Truth is only hateful to those who hate the truth.
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Women these days adorn themselves with many things. They adorn themselves with the latest fashions, makeup, laser and Botox treatments, jewelry, and hair styles. Do you know what God wants us to adorn ourselves with? “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.” (1 Peter 3:4-6)

God wants us to adorn ourselves with meek and quiet spirits AND with being in subjection to our husbands. This is not something most women think about these days, nor are they taught it. They are actually taught the exact opposite, even in the churches. They are to let their opinions be known. Be strong, independent, and boastful. They are women; hear them roar! And being in subjection to their husbands? No way! They actually want their husbands to be in subjection to them.

Dear young women, your looks are going to fade. Your skin will wrinkle no matter what kind of potions or treatments you try. Your hair will turn gray. Sure, you can color it, but it will never look as good as when you were young. You can eat healthy and stay in the best shape that you can be, but you will still grow old and all of the makeup and fashion styles won’t help to win your husband if you are a quarrelsome and contentious wife.

Begin working on your inner beauty now. Study God’s Word. Dwell on the good and the lovely. Listen to solid male preaching. Keep your eyes on things above and not on worldly things since this world is passing, and we are strangers and aliens here. Allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in you as you renew your minds with Truth and take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Righteous living comes from right belief. Believe what God says in His Word. Trust Him. Trust His promises to you.

Adorn yourself with submission to your husband. Obey him as Sara obeyed Abraham. Learn what pleases him. Be sexually available to him. Allow him to lead your family. Pray for him. Make your home a place of peace for him. Don’t argue and quarrel with him. Teach your children to honor him. If you are honoring him, your children will too. Never speak evil about him to others. Only build him up. Dwell on the good things about him. Love him. How can you expect your children to know God’s love, if they don’t see their own mother loving their daddy?

God’s ways seem oppressive to most women. They aren’t! They’re freedom from the bondage of sin. They reap good and beautiful fruit; for we reap what we sow. This doesn’t mean that they are easy, since the path to life is narrow. His ways are difficult, but His Spirit works mightily within you, and His commands are not burdensome. Don’t listen to the lies of Satan and the world any longer. Listen to God, and what He has to tell you in His perfect, infallible, and unchanging Word.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Colossians 3:1

Adorn Yourself With Submission

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