Headlines for January 17, 2022


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US Truckers Issue Devastating Warning To Biden On Unlawful Shot Mandate

An estimated 30,000 truckers that deliver goods and services between the US/Canada border have not yet submitted their vaccination paperwork. Beginning January 15, truckers will be required to show proof of vaccination upon entering Canada. The same mandate for truckers entering the United States from Canada goes into effect on January 22.

When the coronavirus pandemic began nearly two years ago, the Trump administration made land/border crossings essential. However, the Biden administration’s mandate issued by the Department of Homeland Security trumps the former president’s.

Mike Milliam, the President of Private Motor Truck Council of Canada, told Lynnwood Timesthat the mandate will add to the shortages we are already experiencing and will cause significant long-lasting damage.

“70 percent of the 700 billion in trade between Canada and the U.S. is moved by truck,” Milliam said. “This will have a dramatic effect on supplies and services reaching their destination and getting in the hands of those who need them. One needs to look no further than the recent U.K. fuel shortage, where the military had to be brought in to deliver fuel as a result of a lack of truck drivers. We are already seeing shortages, if these shortages reach critical levels on items such as fuel, food, blood medicine or medical supplies, we will see real, long-lasting damage.”

 Unvaccinated Canadian truckers will have to “meet requirements for pre-entry, arrival and day eight testing, as well as quarantine requirements,” as they can’t be denied entry into Canada. Unvaccinated or partially-vaccinated non-Canadian truckers will be turned away if they are unable to show proof of immunization or a valid medical contraindication to the COVID-19 vaccines.


Truckers across Canada are organizing a “Convoy to End Mandates”.
On January 23rd, they will begin a “slow roll”, from as many border points as possible, to slow down major road transportation routes across the Country.
Truckers, and all others, are invited to join the convoy, to send a message to the Government, that forced vaccinations will not be tolerated.  As of January 15th, Trudeau has mandated that all truckers crossing the border must be vaccinated.
Similar mandates are already causing problems in Health Care systems, air transportation, and other sectors.  This latest action will create major supply problems for many products Canadians rely on.
The time has come to show Ottawa, and the Provinces, that we are not going to allow Government to continue to slowly squeeze Canadians into giving up their God-given – and Constitutionally protected – Rights and Freedoms.
Contact one of the organizers to get more information and to find out how you can get involved. 
Calgary – Cathy (403) 800-8938 – cthmurrell@gmail.com
Saskatchewan – Chris (306) 774-4330 or Derek (306) 640-7632
Winnipeg – Joe (204) 493-0022 or Dale (204) 312-8399
Sarnia – Brigette (678) 778-6992 – gidget642@gmail.com
Windsor – Ben (519) 816-9114 – dispatch@adttransportation.com

If you are in an area not shown here, contact Brigette (see her contact info above), to let her know you can help out (in Quebec, BC, the Eastern Provinces, etc.).
Please use your networks and contacts to spread the word.  We need hundreds of vehicles to show up to make a difference!



Local police enforcing commonflu19 protocols are just following orders.

FLDoctor loses license, must have psych evaluation for COVID falsehoods

Intracranial infection cases up 60-fold since vaccines rolled out


ESSENTIAL VIDEO – Dr. David McCullough


This should have way more than 935 views


Ken Adachi says both Chrome and Firefox record your every search. Recommends Brave 

Here is from the Corona Auschuss with Reiner Fuellmich, the German lawyer who took VW as well as Deutsche Bank to court and won those cases..

Washington State legalized “flesh goo” liquefaction of human corpses one year before activating COVID concentration camps that will target unvaxxed conservatives with “strike team” operations… efficient, stealth disposal of bodies now perfected


Short story really quick sorry : Was just at the gas station this morning here in North Dakota , a guy in front of me mid 50’s looked like he was drunk and was about to faint. I asked him if he was okay he said he was having a hard time breathing and i asked him if he was sick and he said no.. I don’t think so and I was like well do you need a doctor ? He said he was just at the doctor 3 days before and got the covid vaccine and said he has been having trouble breathing since. The attendant and me watched him walk back out to his truck he stood there holding the door and just collapsed . we called 911 and the ambulance picked him up. I don’t know if he died or have a follow up but it’s happening. It literally felt like the start of a zombie apocalypse movie .


Now they have an excuse to get rid of people altogether!

China Unveils Scary New AI Human That’s Almost Indistinguishable From a Real Human – enVolve (en-volve.com)


Explosive Charges: Was German Chancellor Olaf Scholz a Stasi/KGB Asset?

Merkel is a Communist too.

Patrick Ducharme, well known criminal lawyer Windsor/Toronto Ontario – Call to Arms

Apparently he and others in the legal profession have had enough and are ready to advocate for Canadians. 

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgcLro8g-W8 – 

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyiM6WU7MCc – Call to arms follow up. 

bourla.jpegA reminder that the enemy is the banking system
  Minnesota Bank Moving to Cancel Mike Lindell’s Accounts Over His Political Associations


U of Michigan president fired after employee relationship, ‘inappropriate’ emails surface 
  Most US University Presidents are Jews because the goyim cannot be trusted with the job of subverting Western Civilization-  Mark Schlissel  is no exception


Atlanta city transit CEO, 55, steps in front of a train, dies


Canadian Karen pushing vaccine mandate in Puerto Vallarta

Latest Video Interviews with the Incomparable E. Michael Jones



 Japan announces that public and private sectors can not discriminate against those who refuse the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections.

 Japan is now labeling Covid “vaccines” to warn of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects such as myocarditis. In addition, the country is reaffirming its commitment to adverse event reporting requirements to ensure all possible side effects are documented.

These efforts from Japan’s health authority are in stark contrast to the deceptive measures taken by other countries to coerce citizens into taking the injection, downplaying side effects, and discouraging proper adverse event reporting.

Additionally, Japan is emphasizing informed consent and bodily autonomy. Until the coronavirus pandemic, the concept of “informed consent” was considered sacred to healthcare professionals in the West.



There is info in this vid that you may not have heard or seen before. The independent video producer has some decent references.

Communist Takeover: Without Firing a Shot, China Seizes Control of America’s Farmlands



Satanism- Its Methods and Symbols


The  Official Covid Narrative is Crumbling
16 Reasons Why



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