Growing up in Southern California, I had always been around Jews. This is because many Jews attended the same public schools I did in the San Fernando Valley. My father had a business in Hollywood for almost 50 years, and a number of his clients and friends were Jewish.
I can’t honestly say I had any problem with Jews at the time. The only thing that stood out about them to me was their geekiness and somewhat frail appearance. I saw them as nerds and bookish types. They didn’t seem athletically gifted, and they were rather odd looking when compared to my WASP ‘jock’ friends in high school. I was happy when Jewish holidays arrived because a large portion of our student body would be gone, and no homework was assigned on those days.
In my twenties I had a Jewish friend I was very close with. Even though I knew nothing at the time about the Jewish Question, I distinctly remember how overtly ‘Jewish’ he was. He had all the stereotypical traits that we think of when we try to describe what Jews are like. One thing that stood out was how he tended to exaggerate everything he didn’t like or agree with. I had to constantly calm him and get him to see that things were not as bad as he imagined.
This characteristic of hyperbole and overblowing things, I would later discover, is very typical of Jews. It has served them well for the past two centuries in getting European Whites to fight wars on their behalf. It has also conditioned us to see Jews as victims, and to view even the slightest opposition to them as a threat to their survival.
The more Jews I met and developed friendships with, the more I recognized the same general characteristics among them. They also had good qualities such as their appreciation for education, their seemingly natural ability to understand finances and prosper, their ability to speak well, and their zeal for humanitarian causes. I don’t impugn Jews for having them. I also found them to be earnest in promoting liberal political issues, particularly those that were beneficial to their ethnic group. At the time I didn’t think much of it. My opinion of Jews was generally positive, although I was aware that a good many of them were neurotic and rather odd.
When I became racially conscious in 2002, I still had favorable opinions of Jews. But I soon learned that among those in the White identity movement, there existed some very critical opinions of Jews. And not just a few either, but a seemingly vocal majority. I was eager and ready to criticize Blacks and rail against illegal immigration, but I felt it was a bridge too far to criticize Jews.
I struggled with this because I saw it as “anti-Semitic” in nature, and “anti-Semitism” to me at the time was just plain wrong. Little did I realize during this period how deeply I had been conditioned to believe only the best about Jews.
I would regularly visit pro-White websites and interact with other commenters. Every time the issue of the disproportionate number of Jews who sat in the highest seats of our government was mentioned, including the control they have over our banks, Hollywood, and every form of media, I would reply that such criticism was merely due to jealousy on their part. They were envious that Jews were smarter and better than they were. I argued that due to their superior intelligence, it was quite natural that Jews would attain such lofty positions of influence and power. Ashkenazi IQ levels proved it, and so how could anyone argue to the contrary?
Little did I know at the time that Jews succeeded in gentile societies not because they were smarter per se. In many cases, they secured a foothold in a particular trade or profession and ruthlessly exploited it for their ethnic benefit. It was just a matter of time before they began to squeeze out all the non-Jews, soon replacing them with their fellow tribesmen. Jews succeed, then, largely by means of ethnic networking and not because of their ‘vastly superior intelligence’ as I had wrongly assumed.
I was content with my pro-Jewish arguments until I discovered in 2013 that the U.S. federal government annually gives billions to Israel in taxpayer dollars. This was not a recent thing either. It had been going on for decades. To me it seemed inherently anti-American to give to a foreign nation massive sums of taxpayer funds from hard-working Americans. This didn’t seem right, and it’s not.
I was pro-Israel at the time. Along with most conservative Americans, I viewed the Palestinian people as nothing more than a brood of terrorists who were unjustly killing innocent Israelis. And yet I was continually bothered by the fact that my government was regularly giving exorbitant amounts of money to Israel for their military defense even though the U.S. was suffering from high rates of unemployment, poverty, and a homeless problem that was out of control.
I recalled the cautionary words of President George Washington in his farewell speech to the young nation when he left office in 1796 that Americans should be careful to avoid “permanent alliances” and foreign entanglements.
Thomas Jefferson, during his inaugural speech in 1801, echoed something very similar: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none.” These common-sense foreign affairs principles have been decidedly rejected by almost every American president since the beginning of the twentieth century (some more than others). It has been particularly evident among the past five American presidents, and Jews played significant roles throughout each of these administrations.
I discovered that the U.S. was top-heavy with Jews who sat in the most important and strategic positions within the government. Most of them, I suspected, had a greater allegiance to Israel than to the U.S. This was only confirmed when I learned of the favorable policies and preferential treatment given to Israel by the federal government, including the stranglehold that Israel has over almost all of Congress.
America, then, has morphed into a nation preoccupied with the welfare and safety of Jews and Israel. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has even gone on record to declare: “I have said to people when they ask me if this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our commitment to our aid — and I don’t even call it aid — our cooperation with Israel. That’s fundamental to who we are” (Conference of the Israel-American Council, December 2, 2018).
In my case, then, it was the huge amount of funds given to Israel by the U.S. that aroused my suspicions of Jews. The lesson of this, I suppose, is that a variety of avenues can be used to awaken our people to the Jewish Question.
Moreover, the more I learned about Israel’s attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, the disproportionate influence that Jews played during World War II, the Jewish origins of communism, the high number of Jews who served in leadership roles among the murderous Bolsheviks, the clearer it became that Jews were not as innocent as I had once presumed.
As I struggled intellectually with all of this, I repeatedly heard about a book written by a professor from Long Beach University. It was titled The Culture of Critique (1998) written by Kevin MacDonald who was a professor of evolutionary psychology (now retired). I was told often enough that if I really wanted to know the truth about the subversive role that Jews played among U.S political movements, I needed to deal with his arguments. And so I did.
I purchased a copy of MacDonald’s book and I was astonished in just the first few chapters at how pervasive and widespread Jewish influence was in our society. I was amazed at how ethnically conscious Jews were, and how they intentionally used their positions of influence and power to subvert non-Jews and their societies. This awareness among so many Jews of what they were doing to subvert our culture, to promote all forms of depravity among our people, and to do so for their own ethnic advantage over us was not just enlightening, but also revolutionary. It served as the impetus for a major paradigm shift in my thinking.
I was also surprised at how many American and European Whites throughout history viewed Jews as a problem for White societies. These people were not cranks and conspiracists who had an ax to grind against Jews because of some perceived jealousy. They were, instead, intelligent and discerning authors, historians, and statesmen who grasped the subversive reputation that Jews hold. MacDonald addressed the warnings of Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, and others who tried to awaken the public often with little success because by then Jews had controlled most of the major newspapers and other important institutions.
Throughout The Culture of Critique, Professor MacDonald argues his case dispassionately. He is motivated by the facts alone. He repeatedly goes right to the source of what Jews themselves say in their own words. This was important to me because it’s one thing to be told by someone what Jews have said and believed, but it’s altogether different when one reads what prominent and influential Jews have said about non-Jews, the authoritarian structure of the traditional American family, U.S. immigration policies and the purpose behind the Hart-Celler Act of 1965, their reasons for spreading Boasian anthropology and Freudian psychology throughout the American landscape, and the reasons Jews provide for creating and promoting radical political movements in America.
Professor MacDonald has described what Jews have done and continue to do as a “group evolutionary strategy.” As I understand it, Jews engage in various intellectual and political movements in order to undermine the cohesion of gentile societies which in turn increases the competitive advantage of Jews. These same movements serve as a means of combatting anti-Semitism within society. Such a strategy also serves to weaken the traditional American family. This certainly appears to have been the purpose of Theodor Adorno’s 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality, which pathologized healthy normal families that are the foundation for any functioning society; the same goes for psychoanalysis and its influence on our sexual mores.
There are other reasons why Jews engage in the cultural subversion of western societies. I’ll provide three of them that make the most sense to me, although I admit not everyone may necessarily agree with them.
(1) Jews promote mass immigration into White nations so that they will not be the sole and isolated minority group. They find protection (so to speak) among large numbers of various foreigners within a nation. If persecution were to arise, they would not be the only group attacked and possibly not even persecuted at all.
Other immigrant groups, then, provide more or less cover for them. Jews are able to hide or conceal themselves when they are better situated in a country flooded with other racial or ethnic groups. By doing so, their subversive activities do not become as readily apparent which would happen if they were the only minority group.
(2) Jews engage in cultural subversion because they hate Christ and Christianity. They view all their suffering throughout the centuries since 70 AD as having been done by Christ’s followers. Thus, they seek to forever destroy every last vestige of Christianity which has been the dominant religion among Whites throughout past centuries. This ongoing war against Christianity and Whites is both religious and racial in nature.
The hard-core Jewish pornographer, Al Goldstein, was once asked why Jews were dramatically overrepresented in the porn industry. He replied: “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism. Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture.” (Wikipedia).
It’s important to note that many Jews do not separate European Whites from Christianity in the way we might think. The two are part and parcel. Oh sure, they may intellectually concede that not every White person is a Christian, but deep down great numbers of them view us all as followers of the Crucified One in some way. It is particularly so among the more religious Jews.
(3) Jews also oppose all forms of nationalism (except than their own) expressed by Whites as a threat to their ethnic survival. They imagine there is an inner-Nazi in all White people that can’t wait to come out and toss every Jew into a burning oven. Jews, then, are constantly on guard to make sure White nationalism and Christianity are always mocked and rejected by any society they control. It’s a constant concern to them. They think of it often. It’s a reflection of how strongly paranoid they are.
Recognizing this, it should not be a surprise to discover that Jews create intellectual and political movements in order to weaken and ultimately subvert the gentile-dominated nations they are a part of. It’s difficult for Whites to understand this degree of ethnocentrism because they have been so badly deracinated and demoralized for the past 70 years. They have problems identifying with any form of White racial identity. It is foreign to them and how they see the world around them. Yet as our society becomes even more hostile to Whites, they will be forced to embrace a racialist and White identity way of thinking. The cultural mood of the nation and circumstances will make it so.
Obviously, there are going to be exceptions to this way of thinking among Jews that I have described, but this is in large part how the mainstream Jewish community and Jewish activist organizations react to the thought of White racial solidarity and any resurgence of Christianity.
In my journey to the Jewish Question, I was amazed at the mountainous amount of information available on the subject. Recognizing Jews as a problem for White societies is not a recent phenomenon, but one that has been discussed and debated for thousands of years. Thomas Dalton’s book, Eternal Strangers: A Critical History of Jews and Judaism (2020), is but one of many books published that have documented the troubling role that Jews play in any society foolish enough to allow them a foothold inside.
I also learned how the Jewish Question can divide people and stir up emotional reactions the minute it’s brought up. This is because Whites have been conditioned to react negatively to even the slightest hint that Jews might be a problem and not so innocent after all. One would think that even racially aware Whites would be open to the Jewish Question, but this is not always the case. They too have been propagandized to believe that any negative assessment of Jews stems solely from anti-Semitism.
This is somewhat understandable because there is always a price to pay for publicly criticizing Jews. Yet isn’t this strongly suggestive of Jewish control? The proof of disproportionate Jewish power in the U.S. is found in the fact that we are not allowed to criticize Jewish power. To do so in any public way inevitably leads to being ostracized, de-platformed from social media, lambasted as a ‘Nazi’, and the real possibility of losing one’s job.
More proof of disproportionate Jewish influence and control can be seen in that it is illegal throughout much of Europe to criticize or disagree with the Holocaust. To do so in any public way can lead to being fined or even imprisoned.
Whatever one may of think of the Holocaust narrative, why should it be illegal to disagree with it? What is so harmful about questioning it? Why is it perfectly legal to challenge or deny the Armenian genocide or the genocide committed in the Cambodian “killing fields,” yet unlawful to do so with regard to the Jewish Holocaust? Why is it acceptable to deny the existence of God, to mock Christ and Christians, and to make fun of the Bible in any public forum, and yet if someone were to publicly declare that only 5 million Jews died in the gas chambers rather than 6 million, they would soon be apprehended and jailed by the authorities?
This is because Jews largely control what can and cannot be said in most Western societies. This is especially so when it comes to any public statements critical of them. Even certain terms or expressions that are not as explicit and merely descriptive of Jews are forbidden (rootless cosmopolitans, international bankers, globalists, George Soros, etc.). These subtle ‘anti-Semitic dog whistles’ are condemned just as vociferously as those that are more explicit.
Also, were enough people allowed to publicly challenge the Holocaust narrative, enormous and detrimental consequences to Jews would result. The “Holocaust Industry,” as Norman Finkelstein describes it, would lose an enormous amount of revenue. Reparations paid to Holocaust survivors and their families might possibly be threatened. Jews might no longer be viewed as the perpetual victims they have portrayed themselves to be. The entire image that most Westerners have of Jews could be shattered. This is not a risk Jews wish to take. So they come down hard on even the slightest hint of criticism among anyone who dares to voice their disbelief.
In my journey to the Jewish Question, I learned that Jews are not the sole cause nor the sole perpetrators of the problems Whites face in the West. There are plenty of traitorous Whites who have betrayed their own people (for the right amount of shekels, of course). Our own people have enabled Jews to accomplish their subversive goals, and it does us no good to deny it. Racially discerning Whites ought not be like Blacks or even Jews themselves who are quick to blame others for their woes. Their lack of introspection and dishonesty should not be the mark of our people. No, we must face the reality that Jews could do nothing against us as Whites had we not first allowed it.
And yet with that said, there can be no denial that Jews are the principal creators, strategists, organizers, funders, and agitators against all forms of White racial identity. Of all their concerns, it is this they find the most threatening to their existence. They see “white supremacy” as the greatest danger facing America even though there is not a shred of evidence for it. But it serves to demonstrate just how fanciful their paranoid minds work.
Even politically conservative Jews will not declare publicly that Whites have a right to be the sole or dominant demographic in their own countries. This is too much even for them. The comparably few Jews who might possibly do so are outliers. They are the exception and not the norm. They are in no way representative of the majority of Jews in America or Europe. If they even hinted at such a notion, they would be instantly condemned by their own people. It would be better for them to declare something akin to pedophilia than to declare the right of Whites to advocate on behalf of their own racial and cultural interests.
As I see it, understanding the Jewish Question does not justify being obsessive about Jews and their ways. It is easy to become focused on Jews in ways that are not healthy. Yes, there is the need to inform and warn our people about them. But we need to guard ourselves from any notion that simply educating Whites about the problems that Jews create in our societies is sufficient in and of itself to reform our people. We must also face the much deeper questions of why we have allowed ourselves to succumb so disastrously to Jewish influence? What is it within us that makes susceptible to such lies and self-hatred? Such questions must also include practical strategies that will help Whites to break free from the Globo-Homo matrix and to return to a more positive image of ourselves and our history.
Finally, Whites will likely be forced to confront the Jewish Question (which is really the Jewish Problem) whether they want to or not. This is because Jews have a persistent habit of overreaching. They seem unable to restrain themselves, to calm their hysteria, and to see things as they really are. To villainize Whites as Jews do will only backfire on them, causing history to once again repeat itself.
I wish it were not so, but after 109 times of committing the same stubborn habits, there can be little hope that Jews will reform their ways.
(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)