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My Mother Embodied Selfless Love


(left. My mother feeding my brother in 1958) 

My annual Mother’s Day article slightly revised 

By her example, my mother,
Helen Iskowicz Makow (1919-1983),
taught me 
that love is selfless devotion to family.But she died before  I could return this love

“I grew up in an era when the media taught us that homemakers were not cool. Women like my mother who nurtured and loved their families were denigrated. That attitude rubbed off on me.”

  This #scamdemic is all about degrading and dehumanizing us by destroying institutions like Motherhood.  Evil wants us too frightened and distracted to honor our mothers on Mother’s Day. 

by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

My biggest regret is that I never showed my mother how much I loved her before she died in 1983 of breast cancer. I think she knew I loved her but at 33, I was still too self-centred to repay her in kind. With shame, I remember sitting in her hospital room marking term papers as she lay dying.  


When people are dying, we can’t easily say our goodbyes. It is awkward. We want to maintain the illusion of recovery. 

(Left. The nuclear family is the building block of a healthy society. Dad took this picture of us.)

I learned from her how a woman brings love into the world by her selfless dedication to family. When someone totally sacrifices for you, when someone is unconditionallyfor you, it’s pretty hard not to love them back with all your heart. Mothers initiate the cycle of love. 

Mothers are the unsung heroes of society. They do the difficult, thankless work of nurturing and teaching helpless children in sickness and in health.  

My mother’s credo was to serve her husband first, children second, Canada third and Israel fourth. She wasn’t on her list. 

She never demanded anything in return; and as result, we took her for granted. We exploited her. 

She was so selfless that I noticed when once at dinner, she took a choice cut of chicken for herself. I grew up in an era when the media taught us that homemakers were not cool. Women like my mother who nurtured and loved their families were denigrated.  That attitude rubbed off on me. I was brainwashed.
Obviously, this was part of the Cabalist (Communist) war of annihilation against the family and society as a whole. The covid hoax is just the latest in a centuries-long effort to destroy and enslave us. We are all brainwashed as we are inducted into their cult and become complicit in our own demise. 
My mother had a successful business importing watch bands from Switzerland. After my father became more established, he asked her to focus on the children. This was about 1954. 
She was proud to be Mrs. David Makow, wife of a physicist, and mother of three. Women have been deprived of this time-honored social role. Many are quite lost as a consequence.


Once, when I was doing a TV appearance in NYC for “Ask Henry,” a producer showed us the sights in his sports car. 

We had an accident. The car door flew opened and my mother fell on to the pavement. 

I screamed in panic, “Mom!”

Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt. 
But afterward, she remarked with satisfaction, “You do love me.”

Why did it take an accident to show her that?

My mother had survived the war by passing as a Gentile. She didn’tfinish high school and didn’t read books. But she had a sophisticated stamp collection and made batiks. 

When I was eight-years-old, I related an incident that occurred at school. She told me to be strong and stand up for what is right. 

This is called “moral courage,” she said. 

You don’t learn that in school. You learn that from life.
Evil will not stop us from honoring our mothers on Mother’s Day. 

——————Related“No Longer Binary”– Aussie School Renames Mother’s Day

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