San Francisco Marathon Runners Required to Run in Highly Moral Face Diapers
Mike’s original title was “How to Spot an Idiot.” I changed it because I am going to introduce it with a dissenting comment.
It is a mistake to disparage people who are under the covid thrall. Our job is to show them the truth, and if that fails, be patient and loving. They are good people. I know because they include my family. They have simply been indoctrinated to believe satanists have not subverted government, doctors have integrity and the media doesn’t lie. That does´t make them idiots. Just dupes. If Jesus could love the lepers, surely we can love them. They are under enormous social and economic pressure.
Secondly, How Not to Be an Idiot. By notcomplying. A reader is being coerced to take the vaccine or lose his warehouse job. I told him to quit. Apart from potential health damage, the vaccine is a rite of initiation into a satanic cult. It probably contains your bar code. This whole scam from social distancing to masks leads to vaccines and digital id’s. They are exerting so much pressure to vaccinate because there is a sinister hidden agenda. Only an idiot would comply.
We must face the fact that we are at war with an occult power that has seized the reins of government and economy. They’re coming for anyone who believes in God, country, family and race. (I mean racial identity not superiority. Mankind is a family of races. Like individuals we all have strengths and weaknesses. We are all brothers.) So if you are among those who still have a measure of sanity, you must make changes to your life. You must refuse the vax even if you lose your job. It’s not about your body. It’s about your soul. You cannot see the Beast if you are part of it. They want to banish all who won’t accept the bar code from society. Let them banish you from their satanic cult.
Wherever possible, don’t be an idiot. Do not comply.
What do you think of Stone’s case against idiots?
by Mike Stone(henrymakow,.com)
Idiot – noun informal
a stupid person.
Idiots come in all shapes and sizes and judging people by looks alone can be deceiving. Some idiots are fashion conscious, some aren’t. Some idiots appear outwardly friendly, some don’t. Sometimes the person you least suspect of idiocy turns out to be the biggest idiot of all.
In current time America, you could make the case that anyone wearing a face diaper is an idiot and I wouldn’t argue with you. Although, I would suggest exceptions be made for children, teenagers, and even those in their early-mid twenties. They’ve been duped and lied to by their parents and their teachers and many of them honestly don’t know any better. Certainly anyone over the age of thirty and wearing a face diaper has earned the label idiot.
You could also make the case that anyone taking the jab is an idiot. Once again, I would not argue with you, only ask that you include the same age limits, as well as a few rare exceptions. A good friend of mine took the jab in order to save his marriage. He knew the score, but decided that the risks outweighed the alternative (losing his marriage).
Knowing what we do about the dangers of vaccines, let alone the current one, I would once again say that anyone over the age of thirty–with rare exceptions, as noted above–who submits to the jab is clearly an idiot.
How else can you spot an idiot?
Idiots are television watchers. Big time television watchers. Their favorite programs are soap operas, game shows, sports ball, talent competitions, sitcoms, and CNN News.
An idiot’s opinion on any subject is often a word-for-word regurgitation of the last television news show they watched. If you ask their opinion about something that hasn’t been covered on television, you’ll likely be met with a fluoride stare. They won’t have an opinion on it, because no one has told them what to think.
Television to an idiot is a mental life preserver. Take away their television for a week and they wouldn’t know what to think about anything. They would flounder like a beached whale and experience withdrawal symptoms. If you know anyone who watches more than an hour a week of television, that person is most likely an idiot.
Idiots occupy two extremes when it comes to education. They’re either uneducated without a high school diploma or highly educated with a college degree. The former group is comprised of welfare mothers, non-working males, and generally anyone who depends on the government dole to survive, while the latter group tend to be white collar professionals.
Because they belong to these two extremes, idiots are most often found in the following professions: journalism–both print and broadcast, teaching, academia, nursing, medicine, corporate management and administration, education administration, the entertainment industry, and working for the government. If you know anyone employed in those industries, that person is most likely an idiot.
Idiots tend to vote Democrat. Not that those who don’t vote Democrat are much smarter–there are plenty of idiots in that camp too. But generally those who don’t vote Democrat are smart enough to see the economic devastation that has resulted from leftwing economic policies. They see homeless tents and cardboard shelters pitched on the streets of every city in the country. They see businesses being forced to close and rising food and gas prices, and they are smart enough to put two-and-two together.
Idiots see the same thing, but shrug it off. They lack the brain cells to comprehend the connection between leftwing government policies and economic collapse. As long as they’re getting theirs, they don’t care about the economic plight of the country or the harm others endure. Which leads to the next point .
Idiots are self-centered and care only about themselves. They vote for their own self-interests, regardless of the negative consequences those interests cause to others. They act, often in hysterical fashion, in order to satisfy their own selfish whims.
Witness the extreme animosity displayed by idiots towards those who understand the virus hoax and refuse to partake in it. Observe the fear and outright terror experienced by idiots when confronted with facts, evidence and reality that differs from what they’ve been programmed to believe.
Idiots have a blind faith in authority, yet almost all of them are irreligious. The few that aren’t irreligious are what I call CINOs–Catholics in Name Only. They’ve been brainwashed to accept the post Vatican II counterfeit church and its line of wicked antipopes. They call themselves Christian, but their actions are decidedly anti-Christian.
There’s only so much you can do with the idiots in your life. I’ve found the best approach is to have as little to do with them as possible. That can be difficult as the vast majority of people today are idiots in one way or another. Parents must be extremely watchful not to let their children be brainwashed, corrupted or influenced by idiots in any way. That almost certainly means homeschooling them.
I used to feel sorry for idiots and occasionally I still do. But it’s almost always younger people that earn my sympathy. When I see children and teens being forced to wear masks and know that very soon they will be forced to submit to the beast by taking the jab, it breaks my heart. I wish I could help them, but there’s only so much I can do. Especially when their parents are idiots.
Mike Stone is the author of “Reversing the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine: How to Heal Yourself from Adverse Reactions to the Trump Vaccine and Protect Yourself from Shedding,”available here. And “COVID-19 and the Mark of the Beast: What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Trump Vaccine” He is also the author of Based, a young adult novel about race, dating and growing up in America, and A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon.