Wherefore Art Thou Ghislaine Maxwell?

It is now going on a year and a half since “financier” and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died, allegedly by hanging himself in a New York City prison. Since that time it has surfaced that there were a number of “administrative” errors in the jail, meaning that Epstein was not being observed or on suicide watch even though he had reportedly attempted to kill himself previously. The suspicion that Epstein was working for Israel’s external intelligence agency Mossad or for its military intelligence counterpart also seemed confirmed through both Israeli and American sources. A recent book Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales written by Ari Ben-Menashe the former Israeli intelligence officer who actually ran the Epstein operation, described inter alia how Epstein was blackmailing prominent politicians on behalf of Israeli intelligence. Epstein had been working directly for the Israeli government since the 1980’s and his operation, which was funded by Israel and also by prominent American Jews, was a classic “honey-trap” which used underage girls as bait to attract well-known politicians from around the world, a list that included Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton. The politicians would be photographed and video recorded when they were in bed with the girls. Afterwards, they would be approached and asked to do favors for Israel.

It doesn’t take much to pull what is already known together and ask the question “Who among the celebrities and top-level politicians that Epstein cultivated were actually Israeli spies?” And of course there is a subplot. Assuming that Epstein was in fact involved in recruiting and/or running high level American agents in an “influence operation” that may have involved blackmail it is possible to come to the conclusion that he was killed in prison and that the suicide story was just a convenient cover-up. The Epstein case remains “open” and under investigation though it doesn’t seem that anything is actually happening, the sure sign that someone powerful in the Establishment is making sure that nothing incriminating surfaces. Indeed, there already exists some evidence that Epstein was being protected when he was convicted in Florida of sex crimes in 2008 and was given a sentence that was little more than a slap on the wrist. After the fact, the U.S. Attorney for Miami Alexander Acosta involved in the case reported that the arrest and sentencing were above his pay grade, that he had been told that Epstein “’belonged to intelligence’, and to leave it alone” a comment that apparently has never been pursued by investigators.

That the Epstein investigation appears to be in reverse gear suggests that one or more powerful Americans are still not implicated in the case but are concerned that that might change, but there remains an accessory to what went on at the Epstein mansion in Manhattan and on his private island in the Caribbean. That would be Ghislaine Maxwell, who is currently in prison in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn and will be tried in July. Like the Epstein story in general, she has largely dropped off the media screen and one has to wonder what “get out of jail free” card she might be holding.

It has long been assumed that Epstein video recorded the sexual encounters with the underage girls that he used in his intelligence activity to blackmail prominent politicians among others. It has been suspected that Ghislaine has at least some of those tapes hidden in a secret location and may be using them to cut a deal with investigators and prosecutors. It now appears that she briefly discussed the tapes with CBS News 60 Minutes producer Ira Rosen, also making clear that there were tapes of both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. The conversation took place in 2016 and she reportedly told Rosen that, given Trump’s involvement in the upcoming election, she would not release any information derived from the tapes relating to Clinton until after the election and she would only do so while also exposing Trump. Up until now, she has done neither.

It has long been known that Epstein knew both the ex-and future presidents, though both have denied knowing the sex offender well for obvious reasons. Clinton, for example, flew on Epstein’s Lolita Express private 727 at least 26 times and his presence at Epstein’s island refuge has also been well documented. Trump clearly knew Epstein but has denied having any contact with him after his registration as a sex offender in 2008.

Ghislaine, for her part, was allegedly recruited young girls for Epstein to exploit and was a partner in his activity, though she has denied any guilt. Numerous victims say otherwise. Her lawyers have tried a number of ploys to free her, including claims that she had been abused by prison staff and that the jury being selected to try her will be “too white.” Her brother Ian claimed last week that she is enduring “brutal and degrading treatment” in prison with four guards watching her at all times. He added that she has lost 20 pounds and “ability to concentrate.”

Ghislaine also offered to post a $28.5 million bail or a $5 million bond for home arrest in which she would wear an ankle monitor, but the judge decided that given her extensive resources she constitutes a considerable flight risk even if she turns in her American, British and French passports. She would also be able to flee to Israel based on her father Robert’s religion and service to that country and Israel does not normally extradite.

The most interesting aspect of the arrest, imprisonment and trial of Ghislaine Maxwell is what it does not do. She basically is being tried on whether it can be confirmed that she was a “pimp” for Jeffrey Epstein. Her father was an Israeli intelligence asset and it is believed that he made the connection between Epstein and the Jewish state’s military intelligence. But no one in that New York court room in July will be asking that. Nor will there be any revelations about Epstein’s “intelligence connection” nor of the possibility that the Israelis had their hooks in both a former and a future American president. None of that will be on the table and meanwhile Ghislaine might have those possibly incriminating tapes squirreled away somewhere. That is the really important stuff that I would like to have the answers to. The fact that the answers are not forthcoming sounds a bit like a cover-up, doesn’t it?

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is https://councilforthenationalinterest.orgaddress is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org


Trucker Refuses Mask & is Fired: “Will Not be a Collaborator”



TRUCK DRIVER Ryan Messano explains why he refused to wear a mask.
Below, Chuck describes the ordeal that he faced on his return to Canada from the Dominican Republic.Finally, George comments on states rolling back repressive federal mask mandates. 

Fired from my truck driving job at Schneider making $80-$120k a year, plus benefits, for refusing to wear a mask at Target.


“Dear Schneider [means, his employer], I have had a great experience with Schneider. I have given the company my blood, toil, sweat, and tears, having worked 70 hours nearly every week I’ve been here.

Initially, I was disturbed by having to deliver to Walmart and Target, two of the biggest exploiters of the 1.4 billion slaves in China. But, I said nothing, while I avoid shopping at those two places like the plague.

Today was the last straw. I have to follow my conscience, and Target constantly harasses me to wear a mask.

Three reasons that makes no sense:
First, 99.7% of those who get Covid under 70 recover.
Second, the masks are not small enough to block coronavirus Microbes,
and Third,The CDC and WHO (both owned by the same corporations making record profits from this plandemic) both changed the definition of a pandemic from deaths to infections in 2009. Under the original definition, there would be no lockdown, and no mandated mask wearing. Due to this, I cannot cooperate with the biggest lie and hoax in human history.

I can no longer cooperate with a deliberate attempt to destroy the American middle class. If I have to lose my job, at least my conscience is still my friend. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God.

Besides, who does Target think they are, they would be destroyed without their 1.4 billion slaves in China. And, if any of us print out money, we go to jail for forgery, but the owners of the Federal Reserve own Walmart, China, Target, the media, schools, and tech companies, constantly printing out their fake money whenever they want, while creating stupid hoaxes, like this virus, to justify economically crippling America. I have more money in my bank account than Target has made in the last 10 years, legitimately.”

I am scheduled to get my Class A trucking license in Wyoming this week, and to buy a truck through a company in Tennessee, to quadruple my earnings.

The only reason why I did this is because I had a plan in my back pocket for future employment, as it’s nearly certain defying this bogus lockdown can result in job termination.

I studied the trucking industry for six months. The trucking companies are desperately trying to hire truck drivers who know nothing of America or her history, to create an army of pawns, to uphold the NWO in America, and to ensure that the people are pacified until the bankers are ready to pull the plug.

I asked Chuck if he had to be tested for covid on arrival in Montreal.
“A first test 72 hours at most before leaving, and another at arrival, in my case at 1 am Saturday. I got my airport test result Sunday morning and was home in the evening. Now starting 14 days of quarantine and a third self-administered test on the 10th day. 
They give you a test kit upon leaving the airport. The self-administration of this third test is monitored through a web video session and the result mailed-in. It’s like coming back from a killer disease ridden country… And, oh, three days in a quarantine hotel, the cheapest for $1300. 
Since I arrived very late, I got what must be the worst room in a sort of motel with no dining room, hence a cold breakfast. The other meals were quite good, though, brought in warm from a catering outfit. 
A team from French CBC was there around ten Saturday morning (that place must have fed horror stories in the media) and I got to give them an interview. With the cold breakfast, an overheated room with a heater buzzing like a Hydro 120 kV transformer, I had a lot to say… 
The report was to be featured on the local evening news but I didn’t get to see it, because no regular cable feed on the tv… Most people, like me, stay only two nights because the test results are generally delivered within 48 hours. The third day is not refundable. A brisk business. 
The cab driver from the airport said winter tourism is dead. So will be overseas tourism to Canada with such an ordeal upon arrival. Much pressure to take the”vaccine” for the ill informed.


I agree completely that states’ rights is beginning to assert itself. However, the way this is happening has been somewhat unexpected. The really effective reaction is taking place on beaches, in bars, restaurants, and open-air parties. People want a little bit of joy in their lives. The cardboard cutouts at sports events are surrealistic manifestations of tyranny. The states of the old Confederacy, now insulted as being “Neanderthal” rather than “deplorable” or “redneck” are leading the movement.
But other free states such as the Dakotas and Idaho are beginning to join in. The mood in the air is that those with a spirit of freedom in their hearts have had enough, while those who are born slaves are showing it with their masks and lining up for vaccinations.
Because of the massive economic and social devastation created by the COVID hoax piled onto a century of financial mismanagement by the so-called Federal Reserve, an equally massive blowout is to be expected. Ideally, one would hope that the perpetrators of this disaster would be punished selectively.
Realistically speaking, however, the worst victims will undoubtedly be the weakest and most vulnerable, those living in the tent cities of Los Angeles, the elderly victims of the breakdown of the nuclear family, and other innocents, as has been the case since time immemorial. Only in the religious doctrines of Heaven and Hell do the wicked and the righteous receive in a systematic way the full recognition of their actions during life.



Every week, I pick up one of my children’s four children and have them over for the day. This is to give my DIL a break, and I enjoy having them. We work puzzles and I read to them, but we mostly are outside in the front where many of the neighborhood children come to play too. Whenever I have a set of the grandchildren here, my oldest daughter will drop off her 18 month old son, since he loves playing with his cousins.

With some of my precious grandchildren

The other day was one of the days I had them. It rained. It was the only third day it’s rained here in six months! Therefore, we had an indoor day with a house full since some of the neighborhood children came into our home. I made a big bowl of popcorn while the little ones were dancing, the boys were playing with their cards, and the older girls were playing with their dolls. Sometimes, some of them went upstairs to help Ken “work.”

After I took them home, Ken asked me to watch one young woman on American Idol sing. I don’t watch that show, but he said this young woman was one of ten children and her dad was a pastor. The wife left him and their ten children. This is heartbreaking. I told Ken that this is pure selfishness. She was only thinking of herself and not how her actions were going to forever impact her children.

I reminded Ken of the time when we had four young children and he looked at me and said, “I will never leave you because of the children.” We didn’t have a great marriage back then. We argued a lot, and I was far from a submissive wife to him. He then responded that he wouldn’t have left me at least until the children were grown. I told him that even then divorce harms the children greatly. Our children and grandchildren love coming to our home; their parent’s and grandparent’s home.

A friend of ours has parents who divorced when he was an adult. Their entire family is fractured and not close. There’s no place where they can all gather frequently and enjoy each other. Even the weddings are uncomfortable. My parents stuck it out even though they weren’t “happy” together. (They ended up very happy together in the last years of my mom’s life.) But all of us children and grandchildren are SO thankful they stuck it out! Not only as an example to all of us but for the many special memories we have of gathering at their home and celebrating one thing or another.

We’ve been married over forties years now. There is great joy in having so many shared memories together, mostly of raising and loving our children, and now enjoying and loving our grandchildren. We’ve also grown a lot spiritually. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s always good. It has become a lot easier as I have learned the ways of the Lord and am being transformed by renewing my mind with God’s perfect truth. Build a godly generation for your family, women. Yes, it’s a lot of hard work, but the fruit is beautiful beyond compare!

Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.
Proverbs 17:6

The Joy of Staying Together Until the End

Mike Stone – Refuse the Mask


“It’s not a millennial thing. It’s not a boomer thing. It’s not a generation-X thing. The mass hysteria we’re experiencing falls across all ages on the spectrum, young and old alike. They’re all equally stupid.”

by Mike Stone(henrymakow.com)
I understand if your boss is a brain-dead baboon and makes you wear a mask to keep your job. And I understand if you need to wear a mask in order to enter a bank, the post office, a grocery store, or to ride a city bus or subway. Those are all acceptable excuses. But beyond those, there is no reason – and I mean NO REASON – why you should be wearing a mask. Take the damn thing off.
Don’t you know by now that this whole thing is a hoax? That you’re being played like a fiddle and made to look foolish by wearing a useless and utterly stupid mask? Take the damn thing off.
I pass women on the street. Normally, my “guy” radar would immediately go off. Not anymore. The instant I see the stupid mask they’re wearing, all desire, all attraction, all respect goes out the window. How can you respect someone so stupid? Don’t they know how pathetic they look? If I could see one girl – one girl anywhere in the world with the courage and common sense not to wear a mask – I think I would fall instantly and hopelessly in love. Take the damn thing off.
Even more pathetic are the men. Don’t they know that masks are a sign of submission, a sign of fear, a sign of cowardice and stupidity? Is that how they want to present themselves to the world? Think about it: the only reason we’re being pressured to wear masks is to frighten and cower us into submission. 
That’s the ONLY reason. That’s why the fake president pretends to be upset at states like Texas and Florida that refuse to be frightened. If every man in this country grew a pair and refused to wear a mask, the entire house of cards would come crumbling down. It would cease instantly. Take the damn thing off.
Cars pass me on the street. Dozens, hundreds of them. The majority have their windows rolled up, but the drivers are wearing masks and gloves. Since when did we become a nation of cowardly sheep? Maybe it’s always been that way and I just didn’t notice. Can you imagine going to war with China or Russia with all the feminized men we have hiding behind masks and walking the streets of our cities? We’d get our asses kicked real fast.
It’s not a millennial thing. It’s not a boomer thing. It’s not a generation-X thing. The mass hysteria we’re experiencing falls across all ages on the spectrum, young and old alike. They’re all equally stupid.
The fake conservatives have fallen for it. They’re all towing the party line, talking now about Trump in 2024, and wearing their stupid masks. Don’t tell me you’re still listening to them.
If you’re a student, it’s okay to question your teachers about your school’s idiotic mask policy. Don’t be rude and don’t say anything that might prompt them to flunk you or worse. But at the same time, make them explain to you in clear language why they’re so afraid of a simple cold virus. Ask them which Dr. Fauci was lying, the one who said masks were useless and not necessary, or the one who now says they are essential in stopping the phony virus? One of those fake Faucis was lying. Which one?
Most likely, your teacher won’t be able to answer you. And when a teacher is faced with a question they can’t answer by a student who is smarter than they are, they tend to respond with threats and name-calling. So be prepared. If you’re in the school band, or any other group activity, and they want to herd you inside separate plastic bubbles, tell them to shove it.
So how about you? If you’re wearing a mask anywhere other than the bank, the post office, the grocery store, or city transportation, then you’re part of the problem. Don’t give me your crybaby excuses. Don’t be like my family members who begin frothing at the mouth, telling me they must – absolutely must – travel to Florida and visit Disneyland.
Don’t be like my friends who say the same thing about going to Las Vegas. If you’re traveling like that, you’re not only giving power to the lie by acquiescing to their mask demands, you’re putting your money into the very pockets of the corporations that are pushing the hoax and that backed the phony election. You’re actually a traitor if you do that. You’re trading with the enemy.
The same with any other place else that wants you to wear a stupid mask. If your dentist demands it, walk out. If you see a sign on the door of a business telling you to wear a mask, don’t go in. Let every one of those cowardly companies go under.
Of course, if you disagree with everything I’ve just said, if you’re wearing a mask while you read this, then there’s really nothing I can do for you. Bow down before your masters. Grovel at the feet of those who warp your mind and frighten you into surrendering. Just know that’s it’s entirely your choice. No one is forcing you to submit, to be fearful, to wail and cry like a baby. It’s all on you. Take the damn thing off.
—–Mike Stone is the author of Based, a young adult novel about race, dating and growing up in America, and A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon.
Related – Numbers In The New CDC Report DESTROY The Case For Mask Mandates


Fired from my truck driving job at Schneider making $80-$120k a year, plus benefits, for refusing to wear a mask at Target.

Letter to company
Part 2

Transcript of the two messages:”Dear Schneider, I have had a great experience with Schneider. I have given the company my blood, toil, sweat, and tears, having worked 70 hours nearly every week I’ve been here.

Initially, I was disturbed by having to deliver to Walmart and Target, two of the biggest exploiters of the 1.4 billion slaves in China. But, I said nothing, while I avoid shopping at those two places like the plague. 

Today was the final straw. I have to follow my conscience, and Target is constantly harassing me to wear a mask. Three reasons that makes no sense. First, 99.7% of those who get Covid under 70 recover. Second, the masks are not small enough to block coronavirus Microbes, and third,The CDC and who both change the definition of a pandemic from death to infections in 2009. Under the original definition, there would be no lock down, and no mandated mask wearing. Due to this I cannot Cooperate with the biggest lie and hoax in human history. , And the many great people who work at Schneider, but I can no longer cooperate with a deliberate attempt to destroy the American middle class.If I have to lose my job, at least my conscience is still my friend. Here I stand, I can do oh no other, so help me God. Thank you, Ryan

Besides, who does Target think they are, they would be destroyed without their 1.4 billion slaves in China. And, if any of us print out money, we go to jail for forgery, but the owners of the Federal Reserve own Walmart, China, Target, the media, schools, And tech companies and they get to constantly print out their fake money whenever they want, while creating stupid hoaxes like this virus to justify economically crippling America. I have more money in my bank account than Target has made in the last 10 years, legitimately.”

Note, Schneider gave no formal written response to this message, only a pink slip the following Monday, after hurriedly flying me back to Stockton from NY, flying me back Friday instead of the scheduled Sunday. My manager, Greg, was polite about it, and was always very helpful and a great manager to work for.

After refusing to wear a mask as a truck driver going to Target, I was immediately fired. There is no logical reason to wear a mask. Plenty of other trucking companies are looking for dedicated truckers.

Most truckers know this mask lockdown is totally bogus. Am scheduled to go to Missouri to buy a truck on Monday. That will quadruple my wages.

Told him I’m not their slave like the Chinese are.

Rebellion against tyranny is obedience to God.

Brandon Smith – We’re Headed For 1929 Repeat


“They want an economic disaster,” says Brandon Smith. After creating an inflationary bubble in the 1920’s, the Fed engineered the Great Depression by raising rates. Brandon Smith thinks this game plan may be repeated in order to impose a permanent globalist lockdown and a digital world currency.

“The only unknown at this point is how they will go about their sabotage. Will the central bank continue to allow inflation to explode the cost of living in the U.S., or will they intervene with higher interest rates and allow stock markets to crash?”

Stagflation Subterfuge: The Real Disaster Hidden By The Pandemic

by Brandon Smith

(abridged by henrymakow.com)

…Inflation or deflation?

The central bank has created a Catch 22, and many (including myself) believe that the Fed has created the conundrum deliberately. 

All central banks are tied together by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the BIS is a globalist institution through and through. The globalist agenda seeks to trigger what they call the “Great Reset,” a complete reformation of the global economy and capitalism into a single one world socialist system… managed by the globalists themselves, of course.

In my view, the Fed has always been a kind of institutional suicide bomber; its job is to self-destruct at the right moment and take the U.S. economy down with it, all in the name of spreading its cult-like globalist ideology.

The only unknown at this point is how they will go about their sabotage. Will the central bank continue to allow inflation to explode the cost of living in the U.S., or will they intervene with higher interest rates and allow stock markets to crash?

Either way, we face a serious economic crisis in the near future.


Mainstream economists will often argue that rising yields and inflation are a “good thing.” They claim this is a sign of rapid economic recovery. I disagree.

If “inflation” was the same as “recovery,” then there would not have been total economic collapses in Argentina in 2002, in Yugoslavia in 1994, or in Weimar Germany in the early 1920s.

I do not see recovery. What I see is the rapid devaluation of the dollar’s buying power due to massive fiat printing through stimulus measures. The Fed and the U.S. government are buying a short-term surge in economic activity, but at a hidden cost. This is a condition that the Dollar Index does not even begin to address, but obvious in prices of necessary goods and commodities…


Let’s make something clear first: The pandemic is NOT the reason for the stimulus flood. The pandemic did very little to hurt actual business in the U.S. Rather, it was the lockdowns that did most of the damage.

Think about that for a moment – federal and state governments crushed the economy through lockdowns, then offered the solution of vast stimulus measures. This in turn is destroying financial stability and generating rapid price inflation.

Conservative states and counties that refused to shut down are recovering at a much faster pace than leftist states which imposed draconian restrictions on citizens. Yet, the lockdowns did nothing to stop the spread of COVID-19 in blue states. So, the lockdowns accomplished no discernible advantage for the public, but they did give the central bank a perfect rationale to further erode the dollar.

This resulting price inflation is something that not even the red states can escape.

For example, home prices are rapidly expanding beyond the market bubble of 2006. This is partially due to millions of people participating in perhaps the largest migration in the U.S. since the Great Depression. Anyone who is able is moving away from major cities into suburban and rural areas. But, home prices also have a historic habit of inflating along with currency devaluation. The cost of maintaining and remodelling an older home, or building a new home, rises as the prices of commodities like lumber inflate.

And lumber prices are certainly inflating! Softwood lumber prices are up at least 110% from a year ago, and are climbing as much as 10% in a week.

Home rentals also do not escape inflation, as the rising cost of maintaining properties forces landlords to increase rents. The only places where rents are decreasing are major cities that Americans are seeking to flee, such as New York and San Francisco…


This is why the COVID-19 lockdowns must continue and the pandemic fear factory must remain active. The globalists need a cover event for the Reset and they need to keep the citizenry under control, and the pandemic can be blamed for just about anything. 

This is why the media is hyping the existence of “COVID mutations.” 

Do not be surprised if the Biden Administration tries to implement a national lockdown sometime this year in the name of stopping the spread of a “more deadly” COVID-19 variant.

It won’t matter that the previous lockdowns were useless and all the data shows that keeping the economy open is a superior policy. It might seem like logic is going completely out the window, but there is a very logical reason for what is happening in the minds of globalists.

Stagflation comes into play through losses in certain sectors of the economy, high unemployment and the inability of wages to keep up with costs.

There is the continued dismantling of the small business sector, which, again, I believe is being destroyed deliberately. It’s not a mistake that small businesses were predominantly targeted as “non-essential” during the lockdowns. It’s also not a coincidence that the majority of COVID-19 PPP loans went to big box corporations while small businesses received almost nothing. The small business sector is being erased, leaving only the corporate sector to provide for consumers.

This may be why Democrats are so adamant about raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. Wages are already rising according to market demand and region. The average non-skilled worker in the U.S. is making around $11 an hour. There is no need for the government to interfere, unless they have ulterior motives.

A $15 minimum wage would likely crush what’s left of small businesses, and only corporations that are receiving the bulk of stimulus dollars will be able to afford to pay workers the higher rate. …

Prices will continue to rise due to dollar devaluation, but the media and government will say that it has nothing to do with the dollar and everything to do with companies raising shelf prices to offset increased labor costs.


I suspect that the establishment will do everything in its power to distract the public from the biggest threat in the history of American society – the stagflationary time bomb.

If they admit to its existence then the public could prepare for it, and they don’t want that. If Americans were to decentralize their local economies, support local small businesses instead of big box retailers, start producing necessities for themselves, and developed currency alternatives like local scrip backed by commodities… then they would be able to survive a national financial crisis.

In fact, I guarantee that any community, county or state that takes these steps will immediately be targeted by the federal government, further revealing the truth: The establishment wants the public to suffer.

They want economic disaster. They do not want people to have the option of taking care of themselves. They need people scared, desperate and malleable, or they will never achieve their Reset agenda.


RelatedRothschilds Courting Economic Collapse


“Chosen People” – The Mother of all Jewish Scams

Jews claim to be “God’s Chosen People” yet have the chutzpah to accuse Europeans of “white supremacy” and “racism.” Goyim, wake up, Cabalists are the world’s greatest scam artists. Are you the world’s greatest rubes?  Wars, depressions, central banking, 9-11, covid are all their scams.Satanism is when people usurp the role of God. Talk about “supremacism.” The New World Order is Satan Worship  – Isn’t it Obvious?Who are the real “supremacists?”  Trump (Zionism) and Sanders (Communism)–both Jews– are both part of this plot.

Updated from Sept 13, 2018
by Henry Makow Ph.D. “Marching to Zion,” a documentary by Baptist Pastor Steven Anderson, is a sign that Christians are finally waking up to the mother of all Jewish scams, that Jews are “God’s Chosen People.”  God is universal Love, as Christ taught, the antithesis of the notion that God would chose one people over another. 


Christians and Jews are finally recognizing that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. Cabalist Judaism is actually about supplanting God and deifying Cabalist Jews. Cabalism (Satanism) is the secret religion of the world. 
Christians were deceived by the Scofield Bible which was financed and promoted by Zionist bankers. Christian Zionist pastors like John Hagee, Benny Hinn, and Joel Osteen are apostates and traitors. Pro-Zionist US politicians like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are also traitors.  
When Christians realize this, they’ll understand that the Dept. of Homeland Security and NSA are there to protect the Federal Reserve Bank and the Zionist political establishment from the wrath of the American people when they realize their country has been stolen out from under them. Terrorism is a pretext manufactured by the CIA and FBI.
The best part of this documentary is Anderson’s interviews with three Jewish rabbis who are buffoons. One denies that Jews killed Christ.  Anderson cites a book by a top Jewish scholar who admits this is not only true but states Christ was a “blasphemer and idolater” who deserved to be killed! 


Another rabbi says that all morality is relative. If a society approves of stealing, then stealing is OK. What kind of religion is this? It certainly accounts for the behavior of some Jews.
We learn that Jews don’t believe in the Torah (Old Testament) and don’t believe in Hell. They reject Christ as a “failed Messiah” and believe the real Messiah (i.e. the Antichrist) will be a “great warrior” who will vanquish Jewish enemies and bring about Jewish world hegemony a.k.a. “peace.”
Anderson emphasizes that Judaism is essentially anti-Christian. Teaching Christianity is banned in Israel. Christians cannot become Israelis. The Bible says the Star of David represents Moloch.
By supporting Israel, Christians are participating in their blasphemy and will suffer God’s wrath. Has the US enjoyed God’s blessing for supporting Israel? Quite the opposite.
The documentary shows how Jewish satanism (Cabala) is seeping into Christian teachings in the form of the belief that God is androgynous rather than masculine. In fact, it is Baphomet who is androgynous.
The documentary is 1.47 min but you can stop at roughly the one-hour mark where it gets into a pointless discussion of genealogy, and how we are all descendants of Abraham. The time should have been devoted to how Jews descend from the Khazars and have no claim to Palestine. Israel was set up to be capital of the Masonic Jewish banker world empire.
The last ten minutes affirm that Christianity is about “a heavenly Jerusalem” a spiritual realm that will define the earthly kingdom. Man’s true happiness and salvation reside in making spiritual values paramount, especially love of our fellow man.
I hope every Christian watches this documentary and learns the truth. Most Jews have been deceived and manipulated as well. They can also liberate themselves from the mental slavery that is Judaism.Mankind is sinking into Satanism based on Freemasonry and the Jewish Cabala. ThankfullyChristians are learning that Judaism and Zionism are wolves in sheep clothing.From June 7, 2015Related:Israelis Believe they are Chosen People – PollTexe Marrs interviews Stephen Anderson about Marching to Zion /Part OnePart Two
Nimoy’s Vulcan Sign is Invocation of the Devil


Creeping Corporate Authoritarianism: As TX and Other States Lift COVID Restrictions, 14 Corporations (So Far) Are Still Planning To Exert Control Over Americans

By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine

At ANP we rarely call for boycotts and we are not calling for them now. 

With that said, after reading the article below, should readers decide on their own they do not wish to do businesses with a number of corporate authoritarians, that is their call. We do realize that in some cases, folks might not have another option for certain services.

Our call to action here is to contact each of these businesses to make your opinion known. We will be providing all the contact details we can find for each, listed beneath the statements and info known about each corporations’ plans.

The businesses are: Target, Starbucks, Macy’s, Toyota, Hyatt, CVS, Walgreens, AMC, GM, Alamo Drafthouse, Kohl’s, Costco, H-E-B/Central Market, and Kroger.

TARGET: “Target will continue requiring guests to wear masks in all of its stores, the company’s spokesman said, adding that the big-box retailer also required all store team members to wear masks at work, and provided them with reusable and disposable masks,” Fox Business reported.

Address: 777 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 

Phone: 1.800.440.0680





Target Online Contact Form

Target Contact Page

MACY’S: “Department store operator Macy’s said its policy of needing customers and workers to wear masks in stores was going to remain unchanged,” Fox Business reported.

Macy’s Corporate Services Address: 151 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001

Macy’s Official Address: 7 West Seventh Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202

 Phone: 1-513-579-7000

Email: media@macys.com

Macy’s Online Contact Form & Contact Page

H-E-B/Central Market: H-E-B and Central Market will continue requiring masks of employees while “urging” customers to wear them. – MSN

“Although there is no longer a statewide mask order, H-E-B believes it is important that masks be worn in public spaces until more Texans and our Partners have access to the COVID-19 vaccine. As an essential service provider during the pandemic, H-E-B is focused on the health and safety of our Partners and customers. H-E-B will still require all our Partners and vendors to wear masks while at work, and we urge all customers to please wear a mask when in our stores.”

While H-E-B and Central Market which is owned by H-E-B are not “mandating” consumers wear masks and are only “urging” them to, the control they are continuing to exert is forcing their employees to continue wearing the masks, along with other mandates, despite the fact that the TX Governor, and other state governors have lifted the state restrictions.

H-E-B Mailing Address: PO Box 839999 San Antonio, TX 78283 United States

Phone: 1-210-938-8357

Email: customer.relations@heb.com

H-E-B Online Contact Page

KROGER: Masks are required at Kroger grocery stores, according to Kroger Dallas Division corporate affairs manager April Martin. – MSN

“To ensure the continued safety of our customers and associates, The Kroger Family of Companies will continue to require everyone in our stores across the country to wear masks until all our frontline grocery associates can receive the COVID-19 vaccine,” Martin said.

Kroger will also be offering a $100 one-time payment to associates who receive the COVID-19 vaccine, according to Martin.

The Kroger Co. Headquarters Address:  1014 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202

Corporate Phone Number: 1-513-762-4000

Corporate Fax Number: 1-513-762-1575

Corporate Email: info@kroger.com

Kroger Online Contact Page

COSTCO: Oklahoma News4 and others report that Costco “are among the grocery and big-box stores that will continue to mandate masks inside stores.”

Costco Corporate Office Headquarters HQ Address: 999 Lake Drive, Issaquah, WA 98027 USA

Corporate Phone Number: 1-425-313-8100

Corporate Fax Number: 1-425-313-8103

Corporate Email: info@costco.com

How to provide feedback online: https://customerservice.costco.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1218

KOHL’S: Bloomberg reports that Kohl’s said “they would maintain their mask guidelines in accordance with the CDC,” despite the states’ governors repealing their COVID restrictions.

Kohl’s Corporate Office Headquarters Address: N56 W17000 Ridgewood Drive, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 USA

Corporate Phone Numbers: 1-262-703-7000855-564-5705

Fax Number: 1-262-703-6143

Customer Service Number: 1-866-887-8884

Complaint Department Kohl’s

Bottom right corner of this page has a chat function.

STARBUCKS: WSJ reports Starbucks is “among the major corporations saying they have no plans to drop mask requirements..”

Starbucks Headquarters Address: 2401 Utah Ave. S., S-CR1, Seattle, WA 98134  

Phone: 1-206-447-1575

Fax: 1-206-318-3432

Starbucks Online Contact Form

CVS/PHARMACY: “CVS, which began mandating masks at all stores nationwide in July as more scientific data emerged showing that face coverings help slow the virus’s spread, will continue to require them, a spokesman said,” WSJ reported. “He said CVS will continue to follow federal health guidelines.”

CVS Corporation Customer Relations Address: One CVS Drive, Woonsocket, RI 02895

Customer Service Phone: 1-800-SHOP-CVS (1-800-746-7287)

CVS Online Contact Form

CVS Feedback (Bottom right corner click the “feedback” button and another online form pops out.)

WALGREENS: Newsmax and others report that Walgreens “will continue to require face masks as other stores relax their policies.”

Walgreen Co. Consumer Relations Address: 200 Wilmot Rd., MS #2002, Deerfield, IL 60015

Headquarters Address: 200 Wilmot Rd Ste 2273, Deerfield, IL 60015-4620

Phone: 1-800-WALGREENS/1-800-925-4733

Walgreens Online Contact Form

AMC (Theaters): WSJ reported that “America’s largest theater chain, AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc., AMC has had all its Texas theaters open since last year. The company will continue to require consumers to wear masks.”

At the top of the AMC website they even link to a list of masks they describe as “acceptable.” Not only are they exerting control over mask wearing, but even demanding specific types of masks.

AMC Theatre Support Center Address: 11500 Ash Street, Leawood, KS 66211

Phone: 913- 213-2000

Guest Services: 877-262-4450

ALAMO’S DRAFTHOUSE: “Alamo Drafthouse’s mandatory mask policy remains in place, as well as our 6′ social distancing protocols, and all of the other safety measures we’ve had in place across the country since last year,” the company said Tuesday. (Source)

In related news, the New York Post reported that “Alamo Drafthouse revealed it is selling itself as the dine-in cinema chain filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday — and one of its new co-owners is a private-equity firm that has been engulfed in a child-abuse scandal.”

Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas Corporate Office & Headquarters Address:13809 North Highway 183 Austin TX 78750

Corporate Phone: (512) 219-7800

Write A Review

HYATT HOTELS CORP.: WSJ reports that Hyatt “among the major corporations saying they have no plans to drop mask requirements.”

Hyatt Hotels Corporation Address: 150 North Riverside Plaza, 8th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60606

Hyatt Customer Service Phone: 1 (800) 233-1234

Multiple Email Address found at this link.

Toyota, and GM are also among the corporations that are requiring masks be worn, despite the fact that there is no more state mandate in Texas, Mississippi, and other states.

Toyota USA Corporate Office Headquarters Address: 19001 S. Western Ave., Torrance, CA 90501 USA

Corporate Phone Number: 1-310-468-4000

Fax Number: 1-310-468-7800

Customer Service Number: 1-800-331-4331

Toyota Online Contact Page

GM Headquarters Address: 300 Renaissance Center Detroit, MI 48243 United States

Corporate Phone Number: 1-313-556-5000

Customer Service Phone Number: 1-313-556-5000


These companies are deliberately going against Governors that are trying to reopen their states, and bring back their economies that have been devastated by the lockdowns.

It is time for America to get back to normal and that does not include allowing  the creeping corporate authoritarianism.

Call, write, if you live close go in person, fax and email if the information is provided.

Let them know, politely, what you think.



“Having children is the most destructive thing a person can to do to the environment, according to a new study. Researchers from Lund University in Sweden found having one fewer child per family can save ‘an average of 58.6 tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions per year.’ Eating meat, driving a car and travelling by airplane made up the list of the most polluting things people can do to the planet. But having children was top, according to the new study, published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.” (Source)

Now we understand why Bill Gates is doing what he is doing, and why the radical Left loves this entire virus and lockdowns! The virus has accomplished the goals of not driving cars and traveling by airplanes. Bill Gates is buying up all of the American farmland and wants us to eat plastic meat (whatever that is). Children are taught in the public schools to worship the creation rather than the Creator through environmentalism. They grow up caring more for the environment than they do for human beings who are made in the image of God. They fail to realize that this world will all one day be burned up by God Almighty and only what we do for Him will last.

This is why the radical Left loves abortion, Planned Parenthood, women not wanting to have babies, women leaving their homes and families for the workforce, and birth control. Children are the ones ignored, discarded, and left behind in the Left’s agenda. They believe that caring for the environment trumps all else, including the lives of unborn babies who have been slaughtered in their wombs.

Guess what, women? It’s all a lie! It’s deception from the great deceiver whose goal is to kill, steal, and destroy. It’s the complete opposite of what God’s will is for us. He wants us marrying, bearing children, and guiding the home. He tells us that children are a blessing, and happy is the man who has a quiver full!

I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
1 Timothy 5:14

Having Children is the Most Destructive Thing a Person Can Do???

Covid Hoax Has Failed – What’s Their Next Step?


They were expecting something biblical, and instead they got something not much more dangerous than the flu and pneumonia. Brandon Smith gazes into his crystal ball and predicts what the Satanists may do to impose their dystopian agenda on mankind.


“There is now mass public resistance to the vaccinations and medical passports…No one is scared of this thing. Almost no conservative is going to wear a mask, and many people in Red states (and some in Blue states) are going to refuse to take the vaccines or accept medical passports.”

How The Fight Over American Freedom Will Probably Escalate

By Brandon Smith(abridged by henrymakow.com)
Three months ago in December I published an article titled ‘Is The Globalist Reset Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand’
I was specifically interested in the development of the pandemic “crisis”, the lockdown mandates of governments worldwide, the bizarre vaccination campaign for the new and under-tested mRNA cocktail which was rushed out to the public in the span of six months, the World Economic Forum’s open statements that they hoped to exploit the pandemic as a springboard for their globalist agenda, and the public’s reaction to it all….

The establishment elites really blew it this time.
My suspicion… is that the globalists announced their reset agenda under the assumption that the death rate for covid would be MUCH higher than it is. They were expecting something biblical, and instead they got something not much more dangerous than the flu and pneumonia.
There is now mass public resistance to the vaccinations and medical passports. This is probably why they rushed out the vaccines in the span of 6 months instead of a year to 18 months as they hinted at in early 2020. They are trying to get as many people as possible to take the experimental vaccines before the citizenry realizes that covid is a nothing-burger…
No one is scared of this thing. Almost no conservative is going to wear a mask, and many people in Red states (and some in Blue states) are going to refuse to take the vaccines or accept medical passports.
This means that the globalists have a big problem. They obviously invested a lot into this pandemic. It is the key to their entire Reset agenda. Without a frightening pandemic killing tens of millions, the globalists will not be able to lock down the public and prevent them from traveling or organizing. They will not be able to institute the medical passports and contact tracing apps that would allow them to watch the public 24/7. They certainly won’t get most Americans to go along with the cashless society and the centralized global governance the elites are so obsessed with.
The fear of cronavirus is waning. The globalists have indeed failed in epic fashion. But, this doesn’t mean that they are going to give up. If my experience studying psychopathic people tells me anything, it is that when these lunatics are cornered they tend to double and triple down on their failures.
The question is, what will happen next? The establishment will need maximum instability and chaos in the near term if they hope to salvage their Reset project. If they wait too long awareness will spread and they might not get another chance for many decades to come, if ever. Here are the events I expect to see over the course of the next year…
The globalists are doomed unless they can keep the pandemic panic rolling forward. For now, puppets like Biden and Fauci are going to pretend as if a full reopening of the economy is going to happen. This us a lie. Already we are seeing Biden waffling on when a reopening will take place. He has indicated that it will be at least a YEAR before the shutdowns will completely end, and this is predicated on the majority of Americans submitting to vaccinations and medical passports.
In other words, the establishment is telling us that they intend to hold the economy hostage until we take the jab and give up our freedoms.
Now, are these inbred totalitarians just out of their minds? Well, probably, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a Plan B. Just look at all the hype surrounding “covid mutations” in places like South Africa and Brazil; the narrative will be that a “new covid variant” that is more dangerous and deadly than the first virus is spreading, and that the lockdowns must return for the greater good of the public….
If the mutation narrative continues on the path… I expect the Biden Administration to attempt a national federalized lockdown similar to the Level 4 lockdowns used in Europe and Australia, and it will be announced sometime this year.
This program will trigger several reactions; most importantly, most conservative states and counties will refuse to follow federal mandates. I know that my county and probably most of Montana will defy any new shutdown.
There will be several economic consequences that will erupt from this conflict; some positive and some negative.
(Restaurants are fleeing NYC for Miami, proof Covid is a hoax.)DOMESTIC ECONOMIC WARFARE
This phase of the crisis will happen within a month to two months of any national shutdown. Red states will refuse to comply. State politicians, even if they are part of the agenda, will be too scared to try to enforce federal mandates. They will be compelled by the conservative citizenry to keep their states open. Most people in these areas will ignore mandates.
This will lead to a red state fiscal boom, at least in the beginning, as business continues to thrive in conservative areas while blue states suffer under medical tyranny. Companies will flee leftist states by the thousands and move to any states that remain open and accommodating. This will be short lived, though.
Biden and the federal government will try to retaliate, first by cutting off federal funds to any state that does not bow to their power and refusing to give stimulus to any businesses that relocate. Blue states will be flush with stimulus cash while red states will be forced to reduce or eliminate welfare programs and some pension funds.
Of course, the government has no real money to give, they only have our tax dollars and the fiat that the central bank creates from thin air. The likely response will be that conservative states and citizens will simply stop paying federal taxes. Another reaction will be red states taking over federal lands and utilizing the resources on those lands to rejuvenate their industry and make up for the federal dollars lost.What this amounts to is a soft secession of conservative regions, which will eventually lead to federal attempts at physical intervention (the economic war will turn into a shooting war). The argument from the establishment will be that conservatives are putting the rest of the country “at risk”, that we are “selfish” and “literally killing grandma”.
I expect Biden and Big Tech to further pursue their current witch hunt against conservative voices, far beyond what we have already seen. In order to win a fight with conservatives they will first have to silence us so that our side of the argument is never seen or considered by the rest of the population. If they allow us to be heard, we will undoubtedly win because facts and moral reason are on our side.
It is hard to demonize people that simply want to be free.
But, if you can silence conservatives and moderates, then the narrative can be rigged. The establishment spin doctors can tell people that we don’t actually want freedom; we want something else, something evil and nefarious. They can tell people we are “fascists”, and that we are “racists” and that we actually want tyranny. Who is going to tell the public otherwise when we are removed from all available platforms and our websites are booted off service providers due to “dangerous ideas”?GUN CONTROL MADNESS
I know that some people think that leftists under Biden will not try to carry out a widespread gun crackdown and that much of the current talk is merely hollow rhetoric. I disagree. I think the globalists are going for broke, and they need to get as many combat capable firearms as they can from Americans soon. Democrats will push hard for legislation like HR 127.
They will then offer a “compromise” with Republicans and the NRA, cutting out portions of the bill. This will be a trick to make the public think that the new restrictions are a “reasonable compromise”. They think we will breath a sigh of relief and say “Well, at least they didn’t take everything…”
The gun grabbers are delusional.
What will really happen is millions of gun owners will pass local and state laws negating federal restrictions. No conservatives are going to give up their gun rights, allow red flag laws to be implemented or allow high capacity firearms to be limited; not at this stage in the game.
Eventually, leftists and the establishment will realize that conservatives will be harder to subjugate than they expected. They will discover that a large part of the US military and law enforcement is on our side. They will start to see mutiny among the people that they rely on as cannon fodder to carry out their dictates.
Even now, there are sheriff’s departments across the country refusing to enforce lockdown orders. And, 30% to 50% of medical professional say they will not be taking the covid vaccine depending on the state. When the rebellion goes live, this is when the globalists will have to pursue extreme options. They will not be able to win using domestic forces. Instead, they will seek out an international response, probably through the United Nations.
The rationale will be that the US has an enormous nuclear arsenal and that the international community cannot allow these weapons to fall into the hands of “white supremacists”. This is when the real fight will begin. If international intervention fails in the US, the globalists will find their heads on the chopping block. If the globalists win the fight in the US then there will be very few people left to resist them in the years going forward.
I have had numerous readers from all over the world write to me, saying that they believe in the face of the pandemic lockdowns it is now all up to Americans to turn the tide. I agree. A successful rebellion against globalism in America will lead to rebellions elsewhere, but the fact remains that if we lose, no one else will dare lift a finger. The future is in our hands.——————
Related– It begins – North and South Dakota Legislatures To Invalidate Unconstitutional Biden Orders
