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Pierre Elliot Trudeau Was Also a Commie Prick


(Left, Pierre Elliot Trudeau with Justin’s father) 

Monday we explained Canada’s gratuitous lockdown by showing that Justine’s father was actually Fidel Castro.His cuckold “father” Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919-2000) was Canadian Prime Minister
from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984. His file was destroyed because he was a Communist (Illuminati) agent. Most “leaders” are Freemasons. The goal of Freemasonry is Rothschild (Cabalist Jewish, i.e. Satanic) world tyranny, i.e. Communism or “globalism.”  Communism is monopoly (i.e. banker controlled) capitalism. Trudeau took the first steps toward normalizing homosexuality and making European Canadians a minority, i.e. “multiculturalism.”  Castro’s son is following in Trudeau’s footsteps. 

Steve Hewitt, a senior lecturer at the University of Birmingham slammed CSIS for sending the prime minister’s file “down an Orwellian memory hole”.  He called the purging of the file “a crime against Canadian history” and said that such actions are “expected of an authoritarian state and not a proper democracy”.
24/6/2019by Henry Makow PhD

A file on former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, compiled by the country’s then spy agency, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Security Service, was destroyed back in 1989 and thus has not ended up in the national archives as it was supposed to be.


The file would have become available to the public in September next year on the 20th anniversary of his death. CSIS, (Canadian Security & Intelligence Service) claimed the files for Trudeau, and former Prime Ministers Lester Pearson and John Diefenbaker were destroyed in the interests of “privacy” and because the RCMP had been “too zealous” in the cold war environment. All three Prime Ministers were Freemasons.  All intelligence agencies work for the Rothschilds, not the national governments who fund them.

Steve Hewitt, a senior lecturer at the University of Birmingham slammed CSIS for sending the prime minister’s file “down an Orwellian memory hole”.  He called the purging of the file “a crime against Canadian history” and said that such actions are “expected of an authoritarian state and not a proper democracy”.
However, the FBI file was made public ten years ago and revealed consistent advocacy of Communist causes and cavorting with Communist leaders. 


In 1968, on the eve of Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s ascent to the Liberal leadership and Prime Minister, Igor Gouzenko (1919-1982)  released a dossier arguing that PET was a dangerous Communist. 

Igor Sergeyevich Gouzenko was a cypher clerk for the Soviet embassy to Canada in Ottawa, Ontario. He defected on 5 September 1945, three days after the end of World War II, with 109 documents detailing the USSR′s espionage activities in the West. This proved a great embarrassment since the leaders of the West were all secret Communists (Freemasons). The man who mentored PET into power, Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson had been exposed by KGB defector Elizabeth Bentley as a Russian asset. 

The globalist traitors decided to take a lemon and make lemonade. They used Gouzenko’s revelations to kick start the bogus “Cold War.” 


Living in hiding, Gouzenko warnedthat Trudeau would become another Castro and turn Canada into another Cuba. He reminded Canadians that despite being Justice Minister, PET had been barred from the US as a Communist. He said PET’s ideas were borrowed from Mao and Lenin. His academic writings were all pro-Communist. He threatened to withhold nickel from the US because of the Vietnam War. 

PET had behaved in suspicious ways as a young man. He attended conferences at the Kremlin, traveled to Vietnam during the Vietnam war and was actually apprehended by the US Coast Guard trying to row a boat to Cuba before the Bay of Pigs. 

Gouzenko also focused on PET’s mentor, Prime Minister Lester Pearson. Pearson wouldn’t let the FBI interview Gouzenko. He appointed the homosexual Robert Bryce Deputy Minister of Finance. In this position, Bryce scrapped the CBC’s International service that was beamed to the USSR. Bryce had been part of a Communist study group in Washington DC. 


The Illuminati are sexual deviants. They abuse their own children as part of the brainwashing process. There is a suggestion that this happened to Justine. 

In her book, TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA (1995) MK-ULTRA survivor Cathy O’Brien stated that many world leaders, including Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, are pedophiles. She met them in the course of her life as a sex slave trained (with her young daughter) to service high-profile politicians. Other sources support Cathy O’Brien’s allegations. 


(Margaret Trudeau’s face says it all) 

Pierre’s 1968 marriage to Margaret was “arranged” by the military. The couple was programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.This might explain why Margaret was passed around to Fidel Castro. 

Justine’s eulogy on his father’s death caused a scandal and many parodies.
Justine praised his dad for “serving his people” overlooking the fact Castro murdered an estimated 140,000 people and reduced his country to police state bondage and squalor. Castro was a billionaire while doctors earned pennies working for their “comrades.” Havana is a crumbling time-capsule from 1958.

In a suicide note, Castro’s son Fidelito said Justine was his half-brother, and complained that Fidel compared him unfavorably. Fidelito had a half-dozen other half-brothers and sisters.

If it looks like a duck, and walks and talks like a duck, it’s a duck. 


Mankind is held captive by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, based on Cabalist Judaism. Their aim is to enslave and exploit society by corrupting and degrading it. This is the logic behind endless wars, growing wealth disparity, gratuitous migration and mainstreaming gender and sexual dysphoria. Their main instruments are Freemasonry and Organized Judaism. They control all major social institutions, especially government, media, education, the legal system, corporations, religion. 


The mainspring of their power is the central banking system. “Money” is a mental concept that only becomes real when translated into a product or service. They create it out of nothing asa debt to themselves with the backing of their shills in government. I suspect that we, our families and property are collateral. 

There are billions of transactions every day. All that changes is the digits on a ledger. They keep this ledger and are capable of erasing it at any time. 

Money is the bloodstream of society. Little to nothing happens without it. Think of central banking as the heart (a pump.) The Rothschilds are Cabalists. They wish to leverage this credit monopoly to include every aspect of the body politic, including the mind, spirit and gender identity.This is Communism. This is the NWO. This is Satanic Possession.

It’s not a “conspiracy theory.”
It is taking place before our eyes.   The fate of humanity is at stake.
Related – Canada Spends $1.2 Billion in Preparation for Communist Police State 
———-Makow – Why is Western Society Toxic?

— Ann Diamond – PET was also a Pedophile – Justine a Victim of MK Ultra Brainwashing? First Comment from Gordon:
here’s a something you will appreciate
it’s in comments below a review of Elizabeth Bentley’s book Out of Bondage at URL
Thomas Fink says:March 7, 2012 at 4:53 amI can never get enough of trying to understand what drew these people to communism. What were her views during the Nazi-Soviet Pact?
I was a communist in the seventies. In Germany. But I don´t think that matters. To be a Communist was everywhere the same. The seventies were the last times when you could imagine that something like the working class exists. And that it has a historic mission. And that you as a communist belong to the vanguard of this mission. And when you still could meet fighters of the old struggles in flesh, plan together with them the final defeat of the bourgeoisie. This had a special taste. It was in an odd way religious. What a great and omnipotent feeling to belong to the vanguard. Always you had to check the newest directives from the Central Committee or the Polit Bureau. The enemies of today could become the comrades of tomorrow. Shaping reality by ignoring reality through mind-bending is a secret pleasure, which conservatives who struggle so hard to get some sense out of reality cannot understand. Even a long time after I quit I liked to read the many party papers of all the fractions especially about the in fights. In hindsight I call it the Talmudic mindset. And this mindset has indeed certain addictive features.

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