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Headlines for April 23, 2022 – Was Donald Trump a Pedophile?

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The second part of this article addresses Trump’s relationship with Ivanka.

The Banishment of Donald Trump’s Older Brother
All members of the Illuminati must be blackmailable. Trump was not shy about his deviant behavior because the Illuminati wish to normalize incest and pedophilia.

Apparently, Trump’s fascination with Ivanka started well before she was an adult. Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen reported that when Ivanka was just 13 years old, her father asked, “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?” About four years ago, I was contacted by a man who claimed he’d been a waiter at a posh Manhattan restaurant in the 1990’s when Ivanka was a teenager. He claimed he witnessed Trump fingering his daughter under the table. 

And of course Trump was an active participant at Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion. A woman accused him of raping her when she was 13.  
None of this should tarnish Trump in the eyes of his supporters who are dupes.  

Never forget, Trump didn’t fire Fauci. He facilitated the Covid hoax, the punitive lockdown and the roll out of the deadly “vaccine.”  

Never forget, Trump took a fall by allowing Communists to count the vote in 2020.
He is a traitor who surrounded himself with traitors and failed to contest the election.  

This is called false opposition.It’s called the Communist-Zionist, (Left-Right)Masonic-Jewish Tag Team 
Trump could have been a great President but that was never his intention. He is an agent of Satan, a part of our satanic possession.

Hal Turner–“As of 7:00 AM Moscow time TODAY (Thursday), the Russian Ministry of Emergencies published information on their web site instructing Russian citizens to prepare for a NATO RetaliatoryNUCLEAR Attack this Sunday, 24 April 2022.

As any thinking person is aware, the only way NATO would make a “RETALIATORY” nuclear strike, is if Russia launched a First Strike.  So what does that tell you about this coming weekend?”

This may be related to the sinking of the Moskva and the fires at Russian scientific and chemical establishments. 


KILLING THE YOUNG: Millennials, Gen X and Gen Z experience record 84% excess mortality in fall of 2021, after vaccine mandates were rolled out

REVEALED: Over 50,000 Americans 65 and over died within two weeks of vaccine

“Not counted” as vaccine deaths?

The biggest cover-up in medical history continues.

But the true scale may never be known.

 Attorney Thomas Renz: “They say, ‘Well, we don’t count anyone as vaccinated until 14 days after their full vaccination,’ so that means until 14 days after your second dose, it’s not counted. Well, they did that because they know most reactions occur within 14 days of either your first or second dose… [As of] November/December [2021], there were 52,000ish [people aged 65 and up] who died within 14 days.” 

Zelensky will be awarded the German “Media Prize for Freedom.” In Feb 2021, he closed four news channels. In March 2022, he introduced a single broadcast for all TV channels and stopped the activities of 11 opposition political parties. Freedom. Mass media.


Thirteen victims of infamous Team USA physician Larry Nassar are suing the Federal Bureau of Investigation for $10 million a piece for allegedly looking the other way while the fiend was abusing his power to victimize children.



Fake one for the team

Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan’s child seriously ill in hospital after catching Covid

Vaccination not a factor?

The Illuminati probably are behind Bitcoin–

Shanghai children dressed like snowmen against imaginary virus

Encore from Sept. 2021————–Funeral Director Whistle blower John O’Looney with Max Igan
“There is no pandemic – they faked the cause of death, the Delta Variant is Vaccine Injury”–

Tucker Carlson noted a surge in  black fatalities after the Floyd George psy op because cops stopped enforcing traffic laws in black areas

Joe Rogan and Antonio Garcia Martinez discuss how big tech companies operate like a cult and cater to their activist employees. Communism is a satanic cult, based on Cabalist Judaism

Paul Joseph Watson— Migrants posing as Ukrainian refugees spreading throughout Europe

Dr. Joseph Mercola – Increase in premature puberty among girls 


For some as-yet unknown reason, since early 2020, doctors around the world have seen a surprising increase in cases, predominantly if not exclusively among girls, with girls as young as 5 sprouting breasts and menstruation starting in girls younger than 8. Typically, breast development begins around age 10 to 11, with menstruation starting two years later.–

Louisiana House Votes on Bill to Ban State, Local COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Several nurses who say they’ve developed tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears) following their COVID vaccination are urging the CDC to recognize the condition as a side effect.

Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 of the record breaking wave of Covid-19 Deaths across Australia

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