My ministry is in obedience to what God has commanded older women to teach young women in Titus 2:3-5, namely biblical womanhood. I teach them to be sober, chaste, modest, discreet, keepers at home, and good, with meek and quiet spirits. I teach wives to love, submit to, obey, and reverence their husbands, and mothers to love their children. I encourage all women who love the Lord to become the women that He has called us to become with His Spirit working mightily within us.

I teach my convictions which come from God’s Word. I realize that I am not always right, but my goal is to encourage women to wisely ponder their ways in biblical terms rather than in culture’s depraved ways. I try to adhere closely to what God has specifically commanded me to teach from His Word, not forcing my opinions on anyone but giving my readers what God has placed on my heart to share. I deeply love the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. Feel free to learn from me or pass on by. Thank you!

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:3-5

The Way We Live Now – The Destruction of Art


A film based on a Victorian novel 

about the depredations

of a Jewish banker is a reminder
that art used to be relevant

and true.  Art today has been 

kneecapped by political correctness

which is Communist (Satanist) indoctrination. 

The Commies call this “agitprop.”

The role of art is to uplift society by educating and inspiring. 

We are deliberately starved of genuine intellectual and spiritual nourishment. 

from Aug 9, 2012
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Starved for entertainment that describes “the way we live now?”

You may have to return to 1875 when Anthony Trollope’s published a novel with that title. 

A four-part BBC miniseries (2001) based on it depicts the depredations on British society of a Jewish banker, “Augustus Melmotte.” It shows his effect on people eager to protect their values, yet vulnerable to temptation (i.e. greed.)

 Melmotte is a shady figure, recently arrived from Frankfurt via Vienna trailing rumors of bank collapses and swindles. He quickly establishes himself in London as the go-to man for investment and profit.


His emotionally-needy daughter Marie attracts spendthrift aristocrats. 


Sir Felix Carbury, a laughable wastrel is first in line for Marie’s affections (left.)

Paul Montague, an earnest young English engineer seeks Melmotte’s backing for a railroad running from Salt Lake City to Vera Cruz in Mexico.

 Melmotte floats the company on the London Stock Exchange without any intention of actually building the railway.

There is a marvellous scene where Melmotte lectures his (gentile) Board of Directors on the profit motive, which “moves mountains and changes the world.” He advises them to put their last shilling in railway shares for it will quadruple!

“Just trust me!” he says. The effect on them is intoxicating.

Melmotte runs for office and his hustings speech is both intoxicating and prescient:

“We have had the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. These will all be replaced by the Empire of Trade. The result will be untold wealth for all of you!” 

Melmotte is elected to Parliament where he champions free trade to the detriment of local industries.

Screenwriter Andrew Davies marvelled at the novel’s timeliness: “It’s so dark and so modern in its tone, and centered around a city scam that reminds one of the dot-com collapse or the recent Enron scandal. And in the middle is this huge monster, Melmotte, sitting like a fat spider, drawing all the other characters into his great scheme.”PaulMontague returns from Mexico disgusted that no work has been done. Melmotte assures him that maintaining “public confidence is the main thing.”  We see the recurring Cabalist themethat “saying is believing,” not seeing.

Rob Byrdon plays “Mr. Alf” a crusading newspaperman who confronts Melmotte: “You don’t move mountains. All you move is money, from other pockets into your own!”

There are many romantic subplots that involve marrying for love vs. money, a Victorian preoccupation. In one, the daughter of a struggling English aristocrat is about to marry another Jewish banker when he drops her.

“I’ve been jilted by a Jew!” she exclaims in disbelief.

Generally speaking, the miniseries is not anti-Semitic although it pokes fun at the Jews’ lack of grace and manners. However, it is just as scathing in its criticism of the decadent English aristocracy.  

In the end, Melmotte’s love-starved daughter, Marie, is quite sympathetic. And Melmotte’s Jewish associates Breghert and Croll are portrayed as honorable men.

Ultimately, the novel/miniseries is an inspired preview of the overthrow of traditional values by the satanic reductionism of profit championed by Jewish finance.  It is hard to believe that this novel was written before the Panama Scandal of 1892 and the Marconi Scandal of 1912.

David Suchet (of Hercules Poirot fame) is convincing as Melmotte and Mathew Macfadyen is a hoot as the wastrel Felix Carbury.

I highly recommend this miniseries as a heartening reminder of art when it upheld truth and enduring wisdom. The BBC today is nothing but the propaganda wing of the Melmotte party. 


The Way We Live Now was available on Netflix

Related : Makow – “Anti Semitic” Movie Flew Under the Radar An example of how films that address reality honestly are suppressed and their makers marginalized. Makow – 20 Great movies that bombed at the box office Matt’s 200 Favorites

Sacramento PD being slandered as racist, massive crime problem being ignored by Sacramento Mayor, City Council

Why are we hearing the race of those filing complaints against police, but we aren’t hearing the race of those accused, arrested, and convicted of rape, violent crimes, and murders, and other crimes? You can look all over Google and you won’t find the race of those committing violent crimes, murders, and rapes in Democrat states and cities in America. Disgusting dishonesty.

This is deliberate deceit and it happens in Democrat cities across America, you destabilize the cities by ignoring race stats on criminals, but you emphasize race statistics in complaints or wrongdoing allegations against police. So you emphasize police wrongdoing by the race of victims, but you hide the race of criminals harming innocent people. Extremely wicked!

A good book is War on cops Heather Macdonald

There were 770,000 interactions with police and public in the last two years. So, if you have less than 60 issues that are disputed or agreed upon wrongdoing, you are doing very well!

Another point is the Sacramento Mayor City council has violated the First Amendment Rights of myself and others on at least ten occasions in the last two months. How can you oversee a police force, when you are violating the most basic civil right, the First amendment of citizens right in City hall? You actually had an Antifa thug violently attack my friends and I, on camera, May 23rd, at the City Council meeting, and you did nothing about it! Councilwoman Kaplan ended a meeting because “she didn’t feel safe”. So her feelings caused her to violate the First Amendment Rights of dozens of members of the community.

I think it’s great you want to be sure the police are doing their job, now why don’t you spend more time on the thousands of innocent crime victims in California, victims of murder, rape, theft, violent crime, robbery and more? Sacramento, California, and America have serious crime problems, and there are two root factors. 90% of your criminals in jail have these two factors in common.

Fatherlessness and functional illiteracy.

Letter to Sacramento City Council requesting removal of Keyan Bliss, and his being banned from future Council meetings.

Dear Mayor and Council members,

We are now in talks with lawyers to sue Sacramento for at least a few million dollars for your continued and blatant violation of the rights of American citizens.

We have video footage of members of Antifa violently attacking us, unprovoked. We have video footage at the last meeting of Councilmembers Loloee, Kaplan, and Valenzuela inciting Keyan Bliss, who is paid by the city, to interrupt the meeting, thus justifying shutting the meeting down.  This deprived at least five community members of their First Amendment Rights.

We have had multiple occasions where the Mayor and City Council allow blatant interruptions of myself and others, and those who disrupt are not removed from the meeting.

We have video footage of the Mayor blatantly interrupting me and saying, on camera, “I’m tired of your s***.”  This is language no elected official should ever use.

We are requesting Keyan Bliss be immediately removed from his role as the Sacramento Police Review Commissioner.  His blatant disruption of the City council meeting was a disgrace.  A man who cannot control himself has no business overseeing the city’s police.

We are advising he ought to be immediately barred from attending any other City Council meetings until he agrees that any further disruptions on his part will result in a three-year ban.  

We are advising an immediate meeting with the Mayor and Council to ensure future council meetings have law and order upheld and the rude interruptions by radical activists are halted.  Anyone who interrupts should be warned, then removed from the meeting, and given at least a one-year ban.

It is a disgrace that the Mayor and City Council have allowed a literal circus at City Hall with no order and discipline whatsoever.  If chaos is allowed at City Council meetings in public, what is going on outside City Hall?

Public opinion is overwhelmingly against you.

The Sacramento Bee is on your side, and when Reporter Clift posted a loaded comment accusing us of “racism,” “antisemitism,” etc., it was swamped.  99% of the comments were favorable to us and against you for allowing a zoo at City Hall.

On the Twitter feed, not one of your supporters defended you.

Here’s another video with 60,000 views. Comments are 99% against you.

There are three choices you have, and all are losing.

You can quietly listen, and the more truth we tell, the more outraged Sacramento will become at the worst Mayor and the worst City Council in the history of Sacramento.

Second, you can keep interrupting, and allowing the audience to interrupt, which is going to draw more attention and make the message bigger.

Last, you can allow violence up to and including death to happen to us, and if that happens, I shudder to think what the future holds for you. Any finger laid on me or others will be punished to the full extent of the law. To your credit, the courts are often as corrupt as you are, but God is over you and the courts.

Thank you for your consideration,


Ryan Messano and every wise and virtuous citizen of Sacramento, California, and America

Jewish media explodes with outrage over 4 callers at Walnut Creek City Council meeting 6/6/23, who disagree with Jew supremacy

Wow, Sensitive Jew owned media flipping out.

Umm, we have the right to criticize any belief system. If you don’t like that, move to China, where they don’t have free speech.

Four calls, makes statewide news.

Judge for yourself, do the comments seem “racist” or “antisemitic” to you?

And why does the media leave out 90% of what was said?

Is this what you’d expect from the media, since it’s owned by Jews?

Here is what was said,

Here is the media’s response.