Abortion industry is led by Jews

x.com/DonnaPrissyrn1/status/1803938077519548613?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1803938077519548613%7Ctwgr%5E7b655d3f3b9d327725edf3342258f95757194ea4%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.godlikeproductions.com%2Fforum1%2Fmessage5738912%2Fpg1 Jane Roe from Roe V Wade admits she was a paid actress to enact abortion mills The abortion industry is led by extremist Jews Who drives the abortion industry in the United States? Want to hazard a guess?

If you said that the main movers and shakers behind the pro-abortion movement in the U.S. are Jews, you win the grand prize.

While there are, of course, pro-life Jews who are disturbed by the abortion rates in both the United States and Israel, I would venture to say that they are certainly in the minority, especially in the U.S. Their low regard for Gentile life at any stage of development is reflected in the number of abortions performed by Jewish doctors (about half of all abortion providers are Jewish) [1] in Jewish owned “women’s clinics” (about a half of all such clinics are owned by Jews) [2] which is way out of proportion when you consider what a small percentage of our population Jews comprise.

Various people have commented publicly about the disproportionate number of Jews in the abortion rights movement. For instance, Kenneth Mitzner, founder of an organization entitled The Pro-life League Against Neo-Hitlerism said:

“It is tragic but demonstrably true that most of the leaders of the pro-abortion movement are of Jewish extraction.” [3]

First, let’s take a look at the Talmudic view on abortion. The Mishnah, comprising the first part of the Talmud, provides a source for understanding the Jewish position which assumes that life arises only at birth which is when they believe that ensoulment takes place. So long as the fetus, or the most important part of it, its head, has not come out into the world, it is not called nefresh (a human soul) and therefore an unborn fetus is not to be considered a living being until birth.

The Old Testament, in Exodus 21:22-23 shows us that the Jews did not regard unborn lives as human beings as reflected in the laws during that period:

“If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”

“Literally and by interpretation, this passage poses the basic legal principal that the destruction of the fetus is not to be considered punishable murder. Death of the unborn child is punishable by fine only, and capital punishment does not apply. Only if the mother is harmed, i.e. killed, does the law of capital punishment take effect.” [4]

Clearly, the Jewish Talmudic view on abortion is a disturbing one since if a fetus is not considered a living being until birth it can only mean that Talmudic Jews would have no problem with abortion at any stage of gestation for any reason, up until birth. It is unarguable that a fetus is a living being and it is abhorrent to think that pro-abortion Jews would be fine with the destruction of a healthy, viable fetus no matter how late in pregnancy the abortion would take place.

Abortion has pretty wide support among Jews in this country and various Jewish organizations in the U.S. are openly and unashamedly pro abortion, organizations such as:

American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
B’nai B’rith Women
Central Conference of American Rabbis [Reform]Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations
Hadassah Women
Jewish Labor Committee
Na’amat USA
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods [Reform]National Council of Jewish Women
New Jewish Agenda
North American Temple Youth
Rabbinical Assembly
Union of American Hebrew Congregations [Reform]United Synagogues of America [Conservative]Women’s League for Conservative Judaism [5]

Many Jewish doctors as well as non-professional men and women are vastly overrepresented among American proponents of abortion on demand. Here is but a partial list:


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