The Holocaust of Six Million Jews—in World War I

I take it that the reader is familiar with the basics of the so-called Holocaust: the alleged deaths of some six million Jews, many in gas chambers, at the hands of the Nazis in World War II. This was, we are told, a deliberate policy of Hitler and his top men, something of highest priority—even above the war effort itself—and a policy of the utmost secrecy. It was so secret, in fact, that hard documentation and forensic evidence on this catastrophic, world-changing event are almost nonexistent: no ‘Hitler order’ to kill the Jews, no plans for homicidal gas chambers, no physical remains of gas chambers,[1] no photos of gas chambers or gassed Jews, no autopsies confirming death by gas, no consistent or coherent records of mass shootings that must have totaled over 1.5 million, no evidence of any of the 1 million or so ghetto deaths. Those ingenious devils, the Nazis, managed to destroy all the evidence—including the physical remains of virtually all six million Jewish corpses—in order to conceal their heinous deed. They were truly evil geniuses. Or so we are told.

But this is not my topic for today. For the full story of the incredible World War II Holocaust, I must refer interested readers to my books The Holocaust: An Introduction (for the concise version), or, for a more detailed discussion, Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides (4th ed, 2020). Also recommended is the book by Germar Rudolf, Lectures on the Holocaust (2017). Suffice to say that there are many facts about this notorious event that our friendly ‘Holocaust experts’ would rather have us not know.

Today, though, I want to focus on a related but perhaps more surprising event: the Jewish “holocaust” of World War I. (I will use the lower-case ‘holocaust’ for pre-WWII, reserving the upper-case ‘Holocaust’ for WWII itself.)

Wait, you say; World War I? But didn’t that occur decades before WWII? Yes. Wasn’t that years before the Nazi party even existed? True enough. Wasn’t Hitler a mere foot soldier in that initial war? Indeed he was. Then who committed the crime? And why? And how many Jews suffered in that holocaust?

It is truly a remarkable story, one that is too little known. It has often been said that “history repeats itself.” But who would have guessed that a monumentally tragic event like a holocaust could repeat itself, inflicted on the same people, in the same region of the world, and in the same numbers, in just three decades? This amazing occurrence is worth a bit of exploration; the holocaust of WW1 has huge implications for the Holocaust of WWII, and by extension, for Jewish-Gentile relations in the world today.

Context for War

The precursors and causes of WW1 are vast and complicated, and I cannot delve into those here. But a key factor, and likely decisive, was the action of the global Jewish Lobby of the day, which pushed for war at every possible juncture; I have detailed this aspect in my book The Jewish Hand in the World Wars (2019), and I refer interested readers to it. The same Jewish Lobby, it turns out, also had a decisive hand in the holocaust narratives.

For the moment, I will have to restrict myself to the basic facts. World War I, as we recall, began in July 1914 and ran for a bit more than four years, ending on 11 November 1918. For the majority of this time, the Triple Entente of the UK, France, and Russia faced off against the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The US eventually entered the war (on the side of the Entente) in April 1917. Russia, torn apart by the Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution, withdrew in March 1918. Germany held out for another seven months, but eventually, in November 1918, it too succumbed, in part as a result of internal Jewish agitation,. In the end, the Alliance suffered some 8 million total casualties (military plus civilian), and the Entente around 10 million. Despite the many complicating factors, a defeated Germany was ultimately assigned full blame for the war—completely overlooking the fact that that nation “did not plot a European war, did not want one, and made genuine…efforts to avert one,” in the words of historian Sidney Fay.[2] The onerous postwar reparations inflicted on Germany set the stage, in large part, for the later emergence of Hitler and his NSDAP party.

As in all wars, many civilians were caught in the crosshairs; here, the Jews were no exception. Their suffering, however, had already been ongoing for many years prior to the war. Or perhaps we should say, selfinflicted suffering. Jewish behavior, attitudes, actions, and beliefs have been a constant source of conflict throughout the centuries—even through millennia.[3] Jewish abrasiveness became particularly pressing by the late 18th century, as was noted by many prominent critics, including Kant, Voltaire, Hegel, Fichte, and Herder. By the mid-19th century, the likes of Schopenhauer and Bruno Bauer were issuing scathing critiques.

A particularly disturbing situation, though, was developing in Russia. By the late 1800s, Russia had some 5 million Jews within its borders, nearly all of whom lived in the so-called Pale of Settlement in the far west of the country; this represented about half of the global total of around 10 million Jews. This large Jewish population was a disruptive and agitating force within Russia and hence earned the dislike of Czars Nicholas I (reigned 1825 to 1855) and Alexander II (reigned 1855 to 1881). By 1871, Russian activist Mikhail Bakunin could make this observation about the Jews:

This whole Jewish world which constitutes a single exploiting sect, a sort of bloodsucker people (ein Blutegelvolk), a collective parasite (einzigen fressenden Parasiten), voracious, organized in itself, not only across the frontiers of states but even across all the differences of political opinion—this world is presently, at least in great part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand and of the Rothschilds on the other. … Jewish solidarity, that powerful solidarity that has maintained itself through all history, united them [both].[4]

In 1881, a gang of anarchists known as Narodnaya Volya, which included a few Jews, succeeded in assassinating Alexander; this unleashed a series of anti-Jewish pogroms that persisted for decades.

By the late 1880s, American media was beginning to take notice of the Jewish situation in Russia—especially the New York Times. A brief item from 1889 began with the question “How many Jews are there?” meaning, globally. At a minimum, “the number of the ubiquitous race [is] 6,000,000.” It then continues with a reference to Jewish suffering: “With the exception of half a million, they are all in a state of political bondage.” Furthermore, “in Russia alone there were 4,000,000 of their race whose every step was dogged by that curse, religious hatred and persecution.”[5] Here we find an early reference to (almost) six million suffering Jews.

Another short piece appeared in 1891 entitled “Russia’s Christianity: Rabbi Gottheil says a word on the persecution of the Jews.” In a public lecture, Gottheil examined a number of facts “in relation to the treatment of Russia’s 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 Jews by the Christian population.” Notably, the population of Russian Jews, which was just 4 million two years earlier, was now as high as 6 million. Gottheil then proceeds to quote a recent article by one E. B. Lanin, who said, “about six millions [sic] persecuted and miserable wretches remain steadfastly faithful to a religion that causes their life to be changed into a fiery furnace.”[6] Prophetic, indeed.

Nearly a decade later, in June 1900, Rabbis Gottheil and Stephen Wise were the keynote speakers at a “Zionist mass meeting” in New York. They were anxious to highlight Jewish suffering around the world to help make their case for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Gottheil spoke generically of the “oppressed in Russia,” but Wise made the point explicit: “There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.”[7] Within a few years, the pogroms became increasingly intense, eventually leading to small-scale killings. The so-called “Kishineff (or Kishinev) massacre” of 1903, in which all of 49 Jews were killed, became, for the first time, a “holocaust.” The NYT quotes from an editorial of the Jewish Chronicle:

We charge the Russian Government with responsibility for the Kishineff massacre. We say it is steeped to the eyes in the guilt of this holocaust. (16 May, p. 1)

The editorial goes on to speak of how the Russian Jews are being “slowly annihilated” and subject to “the process of extermination.” Such words obviously anticipate similar charges that would be leveled against the National Socialists some four decades later.

Two years later, we read that the “holocaust” is still ongoing. A short item of 1905 is headlined “Simon Wolf asks how long the Russian holocaust is to continue.”[8] Also that year, the NYT reported, once again, on “our 6,000,000 cringing brothers in Russia.”[9] The following year, in 1906, we read of “startling reports of the condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews”; it is a “horrifying picture” of “renewed massacres” and “systematic and murderous extermination.”[10] At this point, one is tempted to ask: What is it about the Jews, such that they are subject to such continual and horrific abuse? And furthermore, why isn’t the figure of six million, first reported back in 1890, growing any larger? Is it now, somehow, fixed at six million? If so, why?

In 1910, we find “Russian Jews in sad plight,” and we are saddened over “the systematic, relentless, quiet grinding down of a people of more than 6,000,000 souls.”[11] In 1911, the New York Times reported that “the 6,000,000 Jews of Russia are singled out for systematic oppression and for persecution by due process of law.”[12]And yet things got worse still:

That Russia is pursuing a definite anti-Jewish policy, that the condition of the Jews in Russia is worse now than it ever was before, will be gathered from the following extracts… [T]he restrictive laws now in existence…intensif[y] the oppression of the Jews, and by which it is making the 6,000,000 Jews a people economically exhausted—a people without any rights at all. (10 December, p. SM8)

We need to remind ourselves that the leading Russians had a very low opinion of the Jews, and felt themselves fully justified in any recrimination. Sometimes their words were shocking. Russian prime minister Pyotr Stolypin wrote the following in 1911:

It is important that racial characteristics have so drastically set the Jewish people apart from the rest of humanity as to make them totally different creatures, who cannot enter into our concept of human nature. We can observe them the way we observe and study animals, we can feel disgust for them or hostility, the way we do for the hyena, the jackal, or the spider, but to speak of hatred for them would raise them to our level. … Only by disseminating in the popular consciousness the concept that the creature of the Jewish race is not the same as other people, but an imitation of a human, with whom there can be no dealings—only that can gradually heal the national organism and weaken the Jewish nation so it will no longer be able to do harm, or will completely die out. History knows of many extinct tribes. Science must put, not the Jewish race, but the character of Jewry into such condition as will make it perish.[13]

Just a few months later, Stolypin was assassinated by a Jewish radical, Dmitri Bogrov.

I emphasize that it was not only the New York Times that was reporting on the six million suffering Hebrews. Zionist Jews were repeating the same lines to their own people. Speaking at the 1911 Zionist Congress, Max Nordau said the following:

Virtuous governments…lay the groundwork with their own hands for the destruction of six million persons, and no one except the victims themselves raises his voice against this—even though this, of course, is an infinitely greater crime than any war which as yet has never destroyed six million human lives.[14]

Thus we find repeated linkage, over a period of many years, of “six million,” “extermination,” and “holocaust” with respect to the Jews. History indeed repeats itself.

Into the Great War

It seems, then, that our holocaust journey is even more intriguing than I indicated above. The firstJewish holocaust occurred in Russia, running, at a minimum, from the years 1903 through 1911. We don’t know how many Jews were killed in that period, but it was unquestionably small, given the over-emphasis on relatively minor events in which, for example, 49 were killed (see Andrew Joyce’s “Revisiting the Nineteenth-Century Russian Pogroms”). Based on scattered reports, the total would have been on the order of a few thousand, at most. And yet, the figure of 6 million recurred repeatedly, as a kind of token of mass Jewish suffering. This set the stage for the second holocaust, of World War One, as I am about to explain. And this, of course, leaves “the” Holocaust of World War II as holocaust number three. A rather remarkable turn of events, and one not likely to be covered in your local history class.

As I stated above, World War I began in July 1914. Already in December of that year we were reading accounts of mass suffering of Jews—and we can guess the number. The New York Timesreported as follows:

Appeal for aid for Jews: American Committee tells of Suffering Due to War. The American Jewish Relief Committee called a conference…to consider the plight of more than 6,000,000 Jews who live within the war zone. (2 December, p. 12)

The “war zone” in question was the Eastern Front, which ran through parts of present-day Poland, Ukraine, Austria, and Hungary, as well as portions of western Russia. Just a month later, the Times reported,

In the world today there are about 13,000,000 Jews, of whom more than 6,000,000 are in the very heart of the war zone; Jews whose lives are at stake and who today are subjected to every manner of sorrow and suffering. (14 January, p. 3)

A year later, we read that the head of a Jewish aid society has declared that “even the wrongs of the Belgians could not be compared to the outrages heaped upon the Polish Jews. ‘Nearly six million Jews are ruined, in the greatest moral and material misery. … And the world is silent’.”[15]And in case we had forgotten, the Times would soon remind us that, indeed, this horrific situation constituted…a holocaust. In October, a Jewish organization—The Joint Distribution Committee of Funds for Jewish War Sufferers—launched a $10 million appeal with these words:

The new campaign is the largest ever undertaken by Jews of the United States. … Dr. Judah Magnes has been enabled [to ascertain] the present needs of the Jewish people in Europe, who have fallen under the blight of the world holocaust. (29 October, p. E9)

Into 1917, the war evolved into a sort of stalemate, with the infamous trenches defining much of the front. Despite growing fatalities on all sides, the number of suffering Jews stayed remarkably constant: “Six millions [sic] of Jews are living in lands where they are oppressed, exploited, crushed, and robbed of every inalienable human right.”[16] By September of that year, the Times was reporting on an appeal for an aid fund,

to alleviate the suffering of Jews in the European war zones…[whose] suffering is unparalleled [!] in history. … [W]omen, children, and babies must be saved if the Jewish race is to survive the terrible holocaust… (24 September, p. 20)

Once again, we see the repeated connection between ‘holocaust’ and ‘six million’ suffering Jews.

By mid-October of 1918, it was becoming clear—at least to the crew at the New York Times—that the war was about to end. Hence they excitedly reported on an astonishing “$1 billion fund to rebuild Jewry” (18 October, p. 12).[17] As it turns out, of those “six millions” of Jews who were suffering, starving, and dying in the “holocaust”—well, miraculously, all of them survived. And they needed cash. “Six million souls will need help to resume normal life when war is ended,” we read. Send your checks now.

Interwar Holocaust?

No sooner had World War I ended than our ever-industrious Jewish Lobby went to work again, conjuring up yet more Jewish suffering. In September 1919—less than one year after the war—the New York Times was reporting on renewed mass Jewish suffering, now in Poland and Ukraine. In a story headlined “Ukrainian Jews Aim to Stop Pogroms,” we read, with by now little surprise, that “6,000,000 are in peril.” Apparently half of these are in Poland, half in Ukraine, but “all of whom are in need of assistance from America.” According to the story, President Wilson had recently issued a statement of concern in which he said:

This fact that the population of 6,000,000 souls in Ukrainia and Poland have received notice through action and by word that they are going to be completely exterminated—this fact stands before the whole world as the paramount issue of the day. (8 September, p. 6)

Assuredly so.

Lest we might forget, this situation was quickly described as, yes, a “holocaust.” In one of the most craven and pandering articles ever to be penned by a non-Jewish politician, former New York governor Martin Glynn published an essay for American Hebrew in October 1919, titled “The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!” It reads, in part:

From across the sea, six million men and women call to us for help, and eight hundred thousand little children cry for bread. … With them reside the illimitable possibilities for the advancement of the human race as naturally would reside in six million human beings. … In this catastrophe, when six million human beings are being whirled toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate. … Six million men and women are dying from lack of the necessaries of life; eight hundred thousand children cry for bread. … In this threatened ho­locaust of human life, forgotten are the niceties of philosophical distinction. … And so in the spirit that turned the poor widow’s votive offering of copper into silver … the people of this country are called upon to sanctify their money by giving $35 million in the name of the humanity of Moses to six million famished men and women. Six million men and women are dying… [italics added]

A truly appalling bit of servility, if there ever was one. Clearly Glynn owed much to his Hebrew supporters.

The very next month, the NYT reported on prominent Jewish banker Felix Warburg, who had recently traveled to Europe to witness the suffering firsthand:

The successive blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of European Jewry, and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation, and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population on the earth. (12 November, p. 7)

The storyline persisted in subsequent years:

* April 1920: “Mr. Louis Marshall declared that typhus menaced 6,000,000 Jews of Europe.”[18]

* May 1920: “Hunger, cold rags, desolation, disease, death—six million human beings without food, shelter, clothing…”

* July 1921: “Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre” (again!).

* September 1924: “1,235 Pogroms” in the Soviet Union; “The Jewish population, which number in Russia over 6,000,000, live scattered. … [Events] have subjected the Jews to greater suffering than any other section of the Russian population.”

And so on. But the point is proven. Through a long series of incredible, unbelievable circumstances, six million Jews were perpetually suffering through various incarnations of a “holocaust” for decades prior to World War II. Such references tapered off through the 1930s, but accelerated again with the approach of the second great war. Several mentions of the “six million” appeared between 1936 and 1939. With the onset of war in September 1939, the predictions became explicit. In June of 1940, leading Zionist Nahum Goldmann was quoted as saying “Six million Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction, if the victory of the Nazis should be final.”[19] What an astonishing prediction! How could Goldmann have known, at that early date, of the final death toll? Jewish foresight never fails to amaze.


The facts here are clear and indisputable. The reader is strongly encouraged to look up a few of the old New York Times citations that I mentioned, to confirm that the words are really there. Most any online search engine or a local library research database can find them. They are highly damning. Our friends in the Jewish Lobby have no plausible reply, no reasonable defense, no good explanation; they can only stifle the whole discussion. And this is precisely what they do.

There are clear lessons here for history. If six million Jews suffered, but very few died, in the first holocaust (Russia), and if another six million suffered, but very few died, in the second holocaust (World War I), then we might reasonably infer, by inductive logic, that perhaps the alleged toll in the third Holocaust (World War II) was—let us say—not quite right. Especially so, given the facts that I mentioned at the very start of this essay. We can also plausibly infer that the claimed ‘six million’ figure of World War II did not come from a body count—it didn’t—but rather is a symbolic number, a token, used over many years, to represent mass Jewish suffering. As an actual death toll, it could be far removed from reality.

And if all this is true, then there are profound consequences. First, we must significantly rewrite our history of the mid-twentieth-century; second, we have to hold accountable all those historians and politicians, Jewish or otherwise, who foisted upon us a distorted picture of human suffering; and third, we need to recompensate Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and all those who were extorted into paying billions in “reparations” to Israel and global Jewry. It is not hard to find the money; American Jews alone own or control perhaps $50 trillion in assets, and this would go a long way toward a restorative justice.[20] We have the means. We need only muster the will to act.

Monster Energy Drink SATANIC Messages?

Sponsored by Revcontent

(Opinion) By now, most health-conscious consumers know that most energy drinks are loaded with sugar and/or artificial sweeteners that are bad for your health. But what if the health carnage runs much deeper, on a different level, from drinking the likes of Monster Energy drinks?

monster energy drink 666

Image source:

Take heed of what you are about to read and see on video displayed before your eyes. America is being overtaken by Satan worshipers at every level, especially when you look at the big corporations that control most of the food, beverage and medicine industries.

Let’s take a really close look at the Monster Energy drink logo, slogans and filthy language used on their cans and cartons that promote evil thinking and sugar addiction.

First, there is a gap in the letter “M” at the top. It’s not connected. The “M” in Monster has a short top, and a long tail, just like the letter “vav” in Hebrew, that also represents the number 6, which means the “M” in Monster is another symbol for “666”that’s embedded on every Monster can, the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation.

Plus, the Hebrew name “vav” denotes the “joining” letter that means “hook,” so subliminally, Monster Energy is telling you you’re hooked on the drink and the satanic ritual of drinking it. Are you addicted to “beastly energy?”

Next, the “O” in Monster displays a cross. It’s an “anti-Christ” message so when you tip the can upside down to drink it down, the cross is upside down (hence witchcraft symbolism in action), while you “Unleash the Beast,” according to the top Monster slogan written on the cans and cartons. Are people perishing for lack of knowledge, like Jesus said?

Monster Energy Drinks Display Green Claw Marks, An Upside-Down Cross, The Number 666, And The Slogan “Unleash The Beast”

It’s so obvious, that a two-time X-Games gold medalist BMX champion, Colton Satterfield, has ditched Monster Energy as his sponsors saying their advertising, slogan and logo are unChristian.

The devil’s claw marks on the can may have been the clincher for Satterfield, who doesn’t want to have a satanic sponsor since he converted recently to Mormon faith, despite the lucrative deal Monster Energy was giving him.

Satterfield is quoted saying, “So for me, I do my best to walk uprightly before a very real and good God and, with some of their marketing and logos, it just wasn’t something I could keep supporting.”

The BMX champion is not the first to recognize the satanic messages on the Monster Energy products. A woman’s video explaining it all went viral:

Either “Monster” Choice Is Evil — Boatloads Of Sugar Or Artificial Sweetener

The true evil lies in the sugar in these monstrous energy drinks. Some of the larger cans contain over TWENTY teaspoons worth of sugar, causing blood sugar levels to drastically spike, then drop off later in major “crash” form.

One 16 fl. oz can of Monster Energy contains 54g of sugar, totaling over 200 calories. Do that every day and it’s not soon thereafter that you’re battling “beastly obesity.” The Devil’s in the details.

Cancer loves sugar. It thrives on glucose. It’s the ultimate fuel for cancer proliferation, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease. Then comes tooth erosion. Plus, artificial sweeteners are known to cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic headaches, nervousness, anxiety, and wait for it… weight gain. It gets worse.

Evil corporations like Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar pour cash into marketing to youngsters at extreme sports events and music festivals, and through social media.

Bottom line is read the ingredients on everything you (and your children) consume. Evil is as evil does, so quit tipping that cross upside down and getting bad energy from bad sources.

By S.D. Wells, Guest writer


Did you know that most women opposed women’s suffrage in the mid 1800s and early 1900s? Here are the reasons why they did:

Only 3 percent of the women in Ohio, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming wanted to vote. “It is unwise, unfair, and unjust to force upon a majority of women, a measure which is obnoxious to all their ideals of womanhood, in order that the wishes of a small minority may prevail.” It seems it’s always the wicked, small minority that prevail. We can see this happening even in our culture.

“All necessary and permanent moral and social reform must be rooted in the home life of the people. It is in the retirement of this quiet home life and not in the publicity of a noisy political campaign that true womanhood seeks an opportunity to serve the State.” It grieves me to see so many Christian women running for political office, especially those with a family. It should be men who are doing this. When women leave their posts, society crumbles as we are seeing today. No one can take the place of a woman in her home.

“Women lack the physical ability to exercise the franchise on the same terms as men.  Women are now exempt from jury service and liabilities to police service, including a call to arms in defense of the country. This exemption far more than compensates any gain which even the most ardent suffragists claim would result from conferring the right of suffrage upon women.” This was back when women understood that they were the weaker vessel, and they appreciated men being the stronger ones. The fight for women’s rights has made women’s life so much worse. Most women don’t want to be on jury service, policemen, or in the military. They understand that these are men’s roles. Women belong in their homes!

“It is a mistake to presume that all women will vote right on moral issues. Experience proves that many of the worst ills of social life are due to the influence of women of low ideals of right and wrong, or of degraded morals. Women of this type would be a most dangerous element in political life and would lend themselves to the support of immoral issues, backed by designing demagogues in a manner which could not be counteracted by women of reputation and character.” We can see this clearly with abortion. The first seven books of Proverbs warns about evil women, and then there’s Jezebel. There’s also the verse about foolish women tearing their homes down. God did not create women to run society. He created men to do so. Yes, there are wicked men too, but that’s because we live in a fallen, wicked world, but it’s still God’s will for men to be the leaders.

“To ever increasing courtesy of men as shown in the social relation of life as well as to their constant protection in business affairs, women owe a debt of gratitude. In view of this courtesy and protection, the demand for so-called ‘Women’s Rights’ is both unbecoming and ungenerous.” Men were appreciated back then. There was no competition with them. Women weren’t yelling “Toxic Masculinity!” No, they appreciated men’s contribution to society and to their welfare. They also valued the important role they had at home and raising the next generation.

She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house.
Proverbs 7:11

Headlines for Jan 10, 2022


Send links and comments to

(Left, Doctors have been on the take for a long time.)

Yes, the government is telling you to kill yourself and help insist that your neighbor does too.”

Dr. Mark Trozzi:  In my home province of Ontario, like almost everywhere, government and institutions are violating human rights, vandalizing our biology, and forcing injections that are at least 10 times more deadly than covid, while suppressing safe affordable treatments that reduce suffering and death from covid by at least 85%.
Covid untreated has 0.3 % mortality. Omicron is much less and very mild. With safe affordable treatments that are being obstructed, covid has a mortality of just 0.045%. 
The so-called “vaccines” destroy immune systems, help the virus evolve, kill at least 3 % of the injected people, and maim another 28% in the first three months after injection; with much more injection induced death and suffering expected to follow.

Chris Pirnak–The synagogue of Satan and its multi-decade demoralization campaign against the West—

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Update on Nuremberg 2.0


Evidence: No Vials Are Safe, Full Stops: Terminate Covid-Injection Program Now

NY Times admits covid “booster” shots damage immunity, leave body defenseless against virus


Max Igan — 6G The New (D)evolution

Reader writes- “The title of this video is not really accurate.  The information has more to do with humanity currently being in a global “SOUL TEST” and whether or not they will give themselves over to a robotic, AI, hive mind type of existence; transhumanism;  the Borg; selling ones soul.  Max Igan ties this in with the race of grey aliens.  Why are babies now  being born with black eyes and grey looking? Souless?.  On s side note: When I visited Israel back in 2004, I observed that the Orthodox Jews all looked the same; very grey, ashen, lifeless, part of a hive mind.)

 These have ONE MIND (a hive mind), and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. Revelation 17:13.

 Gospel of Thomas #3. Jesus said, “If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the (Father’s) kingdom is in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father’s) kingdom is within you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty. (Notice that Jesus did not say you are poverty if you do not know God. You are poverty if you do not know who you are.)

LEFT- Tattoo artist testifies vaccinated skin and blood behave differently.  Courtesy Jim Stone.)
NATO justifies its existence by menacing Russia

Six Things the media Won’t Tell You about the Ukraine 

Why The Kazakhstan Crisis Is A Much Bigger Deal Than Western Media Is Letting On–

New study of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine has some disturbing findings

The most damning findings concerned the lack of disclosure of possible, or even likely, long-term health risks on vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals.  These findings revealed significant increases for the vaccinated.  It also pointed out that for adolescents and children, the vaccine posed all risk with virtually no benefit, since those young individuals, even if they became infected, had a near-universal good outcome.  Myocarditis and other afflictions are a substantial health hazard facing vaccinated young people.

Why are Whites Vanishing in TV Commercials?

First they vanish from commercials. Then from the world.

Schizer | Because We Care (About Our Profits)  (Satire)

Bill Filed In State of Washington Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families: ‘They Have Already Set Up The Internment Camps’


Kenney says ‘no’ to mandatory vaccines in Alberta

On the heels of federal Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos stating provinces will likely move to mandatory vaccination policies, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney took to Twitter to reject the idea for Albertans. Globalist traitor Kenney is already deeply unpopular but the Opposition socialists are no better.

KAZAKHSTAN – Reader says rebellion was ignited by unvaxed people being refused access to their bank accounts
All part of the NWO plan.
Russian military begin killing Kazakhstan protesters (

‘Piss off’ (a la Macron) the Kazakhstan people – no access to bank deposits without a vaccine passport.
Auto abolish the government and call for “help” from a foreign nation (Russia) to quell the uprising against vaccine passports and the unfolding NWO
Have the Russian troops kill the Kazakhstan protesters in cold blood to show (via all media) the rest of the world what will befall them if they try to get out from under the the great NWO reset = total economic and social slavery.

Peaceful non-compliance (even if some of us die) of millions, billions of people is the only way to defeat the satanic globalists for our children’s and grandchildren’s sake. Think Ghandi  against the British colonialists.
MakowismJudaism and Christianity are like night and day. The minute we went from a worldview based on God and brotherly love to one based on exploitation and enslavement, humanity signed its death warrant.

700 Days Into ‘14 Days To Flatten The Curve’ And The Only Thing That’s Reduced Is Your Freedom

On March 16, 2020, the Trump administration released a 15-day plan to slow the spread of the coronavirus in the US. That was 663 days ago. We are now nearly two years, 2 presidents, 6 trillion dollars, and countless stolen rights into slowing the spread.

Over the last two years, one of the largest power grabs in the history of the world has taken place as fearful citizens willingly surrendered their rights to the state for the promise of safety. But that safety never came and it never will.

700 days into ‘14 days to flatten the curve’ and the only thing that’s reduced is your freedom

What did come, however, was a slew of arbitrary and often ridiculous mandates and decrees from politicians who think that government force can stop a pandemic. Despite the economically devastating draconian lockdowns that killed countless small businesses, vaccine passports, and mask mandates, COVID-19 returned — with a vengeance.

One of the most heavily vaccinated places on the planet, with the strictest vaccine mandates in the country, New York City, accounted for nearly 10% of all cases in the U.S. But that is not all. Even as states across the country continue to close schools, force citizens to wear masks and fire people for refusing the jab, the U.S. set a record for the highest daily case count in the entire world — at 1 million.

As TFTP has reported, we predicted this. Several studies have shown that the lockdowns were not effective at stopping the virus. In June, we reported on the study from the National Bureau of Economic Research which analyzed data from 44 countries and all 50 states.

The study from the NBER found that these restrictions not only failed to save lives, and greatly exacerbated the destruction of the working class — but have in fact resulted in an increase of excess mortality. At the end of the day, they cost more lives than they saved.

Also in June, TFTP covered the findings of an MIT scientist who reported a data analysis of the economic impact of the lockdown — noting that whilst it played a key contributing role to the sharp rise of unemployment, it did not make a significant reduction in deaths.

And on June 22, a Harvard University study reiterated the fact that while this policy did not save lives it decimated the economy; while modern robber barons such as Zuckerberg, Gates, and Bezos saw their portfolios expand exponentially. This was yet another report, as TFTP’s Don Via Jr. pointed out, that much like the aforementioned, did not receive national headlines from the corporate media.

While many folks, including those in government, have begun to open their eyes to the data and realize that locking people in their homes, shutting down society, and forcibly medicating people against their will does not stop Covid, others are still pressing on.

Despite experts, world wide, weighing in on the harms of school closures and masking children, bureaucrats across the country are beating that dead horse. Countries across Europe, with the highest vaccination rates in the world, are now going into yet another round of lockdowns as cases hit record numbers.

The floundering bureaucracy is seemingly unconcerned with actual science and continues to implement policies which have had no effect on slowing the virus: masks, jabs, and lockdowns.

Now, after their policies have failed, they need someone to blame. Predictably, they have ramped up the scapegoating of the unvaccinated. The virus is spreading, were are told, including widely throughout the vaccinated population, because of the unvaccinated — who are now dirty “non-citizens.

On Tuesday, French President Macron gave an interview to the La Parisien, in which he dehumanized the unvaccinated and urged other citizens to hate them, likening them to their “worst enemies.”

“I am not about pissing off the French people,” Macron told the readers of Le Parisien. “But as for the non-vaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And we will continue to do this, to the end. This is the strategy.”

He declared that “worst enemies” of “democracy” are “lies and stupidity,” then declared that his government is “putting pressure on the unvaccinated by limiting, as much as possible, their access to activities in social life.”

Canadian PM Trudeau followed suit the following day and told the citizens of Canada that they need to be “angry” at the unvaccinated for spreading covid, using his pulpit to dehumanize and threaten people for their personal medical choices.

Not wanting to be left out, President Biden also spoke up, once again falsely claiming that we are in a pandemic of the unvaccinated and telling vaccinated people that there is nothing to worry about — despite the recent surge in hospitalizations among the vaccinated population. But then again, it is likely the fault of the people who didn’t take the shot.

“You can still get COVID, but it’s highly unlikely that you’ll become seriously ill,’’ Biden said. “If you’re vaccinated and boosted, you are highly protected. Be concerned about omicron, but don’t be alarmed. And if you’re unvaccinated, you have some reasons to be alarmed. You’ll experience severe illness in many cases.’’

Biden then went on to encourage children to stay away from the unvaccinated, further stoking hatred, fear, and divide.

This mass dehumanization by the establishment against people for their personal medical choices cannot be ignored or understated. This is the type of rhetoric that always lead to a two-tiered society in which the dehumanized sect suffers immensely under the authoritarians. Indeed, this mass suffering has already begun in many parts of the world.

This is why anti-lockdown protesters have taken to the streets across the planet to protest the lockdown tyrants. And how do the lockdown tyrants respond? They impose more restrictions. Clearly we can no longer rely on them to make decisions which benefit freedom and liberty.

It is time Americans and the rest of the world realize that freedom is not some commodity to be traded in exchange for our obedience. Freedom, true freedom, is inalienable. It’s time we act that way.

By Matt Agorist, Guest writer

The Fall Of The Mainstream Media And The Biggest Lies They Told In 2021

If the past year has confirmed anything it is that the mainstream media is thoroughly dishonest. Yes, most people already suspected this, but the last 12 months have provided more confirmation than the past several years combined.

2021 has made it clear that the mainstream media is a propaganda arm of political and corporate elitists, from big government to big pharma.

the fall of the mainstream media and the biggest lies they told in 2021

While there have been a few shining examples of independent and mostly unbiased journalism in the MSM, these moments are as rare as Loch Ness Monster sightings and almost as unbelievable. The public has been lied to so consistently that sometimes we ignore legitimate journalism when it pops up because it’s safer to assume the media is disingenuous at all times.

I’ve personally noticed a wash of commercials lately paid for by major legacy media platforms like the New York Times desperately trying to convince the public that they are still relevant. The message is that they are the only “true source” of news information while they beg people to start subscribing and reading their hot garbage once again. Leftist media is crumbling, with online propaganda peddlers and click-bait prostitutes like Buzzfeed and Vox imploding. The lack of profits is obvious and the layoffs have been aggressive.

These platforms survived for the past few years on tech media hype and venture startup capital, but the free money has run out and now they don’t know what to do. Buzzfeed’s scheme was to go public and sell shares, but this plan failed so completely and the company’s stock plunged so hard that the event has exposed all other fledgling tech media to wider scrutiny. In other words no one has faith in these outlets, at least not enough to invest in them, and now the veil of their supposed “success” has been lifted. Buzzfeed used to claim they were worth $1.5 billion; reality revealed they are worth almost nothing.

Legacy media has also seen its audience numbers plummet over the past ten years, but the last year in particular has been especially unkind to them. ALL of the major corporate news channels saw their audience ratings decline, with CNN seeing the largest dropoverall. CNN is facing an epic cut of 68% in its prime time numbers in 2021, while MSNBC now has the smallest prime time audience it has witnessed since 2016. Fox also dealt with audience declines this year but continues to remain the most watched cable news outlet so far, probably because of the continued popularity of commenters like Tucker Carlson.

Some might blame the loss of election coverage, but it’s not as if there hasn’t been enough news to hype in 2021. With millions of people still working from home and facing intermittent covid restrictions this year (in blue states), you would think that this would represent a captive audience for the fear machine.

Hell, even YouTube and other social media platforms are forcing MSM content into our faces daily while burying any alternatives. Yet, their numbers are still plunging and audiences are laughing.

YouTube has even removed the “Dislike” button just to protect the corporate media and the White House from the hilarious bombardment of thumbs down they receive on every video. It’s unacceptable for us peasants to have the ability to voice our discontent.

So, where are people turning for their news if not the mainstream? While stats are not as well tracked for independent sources, it is obvious from viewership and subscription numbers that the alternative media is quickly becoming the dominant force in information.

My own audience numbers have jumped at least 30% in the past two years alone and this seems to be the trend across the board for conservative and libertarian media. Websites like Social Blade, which tracks YouTube channel stats, support the conclusion that the alternative media is becoming the go-to media.

Why is this happening? It’s actually been a long time coming. Mainstream media numbers have been in decline for many years and their audience age brackets have been increasing dramatically. This accelerated after 2016 when the mainstream media mask came off completely and what we now know as the “Culture War” revealed itself.

The migration of audiences is undeniable in entertainment and pop culture media. Mainstream platforms funded by a steady cash flow from the corporate coffers of Disney, Time Warner, Comcast, Viacom, etc, used to reign supreme in entertainment publications.

Moderately sized tech media operations clamored to remain in the good graces of these corporations in exchange for favors and special access. Now, operations with billions of dollars behind them are being thwarted by low cost do-it-yourself YouTube channels like Geeks And Gamers, The Quartering, Nerdrotic, Clownfish TV, etc.

The bloodletting has been so horrific that social media companies (with a shared agenda) have partnered with the majors to suppress these types of channels, demonetizing them or erasing them from public view with their algorithms. Alternative channels get so much attention because they offer something people want – An honest opinion and analysis instead of an opinion bought and paid for with corporate dollars.

In the political and social sphere there have been numerous success stories, including Joe Rogan’s podcast, Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Blaze TV’s ‘You Are Here’, Tim Pool the list goes on and on. In economic media, outlets like Zero Hedge continue to bring in millions of readers that most other mainstream institutions WISH they had.

To be sure, some of these information sources are still playing catch-up to those of us once considered “conspiracy theorists” a few years ago. That’s okay. I’m not saying that there isn’t more that could be done. What I’m saying is that there is a revolution happening in how people consume media and at least some truths are getting out there to the normies.

I have been working and publishing within the alternative media for 16 years and I don’t think many who are new to the field realize how much Americans have broken free from the mainstream narrative in that time. When I got started, to even dream of the audience numbers we now have was considered naive fantasy. Today I continue to find great hope in the growth of independent journalism.

The fact of the matter is, for decades corporate institutions conned the masses into believing only THEY were qualified to act as gatekeepers and guardians of the information bottleneck. Only they were the true “journalists.” They have now lost the respect of the public and their gatekeeping is over.

On that note, lets examine just a few of the reasons why trust in the mainstream has imploded. Lets look at some of the biggest lies perpetuated by the MSM in 2021…

The Jan 6th “Insurrection”

Probably one of the most fake news stories of the decade. The mainstream media has relentlessly parroted the propaganda that the conservative protest at the Capitol Building on Jan 6th was some kind of planned attempt at a national takeover and violent coup resulting in multiple deaths. The reality was much less sexy.

First, the FBI has been forced to admit there is no evidence supporting the claim that the protest was an organized coup. And when an institution that is extremely hostile to patriots admits this, you know the government has NOTHING.

Not a single death originally attributed to the Jan 6 protesters was actually caused by them, so that tall tale has been tossed down the memory hole. While there was violence and an unarmed protester was shot and killed by police (Ashli Babbitt), the result of the event was nothing close to an insurrection.

Protesters walked in, milled around for a little while, some people stole some souvenirs, and then everyone left. It can barely be considered a “riot.”

Compare this to the BLM riots across the country which resulted in multiple actual killings by people directly participating, not to mention billions of dollars in property damage. The media called these riots “peaceful protests” while condemning the Jan 6 participants as monsters.

When conservatives protest something at least we go to the source instead of burning down the homes and businesses of innocent people. And I want to explain something else to leftists because I don’t think they get it – When you do see a conservative “insurrection” (rebellion against centralized tyranny), they will not be unarmed like they were on Jan 6 and they will not stop until all corrupt elements of the establishment are removed from power. If you were hiding under your beds over the events of Jan 6th, you really have no clue.

The Texas Power Grid Failure

Wow, what a politically charged mess the coverage of this event was. Multiple people die from a freak winter storm hitting Texas and taking down parts of their independent power grid and the first thing the mainstream media does is write hatchet stories about how this “proves they could never secede from the union.”

These people are obsessed with centralization to the point that they lose their minds if you generate your own electricity.

Paul Krugman, a notorious spin doctor for the establishment, went on a tirade in the New York Times dismissing any and all evidence that federally funded Wind Turbine failures led to the Texas power grid crisis. The facts on this are buried to this day.

The numbers prove Paul Krugman and the MSM utterly wrong. The Mises Institutepublished a comprehensive article on this based on analysis from the Institute For Energy Research, but I’ll summarize:

The MSM and Paul Krugman argued that the entire incident was caused by Texas’ ill prepared natural gas powered grid and that Wind Turbines had nothing to do with it. By extension, the MSM asserted that this makes any notion of a state like Texas becoming independent from centralized governance and a centralized grid “laughable.” It’s important to note that Krugman offers no real stats to support his arguments. An “economist” should know better.

The truth is that failing wind turbines were indeed the primary source of the power grid decline. Leading up to the winter storm in February, wind turbines were generating around 28% (nearly one third) of Texas power while natural gas was providing 43%. By the end of the freeze wind power had dropped to 6% while natural gas took up the slack and increased to 65% of the grid.

In other words, Krugman either lied, or he was oblivious to the actual stats. While there were failures in some natural gas plants, the majority of the fault was in federally funded wind power. During the grid down crisis, natural gas lost 7% of its overall output while the federally funded wind turbines lost 47% output. THIS IS A FACT.

Also keep in mind that power demand in the state skyrocketed at this time breaking all previous records, perhaps because the state population jumped from 29 million to 30 million from the end of 2019 to the beginning of 2021.

Millions of people had just transplanted to Texas in a matter of months to escape blue state policies such as high taxes and oppressive covid mandates. And here is where we find what is likely the core motive behind the media’s lies about Texas – The establishment does not want Americans to migrate and congregate to fight against the mandates.

Lying about Texas at any opportunity, even during tragedy, reveals their underlying fears.

Fauci’s Gain Of Function Research

Anthony Fauci is perhaps the highest paid liar in recent history, but his lies go beyond simply acting as a propagandist for the government. The covid pandemic has luckily resulted in a very low average Infection Fatality Rate (only 0.27% officially), meaning, over 99.7% of the population at any given time has very little to worry about from the virus.

With the mild Omicron variant now in circulation the death numbers are falling even further. However, there have been fatalities that did not need to happen and Fauci is partly to blame.

Despite the fact that the largest Level 4 virology lab in Asia is in Wuhan, China right down the street from the epicenter of the Covid-19 outbreak, the mainstream media at the behest of the government and the medical establishment has fought tooth and nail to deny any connection.

If this was a murder investigation it would be like a detective walking in a room to find a dead body and a neighbor standing over it with a bloody knife, and then buying the suspect ice cream and sending him on his merry way. If you didn’t witness the actual stabbing, why investigate further?

Why was the media so adamant about ignoring the obvious? Maybe because government agencies like the NIAD and NIH under the direction of Anthony Fauci were involved in funding clandestine “Gain of Function” research of corona viruses at that very lab in Wuhan. This would explain why the initial strain of Covid that spread around the world in early 2020 was a 96% match to samples held at the lab since 2013. The other 4% could be attributed to genetic manipulation through gain of function.

Fauci denied any involvement in gain of function research, which is predominantly used for the weaponization of a virus or other microorganisms. The media violently defended him and accused anyone critical of Fauci of being crackpot conspiracy theorists. Well, it turns out he was lying again. The release of over 900 documents related to coronavirus research funded by Fauci and the US government in Wuhan proves the media either blindly defended Fauci without looking at the evidence, or that they share the same agenda.

The Pandemic Of The Unjabbed

“Breakout case” is now a common term used in the media to describe fully jabbed people who still get sick from and die from covid infection. But not long ago the narrative was that anyone and everyone falling ill from the virus was unvaccinated. The media and the government still push the notion that unjabbed people are filling up hospitals and ICU beds, but there is ZERO evidence to support these claims. Meanwhile, the most jabbed countries on the planet are also dealing with some of the highest infection rates on the planet and continuing deaths.

In Ireland, for example, over 63% of recent covid deaths were fully jabbed individuals. In Israel, nearly 60% of covid hospitalizations are fully vaccinated. Uruguay, Bahrain, Maldives and Chile all have overwhelming majority vaccination rates and all of them have seen spikes in covid deaths and infections.

Related articles:

If the jabs actually work, then how is this possible? Conclusion: The vaccines don’t work, at least not in the way that pharmaceutical companies initially claimed. Add to this the fact that people with natural immunity are 13 to 27 times more protected from covid than people who submit to the jab. One has to ask – What is the point of these experimental mRNA vaccines with no long term data to prove their safety?

Transitory” Stagflation

Mainstream media denial of US inflation has been commonplace for some time. Now, they can’t hide it anymore. With price inflation hitting 40 year highs (according to official numbers), the pocketbook of the average American is taking a massive hit, and it’s only going to get worse from here on.

The media appears to be specifically invested in hiding real economic data from the public and protecting the Federal Reserve and central banking practices in general. I won’t get into my theories on why this is the case (I already wrote extensively on this issue in my last article), I’ll only say that an unprepared populace is an easy to control populace when an economic crash occurs.

Covid Keeping Audiences From The Movie Theaters?

The movie industry was on the decline well before the covid pandemic happened, and it is undeniable that this was largely due to the extreme leftist propaganda implanted into Hollywood films since 2016.

Yes, Hollywood was woke before then, but nowhere near as bad as the industry has become in the past five years. Hollywood calls this politicization of films “inclusivity,” but having more black and brown people in films is not the issue. Rather, it is the injection of leftist woke ideology and cultism into everything from films to TV series to commercials.

The culture war is VERY real, and sadly, the biggest mistake of conservatives was to mostly ignore the fight in popular entertainment until recently. There is hope, however, and it is found in the mantra of “Get Woke Go Broke!” Audiences are voting with their wallets and the consensus is that they do not want woke politics poisoning their entertainment. For the past couple years leftists in the media have said that the crash in theater profits has been caused by public fear over covid. This excuse was recently destroyed by the latest Spiderman film, which has no woke politics and had audiences coming to theaters by the millions. The film made over $1 billion in 5 days breaking previous records.

Clearly, covid is not a factor at all, but if you look at almost every failed movie this past year there is a thread that connects them – Woke propaganda. No one wants it, no one likes it. The media has no other means of denying it any longer.

There are many other lies I did not get a chance to cover here, but I think you get the picture. Who knows what the next year will bring in terms of spin from our corporate gatekeepers? At least, for now, the alternative media has stepped up to fill the void and bring facts where there was once only deception. In order to get rid of the truth, they will have to get rid of us. Otherwise, the free market has spoken.

By Brandon Smith, Guest writer

Preventing Psychopaths From Getting Into Positions Of Power

Despite a growing resurgence of interest in the science and psychology of narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths it seems as though society today has lost track of how these people can sabotage the core fabric of a civilization or nation.

preventing psychopaths from getting into positions of power

It is very easy to hyper-focus on collectivist ideologies as the source of our problems and forget that these ideologies do not function in a vacuum; they cannot wreak havoc by themselves, they need psychopathic people directing them to do real damage.

There is something about collectivism that lends itself to projection and hypocrisy (collectivism is organization by FORCE instead of being voluntary). I suppose when your political ideology becomes your religion it’s easy to turn into a zealot. And while zealots find power in their single-mindedness and their cultism they also tend to lack any self-awareness. They literally go insane with devotion to their cause to the point that they lose track of whether or not their cause is fair and just. Their behavior becomes increasingly erratic and disjointed and every person they run into that does not share their views is immediately seen as a heretical enemy that needs to be exposed or destroyed.

To outsiders looking in, zealots are an endless source of comedy. You can’t help but laugh because their ticks and cricks and outbursts are nonsensical and absurd (just check out “Libs Of Tik Tok” for a mountain of examples). As long as they don’t have any real power these people act as a reminder of what happens when human beings abandon reason for madness. They can be frightening but they serve the purposes of entertainment as well as keeping the rest of us grounded. When they do gain power, however, that’s when things stop being funny.

Civilizations throughout history have consistently dealt with the problem of zealots, but the greater threat is the existence of narcissists and psychopaths sneaking into positions of authority and encouraging zealotry among the masses.

Generally, psychopaths are seen as an anomaly which is quickly identified and shunned in order to prevent them from climbing too high up the ladder of social influence. The problem is they are not as rare as one might hope and many of them have the ability to hide among the herd.

Around 1% of any given population is made up of psychopaths while another 1% are sociopaths. Around 5% of people are identified as having narcissistic traits. Narcissists are self absorbed and view themselves as superior to everyone else – They believe they are entitled to adoration and authority.

Sociopaths have an inability to feel empathy for others and this makes them impractical as leaders.

Psychopaths also exhibit a lack of empathy but also have a propensity for emotional or physical violence. They take joy in the suffering of others and perpetrate a large number of violent crimes.

Even though psychopaths are 1% of the population, they make up 15% to 25% of those incarcerated in prisons. The drag they exert on society cannot be overstated.

There is definitely some overlap among the various types, but in general close to 10% of human beings exhibit dangerous and mostly inherent psychological malfunctions that are often not treatable. Think about that for a moment – 10 out of every 100 people are ticking time bombs waiting to make life miserable for the rest of us.

Science: Psychopaths and Sociopaths Rule the World.

To be sure, some of them are still able to function in society. Sociopaths in particular can become valuable in fields where less empathy is required in order to accomplish certain tasks. They are particularly well suited as surgeons, EMTs, soldiers, firefighters, and any other job where seeing people in pain is not going to stop them from saving lives. They don’t necessarily take joy in seeing others harmed, but they aren’t emotionally phased by it either.

As long as they are never allowed into positions of influence over large groups of people they can serve some good for the public.

History shows us that vetting and preventing psychologically broken individuals from slipping into institutions that offer power is not so easy. In fact, many monarchies and empires were built on systems that allowed psychopaths and narcissists to flourish because they relied on genetic succession. If a monarch had a son that was predisposed to psychopathy it did not matter, that crazed prince would one day become a king and there was little that could be done about it. There was no vetting process.

Also, many such traits are passed on genetically, which means a power structure built on heredity could become progressively more destructive as psychopaths in royalty intermarry. This would help explain why psychopathic behavior is over-represented among monarchs of the past.

The creation of democracy and democratic republics was in part designed to help weed out aberrant individuals by using open elections and the voting process. In other words, let the people scrutinize candidates and remove the crazies from circles of power.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work too well if ALL the candidates are psychopaths and the public has no real choice. By extension, psychopaths have also found ways to circumvent the political process and control it without directly participating in it.

The corporate world and financial institutions allow psychopaths to influence politics from behind the curtain, buying off candidates and their loyalty or vetting candidates and ONLY allowing those with similar sociopathic, narcissistic and psychopathic habits through the selection process and into the political arena.

In tribal societies and in smaller low-tech societies the ability to identify and root out psychologically broken individuals and prevent them from becoming leaders was easier. In the midst of vast empires and technocracy it is much simpler for psychopaths to hide among normal people and blend in.

I usually compare invasive psychopaths to mythological stories of vampires for this reason. I really can’t think of a better analogy. They insinuate themselves into a population, take up positions of influence which protect them from suspicion and then systematically bleed the town dry. This is what they do. It is in their nature and they cannot be fixed, they can only be removed as a parasite is removed from a host.

These people are the top threats to any given civilization. They are moderators of chaos and they actively conspire to supplant free society. They are what I would call primary organized psychopaths and they do indeed work together for mutual gain, much like a pack of wolves. They represent the 1% of the 1% (i.e. the globalists).

Psychopaths at the top of the pyramid have been organized for a long time, but what about the millions of other people out there with such traits? What happens when they are given a way to congregate?

Modern society and Big Tech social media have created even worse circumstances because now the greater psychopathic community is no longer isolated. That 1% that used to be mostly relegated to quiet corners and the fringes of humanity are now able to organize into aggressive mobs of hundreds of thousands, leading millions of lesser sociopaths and narcissists. This is creating a subculture of what I would call communal insanity – As the old saying goes, the patients are taking over the asylum.

We see this specifically with the political left and the open promotion of narcissism as an acceptable way of life. This is not to say that psychopaths don’t try to infiltrate conservative circles as well, only that leftists are much more welcoming to their kind. These are people that once felt powerless because they were shunned and now they want revenge.

The thing is, they were originally shunned from influence for a very good reason; they are not psychologically equipped to handle any measure of power. Now they are being handed institutional control and they are being whipped into a frothing frenzy. They see themselves as the underdogs and the “revolutionaries”, but really they are just emotionally stunted and handicapped and they were put in permanent time-out to protect the rest of humanity.

But how is this danger dealt with, not just in the short term but the longer term?

Our culture has to be fundamentally changed with psychopathy and other aberrant traits in mind. We can no longer ignore the effect these people have on humanity as a whole. The first step would require separation from movements and institutions that promote psychopathic and narcissistic behaviors.

In other words, we need to return to a model of isolation for the psychopathically inclined instead of treating them as if they are some kind of victim status group that needs special attention and “nurturing.”

As noted, in many cases these characteristics are inherent (inborn) and cannot be treated. There is no fixing the problem because it is not so much an illness as it is a completely different psychological structure. They might as well be a different species, and a predatory one at that. There is no mutual coexistence with them. They see us as food.

Candidates for positions of authority would have to be screened for psychopathy, narcissism and sociopathy. If they have too many of the warning signs then they should not be allowed to pursue those jobs.

This is the only answer beyond fundamentally changing the way our election system functions, which I’m not necessarily opposed to either.

A random lottery system for government jobs along with strict term limits (not just for normal political positions but also in bureaucratic positions) would at least be better than what we have now. I would rather risk the possibility of less qualified people being randomly chosen for government than have a system that attracts a concentrated culture of malicious parasites.

What better way to discourage psychopaths than to take away any long term benefits of working in government? What better way to disrupt the influence of corporate elitists than to take away their ability to finance or choose the candidates that end up in office? And even if they were able to buy off some officials, with term limits they would have to start over and over again with the latest crop of new officials.

Some will of course point out that changing the system tomorrow will require getting rid of the psychopaths that run it today. I agree, it’s a dilemma.

Sadly, once psychopaths become organized and entrenched history tells us they will not be moved without the force of violence. They don’t care about protests, they are not moved by reason or logic, they don’t care about the suffering of the masses and they will always see themselves as the rightful rulers of us “lesser” peasants.

They derive supremacy from the mobs of the stunted that they lead and exploit; the nearly 10% of the population that when organized becomes an army of raging mad hatters hungry for scraps from the table of power.

We can and should continue to separate from the collectivist mob and the zealots, but all psychopaths view separation as defiance and will try to interfere. Eventually there’s going to be a fight, and maybe that’s for the best.

By Brandon Smith, Guest writer

How The Flow Of Money Created The One World Government

We are grateful to The Washington PostThe New York TimesTime Magazine and other great publications…. [for] their promises of discretion for almost forty years… [t]he work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government… The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller to the Trilateral Commission, 1991.

david rockefeller meeting in 1976 with iraqi bankers

Image: David Rockefeller (meeting in 1976 with Iraqi bankers during a visit to Bahrain) dreamed of a one-world government through banking. Photo by Hashmoder. CC BY-SA 4.0.

This statement, made thirty years ago, means that the conspiracy to replace our Constitutional Republic began forty years before that — 1951 — with the assistance of respected journalists. Seventy years of concerted effort to leave We the People in the dark. (It is probably more like over one hundred years.)

James Warburg, financial advisor to FDR, and part of a banking family that stood to gain financially from world government, testified in 1950before a Senate Congressional subcommittee that “We shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent.”

This leaves We the People with two large questions: how did this happen and what can we do if either of those two options is unacceptable to the American people?

This issue has been with us since George Washington took office in 1789. A small cadre of interconnected bankers was already well-established in England, France, Austria, Germany, and Italy.

These bankers took advantage of the chaos growing out of the rejection of Roman Catholicism and the social breakdown and vehement hatreds that grew out of the Protestant Reformation by funding both sides (through government debt) of the many resultant wars and revolutions and then funding the peace afterward.

The profits were enormous. As Europe went through the revolutionary turmoil of the 19th and early 20th centuries, world bankers wove through societies like a malignancy, manipulating world leaders, destabilizing whole nations of people, and supporting philosophies that promote centralized authority (including international authority) that would strengthen world banking arrangements.

America is a different matter. First, we are isolated by two oceans and developed a stable and productive society away from the horrors of Europe. We had no Roman Catholic experience to reject. We did reject atheism — we are a God-fearing and God – respecting nation.

The federal Constitution, as well as each state Constitution, created a framework for ordered Liberty — America’s unique and irreplaceable Rule of Law. Decentralizing authority — Federalism — is one of the philosophical anchors to that framework.

But we have been the prize for this group since the beginning of our Republic. Creating central banks in each country that the cartel could control was part of the scheme. Washington reluctantly supported Alexander Hamilton’s First Bank of the United States. That bank’s funding came almost entirely from private investors, with one of the most significant being the Bank of England.

When the charter for the First Bank of the United States was not renewed amid great public opposition in 1811, it was one more point of contention between the British and Americans leading to the war of 1812, so much so that the Bank of England had a leading role in the decision to go to war.

Had the Bank of England not wanted the war, it likely would not have happened. (Other reasons were connected to the Napoleonic wars. England was concerned that the U.S. was helping Napoleon.

The British were impressing U.S. sailors into the British Navy, they feared American support for France, they placed restrictions on trade, and there was still fallout from the 1807 British attack on the USS Chesapeake.)

After the peace, a Second Bank of the United States was chartered but was vehemently opposed by President Andrew Jackson when its charter came up for renewal in 1832. Jackson’s view of European bankers was “You are a den of vipers and thieves.” He was attacked by an assassin at point-blank range whose pistols misfired. We do not know if the two events are linked.

Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy opposed this cancer, as well. As President Garfield put it, “Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation.”

America surrendered to the pressure for a central bank in 1913 with the help of James Warburg’s father, Paul. Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, following the model of Europe, but in a way thought palatable to the American people.

Thus, we have been at constant war ever since 1917, and have allowed our wealth to be transferred elsewhere. In one hundred years we have gone from a debt of $3 billion to $30 trillion.

Decentralized authority — Federalism — gave way to the more easily corruptible federal power.

This is the reality of today — the mission by those opposed to our Constitutional Republic is now how to get the American people to consent to the loss of their Constitutional system and accept perpetual debt slavery and control through the United Nations.

“The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers” as David Rockefeller tells us; “by conquest or consent” adds James Warburg.

What if Americans just say “no.” America does not need to surrender her wealth, her potential wealth, our Constitutional system, or our nation-state. We are not Europe. We do not want to dispose of the foundations of our moral roots and end up as soulless atheists imprisoned in nihilism and drowning in dependence. George Washington warned us about this; so did Dwight Eisenhower and many others.

We the People urgently need to demand a comprehensive plan from our public servants to re-establish the prosperity of our nation, stabilize and reduce our national debt, and establish a strong enough military defense to buy us time to get our national financial house in order.

One important component of this defense is rebuilding and strengthening a strong moral core in the American people and encouraging authentic education in history, civics, philosophy, and economics.

It is through prayer, discipline, grit, and education that our Republic will be saved — by the Grace of God. If it takes two generations or another one hundred years to accomplish it, so be it.

If recovered, let us hope We the People, America’s Sovereign, never let our system or our country go to this den of vipers and thieves, again.

By M. E. Boyd,

M. E. Boyd is the author of “Apples of Gold – Voices From the Past that Speak to Us Now“.

Politicians, Moguls, Celebrities are Globalist Puppets


To succeed in politics, business or entertainment, you must sell your soul to the devil, a.k.a. Rothschild.
People like George Soros, Obama, Trump and Klaws Swab & the scoundrels left & below are front men. How do we feel about people who betray us in the most egregious way? How long until the majority feels this way?

Economist Ernst Wolff believes the Illuminati choose lightweights for these roles, as they are obedient and disposable.

Our “leaders” are chosen for us by the people they really serve. 

Unmasked: Klaus Schwab’s School for Covid Dictators, the Master Plan for ‘Great Reset’
by Michael Lord
(abridged by

Economist Ernst Wolff believes a hidden alliance of political and business leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of collapsing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

How come more than 190 governments from around the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same way, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now commonplace everywhere? …

The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders School, founded and led by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and which many of today’s prominent political and business leaders have gone through on their way to the top.

In 1992, Schwab founded the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school, which was re-established in 2004 as Young Global Leaders. Entrants to the school must submit an application for admission and are then subjected to a rigorous selection process. 


Among the members of the school’s very first class in 1992 were many who later became important liberal politicians, such as Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and Tony Blair. There are currently about 1,300 graduates of this school, and the list of alumni includes several names of those who later became leaders of the health institutions of their respective countries. Four of them are former and current health ministers for Germany, including Jens Spahn, who has been federal health minister since 2018.

Other notable names on the school’s roster include

Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, whose strict lockdown measures have been praised by global health authorities;
Emmanuel Macron, the President of France;
Sebastian Kurz, who until recently was the Chancellor of Austria;
Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary;
Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission;
Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens, who was the party’s first candidate for Chancellorship in this year’s federal election, and who is still in the running to become Merkel’s successor.

California Governor Gavin Newsom is also on the list. He was selected for the class of 2005, as was former presidential candidate and current US Secretary of Transportation, Peter Buttigieg, who is a very recent alumnus, as he has been selected for the class of 2019. All these politicians who spent the last two years in power have been in favor of tough responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has also significantly increased the power of their respective governments.

But the list of the school’s alumni is not limited to political leaders. We also find many private industry leaders, includingBill Gates of Microsoft, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Richard Branson of Virgin and Chelsea Clinton of the Clinton Foundation. All of them, too, expressed support for the global response to the pandemic, and many have made significant gains as a result of the measures….

In 2012, Schwab and the WEF established yet another institution, the “Global Shapers Community”, which brings together individuals under 30 with leadership potential from around the world. To date, approximately 10,000 participants have completed this program, and they hold regular meetings in 400 cities. Wolff believes that this is yet another testing ground where future political leaders are selected, vetted and groomed before they take their place in the world’s political apparatus.

Wolff points out that very few Global Leaders School graduates mention this on their resume. He says he’s only seen one, that of German economist Richard Werner, who is a noted critic of the establishment. Wolff suggests the school is happy to include even critics of the system in its ranks, as another name among the graduates is Gregor Hackmack, the German head of, who was in the 2010 class. Wolff thinks this is because the organization wants to present itself as fair and balanced, although she also wants to ensure that its critics are controlled opposition.

Another thing the Global Leaders graduates have in common is that most of them have very scant resumes, (what does he mean? Fidelito was a substitute drama teacher!) apart from their participation in the program before being elevated to positions of power, which may indicate that it is their connection to Schwab’s institutions. which is the deciding factor in launching their career. This is most evident when the school’s alumni are publicly questioned about topics they have not been instructed to talk about beforehand, and their difficulties in formulating answers are often very apparent. Wolff claims that their role is simply to act as a mouthpiece for the topics of discussion that those in the shadows behind them want discussed in public debate.



Given the growing dissatisfaction with the anti-Covid measures that the school’s graduates, who are now national leaders, are putting into practice, Wolff believes it is possible that these people were selected because of their willingness to do whatever they are told, and that they are primed to fail so that the ensuing resistance can be exploited to justify the creation of a new global form of government. Wolff notes that politicians with distinct personalities and strong, original views have become rare, and national leaders of the past 30 years have distinguished themselves for being long-suffering and following a strict, top-down, globalist line. This has been particularly evident in the response of most countries to the “pandemic.”


Graduates of the Young Global Leaders School, and before that Global Leaders for Tomorrow, are in a very favorable position as they have access to the WEF’s network of contacts. WEF’s current Board of Trustees include luminaries such as Christine Lagarde, former director of the International Monetary Fund and current president of the European Central Bank; Queen Rania of Jordan, who has been ranked by Forbes as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world; and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest international investment management firm, which manages approximately $9 trillion annually. …


The main purpose of WEF’s activities, Wolff believes, is to facilitate and promote high-level cooperation between large companies and national governments, something we are already seeing. Viviane Fischer, another participant in the Corona Commission podcast, points out that British company Serco processes migrants for the British government and also manages prisons around the world, among its many other activities. The international reach of the pharmaceutical industry is also significant: Wolff mentions, for example, that Bill Gates, a graduate of Global Leaders, had been doing business with Pfizer, one of the major manufacturers of the controversial mRNA anti-vaccine vaccines, long before the pandemic broke out, through the public health initiatives of his foundation in Africa.The Wall Street Journal has reported that his foundation had earned about $200 billion in “social benefits” from vaccine distribution before the pandemic even started. One can only imagine what his vaccine yields are today.

( Larry Fink, short for Finkelstein)

Digital technology, now ubiquitous, also plays a prominent role in the elite’s global designs. Wolff emphasizes that BlackRock, led by Global Leaders alumnus Larry Fink, is currently the largest advisor to the world’s central banks, collecting data on the global financial system for over 30 years, and undoubtedly has a better understanding of how the system works. than the central banks themselves.

One of the goals of current policies pursued by many governments, Wolff says, is to destroy the businesses of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs so that multinational corporations based in the United States and China can monopolize business everywhere. Amazon, in particular, led until recently by Global Leaders alumnus Jeff Bezos, has made huge profits as a result of the lockdown measures that have devastated the middle class.


Wolff argues that the ultimate goal of this domination by major platforms is the introduction of digital banking currency. …

Wolff goes on to explain that the lockdowns and subsequent bailouts that have taken place around the world over the past two years have brought many countries to the brink of bankruptcy. To avoid economic catastrophe, the world’s governments resorted to taking out 650 billion special drawing rights, or SDRs, which are additional foreign exchange reserves managed by the International Monetary Fund. When these eventually fall due, those same governments will find themselves in dire straits, which may be why the adoption of digital currencies has suddenly become a priority – and this may have been the hidden purpose of the lockdowns all along.

Wolff says two European countries are already ready to adopt digital currencies: Sweden and Switzerland. Perhaps not coincidentally, Sweden has had virtually no lockdown restrictions as a result of the pandemic, and Switzerland has only taken very light measures. Wolff thinks the reason for this may be that these two countries didn’t have to crash their economies due to lockdown measures, as they were already prepared to use digital currencies before the pandemic started. 

He contends that a new round of lockdowns may be being prepared that will finish off the world’s economies for good, leading to massive unemployment and in turn the introduction of Universal Basic Income and the use of a digital currency managed by a central bank. This currency might be restricted, both in terms of what individuals can spend it on as well as in the time frame that one has to spend it in.


The ultimate conclusion we must draw from all this is that democracy as we knew it has been quietly abolished, and that while the semblance of democratic processes is being kept up in our countries, … an elite cadre of super-rich and powerful individuals actually control everything that happens in politics, as has become especially evident in relation to the response to the pandemic.

The best way to combat their plans, Wolff says, is simply to educate people about what’s going on and make them realize that the “super-dangerous virus” story is a lie designed to trick them & manipulate them into accepting things that are against their own interests. If even 10% of ordinary citizens become aware of this and decide to take action, it could thwart the plans of the elite and perhaps open a window for ordinary citizens to take back control of their own destiny.

Video Interview

Ernst Wolff is interviewed in this series of videos by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German lawyer and politician who hosts a podcast called Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee), which critically examines the German government’s response to the pandemic. These videos are from one of their podcasts. Also joining the group chat are Viviane Fischer, a Berlin-based lawyer and economist who regularly sits on the Corona commission, and Wolfgang Wodarg, a former German MP for the Social Democratic Party who has spoken out against the lockdown and vaccination measures of the German government.

For the videos see the link

Vaccines are “Jewish Extermination Scheme” — Traitors Rebuff Tech Truth Teller


David Bateman, about 35, was the founder of a billion dollar Utah property management software firm, Entrata. Although he was still on the Board of Directors, and is still a major shareholder, he was no longer active in the firm and lives in Puerto Rico. 

Tech Firm Founder Sends Mass Email Explaining the Vax Is a Jew Extermination Scheme“I write this email knowing that many of you will think I’m crazy after reading it. I believe there is a sadistic effort underway to euthanize the American people. It’s obvious now. It’s undeniable, yet no one is doing anything. Everyone is discounting their own judgment, and dismissing their intuition,” Bateman wrote.
How long Before this “Conspiracy Theory” is Acknowledged as Fact? 

by Andrew Anglin

Well – here’s something you’re definitely not supposed to say.

Fox 13: Utah tech executive resigns after anti-Semitic email rant

    The founder and chair of Entrata, a Silcon Slopes tech firm, has resigned his position after sending an email to a number of tech CEOs and Utah business and political leaders, claiming the COVID-19 vaccine is part of a plot by “the Jews” to exterminate people.

    The remarks triggered condemnation throughout Utah’s tech community, and led to David Bateman’s resignation from the company’s board of directors after FOX 13 first reported on the email.

    The email by Bateman, shared with FOX 13 by numerous sources Tuesday morning, begins with the subject line “Genocide.” Bateman confirmed to FOX 13 in text messages that he sent the email.

 “I write this email knowing that many of you will think I’m crazy after reading it. I believe there is a sadistic effort underway to euthanize the American people. It’s obvious now. It’s undeniable, yet no one is doing anything. Everyone is discounting their own judgment, and dismissing their intuition,” Bateman wrote.

    In the email, Bateman attacks the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine and urged people not to get it. He also claims that criticism of the vaccine is being censored and international charges were going to be filed against Dr. Anthony Fauci.

stupid-goy1256.jpg“I believe the Jews are behind this. For 300 years the Jews have been trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and place a Jew covertly at the top. It happened in 2013 with Pope Francis. I believe the pandemic and systematic extermination of billions of people will lead to an effort to consolidate all the countries in the world under a single flag with totalitarian rule. I know, it sounds bonkers. No one is reporting on it, but the Hasidic Jews in the US instituted a law for their people that they are not to be vaccinated for any reason,” he wrote in the email.

    “I pray that I’m wrong on this. Utah has got to stop the vaccination drive. Warn your employees. Warn your friends. Prepare. Stay safe.”

    Among those the email went to were Utah Jazz owner and Qualtrics CEO Ryan Smith, Governor Spencer Cox, Senate Minority Whip Luz Escamilla, Economic Development Corporation of Utah CEO Theresa Foxley and a number of other Silicon Slopes CEOs.

    In text messages, Bateman confirmed to FOX 13 he wrote the email.

    “Yes. I sent it. I have nothing but love for the Jewish people. Some of my closest friends are Jews. My heart breaks for their 2500 years they’ve been mistreated by nearly every country on earth. But I do believe Scottish Rite Freemasons are behind the pandemic (overwhelmingly Jewish),” he wrote. “And I fear billions of people around the globe right now are being exterminated.” 

That’s the kind of thing you don’t come back from.

However, here’s the thing: if everyone with an IQ above room temperature just had the bravery of David Bateman, we wouldn’t have ever gotten in this situation that we’re in.

Everyone who has been involved in tech, government, law, real estate, NGOs, banking, pharmaceuticals, any sector of the corporate world, or any aspect of the ruling elite, is aware that everything is run by Jews, and they are aware that these Jews are a group of people who view themselves as uniquely special, and view the rest of us as their blood enemies.

It’s only a secret among the dumbest morons in society.

But the people in the know, unlike Bateman, are all a bunch of cowards, who bend the knee to these Jews in order to have crumbs thrown their way.
——————–Related– Jewish Insider’s 1981 Revelation Lends Credence to Bateman’s Accusations

Makow Comment–  Do you hear anyone blaming Freemasons? 

In The Secret Jews, (1973) a book about the Marranos, Rabbi Joachim Prinz remarked on the “apparent inability of Jews to understand or predict their own catastrophes. The Jews, whose history consists of one tragedy after another, have yet to be prepared for any one of them.”
This certainly applies to assimilated Jews who seem unconcerned that they likely will be blamed for any vaccine genocide, although Cabalist Jews are responsible.

Assimilated Jews (“lesser brethren”) must enjoy being human sacrifices in historical rituals orchestrated by Cabalist fanatics. But they deserve to be persecuted or killed for abandoning Jewish supremacist dogma.

Satanism is a cancer, a parasite that devours its host. It’s in our bloodstream, the banking system. Almost everyone is controlled by money. When you create money out of thin air, you can buy everyone. We’re fucked. But at least we are no longer dupes.

Were Cabalist Jews Responsible for the Halocaust?