What does the Church teach about Womanhood and Marriage?

  • Egalitarian – “Equality” of sexes, marriage is mutual submission, no hierarchy
  • Complementarian – Pietistic headship and submission, rejects male “authority”
  • Biblical Patriarchy – “Father Rule” Historical and biblical view on gender roles

Since Christians have increasingly rejected Biblical Patriarchy over the last 100 years and brought secular philosophy of love and marriage into the church, we’ve seen the utter destruction of the Christian family.


  • Over 50 percent of all marriages now end in divorce (Christian divorce rate is the same)
  • 70 percent of all divorces are initiated by women (90 percent if they are college educated)
  • Married women working outside home: from six percent in 1900 → to 60 percent in 2019
  • Number of children per family: 7.04 in 1800 → 3.56 in 1900 → 1.73 in 2018
  • Less than 10 percent of Evangelicals today disagree with a woman preaching in the pulpit
  • Today, 84 percent of Christians send their children for public school indoctrination
  • Lifeway: female authors now outnumber male authors four to one in Christian literature
  • 82 percent of “youth group” teens abandon the Christian faith after one year in college

Falling away from God

In less than three generations, 2000 years of church history, and the clear reading and application of the Biblical texts regarding love, marriage, gender roles, child rearing, and male headship in the church and home are now completely and thoroughly rejected by nearly all Western denominations. Today, most pastors and seminaries will teach literally, the exact opposite of a clear and simple reading of the text. Less than one percent of seminaries still hold to and teach Biblical Patriarchy when it was over 95 percent a hundred years ago.

How did this tectonic shift happen? The simple answer is the absolute cowardice of the men in the pulpits over the last 75 years to confront, with scripture, the meteoric rise of feminism inside their churches. In that vacuum, Egalitarian feminists took over the seminaries and rewrote the “doctrines” and “theology” regarding “Godly womanhood.”

Just like Satan in the garden, Egalitarian “doctrine” openly teaches women to:

  • Doubt Scripture – Gen 2:1 “Did God really say…”
  • Deny Scripture – Gen 2:4 “No! That’s not what God said…”
  • Distort/Twist Scripture – Gen 2:5 “In fact, God knows your eyes will be opened…”


Just like 2 Tim 3:6 warns, Egalitarians destroy entire households by going after wives through false teaching in bestselling Christian books, music, higher education, entertainment, and social media influencers. Egalitarians tell a lot of emotional stories, distort God’s Word, decry the past evils of Patriarchy, and elevate descriptive stories over prescriptive scripture to tickle women’s ears. Today, most Christians are being led astray on this topic by the “spirit of the age.”

In 1987, John Piper tried to create a “middle-way” appeasement to the rise of feminism by coining the term Complementarianism and telling men to become a “Servant Leader” to their wife. On paper, they affirm headship and submission but only in pietistic fashion while rejecting any male authority in practice. They joined hands with the Egalitarians decrying Biblical Patriarchy as too strict, oppressive, and “abusive” to women.

Now, with Patriarchy’s demise, Complementarian women are rapidly being led into full Egalitarianism (most don’t even realize it). Meanwhile, godly men are increasingly rejecting marriage to loud, independent, and rebellious Christian women who don’t want to be a “mere” homemaker or help meet. Sadly, the feminist battle cry of  “Smash the Patriarchy” succeeded.

The Western Christian church is almost fully Egalitarian at this point, even though many still use the superficial Complementarian title. If we truly love Christ, desire to please him with our lives, and wish to repair the millions of broken and dysfunctional Christian marriages, we must conform ourselves to scripture and return to traditional Biblical Patriarchy in the home.

Below are two, must-read historical, doctrinal, and theological books on marriage, home life, and gender roles (available on Amazon):

  1. Richard Baxter – The Godly Home (1673)
  2. William Gouge – Of Domestic Duties(1622)

Which Way Modern Woman? Will you follow 21st Century “cultural Christianity” or God’s Word?

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
— Joshua 24:15