“The decision to have children has always struck me as an essentially selfish one: You choose, out of a desire for fulfillment or self-betterment or curiosity or boredom or baby-mania or peer pressure, to bring a new human into this world. And it has never seemed more selfish than today. From a global perspective, having a child in a developed nation is among the most environmentally unsound decisions you can make — a baby born in the United States adds another 58.6 tons of carbon to the atmosphere per year. (That wipes out the net positives of my 25 years of vegetarianism in roughly three months). On the individual level, as fires rage and hurricanes form, as water grows scarce and fields lie fallow, it’s hard not to wonder: What kind of future can we offer a child?” (Written by Emily Holleman)

I didn’t have children for any of the reasons that she mentioned. I had children because I knew I was created to do this and this is what God wanted me to do. This “Save the World” movement that has taken a grip on our nation is satanic. It’s a way to rid the world of human beings so the earth can be as how it was created to be. The vital point they’re missing is that God, the Creator of all, created this world for human beings! He created them to marry and multiply! They are fighting against God’s ordained will.

Yes, mankind is destructive on this earth. Yes, we live in a toxic environment now, but this is due to sin in this world. God will one day burn this earth up. Mankind has no ability to destroy this earth as the environmentalist seem to claim. No, only God has the ability to do this. Nothing environmentalists have come up with even helps the environment. They want us all to drive electric cars. Don’t they know where electricity comes from? The new lightbulbs have mercury in them. All of their ideas and mandates are foolishness.

Having children is not selfish. In fact, it’s selfless. It’s hard being pregnant. It’s hard going through labor. It’s hard getting up throughout the night to nurse one’s baby. It’s hard training them to be good, disciplined children. It takes a lot of sacrifice and hard work to bear and raise children. But Satan is the master at twisting what God has ordained as good into something ugly, as this woman has done.

What about bringing children into this wicked world? This world has been wicked since the Fall. As long as God is blessing your womb, He wants you to have children. He has told us that children are a gift and a blessing. There is no greater joy than to have children walking in Truth. This world needs more godly arrows than it needs anything else. This world needs more salt and light! Bear and raise children, dear women. It’s actually selfish for married couples to not have children. All of the reasons they give are always selfish.

Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Psalm 127:3-5

So Now Having Children is Selfish

E. Michael Jones — “Jews are Not our Friends”

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E. Michael Jones — “Jews are Not our Friends” 

October 15, 2021 

image03.jpg E. Michael Jones, left, is the foremost Catholic thinker of our time. Humanity has terminal cancer. We cannot fight this disease if we cannot diagnose it.We have been inducted into a satanic cult, Cabalist Judaism (Communism.) Satanic cults control and exploit their members by corrupting and making them sick, before destroying them.As E. Michael Jonessays, “[Non-Jews] have internalized the commands of our oppressors. We need to liberate ourselves from the Jewish superego.”
We are experiencing cognitive dissonance. They tell us what they are doing at the same time as they hide and deny it and pretend things are “normal.” We are in the grips of the occult! 
How do they have all this power? “Money” is the bloodstream of society and they control the spigot. 
As M suggests in the First Comment below, many Jews behave like members of a cult, incapable of acknowledging the ugly truth, and intimidating anyone who tries to open their eyes. Isn’t that also true of many of the vaccinated? 

In “A Goy Guide to World History” Part 4, E. Michael Jones, describes how throughout history, satanist Jews (Communists) have systematically attacked and dismantled the Christian social fabric. Their goal is to enslave humanity. Covid is a smokescreen. Time to ignore the smoke and mirrors and address the underlying problem. We are being sterilized, depopulated and enslaved but we can’t believe it. The condemned study the gallows with magnifying glasses. 

CabalistJews and their flunkies are advancing a diabolical dogma that requires civilization to be destroyed in order for them to rule supreme. 

Cabalist Judaism = Communism = Satanism“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that just as in the Russian revolution, the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism…” – Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and Humanity, p. 143
from Nov 6, 2015by Henry Makow PhD
The documentary “A Goy Guide to World History” Parts 4 & 5 confirm that Organized Jewry has shredded the social fabric in the West and “social change” actually describes satanic possession. 
I will not mince words. Judaism defined by Talmud and Cabala is Satanism. It is not a religion. It is anti-religion. Mankind has been inducted into this satanic cult by both Jews and Freemasons. Freemasonry is Cabalism for the Gentiles. 
We live in a profoundly subverted society. Cabalist bankers and their Masonic minions control the mass media, government, education, churches  corporations, legal system and military. We have de facto Communism.  Homosexuality is promoted to school children. Criticism of Israel is criminalized. Young women are taught to behave like sluts. Mention of God is prohibited. Entertainment is satanic ritual.

Masonic bankers dehumanize us by undermining our social identity based on race, religion, nation and family. Lately, this is evidenced by the migrant invasion (national identity) and the attack on gender (family.) Using sex and sports, they infantilize us — better to serve the Illuminati. The “democratic” process is a charade reminiscent of a high school student council. Political and cultural leaders are second-raters, imposters who will do or say anything for a place at the trough. 
From time immemorial, the Cabalist Jewish goal has been to dehumanize and enslave mankind. Only Jews are human. The goyim are animals. This is the real cause of anti-Semitism. Jews have been deceived to think anti Semitism is “irrational” and “a mental disorder.” Organized Jewry uses many ordinary Jews to achieve its malevolent goal. Anti Semitism is on the rise. Jewish dupes will be made the scapegoats.


(Jews of the CDC)

The goyim have been brainwashed to think it’s “anti-Semitic” to resist their own genocide. I am an ethnic Jew who lost grandparents in the holocaust. As long as most Jews support and implement the Illuminati agenda, anti-Semitism is a natural and necessary defence mechanism. These Jews are not your friends. Nor are Freemasons. They are not the friends of God fearing Jews either. 

Believe it or not, I find much to like and admire in many Jews, including my own family. That’s why it hurts to see the Jewish people hijacked by Satanists. I sound an alarm, “we have been deceived, and have become deceivers.”  Jews have been morally compromised and put in jeopardy by their leaders. I wish to alert them (and all people) to a dehumanizing occult power, i.e. Illuminati. In reality, I am a “pro-Semite and pro-human.”

In “A Goy Guide to World History” Part 4, a handful of thinkers describe how satanist Jews (Communists) have systematically attacked and dismantled the Christian social fabric.  
These Jews were taught that this is necessary to prevent anti-Semitism, which they were told is irrational and a mental illness.

In the 45 minute documentary, E. Michael Jones, editor of Culturewars,  explains how Satanism inverts truth. Evil is good. False is true. Sick is healthy. Thus Jews (Organized Jewry) who hate Gentiles are the “persecuted victims” while Gentiles who defend themselves are “haters” and mentally ill.  Homosexuality is healthy while the nuclear family is sick. 
Jones, the author of a dozen books, explains that Western Civilization is built on the belief in Logos, i.e. the Moral Order, God. 
Logos uses Ethos (Will) to restrain and guide Pathos (Passions.) 

Satanist Jews interpret any restraint on lust as Christian. In fact, Jones explains that, as the terms imply, Western Civilization is based on this Greek principle. 
Take away Logos and Ethos, and Pathos runs amuck. You have Satanism i.e. Cabalist Judaism. “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”  This is the  Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which Jones believes will destroy society.
Kevin MacDonald explains how Jews used psychoanalysis and anthropology to attack family and race respectively. Jews fear any kind of collective power on the part of the goyim. (“We will destroy all collective forces except our own,” says the Protocols of Zion 16.) 

Paul Fromm describes how Jews see strong patriarchal nuclear families as repressive and anti-Semitic. They promote radical individualism, where the dysfunctional individual takes his identity from consumer society. 

Even though Masons and Masonic Jews are largely responsible for imperialism, “White guilt” is used to attack the concept of nation. According to Kevin MacDonald, Jews believe Whites have no moral legitimacy. “Europeans have no moral right to any sovereignty anywhere,” he says. This is increasingly apparent in Europe today.
[In Part V, Jones takes issue with MacDonald saying religion, specifically Catholicism, is the best organizing principle in resisting the Jewish onslaught. “White? What is that?” Catholicism, he says, has the most experience dealing with the Jews.] 
Jones implies our fear of anti-Semitism is another Jewish scam. “We have internalized the commands of our oppressors. We need to liberate ourselves from the Jewish superego. We cannot pretend Jews are our friends.”  
He says the inevitable result of sexual liberation and the destruction of the family is extinction. People will not have children. This affects Jews as well as Gentiles. 
As satanic possession, Communism takes many forms. When it failed to mobilize the worker to revolt, it morphed into feminism and mobilized women.  Communist Jews promoted sexual “liberation” and “LGT rights” to undermine gender, marriage and family. They promoted multiculturalism and mass migration to undermine race and culture. Satanist Jews always find a fissure to pack a stick of dynamite. Blow up Syria and inundate Europe for example. Civilization must fail so their hegemony will succeed. The Protocols of Zion (10) write: “We must utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even to use torture, starvation, the inoculation of disease and want, so that the goyim see no other course open to them but to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else. But if we give the nations of the world a breathing spell the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive.”

Can there be any doubt that humanity is satanically possessed?  Society is demoralized. It’s not just Illuminati Jews; it’s millions of Freemasons and Satanists too. It’s liberals and feminists and Christian Zionists. Society is profoundly subverted/satanically possessed.
 The Protocols are being realized daily yet most still regard it as a “forgery.” We must awaken from cognitive dissonance because we are headed over a precipice. 

Related Goy Guide III (Spain, Netherlands, Slavery, Russia)Historian Exposed Genocidal Cabalist Plot in 2003
Cabalists Publicly Discuss their Plot to Kill Millions
The Jews of the CDC

Preparing for WW3As far as the Pentagon is concerned, a military conflict with China and/or Russia is inevitable, and this prospect has become the driving force of its tactical and strategic planning. – 

Makow – What is Communism?———- Meditation on the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit—————–Anti Semitism- Good for Jews?———- Anti Semitism has Respectable Pedigree—————- The Riddle of Anti Semitism—————- The Zionist Protection RacketTim Warner- Anti Semitism- Goyim React Like Pavlov’s Dogs

Florida COVID Cases Have Plunged 88% In The Past Six Weeks With NO MANDATES

Barely anyone is getting sick in Florida anymore now that Gov. Ron DeSantis has lifted all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) mandates and returned the state back to normal.

florida covid cases have plunged 88% in the past six weeks with no mandates

The Orlando Sentinel reported that the number of new daily cases of the Chinese Virus has plummeted to a three-month low as the state approaches pre-covid levels of illness.

Over the past six weeks, new cases of the Fauci Flu have dropped a whopping 88 percent, and that is without any mask mandates, vaccines mandates, social distancing requirements or other tyranny.

At the current time, Florida ranks 48th out of the 50 states in terms of Chinese Virus cases, making it one of the healthiest states in the country right now by a long shot.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), Florida’s seven-day case average dropped below 3,000 for the first time since July 7. The new seven-day average across the state is 2,870 cases.

The mainstream media is not sure how to handle this massive drop in cases since it does not fit the narrative that masks and vaccines are saving lives. To the contrary, states like Vermont that are almost entirely vaccinated are seeing a huge surge in hospitalizations and deaths.

Things are moving in the wrong direction in the compliant states, in other words, while states like Florida and Texas that are fully open are seeing new cases and hospitalizations drop towards zero.

Explosive! India State Of 241 MILLION People Declared COVID-Free After Government Promotes Ivermectin.

Covid Deaths Have Nearly Reached Zero In Florida

Even better in Florida is the plunging death count. According to data published by the Orlando Sentinel, the seven-day average by date of death in Florida is almost zero – the lowest it has been since the start of the plandemic.

Keep in mind that even these few deaths being reported are classified as “covid-related” deaths, meaning someone died with covid, supposedly, and not necessarily from covid.

The system has been playing games with the data like this from the very start, not to mention the fiasco with all the fake PCR teststhat have been generating false “positives” to help pad the numbers.

South Florida is seeing the most improvements, with Palm Beach County seeing a 28 percent drop in cases and a 14 percent drop in deaths. Nearby Broward County also saw a 28 percent drop in cases, along with a 23 percent drop in deaths.

Miami-Dade County saw a 26 percent drop in cases and a 36 percent drop in deaths, while Orange County saw a 31 percent drop in cases and for some reason a 49 percent increase in deaths, or so they say.

A heatmap published by the Orlando Sentinel shows that many southern states are doing quite well in terms of cases and deaths, probably because they are warmer and have more sunlight as the winter months approach. Conversely, many northern states are not doing so well as they get colder and the sunlight wanes.

Exposure to natural sunlight causes the body to produce vitamin D, which is critical for maintaining strong immunity. Those with vitamin D deficiency are more prone to developing chronic illness, including a possible covid infection.

The latest figures suggest that 58.4 percent of Florida’s population is now “fully vaccinated.” The most vaccinated areas are in South Florida, while northern Florida is more “hesitant.”

“The vaccine IS the pathogen,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “The virus is a pretext to inoculate you with the pathogen, the spike protein generator.”

“Now introduce ivermectin and keep Covid-19 and Delta close to zero,” wrote another about what Florida should do next.


Mark Robinson: The greatest politician in America!

Mark Robinson was my friend on Facebook and we spoke often before I was blocked three years ago.

This is an example of bravery and courage.

He’s absolutely right. Homosexuality and transgenderism are filth and not only should no child ever be exposed to this degeneracy, but every adult who permits and encourages children being exposed to this is a disgrace to humanity.


“The printing press puts into the hands of parents a means of good which they may use to the greatest advantage in the culture of their home life and in the shaping of the lives of their household. But they must keep a most diligent watch over the pages that they introduce. They should know the character of every book and paper that comes within their doors, and should resolutely exclude everything that would defile.

“Then, while they exclude everything whose influence would be for evil, if they are wise they will bring into their home as much as possible of pure, elevating, and refining literature. Every beautiful thought that enters a child’s mind adds to the strength and loveliness of the character in after days. The educating influence of the best books and papers is incalculable, and no parent can afford to lose it in the training of his family.”

When I homeschooled my children, I used the reading books chosen by Sonlight curriculum. Their books were fantastic, and all of my children learned to love to read. They read biographies of missionaries which strengthened their faith. They only read books with good character and integrity. I didn’t allow any books into my home that weren’t decent or had anything to do with Satan and witchcraft. You must be diligent with what your children read and watch.

“God wants us to fill our homes with happiness. He made childhood joyous, full of life, bubbling over with laughter, playful, bright and sunny. It is a crime to repress the mirth and the gladness and to try to make children grave and stately. Life’s burdens will come soon enough to lie upon their shoulders. Life will soon enough bring care and anxiety and hardship and a weight of responsibility. We should let them be young and free from care just as long as possible. We should put into their childhood days just as much sunshine and gladness, just as much cheerful pleasure as possible.

“Besides the way also to make them strong and noble in character when they grow up to manhood and womanhood is to make their childhood and youth both bright and happy. If you want to produce a vigorous, healthy plant, you will not bring it up in a dark room; you will give it all the sunshine it will take. Human lives will never grow into their best in gloom. Pour the sunshine about them in youth; let them be happy; encourage all innocent joy; provide pleasant games for them; be a child again among them. Then God’s blessing will come upon your home, and your children will grow up sunny hearted, gentle, affectionate, joyous themselves and joy bearers to the world.” (These words were written in 1882 by J.R. Miller in his book Homemaking.)

Teach your children from a young age to dwell upon the good and the lovely (Philippians 4:8). Teach them to love what God loves and to hate what God hates. This will be a blessing to them all of their lives.

I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Psalm 101:2,3

Fill Your Homes With Happiness

VAERS: 160,000+ Americans Have Likely Died From COVID-19 Injections

If you extrapolate it out based on what we currently know about underreporting, the latest data from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) suggests that upwards of 160,000 Americans may have died so far from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

by Ethan Huff

vaers 160,000+ americans have likely died from covid 19 injections

Since last December when the injections were first released as part of “Operation Warp Speed,” there have been 16,310 officially reported deaths from Chinese Virus shots logged into VAERS. Since as little as one percent of vaccine injuries ever get reported to VAERS, the true number could be as high as 1.631 million U.S. deaths.

A more conservative estimate might use a factor of 10, which would point to around 163,100 U.S. deaths. Whichever figure is correct, we at least know that there are far more people dying from Chinese Virus injections than the government is letting on, and people need to know about it so they can make an informed decision about whether or not to join the statistics.

As we have reported, others agree that Fauci Flu shot deaths are being massively underreported. One of them is Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD, a computation biologist, molecular biologist and immunologist who estimates that around 150,000 people in the U.S. have died from covid jabs.

There are various ways to try to calculate rough estimates that are more true-to-life – meaning more accurate – than what the government claims. It is obviously in Big Pharma’s best interests to underplay injuries and deaths while overplaying “cases,” which is exactly what we have seen happen over the past several months of this plandemic.

Covid Shots Have Potentially Killed More People Than American Soldiers In The Vietnam War TIMES THREE

Few, if any, in the mainstream media are paying any attention to VAERS, even though it is the official data source for tracking injuries and deaths from all vaccines. Again, it is vastly underreported, but it is something, at least, that can give us an idea as to the current injury and death toll.

Even at the reported numbers, Wuhan Flu shots are the deadliest “vaccines” to hit the market in decades. They appear to be more dangerous, in fact, than all other vaccines that have ever been created combined – and this is just based on what has been reported to VAERS.

Extrapolated out using multipliers, covid shots are a full-scale pharmaceutical holocaust that has taken more lives than perhaps the entire Vietnam War did to American soldiers.

Chinese Virus injections are certainly more deadly than the 9/11 terrorist attacks by at least a factor of five. In other words, just based on what has been reported to VAERS so far, Operation Warp Speed has taken more lives than if 9/11 had occurred five separate times.

Using a multiplier of 10 from VAERS data, which again is on the more conservative side, the number of deaths caused by covid jabs so far is like three Vietnam Wars in terms of the number of American military casualties.

We are talking huge numbers, in other words, and the media continues to remain silent about all of this. Instead, they keep telling us all to roll up our sleeves and encourage our loved ones to do the same in order to “save lives” and stop killing grandma.

“It should be a crime for the media not to be made to report this important information!” wrote one commenter at the VAERS Analysis blog.

“ALL mainstream media outlets, including even Fox News and Newsmax, refuse to address the obvious dangers of the ‘vaccines’ (experimental gene therapies),” wrote another. “They are complicit and corrupt.”


Recently, I listened to a sermon by Douglas Wilson called A Sermon to Unmarried Adults. It was fantastic! Many are trying to convince single adults that singleness is a gift. The Apostle Paul said that what he wrote about singleness was by permission, not commandment (1 Corinthians 7:6). He had the gift of singleness. He didn’t burn. He only wanted to live his life solely for the Gospel and spreading it as far as he could. Most singles don’t have this gift.

I took notes from the sermon, so I will summarize it here, but I encourage you all to listen to it! Before I begin, I liken it to married women who want a baby but are infertile. Their infertility is NOT a gift; it’s an affliction. It’s the same with those who want to be married. This is a normal and good desire. For them, this unfulfilled desire is an affliction, not a gift.

Douglas Wilson preached that marriage today is in crisis. Marriage is a creation ordinance established by God. He is the One who gave the first bride away. One man. One woman. The Fall affected marriage profoundly. Our culture is in a full scale revolt against marriage now. The sad thing is that what culture accepts, the Church eventually accepts. Instead of standing strong against culture, it straggles at the tail end of the Devil’s will. Then righteous living seems odd to most.

In 1950, the average age of marriage for men was 23 and for woman 20. In 1975, it was 23 for men and 21 for woman. However, in 2019, the average age for men to marry was almost 30 and for women 28. This is an enormous shift. Why? There is a revolt against maturity. Our culture delays when young people must grow up. The young people now want to stay perpetually young.

Feminism brought in entitled egalitarianism. They wanted an equality of outcome. Feminists then created soft complementarianism. They’ve turned men into beta males “servant leaders.” (Men are to lead by serving rather than serve by leading.) They want to take the edge off of men, make them more gentle, and say, “Good, you’re a girl.” They want to turn men into women! This has been a corrosive disaster across the board. Men have wimped out.

 Why aren’t men getting off the dime and marrying? Why are they so reluctant? This massive civilization crisis has caused a hate towards genuine masculinity. Biblical, loving masculinity (Patriarchy) is called toxic. Our culture hates men! The world and even the churches treat men with contempt. Why do you think so many men no longer want to go to church and marry?

This was the end of the notes I took. He has two more sermons on this topic I encourage you to listen to: Young Men and Their StrengthTo Think Soberly.

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men [show oneself to be a man], be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:3

Singleness Can Be an Affliction