Manitoba Petition Challenges Lockdown Lunacy


(The sanitizer and temperature regime at supermarkets can easily transform into a demand for a vaccine passport. No jab. No food. )“The current 1.4% excess Manitoban deaths in 2020 when compared to the average between 2014 and 2018 is within the range of historical values and do not justify widespread lockdowns that cause widespread collateral damage that Manitobans already have, and continue to, incur.”

A Call from Manitobans to End Government COVID-19 Lockdowns  (Footnotes here)Manitobans, sign the petition here.
(Abridged by
1) Deaths per week, 2014 to 2018: 208 Deaths per week, in Manitoba, in the years 2014 to 2018 averaged at 208, with a range from 205 to 213. (Statistics Canada, 2020) 


(Globalist traitor, Manitoba Chief Health Officer Brent Roussin)
2) Deaths per week, 2020: 211 Deaths per week, in Manitoba, in the year 2020 are currently averaging at 211 according to the latest available data, ending September 19, 2020. (Statistics Canada, 2020) COVID-19 deaths have increased since September 19, 2020. How do Manitoba’s deaths per week from all causes, including COVID-19, compare to historical average values? Do all-cause weekly deaths justify the government’s actions in locking-down Manitoba? 
3) Manitobans can reasonably expect that with a 38% increase in domestic violence severity and prevalence (46% * 82%) as a result of the COVID-19 response, the year 2020 may see Manitoba Victim Services assist 15,969 direct victims of crime, and 2,285 family members of victims….
4) Public debt increased $1.577 billion dollars. Manitoba has spent $1.577 billion dollars ($1,577,000,000 CAD) on the provincial response to COVID-19. (, 2020) 
5) Unemployment increased: 36.5% equaling 13,300 people. In October 2019 36,400 people in the province’s labour force were unemployed. In October 2020 49,700 people in the province’s labour force were unemployed. This is an increase of 13,300 people, or 36.5%. (Statistics Canada, 2020) 
6) Business closures: 41% of businesses are losing money most days, 15% are considering bankruptcy. In July 2020, 11% of Manitoba’s small-to-medium sized businesses were estimated to close due to COVID-19. (Canadian Federation of Independent Business, 2020) The provincial shutdowns instituted in November 2020 by the Province of Manitoba surely will not decrease this estimate. 


(Globalist traitor, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister)
7)  Additional consequences of Manitoba’s COVID-19 response that are difficult to quantify but intuitively have increased are mental illness, addictions and substance abuse, homelessness, food insecurity. Surely there are additional factors that should be added to this list and quantified similarly to the points above. These are important issues that really affect Manitobans’ lives and deserve quantitative analysis and communication once data becomes available. 
8)  The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (also referred to as the Charter) states that “2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association” (Government of Canada, 2020) Section 1 of the Charter states that stated freedoms are “subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” (Government of Canada, 2020) 
The Manitoba Government’s restrictions on peaceful assembly through the COVID-19 public health orders must be demonstrably justified by the provincial government. “The onus of proof under section 1 is on the person seeking to justify the limit, which is generally the government (Oakes, supra).” (Government of Canada, 2019) …

The COVID-19 pandemic realities in Manitoba do not justify the current violation of freedoms within the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by Dr. Roussin’s public health orders. Additionally, the current public health orders made effective November 21, 2020 are not reasonable and violate section 3 of Manitoba’s Public Health Act.
We call on Mr. Brian Pallister, Mr. Cameron Friesen, Dr. Brent Roussin and the entire Government of Manitoba to end all lockdowns, uphold Canadian constitutional freedoms, and increase data transparency to demonstrably justify reasonable, focused solutions to address the challenge of COVID-19. Yours Truly, INSERT NAME

Thanks to Chris for sending this.

Communist China has always been controlled by the owners of America’s Federal Reserve. Still is.

Anthony Sutton, who died in 2002, wrote dozens of books on how our owners of the Federal Reserve funded the Bolsheviks in Russia and Communists in China. They also funded Hitler. They are masters at funding two opposing sides, then gaining more power and wealth after massive and exhausting war breaks out. The Rothschilds are involved, and have been at this since the French Revolution and Napoleon.

The owners of the Federal Reserve run the media, schools, tech companies, BLM, ANTIFA, NAACP, ACLU, SPLC, and much more.

Xi Jinping is just a pawn, like Obama, Biden, and Kamala. The invisible government is in the shadows. They are behind this virus, and 5G towers, which miraculously sprung up all over America in the last five years.

Communism has never been about a rising of the masses, it is always exploitation of the masses by the elite.

Mao was a pawn of American Talmudic Jewish bankers, who engineered his takeover in 1948. Largely, Mao’s takeover was a result of the billions of weaponry and supplies that Communists in America, with the aid of Communist puppets in FDR’s White House, Louis Howe and Harry Hopkins, gave in lend lease to Communist Russia, including plates to print BILLIONS OF AMERICAN DOLLARS. Stalin gave this to Mao, and, at the same time, Communists in America helped put pressure on General George Marshall and Truman to withdraw support from Chiang Kai shek and his Nationalist army, resulting in their defeat, and subsequent withdrawal to Formosa, or present day Taiwan. Without American support there never could be Communism in China or Russia. These elite bankers took advantage of the Russian and Chinese peasants, who had no First or Second Amendments, murdering 100 million in the process. They now are turning their guns on the last holdout on earth, America.

Jonestown Amerika- The Vaccine is the Kool Aid


Our Backs are Against the Wall 
This is our Jonestown moment.Renouncing the Creator, humanity has been inducted into a satanic cultNot “The Peoples Temple,” but Cabalism or illuminism i.e. Communism.If the Supreme Court lets Joe Biden steal the Presidency, the assault on society will intensify. Patriots, Conservatives and Christians will be targeted. We must take up arms in self-defence. 
Failure to resist implies consent. Are you prepared to be dispossessed and enslaved? Are you prepared to drink the kool aid

With the failure of Texas lawsuit, I repost this article from a month ago. Please excuse the repetition. The truth needs to be reiterated every day.

“Makow- What’s at Stake”
Updated from Nov. 8/2020
by Henry Makow PhD

Communism expands the Rothschilds’ monopoly over credit (money creation) into a monopoly over literally everything of value: Power. People. Commodities. Animals. Information. Discourse. Thought. Behavior. 
Its goal is to dispossess, enslave, and even exterminate humanity.  This is confirmed by Agenda 21, (the UN’s agenda for the 21st Century) which calls for an inventory of everything and demands that people give up private property.  
 The Rothschilds and their cronies have unlimited wealth. They are bored with wealth. Now they want unlimited power. 


 People are astonished at the Demonrats’ brazen disregard for democracy and basic decency. Communists are satanists. Satanists are dedicated to destroying civilization.Revolution” is turning reality upside down, with Satan instead of God at the pinnacle. What is natural and healthy is slandered as unnatural and sick. For example, they destroy the love between a man and a woman by pressuring women to be more masculine and men to be more feminine. What they call “progressive” is actually designed to weaken and destroy us. (Satanism Explained.)  
They deny the existence of God (the “competition.”) They deny we have a spiritual connection to God. 
Jews don’t know this but Judaism as defined by Cabala is essentially satanic. It seeks to destroy civilization and replace it with an Orwellian dystopia where they control every aspect of life. The Rothschilds seek to supplant God. 

 Communists don’t play by the rules. The end justifies the means. The essence of Satanism is breaking the rules: flouting the natural and Moral Order. 
 Americans are being disenfranchised. If Biden is allowed to prevail, there will never be an honest election again. Americans and the world will continue to be gaslighted on a daily basis for eternity. The #scamdemic will be used as a pretext to register and control everyone, and intern all dissenters. 

The central bankers finagled our national credit cards and create money out of thin air. They have the Golden Goose. They have the thing everyone wants – money.  Everyone who supports the #scamdemic or Big Joe is in debt to them or literally on-the-take. 
The only thing that will prevent the Communists from stealing this election is the Rule of Law based on Truth. What’s at stake?  The Rule of Law. 
It must be enforced or we are lost. The Rule of Law ultimately is based on the Rule of God. 


What’s at stake?  Despite its flaws, mankind could well be God’s crowning achievement, the highest life-form in the universe. A frightening responsibility. 

This is why Satanists (Communists) want to degrade and destroy humanity. They hate Love, Goodness, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. They hate mankind. They hate God. They want to own everything and deprive God of his crowning achievement, mankind. If Biden succeeds, nothing will stand in their way. Mankind will enter a Dark Age from which it may never emerge.
RelatedSatanism is Behind Gratuitous Lockdown DestructionPfizer Vaccine- The End of Life?RFK Jr. Don’t Take the Covid Vaccine


Written By Joseph Spurgeon

Years ago, the Beatles sang “All we need is love.” This is the mantra of our day. We love to talk about love. We say love is love, love wins, love everybody, and wearing a mask is love. We also despise, dare I say hate, hatred. We have crimes against hate, the internet police to police hate speech, and signs that say, “love trumps hate.” Some people even get uncomfortable if anyone uses the word hate.

But the problem is, we don’t know what love is, because we refuse to hate. I say we refuse to hate but that’s not entirely true. We all have a lot of ungodly hatred. Furthermore, by refusing to have holy hatred, we don’t actually love what we say we love but end up showing hatred for it.

Let me put it another way, you can’t love something if you don’t hate. If you truly love something or someone you will hate whatever may seek to destroy or harm what you love.

If you truly love your wife, you will come to despise, to abhor, to hate pornography, feminism, and your sinful lusts.

If you truly love your children, you will despise, abhor, and hotly hate pedophilia, the Darwinian, secular humanist, and LGBT+ agendas being aimed at them daily, and the lack of respect for godly authority in our society.

If you love your church, you will despise, abhor, and hate the critical race theory nonsense being taught from seminaries and false teachers. You will hate those who seek to divide the church with their lusts, cowardice, pride, and heresies. You will hate false professors who refuse to stand for Christ because they want to be loved by the world.

If you love your country, you will despise, abhor, and hate the collusion between big business, big tech, and big government. You will hate ungodly ideologies of communism, feminism, and sexual revolution. You will hate political parties that openly despise the country’s founding and political hacks that refuse to stand up against the enemies of the country both foreign and domestic.

If you love God, then you will despise, abhor, and hate the enemies of God and in particular how your own sin made you his enemy and cost the blood of Jesus on the cross. If you love God you will despise, abhor, and hate all falsehood you are tempted to believe, all pride that you harbor, and all of your own hypocrisy. You will hate to hear his beautiful, righteous, and holy name used as a mere curse word. If you love Jesus, you will hate anything or anyone that would keep you from Him.

If you love God you will hate what he hates. No one can say they love someone or something and then be indifferent to or like that which stands in complete opposition to what they love. You can’t say you love God while refusing to hate what he hates.

Friends, the world has always called Christian’s haters, even in the days of the church fathers. And you know what, God calls us to be haters too. So here is my invitation to you, join the world’s largest hate group, Christianity. Be a hater and do so because you are filled to the brim with love for God and for your neighbor.

I love you all.

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.
Romans 12:9

All We Need is Love?

Genocide is Globalist End Game


In 2020, the Zionists launched open warfare on all of humanity, open warfare they are no longer even trying to keep secret. They emphasized there can be NO RETURN TO NORMAL until they have completed their plan for the mass genocide of humanity.

Patrick O’Carroll graduated with an honors degree in electronic engineering from the National University of Ireland, Dublin (NUID) in 1986 and then worked in IT (doing stints of 19 years in Munich-Germany, 2 years in London-England and most recently 12 years in Switzerland).

by Patrick O’Carroll(


Just as the Bolshevik Zionists genocided 100 million Christiansin Eastern Europe in their takeovers following Russia’s two “revolutions” of 1917, and another 150 million Christians in the Christian Holocaust of WW1 and WW2, their publications state that they now intend to genocide hundreds of millions of Christians after this installation of worldwide communism in 2020. So beware! Even if they call this flavor of communism “Technocracy”, it is the same.

Rabid-Zionist Max Boot is a member of the CFR. He wrote books on quelling insurgency, in which he expressed his preference for the “British Model” used in Malaysia where Britain turned every city and town into a giant concentration camp in order to quell a Malaysian rebellion. 

On 6 Jul 2020, Max Boot of the CFR wrote an article titled “What if Trump loses but insists he won?”in the Washington Post.
In this article, Boot revealed a scenario that had been “war-gamed” by a group calling itself the Transition Integrity Project (TIP). The TIP played out a scenario in which there would be a razor-thin victory for Joe Biden followed by actions by President Trump to keep control of the presidency “through lies and legal wrangling”, it said. 
The TIP predicted next that civil unrest might lead to civil war as the fight over the White House expanded. And that hints at huge riots starting in the spring of 2021, followed by martial law. 
This article may have been “predictive programming” to promote a contested election, civil war, martial law, forced economic collapse in order to destroy the USA from within … and with all the blame going on that “nasty conservative” puppet Donald Trump. 
In the unlikely event that US citizens might finally wake up and make serious attempts to foil the Zionism’ genocidal plans, they could still choose to launch an EMP attack to take down the US electric grid and plunge the USA (or any other stubborn country) into years or even decades of total chaos. 
And that is why we need to prepare for such eventualities by practicing how to live off-grid or else by simply fleeing the “smart”-cities for rural areas where one can grow one’s own food and enjoy greater security. 
MAKE NO MISTAKE: Whatever happens, the Zionists intend to continue their demolition of “advanced” economies until they have achieved the complete destruction of the middle class, and of all small or medium-sized enterprises (i.e. the complete destruction of the so-called “Mittelstand”). 

And when each “coviet citizen” has been absolutely brought to his knees financially or medically, he will be compelled into total dependency, becoming a ward of the “coviet state”, and will willingly surrender all his property, forfeit all his property-ownership rights and those of his offspring, and agree to his own family being inoculated with genocidal and DNA-altering vaccines. 
In return, the Zionist plan is to pay him a lifelong UBI (universal basic income) until his vaccines sterilize him and his food-stamps kill him. Crucially, the “holy” books of Judaism (Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar and “Protocols”) all state that the Jewish messiah Ben David will never arrive until ALL the property of the world is owned by the Jews. Multiple passages of the same “holy” books of Judaism also call for the total genocide of all non-Jews.

They also appear to be preparing 2030 as a milestone year after which most of their changes can be undone. 2030 encodes 23, which satanic numerology often uses to represent an infinite string of sixes given that the factor two-thirds (2/3) corresponds to 66.6666… percent. Hence also the UN title Agenda 2030.
Their publications have referred to the coming economic system of “advanced” nations of the West as being post-consumerist, post-industrial and, incredibly, even post-human to emphasize the rise of robotics and the implementation of what Satanists like to call their dream of “transhumanism”, or the highly unlikely point at which Satan becomes the main “creator” by finally managing to outdo God!
Finally, the Zionist Kill Grid, namely the silent-weapons system 5G first rolled out in Wuhan-China in late 2019, is set to induce the symptoms of nonexistent COVID “viruses”. 5G poisons its victims by destroying the O² molecules in the human bloodstream (thus inducing much worse than mere pulmonary problems). The Zionists plan most of their genocide for the big “smart”-cities.
The published designs of major cities for the year 2100, like that of Toronto-Canada, show geodesic domes over ONLY TINY geographic areas (a final end to “urban sprawl”) because the populations of said major cities are planned to have been very significantly culled by then via 5G, sterilization, malnutrition and starvation. The enormous genocides that followed the induced successes that the Bolshevik-Zionists enjoyed after 1917 already serve as predictive messages for what is to come for all gentiles, but especially for all Christians, after 2020.
Recall that the Bolshevik-Zionists razed tens of thousands of churches in Russia, but few or no synagogues. Beware!

The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past

By Selwyn Duke

“People who cannot be reasoned with can only be fought.” It’s an age-old truth, one good people ignore at their own peril. It too often is ignored, though, since good people are mostly reasonable and, in accordance with man’s nature, engage in projection. They thus assume that others are as reasonable as they are.

It’s reasonable to assume that mentioning right now the futility of reasoning with the Left is motivated by the election. It’s also, in my case, untrue. I’ve for decades recognized that devout leftists, emotion-driven and vice-ridden, operate by occultist Aleister Crowley’s “principle,” “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” But now, with the Left stealing an election after have stolen our whole culture and increasingly achieving its ends through violence, more people may accept this message.

When presenting logical arguments to advance a position, which is what I as a commentator do, I’ve at times heard from readers who’d lament that it was a waste of time because leftists wouldn’t listen. What they misunderstood is that those arguments were never, ever intended for the Left.

What must be applied here is “political/cultural triage.” This paradigm’s first group is the “Choir”; while its members are on your side, it still is beneficial “preaching” to them to “fire up the troops” and because “iron sharpens iron.”

The second group is the “Middlers”; not wholly blinded by ideology and being at least somewhat open-minded, they often can be reached with logos, ethos or pathos or a good combination thereof.

Then there’s the last group: the Initiated. Called “leftists” today, they have disordered thinking; married to misbegotten passions and, disconnected from reason and operating emotionally, they’re the sort that inspired the Jonathan Swift sentiment (I’m paraphrasing), “You cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into.”

Of course, one here and there may see the light if they experience something akin to a religious conversion. But you will not reach them with logic or anything else — and it’s a waste of time trying. They are, so to speak, damned.  

So how should we regard vanguard leftists, the Machiavellian destroyers of civilizations? How can you be prepared for them? Well, pretend you’re dealing with Satan.

You can view this purely as a thought exercise if you’re non-religious. But know that the enemy — and that is what leftists are — is above nothing and beneath contempt. They will say anything and do anything to achieve their ends, which they believe justify the means; no lie is too great, no theft too grand, no contradiction too bold, no sacrifice of life too unpalatable. Moral relativists/nihilists to the core, they have boiled their behavioral guide down to: “If it feels good, do it.”

Conservatives must accept this hard reality and avoid the aforementioned instinctive, very human but in this case deadly habit: projection. This is when you ascribe your own mindset, priorities and sense of virtue to others. But vanguard leftists aren’t like you. As with the Devil, they can’t be talked out of their passions or reasoned out of their malevolence. They are as aliens — and they do not come in peace.

Their no-holds-barred attitude is apparent to all with eyes to see. They have

  • continually attacked us traditionalists and fomented unrest at our political events while accusing us of authoring violence;
  • visited career and reputational destruction upon those who dare speak unfashionable truths while accusing those truth-tellers of intolerance;
  • used government agencies such as the IRS and FBI to persecute us while accusing us of endangering the republic;
  • played the identity politics card and demonized whites while accusing conservatives of being divisive, racist and bigoted;
  • conspired with foreign powers to undermine our nation while accusing us of treasonous behavior;
  • enabled China, an imperialistic foe and a clear and present danger to our country;
  • endeavored to steal an election after having wrongly accused conservatives of thus doing in 2016;
  • abetted an invasion of our nation in order to raise an alien electoral army that can help them seize power;
  • mismanaged a pandemic and caused death while using it as a pretext for stripping our liberties, “locking down” the country and destroying people’s livelihoods;
  • corrupted our children with perversion and scarred their bodies, minds and souls;
  • facilitated the murder of the unborn while accusing us of indifference to the vulnerable;
  • prosecuted conservatives on trumped up charges while shielding their co-ideologists from justice;
  • called truth “hateful” or “misinformation” and censored it via Big Tech while presenting convenient lies as “fact”;
  • encouraged violent mobs to create mayhem and attempted to strip the imperiled of the capacity for self-defense while sometimes being protected themselves by armed details;
  • attacked our history and heroes and destroyed our cultural heritage while effecting their own “Year Zero,” dystopian transformation;
  • indoctrinated the young in schools to transform them into foot soldiers in the leftist campaign of civilizational rape;
  • attacked our nation’s foundational faith, Christianity, while spreading corruptive moral relativism and destructive theologies; and
  • degraded society with perverted science while accusing us of scientific obscurantism.

In a saner world, people could talk things out, seeking that ethereal common ground called Truth. But morally nihilistic leftists scoff at absolutes and have thus turned themselves into glorified animals, driven by their base instincts and consuming freedom, virtue and goodness like demonic locusts. They won’t stop until they are stopped, and if people cannot talk things out, they are left to fight them out. And our leftists are ensuring that we cannot talk things out.

The reality is that if the United States were a marriage, there would have been a divorce long ago. Leftists are as alien to more traditional people as a race of aggressive, invasive extraterrestrials, and they’ve made coexistence impossible.

So what does this mean from a practical standpoint? How should we proceed? First, conservatives must stop being “conservative” (as in defensive) and realize that you can’t follow Queensberry rules when the adversary fights no-holds-barred. As an example, leftists can govern contrary to the Constitution, sure — and we act contrary to their governance.

To this end, traditionalist states/counties/cities should employ nullification, that ignoring of governmental enjoinments that Thomas Jefferson called the “rightful” remedy for all unconstitutional directives.

Note here that the latter will encompass much, as most of the federal government’s business (and some state business) involves unconstitutional endeavors. There is, for instance, no constitutional provision for bureaucracies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Education, and federal anti-discrimination law and “transgender”-accommodation mandates should be considered null and void; so should the Obergefell v. Hodges “marriage” opinion, to cite just a few examples. For leftists can con their way to an election victory, but if we let them con us into obeying them, that’s on us.

As to this, conservatives fancy themselves rules-oriented, but too many have been fooling themselves, following not the rule of law but the rule of lawyers (in legislatures and on courts). If leftists can consider the Constitution’s dictates “living,” we can consider their unconstitutional dictates living — and tell ‘em to pound sand.

Lastly, be ready if leftists attack you, and defend yourself, viciously if necessary. If they push, push back harder; if they strike, strike back harder. Understand that this is war, and as in all wars hot or cold, this is only and ultimately about one thing: power.

Our second president, John Adams, said in 1798, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” “Moral and religious” leaves leftists out, and we should leave them out as well — from any of our future plans. Dead to us they should be.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab or Parler (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to

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“Why does the evangelical church support abstinence pledges and purity rings but not young marriage? Why have we vilified ‘young marriage’ but push a secular four-year college on a 17-year old with such tenacity? Does it have something to do with our lackluster attitude towards premarital sex and our idolatry of formal education and lucrative careers? I can name at least twenty couples in our church of 400 people who were married in their late teens/early twenties and are still living healthy in the eyes of the Lord.

“I would love to see: 1) Parents take more of an active role in their children’s courtships; 2) No more long engagements; 3) Teens/Young Adults chasing Christ under teaching parents, pastors, and family worship and a full dismissal of the statement ‘don’t get married till after college.’ If it be the will of the Lord for your lives: Chase Christ. Get married. Have kids. Grow. Grow. Grow. Grow. #make18adultagain” (@AdamPage85 on Twitter)

I agree with him wholeheartedly! God created us to marry young yet the Christian world has gone right along with the secular world in advocating college and careers for their children where fornication and pornography is rampant and celebrated. Many parents mourn the loss of the children’s faith after attending college yet they helped fund this loss by sending them off to college.

Yes, some professions require college but not that many.  “You don’t need college to learn stuff. Everything is available basically for free. Learn anything you want for free. It’s not a question of learning” (Elon Musk). In fact, Dennis Prager states frequently that college makes people stupid! You can see that he’s right by the way our culture is heading.

Raising your children in godliness is the most important thing that you can do for them. This will benefit them throughout their lives.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 
Genesis 2:24

***Joseph Spurgeon is a preacher of the God’s Word and he has written two books: It’s Good to Be a Girl and It’s Good to Be a Boy. You can purchase them on Amazon too. He is unafraid to speak Truth in this wicked day and age. I follow him on Facebook and he’s an excellent teacher/preacher. He loves being married and having many children.

“We live in a time when feminism is celebrated but femininity is not. Women are taught that if they are to have value, they must set aside the things God designed them for, and instead compete with men. But God made woman to complement man. Our world doesn’t need any more little warrior princesses screaming about their ‘rights.’ Rather we need daughters who love and embrace the way God designed them. God made girls to be helpers, life-givers, nurturers, adorners, worshippers, and His daughters. Femininity is beautiful. In this book, your daughter will discover the purpose they have been created for and why it is good to be a girl.”

“We live in a time when manhood and masculinity are under attack. Boys are seen as defective because they are so active and need to stay busy with their hands, and they often don’t do well in a public school setting where they are expected to sit still all day. But masculinity is good and the world needs it now more than ever. God made boys to build, provide, protect, fight, lead, worship, and proclaim. In this book, your sons will discover these seven reasons that make it good to be a boy.”

Why Don’t Christians Support Young Marriage?

A Summary of the Texas Election Lawsuit

By Robert Madsen

Texas claims that the presidential elections as held (and as directed by government officials outside the legislature) in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan all flagrantly violated their own election laws by materially weakening or doing away with security measures.  Further, according to the U.S. Constitution, the legislature (representing the citizens) of each state has absolute authority and responsibility for how presidential electors are chosen; the will of legislature being expressed through state law.

Texas claims that the violations of election law in these states created an environment where ballot fraud was enabled and likely to occur.  The lawsuit lists the violations of law in each of the defendant states and provides evidence of fraud (the number of ballots handled unconstitutionally) in each of the states sufficient to change the outcome of the ballot counts.



  1. Vote Tally: 3,445,548 for Biden and 3,363,951 for Trump – margin 81,597.
  2. Requests for mail-in ballots 70% Democrats and 25% Republicans.
  3. Mail-in ballots increased from 266,208 in 2016 to over 3,000,000 in 2020.

Violations of Election Law:

  1. The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.
  2. PA supreme court changed existing deadline for receiving mail-in ballots from 8:00 PM on the day of election to 3 days after the election and adopted a presumption that non-postmarked ballots be considered as valid.
  3. Election officials in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties did not follow state law permitting poll-watchers to be present for the opening, counting, and recording of mail-in ballots.
  4. The Secretary of State directed election officials to remove ballots before 7:00 AM on the day of election in order to “cure” defective mail-in ballots.  This was done only in Democrat majority counties.
  5. Election officials did not segregate ballots received after 8:00 PM on election day breaking the promise made to the U.S. Supreme Court thus making it impossible to identify or remove those ballots.

Evidence of Fraud:

  1. Ballots with no mailed date: 9,005 (no evidence they were sent to a voter)
  2. Ballots returned on or before the mailed date: 58,221
  3. Ballots returned one day after the mailed date: 51,200 (Perhaps not impossible, but highly unlikely for the average voter to receive a ballot, fill it out, place it in the mail and have it returned the next day.)
  4. On Nov 2, the day before the election, PA reports that 2.7 million ballots had been sent out.  On Nov 4 that number had increased to 3.1 million — an increase of 400,000 mail-in ballots at election time with literally no reasonable chance of them being used by legitimate voters.



  1. Vote Tally: 2,472,098 for Biden and 2,458,121 for Trump – margin 12,670.
  2. Mail-in ballots: 65.32% for Biden and 34.68% for Trump.
  3. Mail-in ballots increased from 213,033 in 2016 to 1,305,659 in 2020.

Violations of Election Law:

  1. The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.
  2. The Secretary of State authorized opening and processing mail-in ballots up to three weeks before election day when the law prohibits that until after the polls open on election day.
  3. The Secretary of State materially weakened the security requirements for ballot rejection based on signature verification or other missing information.

Evidence of Fraud:

  1. Mail-in ballot rejection rate for missing or inaccurate information or for non-matching signatures decreased from 6.42% in 2016 to .36% in 2020.  Rejecting 2020 ballots at the same rate as 2016 would have resulted in a net gain of 25,587 votes for Trump – twice the number needed to overcome Biden’s count.  With a six-fold increase in the number of mail-in ballots, reason would indicate that the rejection rate would increase, or at least stay the same, with so many first-time mail-in ballots.



  1. Vote Tally: 2,796,702 for Biden and 2,650,695 for Trump – margin 146,007.
  2. In 2016 587,618 voters requested mail-in ballots.  In 2020 3.2 million votes were cast by mail-in ballot.
  3. Democrats voted by mail at a rate approximately two times that of Republican voters.

Violations of Election Law:

  1. The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.
  2. The Secretary of State sent out unsolicited ballots to all 7.7 million registered voters contrary to election law which requires a voter to request a mail-in ballot through a process that includes a signature to be matched with the voter registration.
  3. The Secretary of State also allowed absentee ballots to be requested online without signature verification.
  4. Local election officials in Wayne County — containing 322,925 more ballots for Biden than for Trump — opened and processed mail-in ballots without poll-watchers present.
  5. Local election officials in Wayne County also ignored the strict election law requirements of placing a written statement or stamp on each ballot envelope indicating that the voter signature was in fact checked and verified with the signature on file with the state.

Evidence of Fraud:

  1. 174,384 mail-in ballots in Wayne County had no valid registration number, indicating they likely resulted from election workers running the same ballots through the tabulator multiple times.
  2. 71% of Wayne County Absent Voter Counting Boards were unbalanced, where the number of people who checked in did not match the number of ballots cast.



  1. Vote Tally: 1,630,716 for Biden and 1,610,151 for Trump – margin 20,565.
  2. Mail-in ballots increased from 146,932 in 2016 to 1,275,019 in 2020.

Violations of Election Law:

  1. The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) positioned hundreds of unmanned illegal drop boxes to collect absentee ballots.  (The use of any drop box, manned or unmanned, is directly prohibited by Wisconsin statute.  Any alternate mail-in ballot site “shall be staffed by the municipal clerk or the executive director of the board of election commissioners…”  “Ballots cast in contravention of the procedures specified in those provisions may not be included in the certified result of any election.”)
  2. The WEC encouraged voters to unlawfully declare themselves “indefinitely confined” in order to avoid security measures like signature verification and photo ID requirements.  Nearly 216,000 voters said they were indefinitely confined in the 2020 election, nearly four times as many as in 2016.
  3. Strict laws requiring mail-in voters to certify by signature including the signature of an adult witness were ignored or circumvented by election officials.

Evidence of Fraud:

  1. One hundred thousand ballots were supposedly missing and directed to be “found” after election day.


Significant violations of election law that were put into place to protect against election fraud is sufficient to invalidate the results of the elections, apart from whatever evidence is able to be gathered in a short time to show actual numbers of fraudulent ballots.  Reason would indicate that there is a high number of fraudulent ballots that are impossible to identify, which is why the election laws pertaining to mail-in ballots were established to begin with.

There is no remedy to correct the Nov 3rd election because ballots that did not adhere to election law cannot be identified as separate from those that did.  An accurate count of legal ballots that were cast cannot be made.  Therefore, as directed in the Constitution, it falls to the legislature of each state to choose electors as has been done in the past.  Failing that, each state may determine not to submit any presidential electors.

The Texas lawsuit claims the odds of Biden overcoming Trump’s lead and winning any of the states after the point indicated was one in a quadrillion.  And therefore, the odds of winning all four was one in a quadrillion to the fourth power.  The lawsuit did not provide information on how that number was determined.  This may seem an exaggerated to some.  It is enough to state that the odds of winning any one of the states was highly unlikely and the odds of winning all four were extremely unlikely.  For example, if the odds of winning any one of the states was numerically much less extreme but still highly unlikely, say something like one in twenty, then the odds of doing that in all four states would be 1 in  160,000.  Twenty beans in a jar: 19 white and 1 black.  Reach in without looking and be lucky enough to pull out the one black bean.  Chances of doing that again is 1 in 400.  Clearly indicative of cheating if someone claims to have done that four times in a row.  As I said the statistical analysis behind the claim of odds of 1 in a 1,000,000,000,000 are not given so I cannot speak to that.  But even if the odds were orders of magnitude better than that, they were still astronomically small.  At any rate, the merits of the lawsuit do not depend on any certain level of odds of Biden overcoming a lead that had been established by 3:00 A.M. the day after election.

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To Understand the World, Read Protocols of Zion


There remains a small space to cross before all states of Europe will be locked in the coils of the symbolic snake, by which we symbolize our people, as in a powerful vice.” 

The Protocols of Zion: Introduction and Synopsis


The Protocols of Zion are required reading for anyone who wishes to understand the world in which we live. Theyexhibit a pathological hatred for non-Jews, and a desire to undermine and exploit them. The Protocols were part of an “initiation” for 33 degrees Masonic Jews. Most Jews are unaware of this agenda and therefore are easily manipulated. 

“Anti-Semitism is indispensable to us in the management of our lesser brethren.” (Protocols, 9)

A synopsis is below. The document is found here.

from July 9, 2017

by Henry Makow PhD. 

(from Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World) 

Many people think “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is “hate literature” and fraud.

Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that the book exhibits “the mind of a genius.” Pretty good for a hoax, wouldn’t you say? 

Solzhenitsyn said it exhibits “great strength of thought and insight… Its design… (increasing freedom and liberalism, which is terminated in social cataclysm)…is well above the abilities of an ordinary mind… It is more complicated than a nuclear bomb.” 

I believe the Protocols are genuine. They are lectures addressed to Jewish Freemasons (probably at the Mizraim Lodge in Paris) detailing an incredible plan to overthrow Western Civilization, subjugate mankind, and concentrate “all the wealth of the world… in our hands.” They were given as a regular series of workshops to these Masons in Paris. The author describes them as an “exposition of our programme” and often begins by saying, “Today we will discuss…” 


Those who think the Protocols were delivered at the First Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897 are sadly mistaken. This is not information that the average Jew was privy to. There were over 200 delegates at that conference along with 26 members of the press. 

Rabbi Ehrenpreis, (1869-1951) the Chief Rabbi of Sweden from 1910-1951, reportedly wrote in 1924: “Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the Protocols, indeed for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same. Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world who know.” (Quoted without source online in “1001 Quotations About Jews.”)

This “compressed extract” is confirmed by the widespread use of ellipsis–indicating words have been left out. Researchers have speculated that Adam Weishaupt, Theodore Herzl or Asher Ginzberg penned the Protocols. At first, I thought it was Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1844) himself. Later I thought it might be Lionel Nathan Rothschild (1809- 1879) or James de Rothschild (1792-1868) or Adolphe Cremieux (1796-1880.) It’s hard to pinpoint because I think this document was revised by different hands. 

Protocols 20-23, the “financial programme… the crowning and the decisive point of our plans” is the reason I think the author was a banker and probably a Rothschild. These lectures require detailed knowledge of finance and profound psychological insight. Moreover, the author states that all power ultimately will reside in the “King of the Jews,” which is how the Rothschilds were known. As you read this, it will be evident that much of this programme has taken effect. 


Protocol One Refers to the plan as “our system.” Says men are governed “by force”: “By the law of nature right lies in might.” Most men are willing to betray their fellow man for profit. (The “end justifies the means” is the Communist motto.) The promise of “freedom” (i.e. liberalism, reform, revolution) is used to take power from the Old Order (monarch, landed aristocracy, church, army) and transfer it to our hands, the power of “Gold” and the despotism of Capital which is entirely in our hands.” 

The State is dependent on us, or it “goes to the bottom.” If the state can be ruthless in subjecting an external foe, surely an “internal foe” i.e. Masonic Jews, who are “the destroyer of society and the Commonweal” are justified in using any form of subterfuge. Morality is an obstacle to successful conquest and liability to any political leadership. 


The goal is to “scatter to the winds all existing forces for order and regulation” and to become the “sovereign lord” of those so stupid as to lay down their powers and fall for liberal entreaties. Their power is “more invincible” by virtue of “remaining invisible” until insurmountable. This is a “strategic plan from which we cannot deviate” or risk “seeing the labour of many centuries brought to naught.” 

“Our countersign is–Force and Make-believe” i.e. deception. The writer emphasizes that the goal is to “seize the property of others” and “bring all governments into subjection to our super-government.” 

The words “Liberty, Fraternity, Equality” were “baits” the Masonic Jews used “from ancient times” to overthrow “the genealogical aristocracy of the goyim” which was the peoples’ only defence. It will be replaced by the “aristocracy of money.” 

Throughout history, they have played upon the greed, lust and vanity of men to ensnare their agents. In other words, “democracy” is a perfect instrument for their covert control. Monarchs were much harder to subvert. Democracy, the “replacing of representatives of the people” has “placed them at our disposal” and “given us the power of appointment.” 

Protocol Two: “Wars as far as possible should not result in any territorial gains,” but should demonstrate to both sides their dependence on “our international agentur” [i.e. agents] which “possess millions of eyes ever on the watch and unhampered by any limitations whatsoever.” 

This implies they control the outcome of wars and have millions of spies (Masons, Jews?) “Our international right will then wipe out national rights…” as the civil law of states rules their subjects. Gentile leaders (“administrators”) will be chosen for their strict obedience and will be run by “advisors.” The goyim “can amuse themselves until the hour strikes…” 

We have implanted the false doctrines “by means of our press arousing blind confidence in these theories.” “Think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzchism. To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating effect these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim.” 


The Press has fallen into our hands. It fashions the thought of the people. Its role is to express and create discontent. Thanks to the Press, we have the Gold in our hands though we sacrificed many of our people. Each… in the sight of God is worth “a thousand goyim.” 

Protocol Three: “We have made a gulf between the far-seeing Sovereign Power and the blind force of the people so that both have lost all meaning, for like the blind man and his stick, both are powerless apart.” 

“Of States we have made gladiatorial arenas where a host of confused issues contend….” “We appear on the scene as the alleged saviours of the worker… and we suggest that he should enter the ranks of our fighting forces–Socialists, Anarchists, Communists– to which we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our social masonry. The aristocracy… was interested in seeing the workers were well fed, healthy and strong. We are interested in just the opposite–in the diminution, the killing out of the goyim.” 

Protocol Four:“Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is. Gentile masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects but the plan of action of our force, even its abiding place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.” Freedom would be possible if it rested “upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity, unconnected with the conception of equality, which is negated by the very laws of creation…” “This is the reason why it is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the minds of the goyim the very principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put in its place …material needs.” Goyim must have no time to think but rather must be diverted to industry and trade.

 “All nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race for it, will not take note of their common foe.” We must put industry on a “speculative basis” so wealth will pass to our classes. The rat race will create, no has already created “disenchanted, cold and heartless communities.” This materialism will allow us to direct the lower classes of the goyim against our rivals for power “the privileged and… the intellectuals of the goyim.” 

to be continued… Part Two and Part Three  and Part Four are here. 

Related – Protocols “Forgery” Argument is Flawed

—————- Maurice Joly Plagiarized Protocols (and not vice-versa)

The biggest election fraud of all

How angry, entitled and shockingly dishonest ‘journalists’ are destroying America

David Kupelian

By David Kupelian
Published December 8, 2020 at 7:19pm


President Donald J. Trump speaks with reporters following his conversations with military service personnel Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020, during a Thanksgiving video conference call from the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. (Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead)

With time rapidly running out for the Trump legal team to challenge the rampant election fraud that has characterized the most corrupt presidential contest of our lifetimes, it’s easy to lose sight of the other massive fraud that preceded, encouraged, enabled and excused the freakshow election Americans are being forced to endure.

And that’s the massive fraud that has been perpetrated by the American “news media,” which in reality is almost entirely a Pravda-type propaganda ministry for the Biden-Harris campaign.

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That’s right. Pravda is a perfect descriptor for the American “news media.” Remember the famous joke in the dark days of the former Soviet Union? “There is no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia” – Pravda meaning “truth” and Izvestia meaning “news.”

The sole purpose of those two giant propaganda mills disguised as journalism organizations was to guard, protect, lie for and defend at all costs the corrupt, elite ruling class in charge of the 20th century’s most destructive totalitarian regime.

TRENDING: Pence to decide race? Law profs say VP allowed to ‘count’ electoral votes

Ironically, here in America – the nation that, under Ronald Reagan, defeated the Soviet Union – in 2020 virtually the entire “mainstream media” serves precisely the same purpose as Pravda and Izvestia once did: To protect, defend, and lie day in and day out to preserve this nation’s corrupt, elite ruling class. That includes the newly radicalized Democratic Party, the permanent government bureaucracy called the “deep state,” and even today’s often-violent neo-Marxist political and cultural juggernaut obsessed with tearing down and transforming what they all condemn as an unjust, immoral and racist country.

Thus, the hallmark of America’s establishment media has become an unwavering commitment to the increasingly radical progressive-left narrative – as diametrically opposed to truth – on every issue.

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That means a refusal to report monumentally consequential news if doing so would undermine the left’s favored narrative. It means the total abandonment of basic fairness, evenhandedness and honesty in news coverage. And it means the demonization of everyone and everything that doesn’t support their progressive worldview – especially its all-out, four-year war on President Donald Trump.

Let’s quickly review a few of the main battlegrounds:Do the mainstream news media have any credibility?Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to WND news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

* Millions of Americans wonder aloud how it’s even possible that someone like Joe Biden – who not only is obviously disintegrating mentally, is wrong on virtually every issue, and lies continually, but also, as recent but largely suppressed evidence proves, is one of the most spectacularly corrupt politicians in modern American history – could become the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, let alone become leader of the free world.

* Likewise with regard to his vice-presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, who will soon become president if the Biden ticket ultimately wins, as Biden inevitably fades further and fails. In addition to being the most leftwing member of the U.S. Senate, as the nonpartisan determined in 2019, Harris has also proven to be one of the most thoroughly unlikable, abrasive, condescending, greedy, grasping, shallow and insincere candidates in a generation.

* Many Americans who don’t pay much attention to politics rely on the candidate debates held during the election season’s homestretch to help them with their voting decisions. So, how is it that the journalist-moderators always side with the Democrat while attempting to trip up and defame the Republican? When Kamala Harris insisted during the vice-presidential debate that both she and Joe Biden favor oil and gas fracking – even though multiple current videos show them both swearing up and down that they will completely abolish it – she somehow mysteriously got away with telling a giant lie, one of many, to millions of American voters. Throughout the campaign, Joe Biden was regularly served up tenderly prepared non-confrontational questions such as one might pose to a child, never challenged with a real question about either his dismal record or his astonishing corruption. Donald Trump, meanwhile, was repeatedly hammered with defamatory accusations disguised as questions (Will you finally, tonight, denounce “white supremacy?”) Indeed, the sitting president of the United States, who rescued the nation’s economy and destroyed ISIS, has since early 2016 been repeatedly compared by major U.S. news organizations to genocidal monster Adolf Hitler.

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* As openly Marxist revolutionary groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned, vandalized and looted America’s cities day after day, month after month, destroying businesses, assaulting and sometimes murdering people, today’s journalists routinely dismissed it all as “mostly peaceful protests” against “systemic racism” and “police brutality” – while complaining loudly that America is actually under siege by “white supremacists.” Those who dare point out that it’s really hard to find many genuine “white supremacists” in today’s America, let alone rampaging hordes of them laying waste to the nation’s cities, are of course immediately condemned as white supremacists.

* Ever since explosive documentary prooffinally emerged that Hillary Clinton was the person behind the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the media have ignored the true story of the worst political scandal in American history: It was Clinton, not Trump, who actually colluded with Russia; it was she who bought Russia’s intelligence product (the fake “Trump dossier”) and then channeled the false, defamatory “intel” through cooperative American news organizations.

This, by the way, precisely mirrors the modus operandi of Soviet disinformation campaigns of yesteryear: Carefully create a false narrative to advance a secret agenda, and then induce trusted Western media to broadcast the disinformation as “news.”

Think of it: Hillary Clinton literally fomented a four-year attempted coup d’etat against Donald Trump, to whom she had lost the 2016 election, seriously interfering with and undermining his presidency. Why? To divert FBI and DOJ attention away from her own criminal wrongdoing – illegally deleting 33,000 emails after they were subpoenaed, a serious felony for which anyone else would be prosecuted and imprisoned. Yet the media, after front-paging the Trump-Russia collusion story virtually every day for years, simply moved on once their big story was proven to be the greatest political hoax in U.S. history. No apologies – none.

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* Indeed, many of the top-tier deep-state conspirators that engineered the Trump-Russia collusion hoax actually joinedtoday’s media.That’s right. In their post-Obama careers, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe became either paid cable news analysts or frequent commentators.

* As historian Victor Davis Hanson explained: “Clapper is a CNN security analyst. Brennan was hired by MSNBC for a similar role. McCabe is a CNN contributor. Comey often makes guest appearances on news programs. In the most controversial stories, Brennan, Clapper and McCabe are being paid to analyze theories, facts and findings in which they themselves are often central players. As a guest commentator, Comey has weighed in on these controversies even as he distorts his past roles in them.”

And remember disgraced FBI agent Lisa Page (who conspired against Trump with her paramour, Peter Strzok, leader of the FBI’s phony investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server and later a leading figure in the Russia-collusion hoax)? Recently Page became the new national security and legal analyst at NBC News.

* So desperate has much of today’s “news coverage” become that it often crosses the line into total drooling absurdity – like the CNN analyst who claimed that “Russian agents” were there in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center with President Trump when he was being treated for COVID-19. The media also recently accused Donald Trump, the most pro-military, pro-veteran president in a generation, of hating and mocking war heroes – a slanderous allegation both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have continually repeated. A subsequent “news report” from the same source, The Atlantic, claimed that Trump secretly hates and mocks Christians too.

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* Meanwhile, the promised Biden-Harris agenda – from virtual open borders and mass amnesty, to the confiscation of “assault weapons” (otherwise known as semiautomatic firearms), to the demented Green New Deal, to fundamentally altering America’s constitutional system of government by “packing” the Supreme Court, eliminating the Senate filibuster, abolishing the Electoral College and more – would rapidly lead to a totalitarian dictatorship in the United States of America.

‘Money and power’

Why has the “mainstream media” morphed into what undercover journalist James O’Keefe described in the title of his 2018 book as “American Pravda”?

The most obvious factor is ideology; the media have been overwhelmingly liberal-left for at least the last two generations. The landmark 1986 study titled “The Media Elite: America’s New Powerbrokers” by researchers S. Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman and Linda Lichter confirmed that the vast majority of major U.S. media personalities were far more leftwing and secular in outlook than most Americans. The trend has only become more extreme since then.

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In fact, far from valuing objectivity and fairness, the media has become a magnet for activists in recent decades. In the 1990s, when the LGBT movement (then called “gay rights”) was really taking off, many young gay and lesbian college students gravitated to journalism, not so much because they were interested in the pursuit of truth or informing the public, but to champion and advance their cause.

But there’s much more than ideology and activism at play. There’s money and power.

Consider why MSNBC switched its format several years ago, from featuring both liberals and conservatives in its show line-up. After all, arch-conservatives Michael Savage and Alan Keyes both had their own MSNBC shows. Even Tucker Carlson hosted “The Situation with Tucker Carlson” on MSNBC from 2005 to 2008. (I remember being a guest on that show.) Yet today, the entire MSNBC lineup consists of hair-on-fire radical left-wingers. Why?

MSNBC’s top brass determined it would make more money if it served the far left. In a story headlined “MSNBC as Fox’s Liberal Evil Twin,” the New York Times reported in 2012: “MSNBC has pumped up its ratings by recasting itself as a left-leaning riposte to Fox.” It’s all about money.

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However, the financial dynamics get much worse: U.S.-headquartered multinational corporations have come to depend on China, both for its huge retail market and the super-cheap (sometimes slave) labor it offers. This exerts a major influence on American media coverage. Remember, journalism is a business, and the “mainstream” news organizations are all owned by gigantic companies. AT&T owns CNN; Comcast owns NBC, CNBC and MSNBC; Disney owns ABC and ESPN; ViacomCBS owns CBS. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. And allhave huge stakes in China.

That might help explain why, for example, media coverage of China’s role in the coronavirus pandemic is so bizarrely absent. Credible reports from courageous Chinese virologists and other experts with intimate knowledge of the origins of the 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, who claim China intentionally created the virus in a lab, are ignored or dismissed as insane “conspiracy theories” and banned from social media platforms in the U.S. News organizations cannot afford to offend their parent companies’ most important international partner – even if it is run by a brutal, soulless, communist regime obsessed with ruling the world.

When news publications are owned by giant corporations with their fingers in many pies and even links to adversary foreign governments, reporters quickly learn – explicitly or through “osmosis” – of the bias, sensibilities and financial interests of their publishers or owners. And they play their tune accordingly.

‘A massive realignment’

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One final factor that makes all these various elements come together to create a biased, blind, amoral, dishonest, but yet strangely self-righteous press: Hate.

Members of the establishment media tend to revile Donald Trump for being a genuine outsider who dared to invade their beloved realm – known as “the swamp” to outsiders – and for his promise to “drain” it of the monumental corruption, self-dealing and privilege that comprise life within the swamp. The media also hate him for championing a strongly conservative-Christian agenda – for example, appointing conservative Supreme Court justices who threaten their beloved abortion-on-demand culture. And of course, they detest Trump for publicly and continually exposing them for exactly what they are.

Hate is much more than it seems. It’s a transformative emotion that almost magically enables people to be horrendously wrong, yet to feel they are right – even supremely righteous and virtuous (for example, the mobs burning down America’s cities). In that “altered state,” down appears to be up, immoral seems moral and, most basically, evil masquerades as good.

Toward the end of my 2005 book “The Marketing of Evil,” I write: “Over the past few decades no institution has been more culpable for making evil appear good and good appear evil than the media.” That is true today more than ever.

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For years Sean Hannity has said, “Journalism died in 2008,” keying off the absurdly biased coverage – more like deification – of then presidential candidate Barack Obama by the fawning, star-struck news media.

That’s right, Sean, the media died. But they’ve returned as the walking dead – ghoulish parodies of living, breathing, honest journalists.

Tucker Carlson gave this prophetic warning on his Fox News show just days before the 2020 presidential election, reflecting on the news media’s atrocious pre-election bias and total abandonment of even their former pretense of objectivity:

“The good news about all of this: It is so bad and so transparent that it can’t continue. All their stupid little morning shows, and their dumb Sunday shows and their even dumber cable shows. All of that’s going away. When the smoke clears from this election, there’ll be a massive realignment in the media, no matter who wins. Because they showed who they are, and it’s so unappealing, it’s so far from journalism that it can’t continue.”

The biggest election fraud of all