Understanding Anti-Putin PSYOPs: Preparing for War

Intro: cause vs pretext

It is not an exaggeration to say that in the mythology of the AngloZionist Empire Putin is something akin to Satan or, at least, that he is a kind of “Sauron” who is the epitome of evil. And, we all heard that recently, Biden, in a recorded interview, declared that Putin is “a killer”. When given a chance to soften this statement Jen Psaki did no such thing. We can, therefore, conclude that this was an official, deliberately planned, characterization of the Russian leader.

This kind of language was never used by western officials during the Cold War, at least not on the top levels. So why this seething hatred for Putin?

It is not because he is ex-GPU KGB SSSR. Yuri Andropov was a former KGB Chairman, and he did a lot to strengthen the KGB, its personnel and operations. Yet nobody called him a killer. Neither is this because of Crimea or the Donbass, at least not directly, because when the USSR invaded Czechoslovakia and, before that, Hungary, western politicians did not call Khrushchev or Brezhnev “killers”. It is not because of the shooting down of MH-17 (western leaders all know that these are lies created by western special services), because there have been quite a few civilian airliners shot down by various states, but that did not result in the kind of total demonization of the leaders of these states. I could go on and on, but you get the point: even if we carefully parse all the accusations against Putin, we find out that the kind of total demonization he has been the subject of is quite unique in its intensity and scope.

There is a huge difference between the concepts of “cause” and “pretext”, and all the examples I have given are nothing but pretexts. We need to look at the real causes of such a blind hatred for Putin.

Here we come across another list of possible reasons: first, it is undeniable that while Eltsin almost destroyed Russia as a country, Putin single-handedly “resurrected” Russia in an amazingly short time. From a country which was in tatters and a population which wanted nothing more than to become the next Germany or, failing that, at least the next Poland, Putin turned Russia into the strongest military power on the planet and he completely reshaped the Russian perception of themselves and of Russia. Not only that, but Putin used every single move by the West (like, say, sanctions, boycotts or threats) to further strengthen Russia (by means such as import substitutions, international conferences and military maneuvers). Most importantly, Putin de-coupled Russia from a lot of US controlled institutions or mechanisms, a move which also immensely served Russia.

US politicians spoke of a country with an “economy in tatters” and of a “gas station masquerading as a country”. But in the real world (Zone B), the Russia economy did much better than the western ones and, as for the “energy war” between the US, the KSA and Russia, it ended in a catastrophic defeat for the USA and a triumph for Russia and, to a lesser degree, the KSA.

Then came COVID and the truly epic disaster of the West’s total mismanagement of this crisis. Not only that, but the contrast of how Russia (and China!) handled the crisis and what the West did could not have been bigger. As for Russia being the first country to create a vaccine (by now, no less than three of them actually; now Russia is about to release yet another vaccine, this time protecting animals from COVID) and, worse, the country which created the best vaccine on the planet – this is a PR disaster for the West and there is nothing the West can do to soften the blow. If anything, things are only getting worse as shown by all the coming lockdowns in Europe – contrast that with this photo of happy Lavrov in China wearing a mask with “FCKNG QRNTN” written on it!

But that is not the real reason either, as shown by the fact that the West already hated Putin long before COVID.

The “stolen” Cold War victory

In truth, the West has a very long list of reasons for which to hate Putin and everything Russian, but I believe that there is one reason which trumps them all: the western leaders sincerely believed that they had defeated the USSR in the Cold War (even medals were made to commemorate this event) and following the collapse of the former superpower and the coming to power of a clueless, alcoholic puppet, the triumph of the West was total. At least in appearance. The reality, as always, was much more complicated.

The causes and mechanisms of the collapse of the Soviet Union are not our topic today, so I will just indicate that I believe that the USSR never “collapsed” but that it was deliberately destroyed by the CPSU apparatus which decided to break up the country in order for the Party and Nomenklatura to remain in power, not at the helm of the USSR, but at the helm of the various ex-Soviet republics. Weak leaders and ideologies which nobody really believes in do not inspire people to fight for their rulers. This is why the Russian monarchy collapsed, this is why the masonic democracy of Kerenskii collapsed and this is why the Soviet Union collapsed (this is also one of the most likely reasons for the final collapse of the US as a state).

Putin, who was not very well known in the West or, for that matter, in Russia, came to power and immediately reversed Russia’s course towards the abyss. First, he dealt with the two most urgent threats, the oligarchs and the Wahabi insurrection in the Caucasus. Many Russians, including myself, were absolutely amazed at the speed and determination of his actions. As a result, Putin suddenly found himself one of the most popular leaders in Russian history. Initially, the West went into a kind of shock, then through a process reminiscent of the so-called “Kübler-Ross model” and, finally, the West settled into a russophobic frenzy not seen since the Nazi regime in Germany during WWII.

To understand why Putin is the Devil incarnate, we have to understand that the leaders of the collective West really thought that this time around, after a millennium of failures and embarrassing defeats, the West has finally “defeated” Russia which would now become a leaderless, culture-less, spiritual-less and, of course, history-less territory whose sole purpose would be to provide resources for the “Triumphant West”. Not only that, but the AngloZionist leaders of the Empire executed the 9/11 false flag operation which gave them the pretext needed for the GWOT, but which completely distracted the West from its previous focus on the so-called “Russian threat” simply because by 2001 there was no Russian threat. So there was a certain logic behind these moves. And then, “suddenly” (at least for western leaders) Russia was “back”: in 2013 Russia stopped the planned US/NATO attack on Syria (the pretext here was Syrian chemical weapons). In 2014 Russia gave her support to the Novorussian uprising against the Ukronazi regime in Kiev and, in the same year, Russia also used her military to make it possible for the local population to vote on a referendum to join Russia. Finally, in 2015, Russia stunned the West with an extremely effective military intervention in Syria.

In this sequence, Russia committed two very different types of “crimes” (from the AngloZionist point of view, of course):

  • The minor crime of doing what Russia actually did and
  • The much bigger crime of never asking the Empire for the permission to do so

The West likes to treat the rest of the planet like some kind of junior partner, with very limited autonomy and almost no real agency (the best example is what the USA did to countries like Poland or Bulgaria). If and when any such “junior” country wants to do something in its foreign policy, it absolutely has to ask for permission from its AngloZionist Big Brother. Not doing so is something akin to sedition and revolt. In the past, many countries were “punished” for daring to have an opinion or, even more so, for daring to act on it.

It would not be inaccurate to summarize it all by saying that Putin flipped his finger to the Empire and its leaders. That “crime of crimes” was what really triggered the current anti-Russian hysteria. Soon, however, the (mostly clueless) leaders of the Empire ran into an extremely frustrating problem: while the russophobic hysteria did get a lot of traction in the West, in Russia it created a very powerful blowback because of a typical Putin “judo” move: far from trying to suppress the anti-Russian propaganda of the West, the Kremlin used its power to make it widely available (in Russian!) through the Russian media (I wrote about this in some detail here and here). The direct result of this was two fold: first, the CIA/MI6 run “opposition” began to be strongly associated with the russophobic enemies of Russia and, second, the Russian general public further rallied around Putin and his unyielding stance. In other words, calling Putin a dictator and, of course, a “new Hitler”, the western PSYOPs gained some limited advantage in the western public opinion, but totally shot itself in the leg with the Russian public.

I refer to this stage as the “phase one anti-Putin strategic PSYOP”. As for the outcome of this PSYOP, I would not only say that it almost completely failed, but I think that it had the exact opposite intended effect inside Russia.

A change of course was urgently needed.

The redirection of US PSYOPs against Putin and Russia

I have to admit that I have a very low opinion of the US intelligence community, including its analysts. But even the rather dull US “Russia area specialist” eventually figured out that telling the Russian public opinion that Putin was a “dictator” or a “killer of dissidents” or a “chemical poisoner of exiles” resulted in a typically Russian mix of laughter and support for the Kremlin. Something had to be done.

So some smart ass somewhere in some basement came up with the following idea: it makes no sense to accuse Putin of things which make him popular at home, so let’s come up with a new list of accusations carefully tailored to the Russian public.

Let’s call this a “phase two anti-Putin PSYOP operation”.

And this is how the “Putin is in cahoots with” thing began. Specifically, these accusations were deployed by the US PSYOPs and those in its pay:

  • Putin is disarming Syria
  • Putin will sell out the Donbass
  • Putin is a puppet of Israel and, specifically, Netanyahu
  • Putin is a corrupt traitor to the Russian national interests
  • Putin is allowing Israel to bomb Syria (see here)
  • Putin is selling the Siberian riches to China and/or Putin is subjugating Russia to China
  • Putin is corrupt, weak and even cowardly
  • Putin was defeated by Erdogan in the Nagorno-Karabakh war

The above are the main talking points immediately endorsed and executed by the US strategic PSYOPs against Russia.

Was it effective?

Yes, to some degree. For one thing, these “anti-Russian PSYOPS reloaded” were immediately picked up by at least part of what one could call the “internal patriotic opposition” (much of it very sincerely and without any awareness of being skillfully manipulated). Even more toxic was the emergence of a rather loud neo-Communist (or, as Ruslan Ostashko often calls them “emo-Marxist”) movement (I personally refer to as a sixth column) which began an internal anti-Kremlin propaganda campaign centered on the following themes:

  • “All is lost” (всепропальщики): that is thesis which says that nothing in Russia is right, everything is either wrong or evil, the country is collapsing, so is its economy, its science, its military, etc. etc. etc. This is just a garden variety of defeatism, nothing more.
  • “Nothing was achieved since Putin came to power”: this is a weird one, since it takes an absolutely spectacular amount of mental gymnastics to not see that Putin literally saved Russia from total destruction. This stance also completely fails to explain why Putin is so hated by the Empire (if Putin did everything wrong, like, say Eltsin did, he would be adored in the West, not hated!).
  • All the elections in Russia were stolen. Here the 5th (CIA/MI6 run) column and 6th column have to agree: according to both of them, there is absolutely no way most Russians supported Putin for so many years and there is no way they support him now. And nevermind the fact that the vast majority of polls show that Putin was, and still is, the most popular political figure in Russia.

Finally, the big SNAFU with the pension reform definitely did not help Putin’s ratings, so he had to take action: he “softened” some of the worst provisions of this reform and, eventually, he successfully sidelined some of the worst Atlantic Integrationists, including Medvedev himself.

Sadly, some putatively pro-Russian websites, blogs and individuals showed their true face when they jumped on the bandwagon of this 2nd strategic PSYOP campaign, probably with the hope to either become more noticed, or get some funding, or both. Hence, all the nonsense about Russia and Israel working together or Putin “selling out” we have seen so many times recently. The worst thing here is that these websites, blogs and individuals have seriously misled and distressed some of the best real friends of Russia in the West.

None of these guys ever address a very simple question: if Putin is such a sellout, and if all is lost, why does the AngloZionist Empire hate Putin so much? In almost 1000 years of warfare (spiritual, cultural, political, economic and military) against Russia, the leaders of the West have always hated real Russian patriots and they have always loved the (alas, many) traitors to Russia. And now, they hate Putin because he is such a terrible leader?

This makes absolutely no sense.

Conclusion: is a war inevitable now?

The US/NATO don’t engage in strategic PYSOPs just because they like or dislike somebody. The main purpose of such PSYOPs is to break the other side’s will to resist. This was also the main objective of both (phase one and phase two) anti-Putin PSYOPs. I am happy to report that both phases of these PYSOPs failed. The danger here is that these failures have failed to convince the leaders of the Empire of the need to urgently change course and accept the “Russian reality”, even if they don’t like it.

Ever since “Biden” (the “collective Biden”, of course, not the potted plant) Administration (illegally) seized power, what we saw was a sharp escalation of anti-Russian statements. Hence, the latest “uhu, he is a killer” – this was no mistake by a senile mind, this was a carefully prepared declaration. Even worse, the Empire has not limited itself to just words, it also did some important “body moves” to signal its determination to seek even further confrontation with Russia:

  • There has been a lot of sabre-rattling coming from the West, mostly some rather ill-advsied (or even outright stupid) military maneuvers near/along the Russian border. As I have explained it a billion times, these maneuvers are self-defeating from a military point of view (the closer to the Russian border, the more dangerous for the western military force). Politically, however, they are extremely provocative and, therefore, dangerous.
  • The vast majority of Russian analysts do not believe that the US/NATO will openly attack Russia, if only because that would be suicidal (the current military balance in Europe is strongly in Russia’s favor, even without using hypersonic weapons). What many of them now fear is that “Biden” will unleash the Ukronazi forces against the Donbass, thereby “punishing” both the Ukraine and Russia (the former for its role in the US presidential campaign). I tend to agree with both of these statements.

At the end of the day, the AngloZionist Empire was always racist at its core, and that empire is still racist: for its leaders, the Ukrainian people are just cannon fodder, an irrelevant third rate nation with no agency which has outlived its utility (US analysts do understand that the US plan for the Ukraine has ended in yet another spectacular faceplant such delusional plans always end up with, even if they don’t say so publicly). So why not launch these people into a suicidal war against not only the LDNR but also Russia herself? Sure, Russia will quickly and decisively win the military war, but politically it will be a PR disaster for Russia as the “democratic West” will always blame Russia, even when she clearly did not attack first (as was the case in 08.08.08, most recently).

I have already written about the absolutely disastrous situation of the Ukraine three weeks ago so I won’t repeat it all here, I will just say that since that day things have gotten even much worse: suffice to say that the Ukraine has moved a lot of heavy armor to the line of contact while the regime in Kiev has now banned the import of Russian toilet paper (which tells you what the ruling gang thinks of as important and much needed measures). While it is true that the Ukraine has become a totally failed state since the Neo-Nazi coup, there is now a clear acceleration of the collapse of not only the regime or state, but of the country as a whole. Ukraine is falling apart so fast that one could start an entire website tracking only all this developing horror, not day by day, but, hour by hour. Suffice to say that “Ze” has turned out to be even worse than Poroshenko. The only thing Poroshenko did which “Ze” has not (yet!) is to start a war. Other than that, the rest of what he did (by action or inaction) can only be qualified as “more of the same, only worse”.

Can a war be prevented?

I don’t know. Putin gave the Ukronazis a very stern warning (“grave consequences for Ukraine’s statehood as such“). I don’t believe for one second that anybody in power in Kiev gives a damn about the Ukraine or the Ukrainian statehood, but they are smart enough to realize that a Russian counter-attack in defense of the LDNR and, even more so, Crimea, might include precision “counter-leadership” strikes with advanced missiles. The Ukronazi leaders would be well-advised to realize that they all have a crosshair painted on their heads. They might also think about this: what happened to every single Wahabi gang leader in Chechnya since the end of the 2nd Chechen war? (hint: they were all found and executed). Will that be enough to stop them?

Maybe. Let’s hope so.

But we must now keep in mind that for the foreseeable future there are only two options left for the Ukraine: “a horrible ending or a horror without end” (Russian expression).

  1. The best scenario for the people of the Ukraine would be a (hopefully relatively peaceful) breakup of the country into manageable parts.
  2. The worst option would definitely be a full-scale war against Russia.

Judging by the rhetoric coming out of Kiev these days, most Ukrainian politicians are firmly behind option #2, especially since that is also the only option acceptable to their overseas masters. The Ukrainians have also adopted a new military doctrine (they call it a “military security strategy of Ukraine”) which declares Russia the aggressor state and military adversary of the Ukraine (see here for a machine translation of the official text).

This might be the reason why Merkel and Macron recently had a videoconference with Putin (“Ze” was not invited): Putin might be trying to convince Merkel and Macron that such a war would be a disaster for Europe. In the meantime, Russia is rapidly reinforcing her forces along the Ukrainian border, including in Crimea.

But all these measures can only deter a regime which has no agency. The outcome shall be decided in Washington DC, not Kiev. I am afraid that the traditional sense of total impunity of US political leaders will, once again, give them a sense of very little risk (for them personally or for the USA) in triggering a war in the Ukraine. The latest news on the US-Ukrainian front is the delivery by the USN of 350 tonnes of military equipment in Odessa. Not enough to be militarily significant, but more than enough to further egg on the regime in Kiev to an attack on the Donbass and/or Crimea.

In fact, I would not even put it past “Biden” to launch an attack on Iran while the world watches the Ukraine and Russia go to war. After all, the other country whose geostrategic position has been severely degraded since Russia moved her forces to Syria is Israel, the one country which all US politicians will serve faithfully and irrespective of any costs (including human costs for the USA). The Israelis have been demanding a war on Iran since at least 2007, and it would be very naive to hope that they won’t eventually get their way. Last, but not least, there is the crisis which Blinken’s condescending chutzpah triggered with China which, so far, has resulted in an economic war only, but which might also escalate at any moment, especially considering all the many recent anti-Chinese provocations by the US Navy.

Right now the weather in the eastern Ukraine is not conducive to offensive military operations. The snow is still melting, creating very difficult and muddy road conditions (called “rasputitsa” in Russian) which greatly inhibit the movement of forces and troops. These conditions will, however, change with the warmer season coming, at which point the Ukronazi forces will be ideally poised for an attack.

In other words, barring some major development, we might be only weeks away from a major war.


Makow- Why the Jews Crucified Christ


Jesus’ murder was part of a cosmic struggle between Good and Evil, Life and Death.    The covid scam continues this struggle to stop the enslavement or even destruction of mankind. The reason for the Crucifixion is very simple. When Christ extended God’s Grace to all people, he offended the Jews’ sense of Choosiness.
from April 19, 2019by Henry Makow PhD

What is vexing humanity?  The truth is overlooked because we can’t believe anything so important could be so simple.When Christ extended God’s Grace to all people, he offended the Jews’ sense of Choosiness. That, apparently, was an unpardonable sin.   Christ said God is in everyone.
The ability to hear God defines us as “human.”It enables us to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly, sick and healthy. This Divine Spirit infuses human life, according to all true religions. Judaism, however, begs to differ.


Judaism maintains that only Jews have a soul; only Jews channel God’s will; only Jews are human. The earth belongs to Jews. Non-Jews exist to serve Jews. 
The Jewish people is the God of the Jewish people, destined to rule the world. 
The Jewish hatred of all things Christian stems from this primitive tribal ideology. I would hazard a guess that much of history can be explained by it.
But it gets worse. They need to destroy Christian civilization in order to rebuild the world in their own sick image. They call that “healing the world.” 
We are very much like passengers in a plane that has been hijacked by a doomsday cult. We’re passengers on the Titanic. We’re in the thrall of some pretty sick people. 
You see, God is their competition. He must be destroyed along with his adherents. In the meantime, mankind must be degraded to the level of – I won’t say animals; they are often very decent — Demons!  
Mankind must be inducted into their cult, as their servants.


This is the ideology of a small doomsday cult, the Chabad. Most Jews dismiss these people as fanatics and just want to assimilate. They do not subscribe to this megalomania. They are not told about it. How could they be manipulated if they were? For smart people, I have never seen so many dupes. Especially considering how this lunacy puts all Jews in jeopardy. 
Rabbi Joachim Prinz remarked on the “apparent inability of Jews to understand or predict their own catastrophes. The Jews, whose history consists of one tragedy after another, has yet to be prepared for any one of them.” 

The Jewish leadership — the Rothschilds and their cohorts — do follow this ideology. They worship Lucifer and are willing to perform any depravity to prove it.  Unfortunately, these lunatics control the world through the banking system. 

They have finagled the credit cards of the nations and can afford to buy everything and everyone. They have. “Globalism” is but a mask for their tyranny. 
The central banking system epitomizes the Cabalist Jewish ethos: exploiting the goyim. They extract billions of interest every year for producing “credit”  out of thin air, something the goyim could do themselves if they weren’t so craven, venal and feckless. 
PASSOVERWhileChristians commemorate the Crucifixion, Friday, April 19 is also the first day of Passover. Supposedly it commemorates the liberation of Jews from slavery in Egypt. Most likely, this was the first of many Jewish expulsions down through the ages for exploiting the goyim.  


Christ’s God of Love is not the Jewish God. He is a bloodthirsty tyrant, a national champion who slaughters anyone who gets in their way.
Wikipedia:“In the narrative of the Exodus, the Bible tells that God helped the Children of Israel escape from their slavery in Egypt by inflicting ten plagues upon the ancient Egyptians before the Pharaoh would release his Israelite slaves; the tenth and worst of the plagues was the death of the Egyptian first-born.The Israelites were instructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of a slaughtered spring lamb and, upon seeing this, the spirit of the Lord knew to pass over the first-born in these homes, hence the English name of the holiday.”CONCLUSIONI have a reputation as an antisemite, a “self-hating” Jew. This is how they smear anyone who exposes their lies. In fact, I love my fellow Jews. Many are tremendously talented, hardworking, smart and funny. That’s why it pains me to see them duped and used for evil. 
You cannot challenge God and ever win in the things that matter.
Cabalists accuse their opponents of “hatred.” They are the haters if you include enslaving non-Jews. 
As Christ says, God is Love.
 God is Life. 
The war is not between interest groups.  The war is between Love and Hate, Life and Death. 


There is no place for hatred of Jews, Muslims, Blacks or Hindus. We were all born into this realm through no choice of our own. Alone, we stumble across the stage of life, and, alone, we face our Maker. All we need is a little love, just like plants need sunshine. We feed on it.  
God has given us the miracle of life and bounty to support it. Most of us don’t ask for much. The one per cent who are hogging 50% of the world’s wealth must relax their grip and allow the hungry millions to have a decent life in their own homelands. 

The quest for limitless wealth is self-destructive. It does not bring happiness. The only thing the Rothschilds don’t have is love. I urge the Illuminati to embrace God and turn their backs on chaos and death. You don’t want to hear this. But only God can make you happy. That’s what you are really seeking.
We have a choice. We can worship (obey) God or Satan.
If we obey God, the earth will be heaven, because that is the Creator’s Plan.
If we embrace Satan, the earth will be hell.
This war is between Life and Death. They are the Spirit of Death. We are committing suicide.
Instead, on this Good Friday, let us affirm Life!
First and foremost, we must be One. We must hold our noses and Love one another. —
Related – Noahide Laws enshrine worship of Jews as the New World Religion.We’re not saying it. Chabad Jews are saying it and Trump is doing it.Adam Green 1 hr 30 min Must See
Michael Hoffman – Jews not Romans Killed Christ
Leon de Poncins – Why Judaism Hates Christ
Israel is Dragging the Us Into WW3, says retired Colonel



Throughout the years, I have been asked a lot of questions from women about sex in marriage. The questions about oral and anal sex are the ones most commonly asked. I love what Got Questions has to say about both of these:

Is oral sex a sin if done within a marriage?

“Many, perhaps most, Christian married couples have had this question. What makes it difficult is the fact that the Bible nowhere says what is allowed or disallowed sexually between a husband and wife, other than, of course, any sexual activity that involves another person (swapping, threesomes, etc.) or that involves lusting after another person (pornography). Outside of these two restrictions, the principle of ‘mutual consent’ would seem to apply (1 Corinthians 7:5). While this text specifically deals with abstaining from sex/frequency of sex, ‘mutual consent’ is a good concept to apply universally in regards to sex within marriage. Whatever is done, it should be fully agreed on between the husband and his wife. Neither spouse should be forced or coerced into doing something he/she is not completely comfortable with. If oral sex is done within the confines of marriage and in the spirit of mutual consent, there is not a biblical case for declaring it to be a sin.”

Concerning anal sex, this is what they wrote:

“Anal sex between a husband and wife, within the confines of marriage, in the spirit of mutual consent, cannot be definitively categorized as a sin.

“Please note – while anal sex between a husband and his wife might not be sinful, that does not mean we endorse it. In fact, it is our conviction that anal sex is wrong, even within the confines of marriage. Medically speaking, anal sex is neither healthy nor safe. Anal sex increases the risk of tissue damage, infection, and the transmission of STDs.”

I feel badly for young women today since most men have watched porn. When I was young and married, these things were never spoken about. Oral sex became popular after Clinton had oral sex in the Oval Office and stated that it wasn’t sex. Then oral sex exploded. I’m not saying it’s sinful, but some wives have told me that this is all their husband wants. Anal sex has become popular in the past years, sadly, too. I’m sure it’s due to porn usage.

Personally, I believe that there should be mutual consent in the bedroom between a husband and a wife, as Got Questions wrote. However, a wife should want to please her husband in the bedroom and not defraud him, but if there are things that she feels entirely uncomfortable doing, she should not have to do it.

 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
1 Corinthians 7:3-5

***Here’s a GREAT sermon by John MacArthur on the rape of Song of Solomon. “Mark Driscoll has boldly led the parade down this carnal path. He is by far the best-known and most prolific popular proponent of handling the Song of Solomon that way. He has said repeatedly that this is his favorite passage of Scripture, and he has come back to it again and again in recent years, culminating in a highly publicized series released on video via the Internet last year.”

Here’s part two in this sermon series.

Part three. “That’s a particular problem when the interpreter sees a mandate for oral sex in the simple metaphor of a fruit tree or imagines that the best way to contextualize and illustrate portions of the text is by verbally undressing his own wife in order to make the point as vivid as possible. In such a case, not only has the speaker given far too much weight to his own speculative imagination; he has given a fairly clear signal that his imagination is not altogether pure (Luke 6:45).

“And that is a far more serious problem than merely allegorizing the text.”

Part four. “I have a real problem with anyone interpreting Song of Solomon like that. . . . To be honest, words fail me when I even try to explain myself—when I try to explain how I just cannot even conceive of Song of Solomon like that. The poetic nature of the Song is entirely eroded when we assign such meaning to it: such specific meaning. And I think as well of what it may do to a couple to be able to say “Look, this specific sex act is mandated in Scripture. So let’s do it.” That may be said to a spouse who has no desire to do that act or who even finds it distasteful. And yet with our interpretation of Song of Solomon, which we really have no way of proving (at least beyond a reasonable doubt) we are potentially bludgeoning an unwilling partner into doing something. I just . . . again, words really fail me here.

Mutual Consent in the Bedroom

Nearly arrested in Nashville, Tennessee library for refusing to cooperate with mask law hoax.

Yesterday evening, March 31st, inspired by Henry’s latest article on Civil Disobedience, I went to the downtown Nashville library, which is in the process of being gutted by Social Justice, Cultural Marxist activists. What evidence did I have for this?  They had BLM books and posters all over the entrance lobby.

I promptly took pictures, and went to explore the library.

The librarian, who was in the massive foyer, apparently did not have the courage to tell me to put a mask on.  So, he tattled to a police officer upstairs, who began descending the steps as I began ascending them.  

He told me to put a mask on, and I told him masks were a hoax, that 99.7% of those under 70 recovered from the virus, and that the CDC and WHO, both who were not accountable to American taxpayers at all, but rather, are both controlled by the big corporations making record profits off this lockdown, CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF A PANDEMIC IN 2009 from deaths to infections.  This means, the pre-2009 definition, if still in force, would mean no mandated masks and no mandatory lockdowns.  This proves, to anyone with common sense, that this entire lockdown is a gigantic hoax. 

He then called two more police officers.  I told him I support the police, however, not when police follow bogus laws intended to harm the citizenry.  Finally, noting there was only 30 minutes left until the library closed, I consented to put a mask on.  However, I then toured the entire three floors of the library, and apparently all three floors had been alerted, because they gave knowing smiles when I approached.

On the top floor, a gentleman with hair dyed pink, when asked what he thought of the mask mandate, said he didn’t want to talk about it.  “Well”, said I, “you’re following nonsensical rules you cannot discuss or understand, which is really pathetic”.

Then, I wondered if the library had been cleaning out their children’s section like other libraries have been doing around America.  I wanted to check if they had the Wizard of Oz series, that I enjoyed as a child.  By the way, I’ve been in dozens of libraries in America, in the past year, and THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME CULTURAL MARXIST MESSAGING.  This is not coming from the community, it’s elites who control the American library association (ALA) are forcing their propaganda down America’s throats funding it with our tax dollars.  

As I get to the children’s section, I notice the police officer there, and he’s on the phone, ending a conversation with someone.  “Yes, I understand, I’ll talk to him”, he says. I immediately deduced the clerk on the upper floor had tattled to the police, after getting chewed out.  The library was full of effeminate tattletale librarians, who use the police as their personal bodyguards to defend their ridiculous, arbitrary, and tyrannical rules.  

So, then, three police officers told me I had to leave the children’s section because I had no kids. A five minute video is included, I wish I had better technology.


The audacity.  There is absolutely no law that says you have to have kids to visit the kids section of the library.  Then, when I told him if he could show me the rule, I would leave, a female librarian, brainwashed in college no doubt, as all librarians must have college degrees, shows me the rule, WHICH SPECIFICALLY SAYS THAT ADULTS AND TEENS MAY BROWSE THE CHILDREN’S SECTION.  So, they were saying I was breaking a rule that their own rules showed clearly they were wrong about.  So, I refused to leave, and continued refusing to leave, until, finally, I asked for the police officers supervisors name and number,  informing him that if he was so concerned about his job, when the public finds out he’s threatening to arrest people for going to the children’s section of the library, he’s really going to have something to worry about.  The public pays for the library and police to ensure the ACCESS OF ALL OF THE PUBLIC TO ALL PARTS OF THE LIBRARY.  

Finally ended, and walked out.  The officer told me I would be arrested if I entered the library for a year, and I told him I’d be speaking with his supervisor and he’d be lucky to have a job tomorrow.  

Will be contacting his supervisor today.  Then, I began touring the state Capitol building, which is quite a sight.  I saw the two presidents from Tennessee, both Andrews, Andrew Jackson, and Andrew Johnson.  They both had statues, and it is interesting to remember that Andrew Jackson fought off Nicholas Biddle, the Rothschilds, and their bank, nearly getting assassinated for his efforts.  

Those same devilish bankers are behind the chaos we are dealing with today.  

I saw a statue of Sam Davis, who was a Confederate soldier spy, found behind Union Lines with information on Union troop positions, and who, rather than inform on his own side, chose to die, when faced with the death penalty, saying, when offered leniency, “ “I WOULD DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS BEFORE I WOULD BETRAY A FRIEND.”  Don’t believe in the Confederate cause, but this was a brave action.Further along was a massive monument to all the volunteers of Tennessee who gave their lives from World War 1 on.  Very sad to reflect that thy died for the bankers wealth and power, not for their families or America, as they had been deceived into think g by the lying media, which is still lying and deceiving to this day.  
As I turned a corner, I saw an attractive woman speaking at the Capitol, with a cameraman videoing her.  I approached to hear what she was saying, and heard her uttering the latest coronavirus propaganda.  Indignant, I passed behind her, to ensure that the camera saw me too, and then exploded, “Why are you lying to the American people?  99.7% of those who get coronavirus under 70 recover, this shutdown is a gigantic hoax.”  The cameraman began gesticulating, annoyed, to silence me. This only motivated my efforts.  The woman stood quietly to the side with a bemused smile on her face, and I denounced both of them, telling them they ought to be ashamed of themselves for lying to America,  That God hates liars, and he surely must hate both of them.  They folded up the camera and left.
After that, I toured for about three hours more, then walked three miles home, over the beautiful Cumberland River.  

As I passed over the river, on the downtown side, I saw the social justice warriors had been busy setting up markers to inspire racial hatred. Also, downtown Nashville still has businesses that are badly damaged and not open due to the George Floyd riots of May of last year. This plaque was installed in 2019, and its some anonymous race victim group that thinks reminding everyone of past racial wrongs is beneficial. All it is is an attempt to stir up hate whitey animosity.

Environmentalism is Euphemism for Genocide


Genocidalists Julian Huxley, Princes Philip & Bernhard
Huxley would be taking his life into his hands if he openly called for eugenics, so he called the movement instead environmentalism.
Genocide is a Keystone of Globalism
COVID VACCINES ARE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & COULD WIPE OUT THE HUMAN RACE (DR VERNON COLEMAN)Former Pfizer VP says experimental Covid-19 vaccines could be “used for massive-scale depopulation”   I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil.”
Unless we put a stop to the plans of Prince Charles and his friends, the physical economy will be torn asunder, and a genocide, perhaps several times greater than Hitler’s, will ensue….The Green New Deal is a carefully crafted vehicle for radical population reduction, with almost no real concern about the environment. 


The Global Reset: The Great Leap Backward 
This article appears in the March 26, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

by Richard Freeman(abridged by henrymakow.com)
Britain’s Prince Charles, BlackRock investment advisors,and the financiers of the City of London and Wall Street, are implementing, at great speed, a green genocide program called the Great Reset, or the Green New Deal. 
Under the clothing of environmentalism, it would implement radical population reduction; a shutdown of agricultural-manufacturing production; and the building of a $40 trillion green speculative bubble, all implemented through a central bankers’ dictatorship.
On cue, the witless President Joe Biden issued two very important executive orders–EO13990 and EO14008–within the first week of taking office, and other programs were brought up, such as the policy paper, “Making Mission Possible,” to realize the Green New Deal.
This is being activated at a furious pace that few people actually see.
Unless we put a stop to the plans of Prince Charles and his friends, the physical economy will be torn asunder, and a genocide, perhaps several times greater than Hitler’s, will ensue.

The way to understand the Green New Deal is to understand its history, and its intent. It did not arise out of the thin blue sky. 
The Green New Deal was not assembled in 2017, as the media often dishonestly and profusely report. Rather it is the culmination of a 75-year project. The Green New Deal is a carefully crafted vehicle for radical population reduction, with almost no real concern about the environment. 
The genocidalists who assembled the Green New Deal, and its offshoots, believe that only the super-wealthy, the upper three or four percent of the population, are fit to live; they regard the other part of the population, the 96 percent, as, in the words of the Nazis, “people whose lives are not worthy to live.”
In 1946, Julian Huxley, called for the revival of the Nazi policy of eugenics, only one year after World War II had ended. In the same year of 1946, Huxley had created and appointed himself director of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In the statement stating UNESCO’s purpose, Huxley wrote:
The dead weight of genetic stupidity, mental instability, and disease-proneness, which already exist in the human species, will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest possible care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.
In 1946, the issue of eugenics was highly charged. Even though Huxley put it into UNESCO’s policy statement, he would be taking his life into his hands if he called for eugenics as a movement openly, so he called the movement instead environmentalism.
As for Prince Philip, in the foreword to a 1987 book [by Fleur Cowles] called, If I Were an Animal, he wrote in response to human population growth, “I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a deadly virus.”
Princes Philip and Bernhard, along with Huxley, created the World Wildlife Fund as an organization command center for what would become the Great Reset. They deployed Philip’s son Charles for this purpose.
Prince Charles’ power derives not from himself, but comes from his location in an institutional arrangement amongst the monarchy; the City of London, Wall Street, and other financial centers; the Bank of England; and MI5, MI6, GCHQ–the intelligence centers. I want to emphasize that there are other forces as well.
In the early 1990s, Philip et al. deployed Charles to help set up and direct the agenda of the Earth Summit, which was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. 
I will only report on two features. The summit was an extravaganza with more than 100 heads of state and 38,000 people in attendance. The first feature is that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change previously had reported on climate change as both natural and man-made. 
At the Rio summit, it only reported henceforth that climate change was man-made. Second, it laid out sharp reductions in greenhouses gases; the reductions were made mandatory at the Kyoto summit five years later in 1997. The Rio Earth summit became the precedent for all future UN environmental summits held every five years….
If Executive Orders 13990 and 14008, now signed by President Biden, are implemented, they will cripple America’s agricultural and industrial capacity and destroy its ability to make breakthroughs to next levels of development.

The situation has intensified as the British attempt to impose the Great Reset/Green New Deal upon a willing Biden administration, making the United States the leading model for this program globally.
Biden and his Special Envoy for Climate, former Secretary of State John Kerry, are working at a frenzied pace. They are adopting policies, by executive orders, that would, by design, significantly undermine America’s agricultural and industrial physical capacity and assets. This would threaten the nation’s human existence.
On January 20, a mere few hours after having been sworn in as President, Biden signed Executive Order 13990. In a simplified explanation, all federal, state, and local levels of government are required by law to evaluate each new potential infrastructure or other project on a cost-benefit analysis basis, in which the benefit is supposed to be greater than the cost. What Biden’s EO13990 does, is it would make mandatory that “social costs of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases” are made part of the cost-benefit analysis…
The good news is that on March 8, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and the Attorneys General from 11 other states, filed suit against Biden’s Executive Order 13990 in the Eastern District of Missouri, saying:
[It will] inflict trillions of dollars of damage to the U.S. economy for decades to come. It will destroy jobs, stifle energy production, strangle America’s energy independence, suppress agriculture, deter innovation, and impoverish working families.
As for Biden’s EO 14008, it is sweeping. It’s going to direct the Director of National Intelligence, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to report on the security implications of climate change. So, it’s now shifting climate change into a central policy in every agency, including our Defense Department and the intelligence services.
Executive Order 14008 … will take out of use 30% of federal lands and 30% of federal waters from any form of energy development or use for productive purposes like agriculture.
Lastly, we briefly consider a policy paper called, “Making Mission Possible,” produced by the London-based Energy Transitions Commission. The report appears to set the ground to heavily reduce the production and use of aluminum, cement, and steel, because allegedly their production involves the production of too much greenhouse gases that could lead supposedly to higher levels of global warming…
If you took those three elements out by themselves, you could not build infrastructure, you would not have manufacturing, you would not have agricultural implements.
Kill off significant sections of agriculture, as Biden’s executive orders would do, and the economy is blowing out, and human existence plummets, setting the stage for the 75-year-old project run by Julian Huxley, Prince Charles and Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, for the radical reduction of the population. But it is the same condition in most nations of the world with the exception of China, and positive sections of Asia.
The lawsuit filed by the Attorneys General of 12 states indicates we have tremendous openings, if we seize them. We can bring the Green New Deal completely down, and move into the world of the Belt and Road Initiative.


Mark Of The Beast In Our Faces : ‘No Man Might Buy Or Sell, Save He That Had The Mark’…….. Or A ‘Vaccine’ Passport – The Most Disturbing Part Of This Is They Are Not Even Trying To Hide Their Attempt To Force The Mark On Americans

By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine

Revelation 13:17 – “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

We were warned back in 2020 that while Big Brother wouldn’t physically force the COVID vaccine on the population, the fact that airlines, sports events and other places were groups gather, would require proof of ‘vaccination’ before allowing entry, was a huge red flag over where this was all going.

In February the European Union decided to have “digital verification passports” in order to travel, and again, Revelation 13:17, shown above, blared like flashing neon light to those that knew this day was coming.

Greece, Spain and Italy, Germany, and Israel are just some nations that will require the “mark” aka proof of vaccination in order to do a variety of things.

Related: Washington confirms ‘breakthrough’ COVID-19 cases after vaccination


Revelation 14:11 – “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”

It is now March 2021, and there is a battle raging throughout America over the much-talked about “vaccine passport,” which would allow Americans “access to certain activities, buildings or events,” as reported by The Hill:

Requiring vaccine passports could allow industries that have been closed off for much of the past year to reopen while minimizing the risks of spreading the virus. And proponents say virtual passes would speed up the verification process.

In New York, which last week became the first state to formally launch a virtual pass, the voluntary information is being touted as helping the state boost businesses that faced some of the toughest restrictions during the pandemic.

It is noteworthy that the excused being used as well as the threat of forcing businesses to stay closed is that reopening with a “vaccine passport” would risk a rise in cases of COVID, yet Texas has reopened totally, schools in session and their infection rate has not risen because of the reopening, without the Mark of the beast aka the “vaccine” passport.

The COVID cases in Texas have actually declined. That decline has the so-called scientists that predicted a new “surge” in cases if Texas reopened, scratching their heads bewilderment.

Back to the battle raging between those that favor the Mark of the Beast aka Democrats and those battling against the vaccination passports aka Republicans.

States run by liberals are planning so form of vaccine passport, while states run by conservatives are setting governmental functions to prevent their constituents from being forced to obtain a vaccine passport.


New York’s Excelsior Pass, created in partnership with IBM, allows people to show if they have been vaccinated before attending events where proof is required.

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) on Monday signaled his state may launch a similar pass in the coming months.

“I think it’s a little premature, only in that not everyone has the vaccine available to them yet. But I like to think within a month or two when broadly available, I think you will see some type of vaccine passport or validation … probably led by the private sector,” Lamont said at a press briefing.


DeSantis vowed on Monday to take executive action this week to ban the passes.

“It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply participate in normal society,” he said at a press conference.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) slammed the Biden administration for “one of the most un American ideas in our nation’s history,” even though the administration has yet to provide any guidance on the matter.

“The @joebiden #CovidPassport proposal is one of the most un American ideas in our nation’s history. We as Americans should oppose this oppression,” Noem tweeted Monday night.

Congressional Republicans have also joined the chorus of criticism.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) tweeted that “Vaccine Passports are unconstitutional,” while Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) used it as a chance to ramp up criticism of President Biden’s immigration policy.

RelatedThe Mark? California Issuing Digital Papers for Vaccination Verification Program

A comment on that piece over at The Hill stated :”This is a giant step to the mark of the beast. You must take the mark to buy or sell. We are now fulfilling prophecy marking signs of the end of time. The Bible has said this will happen, and now we see it in real time.”

Conservatives by and large have made it clear that this will not just be used sparingly during the pandemic, but that everyday purchases from stores, grocers, and other retailers would soon require the “Mark” (passport) in order to do any business at all.

Even RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) such as Justin Amash, are pushing back against the media propaganda regarding these passports, stating “Let’s get the terms clear: A ‘vaccine passport’ is not ‘what we already do.’ It’s not proof of vaccination for internat’l travel or schooling. It’s proof of vaccination for everyday living—groceries, restaurants, movies. It’s disingenuous to conflate the former with the latter.

Conservative firebrand congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has made it very clear that this no less than “Biden’s Mark of the beast” the Bible warned of.

A very short video below: 

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Donations and ad revenue are all that keep ANP online, so please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America’s future at this critical time in US history. With ‘slow-Joe’ Biden occupying the White House, and at a time of systematic, ‘big tech’ censorship and widespread Democrat corruption, truthful media and alternative views are crucial.)https://www.youtube.com/embed/k7pUM-La1SA


Revelation 13:16-18 – “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.”

This may sound a little petty, but I am going to point it out anyway.

It is no surprise that the party of baby killing (abortion) and anti-religion are the ones pushing for the “Mark of the Beast” to be forced on Americans, while the party that fights for religious freedom, is screaming warnings from the rooftops

Do we use the term “evil” just because they are a Democrat? No. 

• It is their support for abortion

• The way liberals use the courts to attack those of faith.

• Care more for their “feelings,” that what is right or wrong, 

• They see themselves as superior to those that believe in the biblical word.

• Fight against free speech and freedom of religion.

• They believe the bible, like the U.S. constitution, is an antiquated concept.

Via the American Thinker, September 2019:

The United States “is a Christian nation.” These words seem shocking today, but they were part of the 1892 Supreme Court decision in Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States.  They were penned by Justice    David J. Brewer as he wrote for the majority.

Find a liberal, anywhere, online or off, and say “America is a Christian nation,” and was founded that way, as the constitution and bill of rights also addressed religion, freedom to worship in the manner we believe, and that liberal will argue the point, or have a literal temper tantrum while refusing to listen at all to an opinion they do not agree with.

What word other than evil can be used to describe many of these people (not all, some just have a different ideology)?


There is no other way when reading the Biblical verses referring to the Mark of the Beast to not see these controversial “vaccine passports” as anything other than the Mark we were all warned of.

The most disturbing part of this whole issue is that they are not even trying to hide the fact that they want to force the mark on people anymore.


Democrats’ Anti-God Religion 

Three Surprising Reasons Why Democrats Avoid Religion


Makow — Antidote for Despair: Non-Violent Resistance


(The Communist program of “Demoralization” described by KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov in 1984 has been realized.Note the “Mistrust Justice.” The Supreme Court took care of that.)
Hundreds of Millions have suffered under Communism and Fascism. Now it’s our turn. Covid is just a flimsy disguise. 

In a recent Twitter poll, I asked “Why have MAGA people been so passive in the wake of the Communist coup?” About 50% of respondents chose “Demoralization” as the answer. Look at Bezmenov’s chart above to see that we have been deliberately subverted. Between the Covid Hoax and the election fraud, they have shredded the social contract. Democracy, individual freedom and the rule of law have been thrown out. All the institutions upon which we rely — government, law, media, education, medicine, business & church — have been systematically sabotaged. Wholesome Christian values like chastity and fidelity were rubbished.  Doing nothing is not an option. The Biden administration is acting aggressively to destroy MAGA people and take down the United States. 

Updated from Feb 8, 2019by Henry Makow PhD
How do the daily headlines make you feel?
I’ll be honest. My first reaction is “F**K the human race. If it can’t get its act together, it deserves to be destroyed. I’m 71. I had a good run. Feel sorry for the children though.” 


But after I’ve had my beauty rest and Snickers bar, I realize this is an example of the demoralization infecting the West. 

We have had the misfortune to be born into a millennia-old satanic conspiracy that is reaching fruition in our lifetime. Most of the major historical events have been designed to advance the ascendency of Satan on planet earth. 
We are under daily attack by Organized Evil, the Principle of Death and Destruction. This is confirmed by 

1. The gratuitous attack on gender, marriage and family 2. The total abdication of journalistic principles by the media and its transformation into a propaganda machine 3. The unprecedented invasion of foreigners financed by our tax dollars  4. The normalization of sexual debauchery. 


5. The emergence of the lunatic Left from the Satanist-Communist closet. (left)6. Abortion to the moment of live birth = satanic child sacrifice. 7. Corporations promoting gender and racial “diversity” and miscegenation. All singing from the same songbook. 8. Biden’s ratcheting up of nuclear war tensions consistent with Jewish armageddon prophecies.

We need to resist the pernicious power that seeks to rob us and our children of our Divine birthright.

Think the resistance movements in Nazi Germany or Communist Eastern Europe and Russia. 


Movements are likely to be infiltrated. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it, Lenin said. What the Illuminati fear, and they said so in the Protocols of Zion, is the “inspired acts” of heroic individuals, or groups of two or three.  
Consider how factory workers sabotaged the Nazi war effort by producing defective parts. We need to support non-violent acts like refusing to follow Covid protocols or pay fines, and boycotting and shaming businesses that demand “passports.” Don’t pay taxes. Use your imagination. If the law becomes the instrument of oppression, we have no choice but to break it. 
We need to acknowledge and support people who sacrifice themselves for the common good. If we fail to do this, no one will take risks on our behalf. We can stand together or be destroyed alone. Don’t kid yourself. Anyone without their Chinese Communist social credit vax certificate might as well be wearing a Jewish yellow star. 


When I look at children, animals and nature I realize how infinitely beautiful and precious this world is. 
God has given us everything and if we are miserable, it is because we disobey Him. 

Our minds have been wiped clean of God. Secret Satanists taught us to despise the word “God.” 
God is the principle of our personal development and growth.  We can no more reject Him than we can reject food, drink and sleep. 
Being true to yourself is the same as being true to God. 
God is also the principle of mankind’s development and growth. He is the principle mankind can unite behind. 
Without restoring God to His rightful place, we are helpless to confront the challenge we face. 
Our purpose on earth is to praise God and fulfil His purpose. 
Want to hear about Extraterrestrials?  We are the Extraterrestrials. We are God’s missionaries sent from Heaven to civilize the earth. 
God placed our soul in the natural world (apes) and waited patiently as we clawed our way up to something resembling civilization. 
All of that is in jeopardy now. 
We may be the highest form of life in the universe. I hope not! That’s too much responsibility.  
But we must act like we are, and grow up fast. 120 years ago, the author of theProtocols of Zion chortled, “the mood in the great cities of Europe is cold and forlorn.”  They don’t want us happy and united.
If we all channelled God (or Jesus Christ) every minute of the day, the world would be heaven. And we would find personal freedom and happiness. Love your neighbour as yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


God is love. He loves us.
Life on earth is a Miracle. Praise God.
We no longer can afford the luxury of demoralization. It is death.
RelatedFreemasonry – Mankind’s Death Wish


“But Dr. Fauci Says…”

Authored by Josh Kantrow via AmericanThinker.com,

I was surprised to receive his text message because I had not heard from him in over a year, he had not responded to two of my texts sent eleven and nine months ago, and we used to see each other about every six to eight weeks for coffee or drinks to talk politics.

And it apparently dealt with an urgent matter: “I need to talk to you, ASAP,” it read.

I was concerned he was in trouble, so I responded and we spoke yesterday.

The person I spoke with, who I will call “Jim,” to protect his privacy (although he doesn’t really deserve it), started off the conversation by stating:

“Something is wrong with you.”

When I asked him to elaborate, he said

“People like you are the reason things are not back to normal.” 

And on and on his rant went.

The upshot is that Jim, a man of the left in his late 40s, has been following me on social media and was highly agitated about the fact that, since travel opened back up, I’ve spent a significant amount of time roaming around our beautiful country, mostly out west, enjoying the great outdoors hiking, biking, rafting, skiing, etc., with various family members, as I work remotely.

My explanations (not that he deserved any) that we observe all local, state, and federal mandates, and reasonable precautions, fell on deaf ears.

Jim signaled his virtue throughout this unpleasant conversation by stating that, unlike me, he and his family have largely stayed indoors, in their house, over the past year.

He said that the only exception to this are occasional early morning walks, “when no one else is around,” essential doctor visits, and weekly excursions to the grocery store (he and his wife alternate), where they wear double masks and equipment to protect their eyes. The person doing the shopping then quarantines in a separate room inside their house for a few days. When I asked Jim why he didn’t have his groceries delivered, he had no good answer. When I asked him whether he or any family members had any medical issues that warranted such extreme precautions, he said he was “highly offended” by my use of the word “extreme,” but that no one had any pre-existing medical conditions.

He added, “You know, some of us just want to do our part.”

When I explained that the very outdoor activities that we have been engaging in are healthy, well within guidelines, and even encouraged by public health officials, and that I was, contrary to his statement, “doing my part” in that I was helping small businesses and the travel and hospitality industries who have been ravaged by the lockdowns, he kept saying I was wrong, frequently by invoking some variation of the phrase “But Dr. Fauci says….”

My take is that Jim has a serious crush on Dr. Fauci and desires to receive a “Good Citizen” award in a nationally televised event from him when this is over. Of course, for Jim and those that think like him, it never will be.

Our conversation ended when I asked Jim whether he would jump off a bridge if “Dr. Fauci says.” Jim shouted an expletive at me and hung up the phone.

As I was not given the opportunity, let me use these pages to wish Jim and the virtue-signaling intolerant people who think like him goodbye and good riddance.

For it is they, not people like us, who are doing their level best to stop things from returning to normal.



Teaching your children to be virgins before marriage isn’t enough. There’s no boundaries when teaching this. This is why many young people are confused as to how *far* they can go sexually. Is petting okay? Is French kissing okay? Is some form of nakedness with each other okay? There’s a lot of guilt when boundaries aren’t clearly established.

Older women are taught to teach young women to be chaste. What does chaste mean? I have an entire chapter on this word in my book “Biblical Womanhood A Study Guide” if you want to go into depth on this word and search all of the Bible verses about it.

Chaste according to the 1828 Webster Dictionary means “Pure from all unlawful commerce of sexes. Applied to persons before marriage, it signifies pure from all sexual commerce, undefiled; applied to married persons, true to the marriage bed.” We are told in Hebrews to keep the marriage bed undefiled. What does defiled mean? “Made dirty, or foul; soiled; corrupted; violated.”

You see, there’s a LOT more to simply remaining virgins before the wedding. Many couples have done everything but have intercourse, then claimed they were virgins. Technically, yes, they were, BUT they were far from being chaste which God commands of us. I sure wish I would have been taught this when I was a teenager, since I struggled knowing what the boundaries were, and no adult could clearly tell me. The boundaries were made up in their own minds instead of adhering to the Word of God.

When you understand that you are called to be chaste before marriage, this means a withdrawal from anything sexual or impure including porn and probably even masturbation since how can one masturbate without having thoughts that aren’t pure? It means being held accountable to others while “dating” or courting a man you may be interested in. The best way to do this is to not be alone for long periods of time. This is a recipe for sexual impurity.

The way the Duggars approach this seems reasonable in light of Scripture. They don’t kiss until their wedding day. They have chaperones when they go on dates or anywhere else. When the kids are asked why they have these boundaries, they will freely admit that they want to be chaste until marriage. This is their goal, and they’re willing to have boundaries to protect this God-given goal. Is it difficult for them? Yes! But difficult doesn’t mean bad.

Many will call these goals “legalistic” (adding to God’s Word), but they’re not. They’re simply made in order to obey God’s Word. “It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband” (1 Corinthians 7:1,2).

Some may have the self-control needed in order to be chaste before marriage without boundaries, but I venture to say that most do not and would have appreciated clear boundaries before marriage. Honest men and women will admit that kissing gets their “motors running,” so how long should a couple kiss before marriage? Maybe not at all, or just not too long of kisses. Encourage them to have short engagements (a few months)!

If you’re serious about living obediently to God, then setting up boundaries in your own life will always be a good thing. Some couples once married decide to never be alone with a member of the opposite sex. This is a good boundary. Pray for wisdom in this area. Talk about it with your teenagers. If they don’t have rebellious hearts but desire to please the Lord in everything, they will want boundaries because they know that God’s ways are perfect and for their protection.

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:5

Teaching Your Children to Be Chaste


There’s much controversy whether or not masturbation is wrong. My question to you is can you glorify God while masturbating since we are told to glorify the Lord in all that we do? Can you masturbate and not have sexual images dancing in your mind? I doubt you can do either. Can you masturbate without lusting since lusting is sin? Do you want to live for the Lord completely, be set apart, and holy while walking in the Spirit, or do you want to compromise with the flesh and its pleasures? Let’s explore this a bit since I have heard that masturbating and watching porn is becoming more common among women now.

In Romans 1, we are told these things about the progression of sin: “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature” (Romans 1:26). Women’s natural use of their body is to have sex with a man (her husband by God’s design), then bear and nurse children. Wanting to fornicate with another woman and not wanting children is against the natural use of one’s body.

When I have written about the problems with pornography, I refer to men’s problem with it since I hear from a lot of women whose husbands are addicted to it. Yet, I have had a few women tell me about their addictions and with the popularity of “Fifty Shades of Gray,” we can see that this is a sin issue with women too. Women are given up to vile, depraved, and inordinate affections if they don’t have the self-discipline to say “no” to their flesh and “yes” to righteousness.

We live in a highly sexualized culture. Innocence is stolen from most children at early ages through TV, movies, music, the Internet, sexual abuse, school, and so on. Now, they’re being asked in elementary school if they want to be a boy or girl and before long, pedophilia will be accepted as normal. (You don’t believe me? Just a few years ago, the state of California voted against same sex marriage!) Children are even being taught how to masturbate from a young age in some country’s schools and taught that pornography is good.

I just finished reading a book recently called “Unseduced and Unshaken” by Rosalie de Rosset. It had some great truths in it. There are some things I very much disagree with the author, such as women having a voice in church leadership and things of this nature so I wouldn’t recommend it but, in a few areas, great truths are taught.

Here are a few great excerpts on the issues of pornography and masturbation:

“The lust of the eyes that feeds on Internet pornography does not inflame but rather freezes the souls and heart in a cold indifference to the human dignity of others and of oneself.” Porn is short term pleasure for long term pain. Don’t awaken sexual desire before marriage, young women! Don’t read popular, explicit romance novels or watch shows like “The Bachelor.” Don’t look at the popular teen magazines. Dwell on the lovely and the good instead. Be holy in both body and spirit as God has commanded you to be. The less regrets you make in your youth, the better your future will be. God commands that you flee from youthful lusts since He knows how much they will come back to haunt you later. He wants you free from sin and the bondage and entanglement that it brings.

“While perspectives vary, masturbation is not a healthy practice as it teaches that immediate gratification is part of sex and removes sex from the context of relationship rendering it an immature and lonely engagement…Chastity again would call us to total abstinence.” Sex was created for marriage. Period. Young women are called to be chaste. This will bring glory to God, and it’s His perfect will for you.

“Honesty and discipline are required of us in order to live healthy and holy Christian lives, disciplines best practiced in community with accountability.”

God tells us to be wise unto that which is good, and innocent unto that which is evil. Parents must be guardians of their children’s souls. This is why I am such a big advocate of mothers being home full time and homeschooling their children. Satan prowls about like a roaring lion looking whom he may devour. Children needs parents who stand against the evil tide of our culture and protect their children while teaching them all about the Lord and His ways.

As you train and discipline your children when they are young, you are teaching them to grow up to have self-control and be disciplined. It is a gift you give your children. We watched too many parents not discipline their children properly and their children and the parents have paid terrible consequences for their failure. It’s not worth it to lack diligence in this important time in your children’s lives. Teaching your children to be disciplined will benefit them their entire lives.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Can You Glorify God When You Masturbate and/or Watch Porn?