Free to Cheat: “Jewish Emancipation” and the Anglo-Jewish Cousinhood

Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, July 22, 1878

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.”
Charles Mackay, 1841[1]

Shortly after his election to Parliament in 1830, Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800–1859), a famous historian and one of Britain’s leading men of letters, took up the cause of removing Jewish “civil disabilities” in Britain. In a succession of speeches, Macaulay was instrumental in pushing the case for permitting Jews to sit in the legislature, and his January 1831 article Civil Disabilities of the Jews had a “significant effect on public opinion.”[2]Professing Jews residing in Britain at that time were unable to take seats in the House of Commons, because prior to sitting in the legislature one was required to declare a Christian oath. In addition, Jews were “excluded from Crown office, from corporations, and from most of the professions, the entrance to which bristled with religious oaths, tests, and declarations.”[3] Even the 1753 Naturalization Act which had granted citizenship to foreign-born Jews had been repealed following widespread popular agitation, and a pervading atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust of Jews generally, and foreign Jews especially.[4]
 Ursula Henriques states that because of the resolute opposition of the British people to the involvement of Jews in British political life, since their readmission in the 17th century “the Jews had remained quiet.”[5]

However, buoyed by the granting of political emancipation to Protestant Dissenters and Catholics in 1828 and 1829, British Jews began to agitate for their own “emancipation,” and this agitation was augmented and spearheaded to a great extent by Thomas Macauley. Within thirty years the British elite had capitulated; not only had all Christian oaths been abandoned, but six unconverted Jews sat in the House of Commons. Within fifty years, Britain had sixteen Jewish Members of Parliament, and a Jewish Prime Minister who espoused a doctrine of Jewish racial superiority — Benjamin Disraeli; and under Disraeli Britain would pursue a foreign policy dictated to a large extent by what future Prime Minister William Gladstone called “Judaic sympathies.”[6] This foreign policy would include support for the Ottomans who were friendly to Jews and were massacring Christians in Bulgaria. And it would include waging of war on the Boers in a move highly beneficial to Jewish mining operations in South Africa.[7] How and why did such a dramatic change in circumstances occur? And how did the Anglo-Jewish elite repay Britain for its act of ‘justice’?

Let us first return momentarily to Macaulay. An in-depth survey of his life reveals no Jewish ancestry and no clear links to Jews. Son of a Scottish colonial governor and abolitionist, Macaulay seems at first glance to be something of a weak-kneed liberal idealist, and in addition he appears to have had very little knowledge of Jewish history or culture. He saw the Jewish agitation for entry into government as being primarily a religious issue, and perceived Jews as being, in his own words, “victims of intolerance.”[8] Macaulay prided himself on his knowledge of Greek literature,[9] and yet we can but wish he’d spent more time on his Greek philosophy, particularly that of Plato who condemned ” those who practise justice through timidity or stupidity,” and opined that “if justice is not good for the just man, moralists who recommend it as a virtue are perpetrating a fraud.”[10]

However, a complete reading of his 1831 article on Civil Disabilities of the Jews would leave us feeling slightly less antagonistic towards this would-be emancipator, and his article reveals much about the extent and nature of Jewish power and influence in Britain at that time. Macaulay, it seems, viewed emancipation as a means of ‘keeping the Jews in check.’ For example, he insisted that “Jews are not now excluded from political power. They possess it; and as long as they are allowed to accumulate property, they must possess it. The distinction which is sometimes made between civil privileges and political power, is a distinction without a difference. Privileges are power.”[11] Macaulay was also aware of the role of finance as the primary force of Jewish power in Britain. He asked: “What power in civilised society is so great as that of creditor over the debtor? If we take this away from the Jew, we take away from him the security of his property. If we leave it to him, we leave to him a power more despotic by far, than that of the King and all his cabinet.”[12]
 Macaulay further responds to Christian claims that “it would be impious to let a Jew sit in Parliament” by stating bluntly that “a Jew may make money, and money may make members of Parliament. … [T]he Jew may govern the money market, and the money market may govern the world. … The scrawl of the Jew on the back of a piece of paper may be worth more than the word of three kings, or the national faith of three new American republics.”[13]

Macaulay’s insights into the nature of Jewish power at that time, and his assertions that Jews had already accumulated political power without the aid of the statute books, are quite profound. Yet his reasoning — that permitting Jews into the legislature would somehow offset this power, or make it accountable — seems pitifully naive and poorly thought out. Nonetheless, I wish to take Macaulay’s article as a starting point. What was it in the nature of British Jewry at that time that so alarmed Macaulay, and provoked such a rash response on his part?

The Cousinhood.

We should first bring the Anglo-Jewish elite, referred to by Macaulay, into sharper focus. From the early 19th century until the First World War, English Jewry was ruled by a tightly connected oligarchy. Daniel Gutwein states that this Anglo-Jewish elite comprised some twenty inter-related Ashkenazi and Sephardic families including the houses of Goldsmith, Montagu, Nathan, Cohen, Isaacs, Abrahams, Samuel, and Montefiore.[14]At its head “stood the House of Rothschild.”[15]
This network of families had an “exceptionally high degree of consanguinity,” leading to it being termed “The Cousinhood,” and among them “conversion and intermarriage [with non-Jews] was rare.”[16] Todd Endelmann attributes the lack of conversion to the fact that “conversion was not as useful, in general, to English Jews as it was to Jews in Central and Eastern Europe.”[17]
The Cousinhood exercised control over the Jewish community through its leadership of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, an organization which would later become one of the chief engines of the move for Jewish emancipation.[18]

The other means through which the Cousinhood maintained control over English Jews was its practice of “systematized philanthropy.” The Cousinhood largely refrained from involvement in Jewish religious life but heavily devoted itself to founding and leading the Anglo-Jewish Association — “the principle arm of Anglo-Jewish political and education aid” to global Jewry.[19]Endelmann notes that these communal institutions “determined the tenor and the agenda of the public side of Jewish life in London.”[20]

To illustrate the extent of blood and financial ties of this network of families, let us consider the following: in 1870, the treasurer of the London Jewish Board of Guardians was Viennese-born Ferdinand de Rothschild (1838–1898). Ferdinand had married his cousin Elvina, who was a niece of the President of the London United Synagogue, Sir Anthony de Rothschild (1810–1876). Meanwhile, the Board of Deputies was at that time headed by Moses Montefiore, whose wife, a daughter of Levi Barent Cohen, was related to Nathan Meyer Rothschild. Nathan Meyer Rothschild’s wife was also a daughter of Levi Barent Cohen, and thus Montefiore was uncle to the aforementioned Anthony de Rothschild. In addition, Anthony was married to a niece of Montefiore, the daughter of Abraham Montefiore and Henrietta Rothschild[21]et cetera, et cetera. In financial terms, the houses of Rothschild and Montefiore had united in 1824 to form the Alliance Insurance Company, and most of the families were involved in each other’s stock-brokering and banking concerns. Endelmann notes that in these firms “new recruits were drawn exclusively from the ranks of the family.”[22]

Working tightly within this ethnic and familial network, the Cousinhood amassed huge fortunes, and in the years before World War I, despite comprising less than three tenths of 1% of the population, Jews constituted over 20% of non-landed British millionaires.[23]
 William Rubinstein notes that of these millionaires, all belonged to the Cousinhood.[24] It is worth noting that this wealth was derived exclusively from the fields of “banking, finance, the stock markets and bullion trading.”[25]

By virtue of this incredible level of wealth, the Cousinhood enjoyed a certain degree of political influence. Endelmann provides evidence that the group had “used its economic power to insinuate itself into the different sectors of the political establishment: the political parties, both Houses of Parliament, and even the government.”[26]Endelmann further states that the Cousinhood’s influence was wielded in the pursuit of “ethnic sympathies, family tradition, and group self-interest,” and it was this influence that so alarmed Thomas Macaulay.[27]

The Move Into Parliament.

By the mid-1830s, English Jews led by the Cousinhood began to press for the removal of Christian oaths in Parliament and this for their ability to enter the legislature. Between 1830 and 1836 no fewer than four Bills were tabled for the removal of Jewish ‘disabilities,’ and all failed to win the support of elected officials. Frustrated that their influence was proving ineffectual, the Cousinhood decided to directly confront Parliament by putting Lionel de Rothschild up as a Liberal candidate for the City of London constituency, and funding him to an extent that almost ensured victory before the campaign even began. Although the Cousinhood had, as Endelmann noted, backed all parties when it was in their interests, they settled on the Liberals because they were broadly supportive of religious liberty. By framing Jewish interests in a religious context, de Rothschild sought to “bring the issue of Jewish emancipation into the broader Liberal agenda of civil and religious liberty, and he was determined that Liberals should adopt Jewish emancipation as a cause.”[28]

De Rothschild came third in the 1847 General Election but won enough votes to take a seat in Parliament. Lord John Russell, then Whig Prime Minister, immediately set about introducing a Jewish Disabilities Bill which would do away with the Christian oath. The Bill was passed in the House of Commons, but resistance proved strong, and it was thrown out by the Lords twice in 1848, and again in 1849. A remarkable but quite unsurprising detail about this time concerns the complicity of Benjamin Disraeli in lobbying members of the opposition party for support of the Bill. The quintessential ‘damp Jew’, Disraeli had been baptized a Christian at age twelve but never ceased to support Jewish ethnic interests, and became notorious for espousing a repugnant Jewish supremacism in his novels Coningsby (1844), Sybil (1845), and Tancred (1847). Although a member of the Tory party since 1837 — a party which was ostensibly dedicated to supporting Christianity in the form of the Established Church of England — correspondence in the official Rothschild Archive reveals that Disraeli was actively working “behind the scenes” to generate Tory support for the removal of the Christian oath.[29] Even taking into account Barbara Kaplan’s dubious and ill-evidenced claim that while Disraeli “lauded the Jewish people” (an understatement to say the least) he “claimed that Christianity was the superior religion,”[30] we can only conclude that in acting to undermine the Christian oath, for Disraeli Jewish ethnicity trumped any feeling he may have had towards Christianity. In a letter marked “Private”, Disraeli wrote to de Rothschild in December 1847:

My dear Lionel,

I find that 18 men, now Peers, voted against the Jews in the Commons 1833, & only 11 in their favor! I agree with you, therefore, that we must be cautious in publishing the lists of the divisions, & rather give a précis of them, calling attention only to what is in your favor….Writing to Lord John Manners today, I particularly mentioned the anxiety of the Court that the bill should pass, as this will be conveyed to the Duke of Rutland who is a great Courtier….My friend thinks that a good petition from King’s Lynn would nail Jocelyn’s vote for the second reading.

Ever yours faithfully


The diaries of Louise de Rothschild, sister-in-law to Lionel, further reveal that Disraeli had become a regular dining companion with members of the Cousinhood, and that during one evening with the Rothschilds in November 1847, Disraeli had argued that “we [my italics] must ask for our rights and privileges, not for concessions.”[31]This bravado proved ineffectual in the House of Lords, where hereditary, non-elected nobles continued to reject the Jewish Disabilities Bills for another decade. This obstruction was only ended in 1858, when a change in government allowed Disraeli himself to become Leader of the House of Commons, a position which allowed him to secure a measure “allowing each House to make its own rules about the form of oath” — thereby side-stepping the second chamber as well as established British democratic precedent altogether.[32] Lionel took his seat at the end of 1858, and was joined by his brother a year later. By 1865 his son also had a seat in the Commons, and numerous relatives began to follow. Just as in business, politics was a family affair.

The Cousinhood on the World Stage.

In 1847, London’s Jewish community had produced a statement for public consumption stressing that the election of Lionel de Rothschild would represent nothing more than the election of another politician who would work for “the welfare of the nation, and the prosperity of his country.”[33] However, later actions by members of the Cousinhood who had taken places in the legislature and in government would provide cause for pondering precisely which nation was being referred to. David Feldman has revealed that entry into the legislature facilitated greater Jewish involvement in the administration of the British Empire, and that the Cousinhood was involved in a succession of financial and political scandals which had at their root “family and religious connections,” “the pursuit of profit,” and attempts to “influence colonial affairs when it deemed [global] Jewish interests were at stake.”[34]

By 1900, through a process of ethnic and familial networking, the Cousinhood had secured many of the most significant administrative positions in the Empire. Feldman notes that the Nathan family alone had by that date secured the positions of Governor of the Gold Coast, Hong Kong and Natal, Attorney-General and Chief Justice in Trinidad, Private Secretary to the Viceroy of India, Officiating Chief Secretary to the Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam, and Postmaster-General of Bengal.[35]
 In Parliament, Lionel Abrahams was Permanent Assistant Under-Secretary at the India Office, working under his cousin Edwin Montagu who was then Parliamentary Under-Secretary for India.[36]

The first signs of the Cousinhood working for global ethnic interests came in the early 1890s. The Cousinhood, particularly the Montagu and Cohen families, had been instrumental in forming and leading the Russo-Jewish Committee throughout that decade, and as a branch of the aforementioned Anglo-Jewish Association, the Committee was also operating under the watchful eye of the Montefiore and Rothschild branches.[37] Readers of my previous work on the “pogroms” in Russia will be aware of the highly significant role of the Russo-Jewish Committee in sensationalizing and misrepresenting events in Russia, and their attempts to smother accurate reporting of those events. Acknowledgments of this elaborate fraud in mainstream scholarship are rare, although the truth has found some form of expression among a small number of non-Jewish scholars. For example Katherine Knox has described the tale of Jews fleeing pogroms as “classic mythology” and following close examination of the origins of “refugees” Knox was able to declare that millions of migrants left from areas entirely untouched by any form of disturbance.[38] Although Cousinhood funding, via the Russo-Jewish Committee, was directed at Russian Jews under the guise of aid, no historian has yet been able to provide evidence that this funding was used, or was ever intended to be used, in any way other than the facilitation of mass migration. Thus, it was Cousinhood financing that tapped what Lloyd Gartner called “the biological reservoir for the entire Jewish people” and, with the help of the wealthy American Jews led by Louis Marshall of the American Jewish Committee (see herepassim), brought about “American Jewry’s ascent from 260,000 in 1880 to 1,704,000 in 1907 and 3,197,000 in 1915″[39]. And of course, without this tremendous numerical ascent, it is difficult to conceive that there could have developed an AIPAC or an ADL which would be anything other than a noisy nuisance — but I lose myself in the “what ifs”…

Another example of the Cousinhood’s increasing grip on the direction of British politics came with growing Rothschild involvement in South Africa. Feldman states that during 1890s the Rothschild branch became “heavily involved in diamond and gold mining on the Rand.”[40] When the German-Jewish diamond and gold mining magnate Alfred Beit floated Rand Mines in 1893, he was crucial in ensuring the House of Rothschild received more than 25% of the shares. By 1899, Britain found itself at war with the Boers of the Transvaal over the vague cause of securing political rights for foreign gold miners.[41]
Because of the obvious shared ethnic heritage of the mine owners and the diplomats who trod the path to war, “the view that the war was a Jewish war was commonplace among its opponents.”[42]

This opinion was reinforced by the fact that one of the conflict’s earliest supporters was J.H. Hertz — Chief Rabbi in South Africa. Hertz would later be rewarded for beating the war drum with an appointment to no less a position than “Chief Rabbi of the British Empire.”[43]
 In February 1900, Members of Parliament were openly acknowledging the Jewish complexion of the hostilities, with John Burns emphatically declaring before a full House of Commons that “Wherever we examine, there is a financial Jew operating, directing and inspiring the agonies that have led to this war…the British army which used to be used for all good causes…has become the janissary of the Jews”[44]
 — a comment that rings true today as a description of the American armed forces as a tool of Israel and its powerful American lobby in the war in Iraq and the looming war with Iran.

The same year, the Trades Union Congress issued a statement that the war was being fought to “secure the gold fields of South Africa for cosmopolitan Jews who have no patriotism and no country.” Justice, the newspaper of the Social Democratic Federation pointed out the involvement of “unscrupulous Jewish financiers” and the “Semitic-capitalist press.”[45]
 It is difficult to conceive of such free public expression today in the mainstream media.

The year 1912 saw another two scandals which would reveal the hypocrisy of the Cousinhood’s emancipation-era appeals to humanity, justice, and equal opportunity. In the summer of that year, allegations began to surface that a number of Liberal Members of Parliament stood to gain from insider trading with the English Marconi Company, which was at that time under the direction of Cousinhood member, Godfrey Isaacs. Accusations centred in particular on two Liberal politicians who had shares in Marconi as well as advance information on the terms of an extremely lucrative government contract for the installation of an Empire-wide wireless network — the two politicians concerned were none other than Godfrey’s own brother Rufus, and their cousin Herbert Samuel.[46] British historian Colin Holmes has stated that the scandal had an “irreducible core of Jewish involvement,” and notable contemporary Hillaire Belloc saw the scandal as evidence of a fundamental conflict between the “Anglo-Judaic plutocracy” and the English “national interest.”[47] Although the Cousinhood were successful in a subsequent libel suit, deft political and legal manoeuvring ensured they avoided a situation where they adopted the burden of proof, with the result that while Jewish historians such as Bryan Cheyette have crowed that the scandal was a figment of anti-Semitic imagination and that all involved were entirely innocent,[48] more sober and notably non-Jewish historians have maintained that the innocence of Isaacs and Samuel was “never finally elucidated.”[49]

The Cousinhood was of course multi-branched and quite busy. While the Samuels and the Isaacs were busy trying to disentangle themselves from one of their own webs, the houses of Montagu, Abrahams and Samuel (again) were caught out in yet another political and financial intrigue — the Indian Silver Scandal. Compared to the Marconi Scandal, Jewish historians have largely neglected this particular affair because the outcome was far from obscure and the role of Jews in it was clear-cut and easily proven. In short, because it doesn’t offer the slightest possibility of being turned into an exercise in the psychoanalysis of non-Jews or refuted with some gymnastic variant of Talmudic logic, Jewish historians have decided it is something best minimized or left alone, hopefully to die in a sufficient number of years, with the decay of the last yellowed and torn page to record it.

But let us survey the details. Until 1912, the Indian Government was partly financed by the purchase of silver through the Bank of England. This process was carried out by the Indian Office, and carried with it the benefit of avoiding dealing with a private bank and speculators, who could drive up the price. However, in 1912 Ernest Franklin, a merchant banker from the firm of Samuel Montagu and Co. approached Felix Schuster, then Chairman of the Finance Committee for the Council of India, with an offer to purchase £5 million in silver. The deal proceeded, overseen by senior civil servant Lionel Abrahams. The India Office, which had always carried out these transactions in the past, remained silent and was at that time headed by Edwin Montagu. Edwin’s cousin was Liberal Member of Parliament Stuart Montagu. There was some speculation that Stuart later became involved in attempting to “hush up” the scandal, and this takes on somewhat more significance when it is recalled that Stuart was then a partner in Samuel Montagu and Co. There are very few significant mentions of this affair in mainstream histories, though Anthony Julius states that “all these individuals were Jewish.”[50] Of course, Mr. Foxman would like us to believe that these men were linked by some other means, like a fondness for the color blue perhaps. Or maybe he could argue that it was family, rather than ethnicity that played a role, though this would run into difficulties when one recalls the involvement of Franklin and Shuster, and numerous others who were not part of the Cousinhood, but were certainly part of what appears to be a larger ethnic family.

• • •

To conclude, the history of Jewish ’emancipation’ and its aftermath in England is a long and sordid one, replete with hypocrisy, behind-the-scenes intrigues, and ethnic self-interest. There is no need for elaborate conspiracy theory here — the established and documented facts speak for themselves in a voice loud enough to bring reason to the honest man if only he will listen. One striking aspect to this history is that the abuse and expansion of power was concurrent with protestations of Jewish weakness and victimhood, a fact that brought to my mind the words of the great Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The sufferance which is the badge of the Jew, has made him, in these days, the ruler of the rulers of the earth.”[51] I should also answer that common critique made of any work dealing with the members of the Cousinhood: “But can you blame all Jews for the actions of a few individuals?” It has been abundantly demonstrated this history involves more than a few individuals, and that it was their Jewishness which linked them.

It is, moreover, arguable that as ‘ordinary’ Jews undoubtedly benefited from the corruption and power of their communal leaders, they themselves should be held accountable. After all, the synagogues, the charities, the communal organizations were all funded from the same corrupt source.

This type of logic, that the people should be held responsible for their leaders and their past actions, is of course a favorite among the Jews themselves. Does Stephen Brockman not typify the Jewish view on “collective guilt” when he writes: “Even Germans who had not themselves committed specific misdeeds were, at the very least, accessories to and had knowledge of them, since they had probably known about the crimes of their government and done nothing to stop them.”[52]

If I indict the Jews who supported Lionel de Rothschild, the Jews who received Cousinhood funding for their international voyage to the west, the South African Jews and their Rabbi who beat the war drum against the Boers, and the Jews of London who benefited from the philanthropy and the ethnic networking of their higher ups, then let it be known thatI am merely taking Jewish logic to its logical conclusion.

Recommend every one join Gab, social media where no one is banned.

Word of warning, since Talmudic Jews cannot get rid of Gab, they are doing the next best thing, trying to discredit it by having their agents run wild on Gab using the N word. These clever snakes think of they can give Gab a bad reputation as a white supremacist beehive, they can destroy it that way.

Gab is the place where the truth is fiercely debated, and Talmudic Jews aren’t allowed to shut the conversation down.


Should women attend seminary? I don’t believe so. Seminaries’ purpose is to teach men to be pastors. Women are forbidden from being pastors. This is what Master’s Seminary states as its purpose: “The Master’s Seminary trains men for pastoral ministry—to preach the Word of God, reach the world for Christ, and teach others to do the same.” I checked out the faculty. At the top, it read, “A United Faculty of Pastor-Theologians.” All of the faculty were men.

Our church needed a pastor a few years ago. We met with the head elder, because we wanted to become members of the church. He told us that he sent out letters to many seminaries in search of a pastor. Most sent back a list of candidates which included women. There are few seminaries left that follow the biblical mandate that only men are to be pastors. The Master’s Seminary is one of them.

Why would women want to attend seminary any ways? It’s incredibly expensive. I have learned from many solid, Bible preaching/teaching men. I didn’t need to attend seminary to learn the Bible.

Many years ago, we went to a conference and listened to Michael Pearl teach through Hebrews. He is an amazing Bible teacher. I loved his teaching so much that I listened to him teach through every book of the Bible that he had on tape. No, he’s not a Pelagian as many accuse him of being. He’s not a Calvinist either but has stated that he agrees with 98 percent of what Calvinist teach. I agree. Most of my favorite preachers are Calvinists. They know and love God and His Word. It doesn’t matter to me if we don’t agree on everything. We won’t agree with any preacher 100 percent!

So there is no need for women to spend a boatload of money to go to seminary. They can learn from solid, Bible preaching male pastors and teachers. There are many on YouTube and other places. I have a list of great sermons I have listened to on my Instagram stories. And no, we don’t need to learn Greek or Hebrew to understand the Bible. There are many men who know Greek and Hebrew and have translated the Bible correctly. God will preserve His Word.

When women tell me I need to learn Greek in order to understand the Bible because they believe I am in error in what I teach, I know their sole purpose for knowing Greek is to twist Scripture to condone what they believe such as women being allowed to be preachers.

God clearly tells us that men are to be the pastors/preachers. He commands the elders in the churches to be “the husband of one wife.” God’s reasons go back to creation, so it has nothing to do with culture. Man was created first, and women are easily deceived. No, women shouldn’t be preaching in the pulpits to a church filled with women with no male accountability or authority over them. This isn’t God’s plan.

God is very specific in what He wants women teaching other women in Titus 2:3-5. From what I have seen, all of these female preachers eventually fall into false teaching and begin partnering with other false female preachers. Besides, God wants women to be keepers at home!

Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
1 Timothy 2:11-15


The definition of marriage has been incredibly watered down in our culture. Many believe they don’t need a piece of paper. They can live together, and this is okay. Many young “Christians” believe this to be true. Some believe if you’re having sex and even having children, you’re married. So what exactly is marriage?

“But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” (Mark 10:6-9)

So is marriage sex? Is becoming “one flesh” marriage? No. “What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh” (1 Corinthians 6:16). Here we are told that a man who has sex with a harlot becomes one flesh with her. Does this mean they are married? No. Sex doesn’t define a marriage and neither will it keep it together. Some couples can no longer have sex as they grow older. Does this mean they aren’t married? No. Some newlyweds can’t have sex for a while due to physical problems. Does this mean they aren’t married? No.

The “one flesh” description of marriage, however, does show the sacredness of sex within marriage, and that the intention for sex is only in marriage. Becoming “one flesh” with a harlot shows the great destruction of sex outside of marriage. This is why we are commanded to FLEE fornication, and that fornication is a sin against one’s own body (1 Corinthians 6:18). We are commanded to keep the marriage undefiled (Hebrews 13:4) for many good reasons.

Is living together marriage? No. Many couples live together, but they aren’t married. They are fornicating. There wouldn’t be a unique word for sex outside of marriage (fornication) if there was no such thing. Sharing a home together isn’t marriage. It’s pretending to be married without the one vital ingredient.

What is this vital ingredient? Commitment; a vow; a promise, a covenant until death do you part. A man is commanded to leave and cleave to his wife. What does “cleave” mean? It means “to stick; to adhere; to hold.” Marriage is far more than just sex and living together. It’s a vow made to each other in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, in riches and poverty, until death do you part. THIS is what will keep you together and defines a biblical marriage. It’s a sacred relationship between a man and his wife for life. It’s an example, a mystery, of Christ and His Church which is founded upon commitment and a covenant.

Lastly, remind yourself what the definition of love is in God’s Word. It’s patient and kind. It believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, and it never fails (1 Corinthians 13). Marriages that last are defined by love and commitment. Let this be your marriage.

Love is patient, love is kind, it is not jealous; love does not brag, it is not arrogant. It does not act disgracefully, it does not seek its own benefit; it is not provoked, does not keep an account of a wrong suffered, it does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; it keeps every confidence, it believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Headlines for January 17, 2022


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US Truckers Issue Devastating Warning To Biden On Unlawful Shot Mandate

An estimated 30,000 truckers that deliver goods and services between the US/Canada border have not yet submitted their vaccination paperwork. Beginning January 15, truckers will be required to show proof of vaccination upon entering Canada. The same mandate for truckers entering the United States from Canada goes into effect on January 22.

When the coronavirus pandemic began nearly two years ago, the Trump administration made land/border crossings essential. However, the Biden administration’s mandate issued by the Department of Homeland Security trumps the former president’s.

Mike Milliam, the President of Private Motor Truck Council of Canada, told Lynnwood Timesthat the mandate will add to the shortages we are already experiencing and will cause significant long-lasting damage.

“70 percent of the 700 billion in trade between Canada and the U.S. is moved by truck,” Milliam said. “This will have a dramatic effect on supplies and services reaching their destination and getting in the hands of those who need them. One needs to look no further than the recent U.K. fuel shortage, where the military had to be brought in to deliver fuel as a result of a lack of truck drivers. We are already seeing shortages, if these shortages reach critical levels on items such as fuel, food, blood medicine or medical supplies, we will see real, long-lasting damage.”

 Unvaccinated Canadian truckers will have to “meet requirements for pre-entry, arrival and day eight testing, as well as quarantine requirements,” as they can’t be denied entry into Canada. Unvaccinated or partially-vaccinated non-Canadian truckers will be turned away if they are unable to show proof of immunization or a valid medical contraindication to the COVID-19 vaccines.–

Truckers across Canada are organizing a “Convoy to End Mandates”.
On January 23rd, they will begin a “slow roll”, from as many border points as possible, to slow down major road transportation routes across the Country.
Truckers, and all others, are invited to join the convoy, to send a message to the Government, that forced vaccinations will not be tolerated.  As of January 15th, Trudeau has mandated that all truckers crossing the border must be vaccinated.
Similar mandates are already causing problems in Health Care systems, air transportation, and other sectors.  This latest action will create major supply problems for many products Canadians rely on.
The time has come to show Ottawa, and the Provinces, that we are not going to allow Government to continue to slowly squeeze Canadians into giving up their God-given – and Constitutionally protected – Rights and Freedoms.
Contact one of the organizers to get more information and to find out how you can get involved. 
Calgary – Cathy (403) 800-8938 –
Saskatchewan – Chris (306) 774-4330 or Derek (306) 640-7632
Winnipeg – Joe (204) 493-0022 or Dale (204) 312-8399
Sarnia – Brigette (678) 778-6992 –
Windsor – Ben (519) 816-9114 –

If you are in an area not shown here, contact Brigette (see her contact info above), to let her know you can help out (in Quebec, BC, the Eastern Provinces, etc.).
Please use your networks and contacts to spread the word.  We need hundreds of vehicles to show up to make a difference!



Local police enforcing commonflu19 protocols are just following orders.

FLDoctor loses license, must have psych evaluation for COVID falsehoods

Intracranial infection cases up 60-fold since vaccines rolled out

ESSENTIAL VIDEO – Dr. David McCullough

This should have way more than 935 views


Ken Adachi says both Chrome and Firefox record your every search. Recommends Brave 

Here is from the Corona Auschuss with Reiner Fuellmich, the German lawyer who took VW as well as Deutsche Bank to court and won those cases..

Washington State legalized “flesh goo” liquefaction of human corpses one year before activating COVID concentration camps that will target unvaxxed conservatives with “strike team” operations… efficient, stealth disposal of bodies now perfected

Short story really quick sorry : Was just at the gas station this morning here in North Dakota , a guy in front of me mid 50’s looked like he was drunk and was about to faint. I asked him if he was okay he said he was having a hard time breathing and i asked him if he was sick and he said no.. I don’t think so and I was like well do you need a doctor ? He said he was just at the doctor 3 days before and got the covid vaccine and said he has been having trouble breathing since. The attendant and me watched him walk back out to his truck he stood there holding the door and just collapsed . we called 911 and the ambulance picked him up. I don’t know if he died or have a follow up but it’s happening. It literally felt like the start of a zombie apocalypse movie .

Now they have an excuse to get rid of people altogether!

China Unveils Scary New AI Human That’s Almost Indistinguishable From a Real Human – enVolve (

Explosive Charges: Was German Chancellor Olaf Scholz a Stasi/KGB Asset?
Merkel is a Communist too.

Patrick Ducharme, well known criminal lawyer Windsor/Toronto Ontario – Call to Arms

Apparently he and others in the legal profession have had enough and are ready to advocate for Canadians. – – Call to arms follow up. 

bourla.jpegA reminder that the enemy is the banking system
  Minnesota Bank Moving to Cancel Mike Lindell’s Accounts Over His Political Associations

U of Michigan president fired after employee relationship, ‘inappropriate’ emails surface 
  Most US University Presidents are Jews because the goyim cannot be trusted with the job of subverting Western Civilization-  Mark Schlissel  is no exception

Atlanta city transit CEO, 55, steps in front of a train, dies

Canadian Karen pushing vaccine mandate in Puerto Vallarta

Latest Video Interviews with the Incomparable E. Michael Jones


 Japan announces that public and private sectors can not discriminate against those who refuse the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections.

 Japan is now labeling Covid “vaccines” to warn of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects such as myocarditis. In addition, the country is reaffirming its commitment to adverse event reporting requirements to ensure all possible side effects are documented.

These efforts from Japan’s health authority are in stark contrast to the deceptive measures taken by other countries to coerce citizens into taking the injection, downplaying side effects, and discouraging proper adverse event reporting.

Additionally, Japan is emphasizing informed consent and bodily autonomy. Until the coronavirus pandemic, the concept of “informed consent” was considered sacred to healthcare professionals in the West.


There is info in this vid that you may not have heard or seen before. The independent video producer has some decent references.

Communist Takeover: Without Firing a Shot, China Seizes Control of America’s Farmlands


Satanism- Its Methods and Symbols

The  Official Covid Narrative is Crumbling
16 Reasons Why—

Dr. Robert Malone – Society Has Been Hypnotized

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Illuminati 2 - Deceit and Seduction Book Cover

Below- The American “Right” is Largely False Opposition (scroll down) ——————–

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Dr. Robert Malone – Society Has Been Hypnotized 

January 16, 2022 


Correct Video link

Makow – I am befuddled to see most Mexicans wearing face masks, and want to make a disparaging remark to my wife. But I check myself realizing she’s wearing one too. How can so many people fail to see that coronvirus is the common flu rebranded?  Why do they trust the lamestream media?

Dr. Robert Malone—“Those hypnotized by this process are unable to recognize the lies and misrepresentations they are being bombarded with on a daily basis, and actively attack anyone who has the temerity to share information with them which contradicts the propaganda that they have come to embrace.”
Source- Mass Formation Psychosis
by Dr. Robert Malone

As many of you know, I have spent time researching and speaking about mass psychosis theory. 

Most of what I have learned has come from Dr. Mattias Desmet, who realized that this form of mass hypnosis, of the madness of crowds, can account for the strange phenomenon of about 20-30% of the population in the western world becoming entranced with the Noble Lies and dominant narrative concerning the safety and effectiveness of the genetic vaccines, and both propagated and enforced by politicians, science bureaucrats, pharmaceutical companies and legacy media.
What one observes with the mass hypnosis is that a large fraction of the population is completely unable to process new scientific data and facts demonstrating that they have been misled about the effectiveness and adverse impacts of mandatory mask use, lockdowns, and genetic vaccines that cause people’s bodies to make large amounts of biologically active coronavirus Spike protein.

These hypnotized by this process are unable to recognize the lies and misrepresentations they are being bombarded with on a daily basis, and actively attack anyone who has the temerity to share information with them which contradicts the propaganda that they have come to embrace. And for those whose families and social networks have been torn apart by this process, and who find that close relatives and friends have ghosted them because they question the officially endorsed “truth” and are actually following the scientific literature, this can be a source of deep anguish, sorrow and psychological pain.

It is with those souls in mind that I included a discussion of the mass formation theory of Dr. Mattias Desmet during a recent talk I gave in Tampa, Florida to an audience of about 2,000.  As I looked out into the audience and spoke, I could see relief on many faces, and even tears running from the eyes of stoic men.

Unknown to me, someone recorded the speech and appended the vocal track to a series of calming images of natural landscapes, producing a video that has gone viral throughout the world.  The video, as well as some notes to clarify and supplement the talk are appended above. Many have told me that they find it very healing.  I hope it may help you also.

A brief overview of Mass Formation, which was developed by Dr. Mattias Desmet. He is a psychologist and a statistician. He is at the University of Ghent in Belgium.  I think Dr. Mattias is onto something about what is happening and he calls this phenomena:


So, when he says “mass” formation, you can think of this as equivalent to “crowd” formation. One can think of this as:


The conditions to set up mass formation psychosis include lack of social connectedness and sense-making as well as large amounts of latent anxiety and passive aggression. When people are inundated with a narrative that presents a plausible “object of anxiety” and strategy for coping with it, then many individuals group together to battle the object with a collective single-mindedness. This allows people to stop focusing on their own problems, avoiding personal mental anguish. Instead, they focus all their thought and energy on this new object.

As mass formation progresses, the group becomes increasingly bonded and connected. Their field of attention is narrowed and they become unable to consider alternative points of view.  Leaders of the movement are revered, unable to do no wrong. 

Left unabated, a society under the spell of mass formation will support a totalitarian governance structure capable of otherwise unthinkable atrocities in order to maintain compliance. A note: mass formation is different from group think. 

There are easy ways to fix group think by just bringing in dissenting voices and making sure you give them platforms.  It isn’t so easy with mass formation.  Even when the narrative falls apart, cracks in the strategy clearly aren’t solving the issue, the hypnotized crowd can’t break free of the narrative.  This is what appears to be happening now with COVID-19.  The solution for those in control of the narrative is to produce bigger and bigger lies to prop up the solution.  Those being controlled by mass formation no longer are able to use reason to break free of the group narrative.
Of course, the obvious example of mass formation is Germany in the 1930s and 40s. How could the German people who were highly educated, very liberal in the classic sense; western thinking people… how could they go so crazy and do what they did to the Jews? How could this happen?
To a civilized people?  A leader of a mass formation movement will use the platform to continue to pump the group with new information to focus on.  


In the case of COVID-19, I like to use the term “fear porn.”  Leaders, through main stream media and government channels continuously  feed the “beast” with more messaging that focus and further hypnotize their adherents.
Studies suggest that mass formation follows a general distribution:

    30% are brainwashed, hypnotized, indoctrinated by the group narrative

    40% in the middle are persuadable and may follow if no worthy alternative is perceived

    30% fight against the narrative.

Those that rebel and fight against the narrative, become the enemy of the brainwashed and a primary target of aggression.

One of the the best ways to counter mass formation is for those against the narrative to continue to speak out against it, which serves to help break the hypnosis of some in the brainwashed group as well as persuade the persuadable middle to choose reason over mindlessness.

Dr. Desmet suggests that for something as big as COVID-19, the only way to break the mass formation psychosis is to give the crowd something bigger to focus on. He believes that totalitarianism may be that bigger issue. Of course, after COVID-19, global totalitarianism may be the biggest issue of our time.
Copyright © 2021, Robert W. Malone, MD, MS
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this work in its entirety and with author acknowledgement.
Paul Joseph Watson—‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Admittedly Used by Governments as Tool of Population Control
Leaked details of UK government’s early pandemic response back up Dr. Malone’s assertions.

YouTube – Jesus What Happened to Us?

Headlines for Jan 16


(Left- This offer was snapped up I assume, as the ad quickly disappeared from Kajiji Winnipeg)—-
What You Need to Know About the COVID Shot, and the Depopulation Agenda


British Government Used “Propagandistic” Fear Tactics To Scare Public Into Mass Compliance

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

The British government used “propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist who worked inside Downing Street.

Simon Ruda co-founded Number 10’s ‘Nudge Unit’, which was initially set up to encourage positive behavioral changes in the British public without the need for coercion or legislation, but was weaponized during the pandemic to create scaremongering.

    “In my mind, the most egregious and far-reaching mistake made in responding to the pandemic has been the level of fear willingly conveyed on the public,” wrote Ruda.

    “That fear seems to have subsequently driven policy decisions in a worrying feed-back loop,” he added, noting that such actions amounted to “state sanctioned propaganda.”

The behavioral scientist said that an obsession with daily case numbers came to dominate thinking, serving to spread even more fear.

That process included grossly exaggerating the threat posed by COVID and producing lurid, alarmist propaganda to frighten the population into subservience.——

How Trump’s mentor Roy Cohn helped the Jews hijack the anti-Communist movement

Biden’s NeoCon handlers trying to start a war with Russia  – Won’t happen because they run Russia too  (see below)

Sergey Lavrov on Russia/US-NATO Security Talks

‘The days of state-run TV are over’: Nadine Dorries clobbers the BBC with a £2billion funding cut as she freezes the licence fee for two years, with a row over ‘Left-wing bias’ threatening to spill out into all-out war with the Corporation— 


What? Communist control is not 100%?—

“Australia Baby Girl” Dies From Brain Hemorrhage 5 Days After Pfizer Vaccine Shot – GreatGameIndia

Celine Dion singing the “vaccine” blues — Guess she didn’t get the placebo

A post on the Canadian singer’s website says the tour’s remaining North American shows have been cancelled as her recovery from “severe and persistent muscle spasms” takes longer than first hoped.

Great example of non compliance seen at Gab video
Stop these fuckers in their tracks—

Reader- “This is how it’s done, well done this lady. Remember they rely solely oncompliance of the public.”Customer in an Etobicoke Costco is arrested and hauled away by cops for not wearing a mask despite having a medical exemption.

Allegedly one of the managers of the store is detaining the man alongside police.

It’s for your health.–

Russia is run by Chabad

Chabad, Russian Revolution, Kabbalah & Jewish Messianism

The portly David icke – False Opposition, fails to mention Organized Jewry, Communism and Satanism (He wouldn’t be caught dead reading

 Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
Spencer Fernando- Sabotage: With Vaccine Mandates For Truckers, Trudeau Seems Intent On Deliberately Damaging Canada’s Economy


(Left, Pavlov’s dog.)

Gary D Barnett also afraid to use the J-word

Will the goyim ever learn?

The American “Right” is Largely False Opposition

elzl4xy1makgamgx.jpg(McCarthy — March 8, 1954 Edition of TIME) 
In 1954, businessman DeWest Hooker discovered
that Jewish central bankers (i.e. Bernard Baruch) funded “anti-Communism” to obscure the fact that Communism (i.e. the covid scam today) is in fact  
Jewish satanist supremacism. Illuminati bankers manipulate public 
perception using false opposition like Donald Trump or Alex Jones. 

If they get mainstream media exposure, they are certified kosher.(E.g. Alex Jones ghosted Henry Makow.) 
We live in a de facto Communist (Masonic Jewish) society.

Mr. Marks stated that a lot of Jews called McCarthy an anti-Semite but little did they know that “he is the best friend the Jews ever had.”

“We were the ones that wrote the speeches for McCarthy  back in West Virginia that started his build-up into the famous  anti-Communist that he is today. Our pressure on the press resulted in his getting as much attention as he has. In return for this build-up, he agreed not to call up or expose Jews in the Communist movement by the investigations through his sub-committee.”


 The Communist Jews Behind Sen. Joseph McCarthy
by Michael Collins Piper 
(from his 2006 book, “The Judas Goats”)
(First posted here Nov. 24, 2010) 


What follows is the sworn statement that Hooker executed on September 30, 1954 outlining his findings about the role of the self-styled “American Jewish League Against Communism” and how it was manipulating then Sen.  Joseph R. McCarthy’s efforts to investigate Communism in high places  in the American system. The affidavit reads: 

 “I had an astounding interview for two hours some time ago with Norman  L. Marks of the American Jewish League Against Communism, Inc.  As a matter of fact, I was brought along by another party, and Mr. Marks did not know anything about me (hence he really opened up because the person who took me was “trusted” by him).  The AJLAC has offices at 220 West 42nd Street, New York City. Its  national chairman is Alfred Kohlberg. Its executive director is Rabbi  Benjamin Schultz, and its treasurer is Harry Pasternak. Listed on its  national board are the following: Bern Dibner, Lawrence Fertig,  Theodore Fine, Benjamin Gitlow, Hon. Walter R. Hart, Herman Kashins,  Eugene Lyons, Norman L. Marks, Morris Ryskind, Rabbi David S. Savitz,  Nathan D. Shapiro, George E. Sokolsky, Maurice Tishman, Rabbi Ascher  M. Yager.

[Businessman DeWest Hooker, 1918-1989 left)

I swear under oath to you that the following is as accurate as it is possible to put down from memory an hour or so later. Also, the  information can be verified by the other unnamed party. 

Mr. Marks, listed above and on the letterhead of the AJLAC as a member  of the national board, said: “Far and away the principal financial contributor to the AJLAC is Mr. Bernard Baruch.” When questioned on this point as to what percentage he would say Mr. Baruch contributed, he answered: “About 85% or 90% of the funds.”

 I said that I had thought Mr. Kohlberg was the main contributor to the  AJLAC and Mr. Marks answered: “Well, he contributes some but nothing  like what Baruch contributes.” I asked Mr. Marks why Baruch’s name did not appear on the letterhead. He stated that Baruch was very emphatic about NOT having his name appear on the letterhead, and that it was to be unknown that he contributed funds to it.

 Mr. Marks said that the organization was entirely Jewish but that a funny thing was that many of the founders of it seemed to have  “Christian” wives. He said that they used to meet every Thursday at the Ambassador Hotel for lunch and talk about the world situation.  Marks said that the organization would not accept either a “Christian in it” or a “Christian dime of support” and that no Christian money  had ever been accepted in the past–that it was completely a Jewish  organization and financed by them.

 He said there were only two purposes for its founding: That the Number  One purpose was to take the heat off the Jewishness of Communism, and  a secondary aim was to get the Jews out of Communism and to support  Zionism. He said that: “for a while there, almost all the spies of the  Communists that were turned up were Jews and that they had become  concerned, and thought that something should be done to take the sting  off the Jews. They wanted to show the Christian world that ALL Jews  were not Communists.”

 When asked just how they went about this whole project, Mr. Marks  said: “It’s impossible for a Christian to get away with criticizing  the Jews. Only a Jew can do that.”

 He went on: “And so we got together a strong group of Jews that “were  known to be anti-Communists” and started our campaign of pressure from our point of view.”

 [According to Hooker’s original affidavit, Marks’ reference to those  who were said to be “anti-Communists” actually meant that the Jewish  leaders in question were, as Hooker put it, “meaning  anti-Stalinist.”–Ed.]

Marks stated: “We were the ones that wrote the speeches for McCarthy back in West Virginia that started his build-up into the famous  anti-Communist that he is today. Our pressure on the press resulted in  his getting as much attention as he has. In return for this build-up  he agreed not to call up or expose Jews in the Communist movement by  the investigations through his sub-committee.”

 Mr. Marks stated that a lot of Jews called McCarthy an anti-Semite but little did they know that “he is the best friend the Jews ever had.”

 [Hooker noted of McCarthy that “Eventually they destroyed him anyway when he started calling up Jewish Communists later on.”–Ed.]

 Marks went on to say that “other investigations might have turned up  Jews and McCarthy had been given credit for them, but that if we traced the record back, we would find that McCarthy actually did not call up a single Jew in that period when the heat was on the Jews.” He  later qualified these remarks by saying that “while McCarthy was  operating as a temporary subcommittee under the Truman administration,  he did not call up any Jews; that when he once got himself elected as  the chairman of the permanent investigating committee, in the new  administration, he then began to call witnesses “as they came.”  [That is, whether the witnesses were “Jewish or not,” according to Hooker–Ed.]



Mr, Marks continued: “But that doesn’t make much difference now because he accepted our own men to work right with him. For example,  he accepted as his top man next to him our man Roy Cohn, left, which was  arranged through another of our men, George Sokolsky.”

If memory serves me correctly, Marks stated that Julius Kahn was also  their man on the McCarthy committee, but who was now on the Senate  Foreign Relations Committee. He definitely stated that David Schine  was NOT with the AJLAC but that he was put there by “another group  which I don’t know about.”

 Mr. Marks went on to say that “not only is McCarthy under our control  but so are Jenner and Velde, who also took our men to work right with  them. Benny Mandel and Robert Morris represent us on the Jenner  Committee.” He mentioned Robert Kunzig as “their man” for Velde.  Marks also stated definitely that Professor Louis Budenzwas under  “their control” and one of “their men,” and that he was working to  take the “heat” off the Jews.

 [Budenz was a well-known “ex-communist” who became a leading figure in  the so-called anti-communist movement, key elements of which had come  under the control of the Zionist and Trotskyite elements. Hooker’s  revelations explain why–Ed.]

 (left, Florida Gov Ron De Santis at the Western Wall in Jerusalem)

He stated that [Alfred] Kohlberg, their national chairman, was the one  who “found” Budenz when he was testifying in Washington and Kohlberg  “picked him up and practically supported him for a while in order to  get him started and built up to the man he is today in the  anti-Communist movement.”

 Marks also stated that they got “their man Robert Morris” elected  recently as a judge in New York City, and that Victor Lasky was  another one of their men who did a lot of “press work” for them, and  “made speeches favoring their people, for example, Robert Morris.” He  said, “All these people agreed to take the ‘heat’ off the Jews.”

 I recall now another statement by Mr. Marks that “there is a vast pooling of information in the New York City area and throughout the  country which is connected with our organization.”

 I asked if J. B. Matthews and his files were in on “the deal” and he  said: “Yes, we have access to all of his files.”

 [J. B. Matthews was a prominent “anti-communist crusader” in the  period, but, clearly, under the control of the Zionist-Trotskyites.–Ed.] 

He said that they have at least “thirty Communists on our payroll who report information to us,” and that “we know everything that goes on  in this field.”

 Mr, Marks told all the above information as if there was nothing  “wrong” with what he was saying. He even invited me and this other unnamed fellow to go to a meeting the following Tuesday night at the  University Club, sponsored by Norman Lombard.

 When they finally found out who I was, however, I was told by Norman Lombard and Norman Marks not to come to the meeting. I sure hope that the true patriotic American nationalists will be able to straighten out a few of these “pseudo-patriots” who are trying to lead the  so-called “anti-communist” movement.

 Don’t misunderstand me: I’m just as anti-Communist as any of you, but I don’t want our country to be led head-long into traps which enable  these pseudo-patriots to “use” the fine instincts of the American  people and the anti-Communist movement for their own diabolical ends.  In other words, some of these pseudo-patriots are “anti-Communist,”  meaning “anti-Stalin communism,” but are pro- as hell another form of  Communism (American brand) leading to dictatorship by them in our own  country and the rest of the world under Bernard Baruch and the crowd  he represents.

 [The “American brand” of communism to which Hooker referred, although  he didn’t say it directly, was precisely the Trotskyite brand, then in  its evolution, that has come today to be known as “neo-conservatism.”  –Ed.] 

(Signed) DeWest Hooker

(—Makow comment: Reading this, it’s hard to imagine that the same forces didn’t put Hitler into power. Or that The John Birch Society and some anti-NWO websites are truly independent.)

After World War Two ended, the Illuminati needed to create the bogus Cold War to justify the arms race and the national security state (just as the “war on terror” replaces the Cold War today.) The problem was that Communism could be traced back to the Illuminati Jewish bankers. Most Communist spies were Jewish and Soviet Communism was Illuminati Jewish. They used McCarthy to fuel Cold War hysteria while de-emphasizing the role Jews play as agent/dupes for the Illuminati bankers. Apparently McCarthy outlived his usefulness and they murdered him at Bethesda Naval Medical Center after disgracing him earlier.    

This article impugns Organized Jewry but most Jews are manipulated by these machinations, just like non Jews. It’s pathetic that anti-Communist/ anti-NWO forces need to be organized and subsidized by the enemy. It proves my contention that grass roots or populist resistance is negligible and nothing gets done politically unless someone pays for it. And you know who can afford that.

Thanks to Tony Blizzard for sending me this excerpt.

Related-How Trump’s mentor Roy Cohn helped the Jews hijack the anti-Communist movement
Piper Collins- The Judas Goat/The Enemy Within
The Strange Death of Michael Collins Piper
Kevin MacDonald reviews a book on McCarthy & the Jews

First Comment from Dan Butler 1955-2018:I recall that the former staff director of the Congressional Committee to Investigate Tax-exempt Foundations. Mr. Norman Dodd said to John Birch Society’s Edward Griffen in 1984. [See the full transcript here. [1]
This part of Dodd’s testimony didn’t seem very important to me until reading your article today. Dodd said that none other than the chairman of the Republican National Committee and White House use accusations of anti-semitism to shut down the investigation. This ‘back room’ aspect was unreported in the press.
NORMAN DODD: The Republican National Committee got wind of what I was doing and they did everything they could to stop me. They appealed to counsel to stop me, and finally they resorted to the White House.

ED GRIFFIN: Was their objection because of what you were doing or because of the fact that you were doing it outside of the official auspices of the Committee?
NORMAN DODD: No, their objection was, as they put it, my devotion to what they called anti-semitism. That was a cooked up idea. In other words, it wasn’t true at all, but anyway, that’s the way they expressed it.
ED GRIFFIN: The charge of anti-semitism is intriguing. What was the basis of that charge? Was there a basis for it at all?
NORMAN DODD: The basis of what the Republican National Committee used was that the intelligence officer I’d taken on my staff when I oriented this investigation to the exposure and proof of a conspiracy was known to have a book, and the book was deemed to be anti-semitic. This was childish, but this was the second in command of the Republican National Committee, and he told me I’d have to dismiss this person from my staff.
ED GRIFFIN: And what was his book? Do you recall?
NORMAN DODD: The book they referred to was called Waters Flowing Eastward, which was a castigation of the Jewish influence in the world.
[1] If this is the first you’ve heard of Norman Dodd’s testimony please download and study. Crucial hidden history. Tax Exempt Foundations and Collectivist Treason INTERNET ARCHIVE video
Transcript of the video
The original 1953-54 Dodd Report: Committee to Investigate Tax-exempt Foundations
Recommended: FOUNDATIONS: Their Power and Influence. ISBN 0-925951-28-9download PDF format

Tony writes:
I was in this war before John Birch was created. When it came into being with lots of media fanfare it began gobbling up most of the small, true anti-communist, organizations. It struck me as way too dictatorial to its members. I quickly tabbed it as an enemy having three major undesirable aspects:
1. It’s members were “forever learning and never coming to the truth.” Millions of details (lots of trees) but never even mentioning true causes, the forest.
2. It was the first in my knowledge (along with major insurance corporations) to equate capitalism and free enterprise as synonyms when, in reality, they are 180 degrees opposite. Capitalism, which it praised, is simply the concentration of capital into the hands of the few (mainly for their own profit) while free enterprise is capital diversified as much as possible with local businesses taking care of local business. Under free enterprise franchises, malls, and chains, which drain local capital to national or international headquarters, hardly exist. Capital mostly stays in the local community, constantly re-circulated by local business.
3. The Birch society destroyed any local “chapter” which decided on its own to “study the Jewish question.” I saw that take place with my own eyes in So. California at least twice. A dead giveaway of the true reason for its existence.

Who kills the police?

By Abraham H. Miller

Put “race of people shooting police” into Google and you will get page after page of the opposite results: the race or ethnicity of people shot by police.

This is obviously no accident.  The media narrative is that police shoot people, mostly minorities, without justification.

The question of who shoots the police is one that the larger society is generally afraid to ask.  To ask that question might shed a different light on whom the police shoot because it would put the question into a larger context about criminality.

For the “defund the police” crowd and the progressive minions of distributive and restorative justice, it would undermine an empowering narrative that has enabled them to shackle the police while letting criminals run free without bail and being rewarded with pleas to lower offenses.null

For as long as the police and the “system” can be viewed as victimizing minorities, these minorities can be viewed as victims and not criminals.

The data on who kills police are tracked by the FBI in its Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted program (LEOK).  Year-to-year aggregations appear difficult to obtain, and the data I found are from 1980 to 2013, as compiled from LEOK by the Washington Post.

During this period, there were 2,269 officers killed in what is described as felonious incidents, which are deaths in the line of duty occurring from criminal acts.  There were 2,896 offenders.  Of the people who killed police, 52% were white, and 41% were black.null

The Post article concluded from this that whites were more likely to kill police than are blacks.  This observation, regrettably, shows either a commitment to a phony narrative or why journalist students have a difficult time getting through a basic course in statistics.

Consider that whites were approximately 70% of the population during this period, while blacks were approximately 12%.  White people were 18% less likely to kill a police officer than their distribution in the population, while black people were 29% more likely to kill a police officer than their distribution in the population.  Put another way, black people were almost 2.5 times more likely to kill a police officer than would be expected from their distribution in the population.

Police officers are not ignorant of who kills them.  Police funerals are attended by officers from departments across state lines, and police are well acquainted with officers being memorialized.null


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Moreover, it is not white supremacists calling for killing cops.  “Off the pigs” goes back to the Black Panther days of the 1960s.  In 2015, protesters in St. Paul, Minnesota were holding a Black Lives Matter banner and chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”  You did not need a degree in criminal justice to understand what they meant, albeit the obvious meaning was subsequently denied by BLM spokespersons and major media outlets.

In the wake of Minneapolis police officer Kim Porter shooting Daunte Wright, one protester carried a pig’s head on a spike.  None of his fellow protesters found this obscene. 

If that message wasn’t clear, the firebombing of a police union hall in Portland and the rioters in Washington, D.C. chanting “burn the precinct to the ground” should have clarified it.null

We are taught not to think in terms of collective guilt when it comes to identity groups, but when it comes to the police, the tragic behavior of some police is interpreted as representing all police.

Like lynchings in the Jim Crow South, if one police officer is at fault, then all are not only equally culpable but also legitimate targets of revenge.  How else does one explain the assassinations of police sitting in patrol cars hundreds of miles from the scene of any protest?

So if you’re a cop and you encounter a black person, your radar is going to start buzzing in a way that it won’t if you encounter a white person.

According to Office of Juvenile Justice (OJJDP for 2019) statistics for all ages, blacks are responsible for 37% of all violent crimes, 60% of all murders, 53% of all burglaries, and 42% of all illegal weapons possessions, even though they are about 12% of the population.null

Contrast that with Asians, who are six percent of the population and 1.6 percent of the crime rate.  Moreover, Asians have a 5% higher poverty rate than blacks.

Obviously, the causes of criminal behavior are complex, controversial, and highly dependent on environmental and opportunistic factors.  In addition, criminal justice statistics are based on arrests, and arrests can be subject to discretion and reflection of police bias.

But cops on the street are not there to deal with root causes.  Their perceptions of any situation are based not only on individual experience but also on the shared experiences of other officers.  Consequently, cops, like the rest of us, make judgments honed from experience and perceptions of how society works.

To expect anything else is to expect police not to be human beings.  Bromides about professionalism and training pale in comparison to gut instincts about survival.

If you stop someone whose demographic characteristics suggest a disproportionate involvement in criminal activities and illegal weapons possession, as well as a likelihood of killing you, your mindset is going to be influenced by that perception.null

In a world where we have been made increasingly sensitive to identity and identity issues, how could it be otherwise?  After all, in university sensitivity sessions, if we see each other for our common humanity instead of our racial differences, we are racists by absurd definition.

The conflict between minority communities and the police is untenable and unacceptable.  Police need to be made aware of policing bias, and minority communities need to be made aware that vilifying the police, resisting arrest, and killing officers will enhance the likelihood of tragedies on both sides.

Abraham H. Miller is an emeritus professor of political science, University of Cincinnati, and a distinguished fellow with the Haym Solomon Center.

British Government Used ‘Propagandistic’ Fear Tactics To Scare Public Into Mass Compliance

The British government used “propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist who worked inside Downing Street.

british government used 'propagandistic' fear tactics to scare public into mass compliance

SOPA Images via Getty Images

Simon Ruda co-founded Number 10’s ‘Nudge Unit’, which was initially set up to encourage positive behavioral changes in the British public without the need for coercion or legislation, but was weaponized during the pandemic to create scaremongering.

“In my mind, the most egregious and far-reaching mistake made in responding to the pandemic has been the level of fear willingly conveyed on the public,” wrote Ruda.

“That fear seems to have subsequently driven policy decisions in a worrying feed-back loop,” he added, noting that such actions amounted to “state sanctioned propaganda.”

The behavioral scientist said that an obsession with daily case numbers came to dominate thinking, serving to spread even more fear.

That process included grossly exaggerating the threat posed by COVID and producing lurid, alarmist propaganda to frighten the population into subservience.

Leaked: ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Admittedly Used by Governments as Tool of Population Control.

Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Who Studied the Psychology of Totalitarianism: ‘This Is How We Win’.

As we previously highlighted, scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government admitted using what they now concede to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behavior during the pandemic.

The London Telegraph reported the comments made by Members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B), a sub-committee of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) the government’s chief scientific advisory group.

The report quotes a briefing from March 2020, as the first lockdown was decreed, that stated the government should drastically increase “the perceived level of personal threat” that the virus poses because “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened.”

One scientist with the SPI-B admits that:

“In March [2020] the Government was very worried about compliance and they thought people wouldn’t want to be locked down. There were discussions about fear being needed to encourage compliance, and decisions were made about how to ramp up the fear.”

The unnamed scientist added that, “The way we have used fear is dystopian.”

The scientist further confessed that, “The use of fear has definitely been ethically questionable. It’s been like a weird experiment. Ultimately, it backfired because people became too scared.”

The fearmongering campaign clearly worked.

By the summer of 2020, the average Brit thought 6-7% of the population of the UK had died from coronavirus, a figure equating to around 4.5 million people.

At the time, COVID-19 had actually claimed around 40,000 lives.

But don’t worry, all this is of no importance whatsoever, because ‘fact checkers’ have ruled that ‘mass formation psychosis’ isn’t a thing that happened at all during the pandemic.
