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Written By Eric Conn

One reason Christianity attracts more women than men is because the church today emphasizes a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus (often in erotic overtones), over against a world-transforming, culture-making mission of dominion.

Consider these lyrics, which have been sung in corporate worship by many a protestant church:

“Your love is extravagant
Your friendship, it is intimate
I feel like moving to the rhythm of Your grace
Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place
Your love is extravagant.”

No heterosexual man wants to move to the rhythm of Jesus’ grace in His secret place or be intoxicated with another man’s fragrance. When a church asks men to sing songs like this, it is functionally asking its men to be gay.

Solution? First, the church must focus on calling men to the mission of dominion (Gen. 1:28) which is a culture facing task.

Stop asking your men to be women. Not everything is emotions, relationalism, and niceness. Men are builders, fighters, and protectors. Call them to fulfill those roles courageously.

Second, the church must sing biblical, manly songs. “The Son of God Goes Forth to War” is a good example. So are the Psalms. No more emotionalistic drivel.

No more love songs to your boyfriend Jesus.

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13

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