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How to Get Laid? Get Married!


My Twitter polls have shown that twice as many respondents who had “great sex” were married (30% vs 15% who were single.)For most people, the idea of reserving sex for marriage is a quaint and outdated ideaWe’ve been taught to behave like homosexuals who “cruise” seeking promiscuous sex for its own sake. We value sex appeal above the qualities of a lifelong marriage partner. Satanist social engineers don’t want us to start families and propagate. They’re trying to get rid of us. 
Sex is not just about satisfying sexual desire. It’s an expression of love.

Modern cult-ure puts the cart (sex) before the horse (relationship.) 

Men thwart themselves by treating women as sex objects, not as people, with natural desires and personalities. A young man should find a good woman, preferably one who loves sex (most do.) He should be attentive to her wishes and needs. He’d be surprised how much he can achieve just by asking permission. At the same time, he must remember that women are enlisted/drafted not petitioned. So it’s a balance.

Many men destroyed their careers because they didn’t know how to get laid. For example, Andrew Cuomo, Eliot Spitzer, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Louis CK, Les Moonves, Harvey Weinstein.  Inappropriate workplace sexual advances is one of the few taboos left (unless you’re Joe Biden.)
“Sex is a form of woman-worship. When a man “makes love” to his wife, he is basically celebrating and thanking her for everything she gives him. Sex is an act of love.”

Sex is a Rite of Marriage
(Updated from Oct 8, 2017)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
When I was a teenager in the 1960’s, society still believed that sex was something reserved for marriage.


Around that time, we were bombarded with propaganda that taught that prohibiting extramarital sex was prudish and life-denying. This was part of a larger Communist social engineering program designed to destroy the institution of marriage. The pendulum now has swung to this satanist extreme where anonymous extramarital sex (hooking up, fuck-buddy, booty call) has been normalized. “Partying” is essentially pairing up for anonymous sex. 

I am not here to advocate reserving sex for marriage because often it is impractical. Consecrating sex for marriage enhances the importance of marriage and creates a powerful bond. But, people should not rush into marriage for sex alone. 

However, those quaint religious restrictions contain great wisdom that cannot be ignored. 
Here’s why:
1. Female nature. Sex is the most intimate act possible, especially for women. The emotional connection should correspond.
More than anything, healthy heterosexual women want to be lovedby a man, their husband. They want to his Goddess. They want to be possessed by him. “Sex is a form of woman-worship. When a man “makes love” to his wife, he is basically celebrating and thanking her for everything she gives him. Sex is an act of love.”

During intercourse, most women’s faces become very beautiful, as if nature has blessed this act. Sex is obviously a rite of marriage as a man cannot really “make love” to a woman he doesn’t know or love. Anonymous sex really is masturbating. 


2. In The Psychology of Women (1944) psychiatrist Helene Deutsch said women are governed by a combination of masochistic and narcissistic instincts. For sacrificing themselves to husband and children, (masochism), they want to be cherished (i.e. narcissism.) It is her masochism that makes a man love a woman. How many men love their wives for what puts up with from him? 
When she sacrifices her ego and self-interest, she becomes part of him, his companion and support.  This is how two people become one. As I have said,women trade power for love. 

3. A loving husband is not a sadist. His healthy natural reaction is to want her to love being his. Thus, he does everything to nurture, empower and respect her independence, views, and desires without pandering. He loves her. 
The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) mass media is full of propaganda about women who have been betrayed and exploited by men. This is expected from Satanists dedicated to destroying marriage and enslaving humanity. But marriage has withstood the test of time because men and women know instinctively that it is based on mutual dependence. 
Women become feminine when they sacrifice power for love.  The more power they cede, the more love they get. Sex is an act of domination and possession. Therefore it must be reserved for marriage where a woman’s vulnerability is protected. 


The Illuminati have taught women to seek power instead of love. Seek career not family. “Men are oppressors.” Since masculinity is defined by power, the effect is to neuter both sexes. As a consequence, many women can’t give themselves to a man. That’s what love is. That’s what makes a man love a woman.
I see these forlorn “independent” women everywhere, some obese, many with pet dogs, some carving out a relationship with another woman. They ate the apple, the poisonous communist satanist apple.
Thanks to communist brainwashing, they will never know the joy and fulfillment of marital love and sex as God and nature intended.—
Related -Makow- Having Sex is Not Making Love ——————————– Love is Woman’s Stock-in-Trade ——————————– Possession is the Essence of Marriage

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