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Sunday, September 29th, 2019

There are many Americans, who are  unable to discriminate between the Democrat party and Republican party.  Neither is perfect, but if one compares the Democrats to the Bible, Constitution, and natural laws they hate, it becomes clear that every Democrat in America is  unfit for power.

When America’s biggest geopolitical foe is China, and China is communist, and the Democrat party and Communist party of America have platforms, along with the Vallejo Times Herald, most of the media, the majority of schools, and tech companies, that agree with Communism, we have a serious problem!

The only way the unpopular Democrats get away with this is because they are Masters of Deceit.   Just as Hoover was hated and ridiculed by the left because he understood their nefarious schemes, so today’s Communists will hate and ridicule anyone brave enough to call them out.   Since we have millions of Americans who are cowards, and who care more about their money, fun, and social prestige than standing up for truth and liberty no matter what, we have a perfect scenario for Communist mayhem to run wild.  And it is, led by Marxist Obama and his promise to Fundamentally Transform America.

What is happening with the treasonous Democrats constant attempts to overthrow Trump is a wicked and evil attempt to subvert the government of America.  But, none dare call it treason, because many are afraid or apathetic.

The question remains, will Americans demand, in public that this treason by the Democrats be stopped?  Or, will they sit silently and grumble, while the Communist Revolution proceeds to it’s inevitable bloodbath?

Imani: The Demise of the Democrat Party.

Morson: How the Great Truth Dawned.

Ludwig: Violence against the citizenry is the left’s intent.

Feldman: Adam Schiff’s Impeachment fun playhouse.

Antunez: Three Cheers for the Trade War.

Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

The Hunt To Identify The ‘Deep State Traitor’ Has Begun! We The People Have The Right To Know If Whistleblower Was Part Of The Russia Collusion Conspiracy To Overthrow The President

No, Slavery Did NOT Make America Rich

Watch: Mark Levin Hammers FNC’s Ed Henry over Allegation of Trump ‘Illegal’ Behavior During Call with Ukraine President

Van Der Galien:  Trump: ‘Rep. Adam Schiff Must Resign From Congress!’

John Brennan Engages In Sedition On Twitter – Gets Called Out For His Own Treason

Stephen Miller says Trump is ‘real whistleblower’ and calls complaint ‘partisan hit job’ in contentious interview

Giuliani compares Biden to Clinton Foundation, asks ‘What did Obama know?’

Five Times Hunter Biden’s Business Dealings Presented a Conflict of Interest for Joe Biden

Trump wants to meet ‘whistleblower’ at the center of Ukraine probe

New York City’s Brazen Assault On The First Amendment

Here is How Democrats Plan to Overturn Elections

Daubenmire: I’m so old I remember when…

Obama’s ‘fundamental transformation’ of America to be completed in 2020?

RT News: Clashes with riot police turn violent in Hong Kong (RAW VIDEO)

Conservatives must galvanize against the existential threat of socialism

Goodwin: Donald Trump now has to battle CIA spies in Dems’ war against him

Master: 5 obvious questions about ‘whistleblower’ brouhaha

Weak Four: NFL Still Hasn’t Found the Answer for Empty Seats

Sucher:  Americans have reason to smile.

Locals React to Brutal Beating Attack on Elderly Santa Clara Man in Cemetery

Israeli General: War Is Coming

Census: Shocking number of non-citizens live in U.S.

Booker: ‘I Have Problems’ with Hunter Biden’s Actions

Pipes: 50 years of fascination, the Middle East and me.

Giuliani says Biden is trying to silence him because he fears what he has to say

‘BIDEN, WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?’: RNC Nails ‘Quid Pro Joe’ In New Ad

Trump Aide Battles with Fox’s Far-Left Opinion Host Chris Wallace

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Pelosi On Losing The House In 2020 Over Impeachment: ‘Doesn’t Matter’

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History Is Filled with ‘Last Stand’ Battles (These You Won’t Forget)

Prager: This Google representative ACTUALLY SAID that our video on the 10 Commandments has been restricted because it refers to murder.

U.S. Senate praised for ban on national health ID card

Lifson: Boris Johnson’s aides investigating ‘collusion’ of anti-Brexit ‘Remainers’ with French and EU officials

Norris: George Washington’s advice for Washington, D.C.

Robert De Niro: Trump Is ‘Crazy’ — ‘F-ck’ Fox News

Hillary: Trump ‘Obsessed With Me’ Because He’s ‘An Illegitimate President’

Lifson: AG Barr’s trip to Italy on ‘official business’ may be a key to unmasking deep state entrapment of George Papadopoulos by CIA asset Joseph Mifsud

Lifson:  At least 130 State Dept. officials notified of possible ‘culpability’ in ‘security incidents’ related to Hillary’s private email server

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