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Steven Fishman: The Worst-Case Scenario


(The Vaccinated)
Steven Fishman unveils 
a nightmarish future.Do you think he is being too pessimistic?

If not, here are some preparations for the worst case scenario. 

by Steven Fishman
Life on Planet Earth will NEVER be better than it is right here, right now, today.
Don’t believe me?  Keep reading.
It’s not only about the slow-death jab causing MITOCHONDRIAL CANCER from spike protein cytokine storms and prions sucking up the last remaining molecules of oxygen from your lungs, heart and brain over an agonizing 5 [to max 10] year period from jab to grave.  
It’s not only about the mad cow prions which are going to turn quackccinated human beings into stark-raving mad lunatics on their journey through the Land of the Walking Dead Lepers, it’s quite a lot more than that…
The sabotage ransomware hack of the Colonial Pipeline is only a miniscule dress-rehearsal for what is coming.
“What’cha gonna do” when the trucks all stop delivering food to your local grocery store or Wal-Mart?
When gasoline prices are $100 a gallon because of hyper-inflation and there are no trucks to deliver the gas to your local service station even at $10,000 a gallon?
When you can’t get to your digital wallet to get to your Bitcoins or Dogecoins anywhere because the banks and brokerage houses are all shut down because of the [not-so] great reset?  
When your ATM machine starts laughing at you and giving you the finger?  
When EVERYONE is unemployed whether they have been given the death jab or however many dozens of masks you are wearing on your oxygen-deprived face because there are no jobs or money to pay you with?
What are you going to do when you no longer have electricity or gas in your home, and you are freezing to death in winter or roasting in summer? [That’s why I like Southern California suburbs even though we have had idiots running the state].
How are you going to wash your face or take a shower when the water has stopped running through your pipes months ago?  You might have started to stink by now.  A lot.
What are you going to do when the electrical grid is a fading memory, and 5G becomes radioactive?  When you can’t use your cell phone to call anyone but Ghostbusters?
Where are you going to throw out your garbage because the sanitation department hasn’t picked it up in four months and you finally just ran out of trash bags?
What are you going to wipe your ass with when you used up the very last issue of the Washington Post, since you ran out of toilet paper several seasons ago?


Tell me what happens when your neighbors break into your home at gunpoint to steal that last can of Campbell’s soup you have been hoarding under your bed for the last six months?
Are you prepared to fend off roaming gangs of Walking Dead Quackccinated Maniacs who have succeeded in cannibalizing your neighbors’ children after raping them?

Sadly, you can’t call the police or dial 911 because none of your phones work, and the police not only were all defunded, but they are the part of the same angry mob you are complaining about!
Where is your local government going to stack all the dead bodies? Oh, that’s right – there IS no local government, or any government at all. That’s nothing more than wishful thinking while you try to survive a nightmare of life-after-COVID.
Are you that much of a progressive liberal woke-tard that honestly believes that the future is looking brighter right now? Really?
Okay, I must admit it. There is a bright spot on the horizon. It isn’t all doom and gloom.
The Chinese Communist Party is very patient. It is in their DNA. They can easily wait 10 years. Did any of you ever ask what percentage of the 1,330,440,000 people living there have been “vaccinated”? Is it 40%? 30%? 20%? Wait for it …
It’s less than 1%! And those were the guinea pigs and lab rats experimented on by Dr. Fauci’s Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China! [And rumor has it that they have all been “pleasantly” euthanized by now to prevent a Quackccination Outbreak there!]
I am sure Bill Gates, George Soros, Tony Fauci, and the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and Astra-Zeneca will all be enjoying their underground bunkers in Antarctica with a lifetime of food and security forces to cook penguin stew. But if you are not one of them, then you might consider this:
If you are planning to miraculously able to survive the coming cataclysmic planned zombie apocalypse, let me give you some heartfelt advice:
Buy at least five years’ worth of deuterium-depleted water;
Buy at least three years’ worth of toilet paper and use it sparingly;
Buy lots of canned fish and vegetables and find a place to hide or bury them;
Buy flashlights, batteries, candles and matches;
Learn the art of bartering or at least read a book on it;
[Unlike me], learn how to use an automatic weapon to protect your loved ones and your property; and:
So sorry if my post ruined your day, but as they used to tell me in the Cub Scouts [before I was molested], “BE PREPARED ‼!”

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