Mike Stone – Ten Things I Hate About my Fellow Americans


“After four years of fake viruses, fake pandemics, fake elections, fake food, fake shootings, and fake everything, I’ve made the following observations about my fellow Americans.”
by Mike Stone(henrymakow.com)

1) America is made up of dupes, fools, and morons. How else can you explain over 60% of the population voluntarily injecting themselves with a fake vaccine for a phony virus? 

How else can you explain roughly 99% of the population continuing to visit the very same doctors who just tried to poison them? 

Who else but a complete retard would do such a thing?.

2) Americans are incapable of handling the truth. Call it stupidity, call it immaturity, call it fear. They are so thoroughly brainwashed they are never coming back to reality.
3) Americans are filled with false pride that prevents them from admitting when they are wrong. This one is a head-scratcher. If someone shows me truthful evidence that counters a belief I have, I’m the first to say, “You know, you’re right. I was wrong about that.” 
4) Americans believe anything and everything they see on television, no matter how senseless. Here we are, four years later and most Americans still believe that the virus hoax was a real thing, they still believe that ballots are votes, they still believe that an impostor calling himself Joe Biden was elected president. The sole reason why they believe these things, and others just as dumb, is because they saw it on television. 
5) Americans are an unjust and immoral people. A truly just and moral people wouldn’t stand for what we’ve seen transpire over the last two decades and longer. They simply wouldn’t. The torches and pitchforks would come out. The freaks and traitors would be tarred and feathered, or worse. None of the problems we’re facing today would exist if Americans were just and moral.
6) Americans have no understanding of history. None. They were duped into fighting World War I, duped into fighting World War II, duped into fighting two Persian Gulf Wars, duped into invading Afghanistan. It just goes on and on. They think the Civil War was fought over slavery. They have no idea what the Federal Reserve is or how it came to be. They’ve never heard of the USS Liberty. They think 9/11 was orchestrated by Osama bin Laden and nineteen guys with box cutters. They believe Israel is our greatest ally. Their stupidity knows no bounds.


7) Americans are demonically possessed. I’ve written about this before. At this point, it’s undeniable. People are stupid, sure, and Americans are among the stupidest of all.

 But nobody can be as brainless and stupid as we’re seeing right now without being demonically possessed on some level. (In true Shakespearean irony, the ones who deny it the loudest are the ones possessed by the most demons.) 

Because so many Americans are demonically possessed, and because demons attract other demons, we have demonically possessed trannies posing as First Ladies, pop stars, and female athletes – and demonically possessed soy boys jerking off to their images.

8) Americans are more afraid of standing out from the herd than they are of death. Again, look at the hundreds of millions of Americans who were duped into injecting themselves with poison, rather than risk being looked upon unfavorably. Many of them are now dead. They chose death over disapproval.
9) Americans are addicted to sin. Envy, gluttony, drunkenness, immodest dress, pornography, masturbation, fornication, adultery, abortion . . . You name it, Americans are addicted to it. Even worse, they refuse to give up their sins. Rather than change their behavior, they will continue sinning all the way to hell.
10) Americans are baby-killers. Is there anything more evil or satanic than the murder or mutilation of an innocent child? Americans are all-in on both counts. They support abortion. They support the murder and genocide of Palestinian children. They support trannyism and the sexual mutilation of children. They support it all, and the worst ones of the bunch are the fake Christians who complain about Communism, but support Zionism, foolishly believing they are “saved.” I shudder to think of the fate that awaits them in the afterlife when they are cast into the deepest and darkest pits of hell.
Not everyone around the world is as sick and morally corrupt as Americans. After the Taliban defeated the U.S. military, Afghanistan banned all of the degeneracy that America imported into their country. In many African countries, abortion and pornography are illegal. Just as these countries and others have refused to accept the sickness of American culture, so can you. You don’t have to accept any of it. In fact, if you want to go to Heaven, you can’t accept it. Not one little shred.
This is a do-or-die situation. If we stand with the sin and degeneracy of America, we perish and are cast into the lake of fire. If we stop sinning and refuse to accept American degeneracy, then we at least have a chance of going to Heaven. Which do you choose?—Mike Stone is the author of the new book 101 Reasons Why You Might Have a Low IQhttps://shorturl.at/otL13 andTeen Boy’s Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Manhttps://amzn.to/3o0BQdO


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