.
Mercer: Trump valiantly tried to save America.
Holbrook: Time for a history lesson about gun control.
Barone: SCOTUS’s Bartleby decision.
“Sex worker” seeks to destigmatize “sex work” in society. Ummm, No thanks.
Carroll: All campus speech codes are incompatible with the First Amendment and should be abolished.
Start here to discover the joys of reading to your child.
Alton: Why isn’t personal finance taught in the public school system.