Reminder- Our “Money” is a Debt to (((Them)))


Alex Krainer–“Rather than waging never-ending wars, blowing up bridges and pipelines or assassinating Vladimir Putin, western powers would do better to focus on reforming our monetary system and embrace honest money. Even a miraculous military victory over Russia would do no more than delay the day of reckoning.” 
Makow- The satanist (Masonic) Jewish bankers finagled our national credit cards and are maxing them out with wars and vaccine boondoggles. They create money out of thin air as a debt to them so the more money squandered, the richer they are, especially with interest. At the same time they own the pharmaceutical and war industries. They wish to extend this monopoly over money creation into a satanist Jewish (Cabalist) monopoly over every aspect of human life i.e “wokeness.” This is the essence of Communism.  Hence, Paypal fines unwoke-people $2500 and Kanye West is cancelled by his bank
READER–“Alex Krainer is a rather sharp character. This is a great daily blog with a refreshing perspective.”
The real war: People vs. the Banks

by Alex Krainer(excerpts by week, on Oct. 6, Kristalina Georgieva, IMF’s Managing Director gave a speech at the Georgetown University in Washington where she explained that the global economy, which was expected to recover strongly after the Covid 19 pandemic, experienced a “shock, after shock, after shock” instead, that it is now experiencing a “fundamental shift,” and that this shift could create a “dangerous new normal.” Georgieva thinks this can only be mitigated by “countries working together.”  …

It’s the banks, not Vladimir Putin.

So then, what would be the “fundamental shift,” and the “dangerous new normal” that IMF’s Georgieva is worried about? I believe that the worry is that (((the rules-based global order))) is falling into a profound economic, social and political crisis that could be long and very severe.
And even while we are all encouraged to come together and hate on Russia and Vladimir Putin, that’s not where this crisis emanated from. 

Rather, it emanated from the fraudulent monetary system that’s largely shaped our rules-based global order and which has had an impressive track record of incentivizing forever wars and generating chronic crises. 


CHRONIC CRISES, FOREVER WARSWe can trace the evolution of today’s monetary system back to the Bank of England. It was established in 1694 and over the following century (from 1701 to 1815), England waged fully 18 officially declared wars against her then rival power, France. 

Back then, the French were hated almost as much as the Russians are today. In 1833 the Parliament passed the Bank of England Act, granting the BOE monopoly on issuing the empire’s “legal tender” currency. 

Out of the remaining 67 years of the 19th century, Britain spent 32 years in recessions, depressions, bankruptcy or financial collapse including the 22-year long depression lasting from 1873 to 1896. This was while the British Empire was at the zenith of its power yet, like today it was “shock, after shock, after shock…”
Rather than waging never-ending wars, blowing up bridges and pipelines or assassinating Vladimir Putin, western powers would do better to focus on reforming our monetary system and embrace honest money. Even a miraculous military victory over Russia would do no more than delay the day of reckoning. 
In the meantime, the system would need to find a new enemy to fight more wars. That is a certainty. As Lord Acton said over a century ago, “The issue that has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the Banks.” 

The banks – not Russia nor Vladimir Putin!
P.S. By “the Banks,” I do not mean local banks and savings institutions but the international banking cartel and their Global Systemically Important Banks.
Alex Krainer – @NakedHedgie is the creator of I-System Trend Following and publisher of daily TrendCompass reports covering over 200 key financial and commodity markets for investors and traders – probably the best CTA daily newsletter on the market today.

Related Satanist Banking System is Cause of Our Woes

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