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Mike Stone’s Book — Wholistic Guide to Health in Hard Times


If you can understand that ‘all disease’ is from ‘toxic stuff we ingest, 
both body and mind’ and would quickly like the see the ‘what and why’ to do about it.”

by EG(

Mike Stone’s fascinating book while mentioning side effects of covid-19 vaccine, goes deeper than that to all things that affect our health.

With hard data references to some of the pioneer doctors that we can easily see they were trail-blazing deep into our health issues.
My favourite part to this easy-to-read heartfelt health book is how the punch line leads us closer to God and deeper into ourselves.
If you can understand that ‘all disease’ is from ‘toxic stuff we ingest, both body and mind’ and would quickly like the see the ‘what and why’ to do about it. 

I highly recommend you spend a little on your health and buy it.
Reversing the Side-Effects of Covid-19 Vaccine  by Mike Stone

 Pg 13–Detoxing is where to start, once you nourish your body properly.

Dr. J.R. Tilden pioneered Toxemia Explained.
Dr. Max Gerson says nourish first, then detoxify.

Dr. Weston Price a dentist that travelled the world studying indigenous people and developed the optimal human diet.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez had great success in curing cancer prescribing clean organic raw liver.

Dr. Richard Schulze the only doctor reviewed of current times found Echinacea is one of the strongest immune stimulators.

Dick Quinn (relaying on Dr. John Christopher) found cayenne pepper heals the heart conditions.

 Pg 14—The incredible Coffee Enema detox by Dr. Max Gerson

Pg 17—One of the best most valuable meats to eat is clean-organic raw liver.

Pg 19—The outstanding benefits of the herb Echinacea, and cayenne pepper.

Pg 23—How and why juicing is VIP and life saver.

Pg 26 –16 oz of cucumber juice each day keeps the doctors all at bay.

Pg 31 + 32 –What to make sure you are not ingesting and what you should ingest.

Pg 33–Why distilled water is a must.

Pg 41–In healing yourself, how Forgiveness becomes the master healer.

Pg 52–Sunshine au natural is a must, just as all living things need it to grow so do we need it to grow our healing.

Pg 55—Sleep is the king aspect of healing within, it is literally the only time we do heal inside.

Pg 59 — How honesty works to heal. Every time we lie we weaken our immune system.

Pg 62  — Pride is the biggest blockage to admit things about ourselves.

Pg 64 – Ignorance exists because people do not seek the truth.

Pg 65 –Depression stems from our body’s reaction to living in an unnatural society.

Pg 67 — Dr. Price explains the optimum diet for humans to consume.

Pg 70 — How we can deal with people that are a ‘dope’.

Pg 71 — “When a person’s livelihood depends on a system of lies, it’s very hard to get them to acknowledge the truth.” (The 1900s was the era of dumbing down humanity, to the point of where we are today).

Pg 74 –Stone’s best advice is be sure to requite God’s love and healing will happen.

Pg 83 — Over 90% of humanity make decisions based on emotions, not facts and evidence.

(Listen to the song ‘We Are the World’and as it goes through ‘let’s start giving’ think of it as ‘care to ourselves’; ‘we’re saving our own lives’)
First Comment from Jay
There is 0% chance of REVERSING the so called ‘vax’ for the so called CV.  

The ‘jab’ WILL PERMANENTLY change the DNA and can NOT EVER be reversed!  It is 2021/2022, THEY want US DEAD!  Prayer (since there is NO god or jesus) is WORTHLESS!  The BIOWEAPON will kill those with the stab in less than 3 years and NOTHING on EARTH can reverse this HELL!!  

In short:  100% of those receiving the vax are SCREWED!  Even with only one jab!!!

The jab is step one of moving humanity into Transhumanism, then in the Singularity. 


PLUS, there are 300+ ingredients that are NOT found on Earth!

He is selling HOPIUM and those STUPID enough to buy his book will be HIGHLY AGITATED when they find out the book is a SCAM since those JABBED are now 100% the property of the manufacturer that produced the ‘experimental’ crap!!  

I sent this information in a MUCH expanded version several times!  NOT sure why you have NOT posted any of them!

Major changes are coming to Earth in 2022!!  MANY will NOT be here January 1, 2023!!  BILLIONS!!  

You have the information, be WISE and post it and find BETTER writers for your site, than Mr. Stone!!

Have a happy new year!——
Thanks Jay, I like to post conflicting views, and Mike Stone writes wonderfully about life in the LA Gulag.


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