A strong woman is one that has tamed her tongue and offers words of encouragement and prayers for success.

A strong woman is one who embraces motherhood and seeks to honor and love her husband in marriage.

A strong woman is one who values her chastity and remains pure until marriage.

A strong woman is one who uses her talents to transform a structure of wood and brick into a secure and loving home for her family.

A strong woman brings forth life and nurtures the next generation in godly instruction.

A strong woman receives meager ingredients with thankfulness and skillfully prepares them in love for the nourishment of her family.

A strong woman stands beside her husband in times of sickness and poverty.

A strong woman is one who forgives infractions against her with gentleness and mercy.

A strong woman is one who stays up all night with a sick child to comfort and soothe and heal.

A strong woman is one who speaks well of her husband and children in public.

A strong woman submits to her husband’s leadership and builds him up.

A strong woman is one who seeks the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

What modern society considers strength, the Bible calls foolishness. Embrace biblical womanhood.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
Proverbs 31:10-12



Written by Pastor A. Steven Parks 

I know that being a “stay-at-home mom” is often frowned upon in our modern world, but don’t listen to the naysayers. Your work is essential. Your work is necessary. Your work is priceless. Yes, wiping noses, along with various other wipeable areas, isn’t the most enjoyable past time. Cooking meals that little noses turn up at is frustrating. Cleaning the house multiple times a day because you live with a tornado (toddler) is exhausting. Washing clothes that you know were never worn is beyond annoying. Sitting up all night with a nauseous, feverish child crying in your face while your husband is snoring in the other room isn’t fun by any standard. Not being able to find five minutes of alone time from 6am to 10pm, even to go to the bathroom, would make anyone go crazy. It’s often mundane and maddening.

But be of good cheer; you have been granted by God the honor and privilege of nurturing and developing the next generation. You are life-givers. Your oft-thankless work is not in vain. Your kind words and gentle touch endear the hearts of your children to your own. Your soft face and loving kisses are never forgotten. Your wise words of advice will echo in your children’s ears as long as they live. The saying is true; the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Your value in the home cannot be overstated. So use your position and influence to glorify God. Love your husband. Submit to his leadership in the home. Respect his sacrifices and lovingly encourage him to be a godlier man. Train your children. Raise them in the fear and instruction of the Lord. No daycare or school teacher can do what you can do in the life of your children. Push forward. Embrace traditional, biblical mother/womanhood. As the Bible says, “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her!” No corporate office or executive board can deliver those lofty benefits.

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:27


What a Good “Reset” Would Look Like

As usual, Cabalist Jews have overreached.They have discredited themselves with the pandemic hoax and the mandatory “vaccines.”

We now have a unique opportunity to reflect, re-imagine 

and reset our world so that it fosters humanity.

It’s a rare chance to throw off the baneful yoke

of the satanist (Masonic Jewish) 

central banking cartel which is responsible for incalculable suffering  

under the aegis of Communism, war, genocide, depression, 

plandemics, terrorism, satanism, corruption, & depravity.

Updated from Sept 10, 2021

by Henry Makow PhD

I sense a seismic shift. The bankers have overplayed their hand and exposed themselves and their Freemason vassals (our elected “leaders”) as traitors, gangsters, psychopaths, criminals, perverts and mass murderers. Sweden, Florida, Texas and South Dakota have broken ranks and proven that Covid 19 a lie. 

This is what a benevolent reset would entail.

1. First and foremost, the nations must take control over their credit and currency-creation. They would renounce all “debt” created out of thin air and create the medium of exchange by spending it into existence, debt-and-interest free.
2. mRNA vaccines would be banned. All politicians, journalists and medical officials who collaborated in the Covid hoax would be fired. Jacob Rothschild, George Soros, Bill Gates, and Tony Fauci would be tried for crimes against humanity and have their wealth confiscated and added to public coffers. Joe Biden would be jailed for rigging an election. The traitor Donald Trump will be tried for reality-show false opposition and dereliction of duty. All those complicit in the election rigging, including Trump, Pence, Congress and the Supreme Court judges would be fired and put on trial. The same applies to all those who promoted the covid hoax. Pharmaceutical companies will be broken up and rigorously regulated. Bill Gates, Klaws Swab, Anthony Fauci and George Soros would be put on trial.


3. Media and tech monopolies would be nationalized, broken up and resold to people who will guarantee free speech and the free flow of information. The CIA and FBI will be shut down and reorganized. Local and state police will be purged of Freemasons. The UN will be shut down and the building destroyed.
4. Freemasonry would be banned. Its leading members would be tried and incarcerated. Freemasons would be banned from holding public office or employment.


5. Communists would be purged from the education system, especially universities. Universities would protect free speech and inquiry. Scientific method would be re-instated.Confederate statues would be restored. History will not be photo-shopped.  

6. Antifa, feminists and other Leftists would be sent to “re-education” camps.  Diversity, cancel culture and CRT would be banned and punished. Hiring would be gender and color blind. Illegal migrants who have not found employment will be deported. 

7. Elections would be publicly funded. No private contributions would be permitted. Politicians would not be permitted to profit from their term in office. 

8. The promotion of Satanism, gender dysphoria, illegal migration, climate change and all globalist shibboleths would be punishable by fines and prison terms.

What people do in private is their own business but the deliberate subversion of society can’t be tolerated. 

9. Family values — marriage, fidelity, responsible parenthood — would be become government policy. Human life would be considered inviolate. Abortion would be scaled back or banned. A healthy national and racial pride would be encouraged. Everybody would be afforded opportunity on the basis of individual merit and industry not race or gender.

10. There will be a collective effort to discern and enact the Creator’s Design. The public would be encouraged to celebrate the Miracle of Life and praise God!   

If these measures are adopted, mankind would step back from the abyss and regain the path to a world where humanity can flourish as intended. 
The bankers’ attempt to lockdown and mandate experimental “vaccines” for a phoney pandemic is going to fail. People are not going to put up with this bullshit. 
The bankers tend to double down when thwarted. The mRNA vaccines may unleash a new wave of illness which the media will blame on Covid “variants” and the “unvaccinated.” However, it will quickly become apparent that only the vaccinated are suffering and resistance to the jabs will stiffen.
Ultimately, the Communists will have to shut down the Internet to succeed, and that would impact all economic activity. Their great reset will fail. The bankers have overplayed their hand. They have exposed and discredited their system of covert control. The bankers will be left with their nuclear options: crash the financial system or start a nuclear war. But that would be preferable to what they have in store. 

Organized Jewry has never made a secret of its malevolent plan for mankind. People are starting to pay attention as it unfolds. It’s not too late for Organized Jewry to spare itself and humanity much trauma by changing course. It’s not too late for the Rothschildsto become humanity’s benefactors and enjoy the love, instead of hatred, of billions. 

————–RelatedThe Foundation and Development of British-Judeo Bankster Money Power



Recently, I wrote a post titled Women Were Not Created For the Workforceand used information from the government’s website. Women in the workforce have twice the amount of stress-related diseases than men (heart disease, cancer, and diabetes). Miscarriages and depression are also far higher for women in the workforce. God created us for the home.

A woman by the name of Abbie wrote the following on Twitter:

Women aren’t designed for the 9:00 to 5:00 job. We need to stop pretending that hormones don’t play a major role in how we think, feel, and act day-to-day. The average person starts their day at 9:00 and finishes at 5:00, five days a week. This works well for individuals who are consistent, reliable, and structured. Keep these words in mind as we explore the male 24-hour hormonal cycle.

Men have a 24-hour hormonal cycle (i.e. a 24-hour testosterone cycle) like the sun…

M O R N I N G –– Testosterone is at its highest. Men feel more focused, energetic, competitive, impulsive and ready for sex. Their attitude is ‘let’s dominate today.’ Testosterone supports men to be productive and efficient during the first hours of the day. It’s a perfect time to go to the gym, take risks, and get work done.

A F T E R N O O N –– Testosterone levels  begin to drop which puts men in the mood to connect and socialize. This is the best time to hold meetings, pitch ideas, and network. In fact, one study by YouCanBookMe analyzed data from 2,000,000 responses to 530,000 meeting invitations. They found that mid-afternoon is the best and most popular time to hold meetings. Perhaps this explains why.

 E V E N I N G –– Testosterone levels are at their lowest, and men are more sensitive to estrogen. This is why most men want to relax after work. opting for a less mentally and/or physically taxing activity instead.


The male 24-hour testosterone cycle is reliable, consistent and structured. Remember those words? Because of this, the 9:00 to 5:00 works well for men. Women, on the other hand, can have a hard time thriving in this environment. Why? Because of the 28-day female hormonal cycle. Women have a 28-day hormonal cycle – like the moon 

There are 4 phases in the cycle:
1. Menstrual
2. Follicular
3. Ovulatory
4. Luteal

A woman’s mood, energy and physical needs vary depending on where she is in her cycle, and this can change almost every day.

Menstrual Phase (Days 1 – 7)

Progesterone and estrogen are at its lowest. Energy and motivation levels are low. This is a time for restful activities.

Follicular Phase (Days 8 – 13)

Estrogen begins to rise. This is the perfect time to be creative, set goals, and focus as the body starts to re-awaken after shedding.

Ovulatory Phase (Days 14 – 21)

Both estrogen and testosterone peak and drop after ovulation. Energy levels are at their highest due to higher testosterone. This is the best time to do things that take more physical work. NOTE: Even though a woman’s testosterone levels peak during ovulation, they don’t come close to a man’s –– even at the LOWEST point of his 24-hour cycle. Women’s bodies make about one tenth to one twentieth of the amount of testosterone as men.

Luteal Phase (Days 21-28)

Progesterone rises and is the dominant hormone. PMS symptoms emerge and may cause a low mood, irritability, fatigue, etc. Best time to nest and rest. Focus on easy, administrative tasks as motivation and energy is low. Knowing that a woman’s mood, energy levels, and physical needs vary over the course of 28 days, how can she be expected to fit perfectly into the rigid, unchanging structure of the 9:00 to 5:00 job?

On top of that, testosterone clearly plays a major role in one’s energy and motivation levels and yet, women only experience its effects a few days a month. This is a major reason why men and women cannot be expected to work the same because physiologically, we simply aren’t.

I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
1 Timothy 5:14


“Antisemitism” is a Trap for Goyim


They are clear that it’s okay to be anti-white and it’s okay to be anti-Christ.  So for the sake of fairness………ITS OKAY TO BE ANTI-SEMITIC.”
https://gab.com/ElfReich/posts/109284988152051498Antisemitism allows Satanists to depict our struggle to save civilization as “hate.”.

The long-term goal of Organized Jewry is to dispossess and enslave the goyim. 

That should be obvious from the COVID hoax, the lock downs, the toxic “vaccines” and the gratuitous war against Russia.

Needless to say, this is a recipe for antisemitism.  But Organized Jewry like everything else is controlled by the Rothschilds.If the majority of Jews knew the true goal, they would be harder to manipulate.
by Henry Makow PhD

How would you like to be hated, persecuted and even killed for things your government is doing that you don’t agree with?
Organized Jewry  i.e. Zionism, Communism, Freemasonry (B’nai B’rith) is the government of the Jews. 

The majority of Jews don’t belong to Organized Jewry.  Ten per cent attend synagogue regularly and 50% say the “religion” is not important to them. 

They are clueless conformists like the majority of goyim. 


Lumping all Jews together allows Organized Jewry to dismiss opposition as bigoted and genocidal. It forces all Jews to defend the bosses. 

This is why Organized Jewry sponsors antisemitism. See  Rothschilds Staged Dreyfus Affair to Create Antisemitism  and The Zionist Protection Racket.

Let’s focus our “anger” on the real enemies of mankind: the leaders of Organized Judaism and their myriad puppets, many of whom are not ethnic Jews but Freemason traitors and opportunists.   


The goyim have been trained to shrink in fear and horror at the very suggestion of “antisemitism.”  

Don’t be Pavlov’s Dogs. Antisemitism has a respectable pedigree.  and God was the First Antisemite

We’re supposed to believe in individual freedom. It’s hypocritical to judge all people by an accident of birth. 

Everybody should be judged individually by their  statements, behavior and deeds. 

During a time when we are controlled by identity politics,the recognition that we are all individuals first, is very life-affirming. 

Note – Fmr Israeli Education Minister on “Antisemitism” 

“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic … And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”

Shulamit Aloni, a former Palmach fighter and Israeli Knesset and cabinet member, in an August 14, 2002, interview with Amy Goodman on *Democracy Now*.

