2 arrested as Virginia school board shuts down meeting over parents’ loud protest against transgender policy, critical race theory

A tense meeting of the Loudoun County School Board (LCSB) ended with two arrests. Board members refused to hear conservative parents who objected to what they see as divisive agenda-driven policies being imposed on their children.

The fiery Tuesday meeting of the governing body for public schools in Loudoun County, Virginia was held to hear the public’s concerns over a draft transgender policy change. Proposal 8040 would allow students to freely declare their preferred gender identity, names, and pronouns, and to receive access to sporting events, locker rooms, and bathrooms accordingly.

The session, however, turned into a protest of conservative parents who objected to the direction the school board has taken, particularly regarding critical race theory (CRT) – which views American history and society through the lens of systemic racism. Opponents perceive it as racist in nature and don’t want it to be taught at school. The LCSB denies it promotes CRT at schools under its supervision, though some evidence points to the contrary.ALSO ON RT.COMTeacher at elite Virginia school caught on camera forcing controversial race theory on students (VIDEO)

Around 250 speakers signed up to submit their comments during the event in the town of Ashburn. Protest and counter-protest rallies were held outside the building, each with dozens of participants.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=RT_com&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3R3ZWV0X2VtYmVkX2NsaWNrYWJpbGl0eV8xMjEwMiI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250cm9sIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1407421680297857024&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rt.com%2Fusa%2F527331-loudoun-school-board-arrests%2F&sessionId=04f7dea2853bf4d7f86312ec26ad6d69fe70220e&siteScreenName=RT_com&theme=light&widgetsVersion=82e1070%3A1619632193066&width=550pxhttps://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=RT_com&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-1&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3R3ZWV0X2VtYmVkX2NsaWNrYWJpbGl0eV8xMjEwMiI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250cm9sIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=true&id=1407427887200878597&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rt.com%2Fusa%2F527331-loudoun-school-board-arrests%2F&sessionId=04f7dea2853bf4d7f86312ec26ad6d69fe70220e&siteScreenName=RT_com&theme=light&widgetsVersion=82e1070%3A1619632193066&width=550px

The meeting started out with several speakers supporting the proposed transgender policy change. Tensions escalated, however, after a speaker who identified herself as the mother of a transgender student said “hate” was “dripping from the followers of Jesus in this room.” She was booed at, and the board called for a recess, but tempers didn’t die down.

One of the issues repeatedly brought up by those critical of the board was the controversial suspension of elementary school PE teacher Byron ‘Tanner’ Cross. He was placed on leave for a month for remarks he made at a public comments meeting in May. He said he would refuse to follow the rules regarding preferred names and pronouns for transgender students, as set out in proposal 8040, calling them harmful for children and sinful. The suspension was overturned earlier this month by a district court, which granted Cross’ request for a temporary injunction on First Amendment grounds. ALSO ON RT.COM‘Neither legal nor constitutional’: Virginia teacher who was put on leave for opposing gender pronoun rules SUES school district

The school board meeting culminated with a speech by Dick Black, a Republican and former state senator, who berated the LCSB for its policies, including “teaching children to hate others because of their skin color.”The accusations were met with loud cheers from supporters. The board then voted unanimously to cut the public session short.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=RT_com&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-2&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3R3ZWV0X2VtYmVkX2NsaWNrYWJpbGl0eV8xMjEwMiI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250cm9sIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=true&id=1407457630109450244&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rt.com%2Fusa%2F527331-loudoun-school-board-arrests%2F&sessionId=04f7dea2853bf4d7f86312ec26ad6d69fe70220e&siteScreenName=RT_com&theme=light&widgetsVersion=82e1070%3A1619632193066&width=550px

Tensions escalated further when some people refused to leave until everyone was given the chance to speak. The Loudoun County sheriff’s office was called to intervene, as protesters shouted, “shame on you.” The meeting was declared to be an unlawful assembly by the sheriff’s office and people were threatened with trespassing charges.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=RT_com&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-3&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3R3ZWV0X2VtYmVkX2NsaWNrYWJpbGl0eV8xMjEwMiI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250cm9sIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=true&id=1407462757923004425&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rt.com%2Fusa%2F527331-loudoun-school-board-arrests%2F&sessionId=04f7dea2853bf4d7f86312ec26ad6d69fe70220e&siteScreenName=RT_com&theme=light&widgetsVersion=82e1070%3A1619632193066&width=550px

Most of the protesters left peacefully, though two people were arrested. One of them was issued a trespassing summons and released, while another who allegedly acted aggressively was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, the sheriff’s office said.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=RT_com&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-4&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3R3ZWV0X2VtYmVkX2NsaWNrYWJpbGl0eV8xMjEwMiI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250cm9sIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=true&id=1407463741235642369&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rt.com%2Fusa%2F527331-loudoun-school-board-arrests%2F&sessionId=04f7dea2853bf4d7f86312ec26ad6d69fe70220e&siteScreenName=RT_com&theme=light&widgetsVersion=82e1070%3A1619632193066&width=550px

Tuesday’s public comments meeting was the last one scheduled for this academic year. When the meeting ended, only about 50 members of the public had spoken.


‘Black people can only blame themselves for their poor decisions,’ says YouTube star who went viral attacking Critical Race Theory

‘Black people can only blame themselves for their poor decisions,’ says YouTube star who went viral attacking Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory Debunked Part 1 or 2. © YouTube / Diane Benjamin 


Follow RT onA US school board meeting became an internet sensation when Ty Smith spoke out passionately against CRT. Now he tells RT why it’s time black people stopped blaming systemic racism from white people for their problems.

The last election was the first time Ty Smith, aged 39, cast a vote, and he marked his ballot in favour of Donald Trump. Two years ago, the Illinois native had no interest in politics and by his own admission didn’t know what a Democrat or Republican was.

That what’s made the recent viral video of Ty so powerful and shocking. In it, he slammed the inclusion of Critical Race Theory – the idea that racist outcomes are the result of complex institutional dynamics – in children’s education, during a routine public school board meeting.null

He attended as a concerned citizen (he was also the only black person there not on the school board) and another attendee filmed Ty’s powerful words.

Speaking to RT, Ty said, “As the meeting progressed, it was completely blowing my mind. You had all these white people getting up talking about the things black people are suffering, but the reasons they said… is what got me fired up. They started blaming white people and what they did in the slave days as the reason why black people are suffering now. 

“I’m sitting there thinking: ‘I grew up in the ghetto, in the projects, I’ve seen murders, I’ve seen beatings of women, I’ve seen crackheads walking around, I’ve seen drugs being done in front of my face’. So, I’m trying to figure out who told these people that the people responsible for what’s going on… was white people, and it’s the result of what white people did to black people back during the slave days? It was like I was on a film set and everybody speaking were actors.”

Ironically, due to the massive reaction to Ty’s speech, he himself was accused of being a paid actor. He was also labelled a deliberate plant by the Republican party, and some even ‘outed’ him as Candace Owens’ brother. This was based on a sarcastic old post on social media of a picture together with Owens, when Ty had joked they were related.https://www.instagram.com/p/CGOrRPGgBUs/embed/captioned/?cr=1&v=13&wp=744&rd=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rt.com&rp=%2Fop-ed%2F528009-ty-smith-against-crt%2F#%7B%22ci%22%3A0%2C%22os%22%3A437981%2C%22ls%22%3A437913%2C%22le%22%3A437965.00000000006%7D

None of this was the case; he was simply incensed by what he saw as a lack of understanding of the problems the black community faces in the US. He continued, “After seeing the video a lot of people said I was being brave or courageous. I was literally being me.

These people were blatantly lying, talking about why a person like me is suffering or being oppressed when it has nothing to do with no one white. It was the result of a lot of bad decisions black parents made when they were young.”

Ty grew up in Decatur, a city that research shows has a crime index higher than 86.7% of other American cities. His father was not around, leaving his mother to raise four sons alone.

Ty explained, “We are all barely a year apart, and we were eating her out of a house and a home. She pretty much couldn’t take care of us without my father there and both incomes coming in. I started work when I was 12 years old. We had to try to help my mum with bills because she couldn’t do it.”null

He feels breaking the cycle holds the key for many black people in the US, and lists issues such as teenage pregnancies, single mothers being left to raise their kids, a lack of education and the wrong kind of role models as reasons why problems are perpetuated.

Giving encouragement to individuals is central to combating this. He continued, “I used to hear things like ‘Nah, you’re not going to be able to do that son, no white folks are going to let you do that now. You think the white man care about you?’

“That’s what they would say when I would sit there with magazines and show them I’m going to be a businessman with my suit on. The difference about me, I was a kid who had to go find out for myself. I associate major things I experienced as a kid as the reason why I am so motivated like I am today. I know these myths are not always true.”

While he does not deny racism exists, he doesn’t feel the structural racism theory holds much weight, and he points to his day job as the director of a medical facility that helps patients to rehabilitate after injuries as proof of this.ALSO ON RT.COM2 arrested as Virginia school board shuts down meeting over parents’ loud protest against transgender policy, critical race theory

“People are trying to push these narratives with Black Lives Matter, with Critical Race Theory, with black folks being oppressed as a result of white people. They are doing nothing but drilling these same things into your head over and over and over again. All they want you to do is perceive that it’s going on without going to see in reality that it’s not. 

“That’s why anything in my life that I wanted to do, I accomplished it. I’m now a director of a medical facility, I applied for the job. They chose me based off of my experience, how I presented myself, the expertise I had, of folks telling saying ‘he has great leadership skills’… And guess what? All my recommendations came from white people.

“In physical therapy, there’s not a lot of black people. I was the only black person in that program at college. The perception would tell me it’s institutionalised racism. But I went to my professor and simply asked, ‘How come I’m the only black person in here?’ She said, ‘Ty because you are the only one that applied’.”

From his personal experience, Ty feels the government enables black people to avoid advancing, citing the issue of food stamps as a crutch that becomes an integral part of daily life and claiming some black people would rather live on government handouts than work.

He reasoned, “If you’re in a neighbourhood and see your mom and how she is getting by, if you see that lifestyle is a norm, then you’re most probably going to repeat that without question. As a kid, the first of the month was like having a birthday, as we knew we could stock back up on food. So, you had this positive reinforcement of something that is not always good. 

“The people who actually live that lifestyle, of course they are not going to say nothing as you are about to ruin the game of them getting this free stuff. But the real black community that are trying to do good, they are the ones that will back this up.”

And the government, he says, is well aware of this. “You keep on giving people free stuff, who do you think they are going to continue to vote for, versus somebody saying, ‘Get off your butt, go to work and budget your money?’ALSO ON RT.COMTeacher at elite Virginia school caught on camera forcing controversial race theory on students (VIDEO)

That’s why Ty views black people as traditionally more likely to vote Democrat. He describes being accustomed to welfare and financial assistance as a “hard mental place to come out of and a lot of people don’t want to do it, but they’ll still complain ‘look at our neighbourhoods’. But they aren’t trying to get out of it.”

Due to the popularity of his YouTube channel, Ty often interacts with young black people looking for advice on how to better themselves.

He demands they are committed about progressing and stressed: “You know what’s sad? Most of them can’t even tell you where they want to get. They have been taught to do nothing more than to perceive something and go out and speak it.”

A contributing factor, Ty feels, is the narrow demographic of black people who are held up as role models. He admitted, “I remember being a teenager and hearing Snoop Doggy Dogg saying you are the man if you got what we call hoes. It was looked at as being a good thing. The culture is definitely messed up.

“If you look up any type of role model they push for blacks to look up to, it seems to always be some basketball player, some rich celebrity like a hip-hop artist… how come it’s never anybody folks have never heard of? Thomas SowellLarry ElderBen Carson and my mentor who did astronomical things, Dr. Wendell Becton.

“Dare a black child to look at any of us and say: ‘Wait a minute… if they came from the same area that I did, I can do it too.’ Put that hope and dream in a child, and it can become a reality. I tell people all the time, it’s not hard, it’s just time- consuming to get where you want to get.”

While he doesn’t agree with Critical Race Theory, Ty is not against teaching the racial element of history. However, he feels slavery has been lazily boiled down to a black/white issue. He said, “Nobody wants to go beyond that. Let’s start at the beginning about how it was a worldwide institution of slavery and slaves were enslaved by their own race before they were sold out to any other race. Nobody talked about how black people sold other black people to white people to be enslaved.Talk about that truth.”

Despite his misgivings about what black children are learning, Ty does concede that some people have noble intentions, but simply no grasp of the reality of the situation. He feels non-black people need to step aside.

You have some people who will join in with a good heart, saying ‘I want to help the black people’. Once that school meeting was adjourned, I went to a lot of those folks and told them, ‘The neighbourhoods that I grew up in, I will be more than happy to take you guys there, and you can ask them yourselves: what is the reason you guys are in this predicament right now?’ And I guarantee you, not one of them is going to tell you some white person or white system is keeping them there.ALSO ON RT.COMRacial segregation is mainstream again…being pushed-for by PROGRESSIVES

“I hate to say it this way, black people are the ones that are going to have to be the voice towards black people. Even though white people can say exactly what I’m saying, black people are so indoctrinated with white people being the ‘bad man,’ that even if you are telling the truth, they can’t hear it from you guys.

“They have to have somebody who looks like them, who represents them, to tell them. That’s sad, but it’s the truth. But I still tell white people: ‘Don’t be afraid to tell someone the truth.’”


Gary D. Barnett – Worst is Yet to Come


At some point, the governing criminals will come after all those not willing to be injected, and will make living very difficult for all of us… This could become a very dangerous country in a short amount of time for people demanding freedom.

The Worst Is Yet To Come as Death and False Flag Threats Are Planned by the State

Our whole practical government is grounded in mob psychology and the Boobus Americanus will follow any command that promises to make him safer.” 

~ H. L. Mencken

by Gary D Barnett

(abridged by henrymakow.com)

The final push toward a totalitarian state is upon us, and an all-out assault on society seems imminent. 

With most of the population still going along with these scams, still obeying every order, and still unable to muster any courage…, what are those of us that are informed and willing to defy ‘authority’ to do?

What is coming will be a combination of extreme propaganda, fear-mongering, false flag attacks, fake ‘virus’ attacks, a deadly flu season due to ‘vaccination,’ more ‘vaccine’ mandates, and power and water grid shutdowns, creating an environment to allow for full or partial martial law. 

This will set the stage to reinstate lockdowns, quarantines, and isolation, to advance bogus ‘climate change’ agendas, and to create a regulatory climate so restrictive as to mirror that of a total dictatorial state.

First and foremost, the ‘variant’ threat will be easily advanced because many more will likely die this fall and winter… due to widespread immune system failures because of…millions of poisonous injections… 

Deaths… will still be blamed on a ‘virus’ or ‘variant’ that does not exist, and this tactic will allow the purposeful spreading of extreme fear.

This government… will then go after the children by planned injection of the toxic ‘Covid vaccine throughout the … indoctrination centers called ‘public’ schools. This will begin with children 12 and older, and… will be targeting every child down to babies and infants with this deadly concoction.

With more death and sickness, new and more severe lockdowns will be attempted… 

This plot will be enhanced due to planned cyber attacks that are ‘expected’ to shut down power and water grids across the nation. These so-called attacks will certainly be false flag terror against the masses, and could easily cause civil unrest, violence, and extreme aggression by the state in response to any dissent. 


Simulations have been greatly intensified this year, and will culminate with the World Economic Forum’s Cyber Polygon simulation on July 9th, just one week from today.

As the year progresses, more division will occur in an us-versus-them situation, pitting ‘vaccinated’ against those unvaccinated. …

At some point, the governing criminals will come after all those not willing to be injected, and will make living very difficult for all of us…

Don’t forget about the fictitious manmade ‘climate change’ agenda, as it looks like the drive toward radical policy decisions based on climate are already in the works. 

This is very troubling, as it adds another dangerous level of tyranny to a society already consumed by dictatorial madness. It could easily be used to force more quarantines, travel bans, and allocation of utility services, that are all virtually controlled by this government and its partners.


 What comes with this agenda is mass restriction of life-giving water and power, the decimation of food production and distribution, supply line shutdowns, and unstoppable runaway inflation, especially concerning the most vital needs of this citizenry. When food becomes so scarce that many are starving, total chaos will ensue.

Economically speaking, any or all of these things happening will disrupt all economic activity for the masses, but will be used by the claimed ‘elite’ ruling class to continue to steal the wealth from all of you, just as has happened over the past year and a half. 

This has been the biggest wealth transfer in history, and it is not over yet. The powerful that are destroying the lives of billions, are continuing to live like kings while claiming ownership of all money and property. The goal of course, is for you to own nothing and be happy about it.


…The more that refuse to accept this totalitarian domination, the better, as time has run out, but if a very large number of excess deaths occur this fall and winter as I expect, the wheels of tyranny will turn faster and faster in an attempt to finish this long-planned coup to capture and control the bodies and minds of humanity. 

At that point, we will have already lost, especially those living in the highest population areas such as cities.

I realize all this sounds far-fetched to most, but then most have no idea of what is coming. We are not in Kansas anymore.


Source links:

They are going after the children

Fauci optimistic about vaccinating all kids

Children are the test animals of the elite

Cyber Polygon 2021

From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”

People have no idea what is coming

Covid lockdowns will become climate lockdowns


Jews and Competitive Victimhood

Despite being the wealthiest, most politically well-connected and influential group in Western nations, Jews have assiduously (and successfully) cultivated the notion they have always been, and remain, a cruelly-persecuted victim group deserving of everyone’s profound sympathy. The “Holocaust” narrative has, of course, been central to this endeavor. The entire social and political order of the contemporary West — based on the alleged virtues of racial diversity and multiculturalism — has been erected on the moral foundations of “the Holocaust.” White people cannot be recognized as a group with interests because “never again.” Western nations have a moral obligation to accept unlimited non-White immigration because “never again.” Whites should meekly accept their deliberate displacement (and ultimate extinction) because “never again.”

Numerous studies have demonstrated the power that can accrue to individuals and groups who successfully cultivate their status as victims and underdogs. Social psychologists have labelled the tendency to see one’s group as having suffered more than an outgroup as “competitive victimhood.” While conflicting groups have engaged in competitive victimhood for centuries, this is largely a modern phenomenon that should be understood against the backdrop of contemporary culture. Friedrich Nietzsche remains the first and best theorist of competitive victimhood, proposing that historical developments in Western culture, ranging from Christianity to the Enlightenment, led to a reversal of values where old notions of “might makes right” were transformed. Today, our knee-jerk reaction to powerful groups is to assume they are immoral and corrupt, while members of victimized groups are assumed to be innocent and morally superior.

Activist Jews are acutely aware of the power of competitive victimhood in contemporary culture, and much of the research into the subject has been carried out in Israel. A study by Schnabel and colleagues found that groups are motivated to engage in competitive victimhood for two reasons: the need for moral identity and the need for social power.

With regards to the first motivation, people generally associate victimization with innocence. Therefore, if one’s ingroup ‘wins’ the victim status, it means that it is also perceived as moral. With regards to the second motivation, people generally view victims as entitled for compensation. Therefore, if one’s ingroup ‘wins’ the victim status, it means that it is entitled to various resources such as policies to empower it or higher budgets. Groups struggle over both power (budgets, influence, etc.) and moral identity (i.e., group members typically see themselves as ‘the good guys’ and members of the other group as ‘the bad guys’). This struggle makes them engage in competitive victimhood.[1]

These studies, often framed around the difficulties presented to Israel by the victim status of the Palestinians, shed light on the psychological motivations behind attempts to gain acknowledgement that one’s ingroup has been subjected to more injustice than an adversarial social group. The findings show that desire for power plays a key role, and that victimhood experiences (real, perceived or fabricated) have far-reaching consequences for the relations between groups, and “especially in contexts where material and social resources are scarce, group members actively attempt to affirm that one’s own group has been victimized more than the other.”[2]

Given the group evolutionary stakes involved, it’s unsurprising that discourse in many countries is often characterized by competitive victimhood—of different social groups competing over who suffers more. Young and Sullivan note that competitive victimhood is an adaptive behavior through which “groups can unilaterally achieve greater group cohesiveness, provide justification for violence performed in the past, reduce feelings of responsibility for harm doing, increase perceived control through the elicitation of social guilt from the outgroup, and elicit support from third parties.”[3]

The political and economic (and therefore biological) benefits derived from competitive victimhood account for the ubiquity of Jewish victim narratives in contemporary Western culture, and why Jewish historiography is replete with exaggerated accounts of historical calamities, persecution, exile, deportations, and pogroms. According to the standard Jewish account, the biblical Pharaoh, Amalek, and Haman of Persia all attempted to annihilate the Jews, followed by a long sequence of enemies, massacres, deportations, inquisitions, and pogroms. Through this lachrymose Jewish victimhood prism, “the Holocaust” is just the latest in this series of recurring victimizations.

Competitive victimhood is built into the liturgical fabric of Judaism through observances like the fast day of Tisha B’Av (the tenth day of the Hebrew month of Av, usually in the middle of August) when Jews reflect on the history of Jewish trauma from the destruction of the First and Second Temples to the medieval expulsions, the Spanish Inquisition, through to “the Holocaust.” One Jewish source notes how “references to the Holocaust, Nazis, Hitler, WWII, Germany etc. seep into the conversation amongst Jews, regardless of age, religious observance, or political affiliation.” Ashkenazi Jews in particular “continue to internalize and carry the trauma of the Holocaust in a way that shapes how we think and behave as Jews in America (and maybe throughout the rest of the world).” Carrying such feelings while comprising an ethnic ruling elite means Jews often feel “both entitlement and victimhood at the same time” which “can become unsettling and paradoxical.”

Jewish activist organizations protest enforcement of the southern border in the U.S. during Tisha B’Av in 2019

Jewish activist organizations protest enforcement of the southern border in the U.S. during Tisha B’Av in 2019

This Jewish victimhood mentality is nourished by socialization processes that teach Jews “that victimhood has potential gains, and that aggressiveness can be legitimate and just if one party has suffered from its adversary.”[4] In Israel, victimhood-oriented socialization begins as early as kindergarten and Israeli children are taught that Israelis suffer more than Palestinians, and that they have to protect themselves and fight for their very existence.[5]
 Research has found the presence of the Holocaust in Israeli school curricula, cultural products, and political discourse has increased, rather than decreased over the years, and that Israelis are increasingly more preoccupied with the Holocaust, constantly dwell on it, and fear that it will “happen again.”[6] One study, moreover, found that:

Jewish Israelis tend to harbor a “perpetual victimhood” representation of their history, as a group that has suffered persecution, discrimination, and threats of annihilation throughout generations, culminating in the Holocaust. Today the presence of the Holocaust in Israel is pervasive, and most Jewish Israelis acknowledge the Holocaust as part of their collective identity and have internalized this victimization as a core feature of their Israeli identity. Thus, Jewish Israelis are raised in a culture that emphasizes the continuity between past suffering and present suffering.[7]

Studies have found that a focus on an ingroup’s victimization (real or perceived) reduces sympathy toward the adversary allegedly responsible for this victimization, as well as toward unrelated adversaries.[8] A group completely preoccupied with its own suffering can develop an “egotism of victimhood” where members are unable to see things from the perspective of the rival group, are unable or unwilling to empathize with the suffering of the rival group, and are unwilling to accept any responsibility for harm inflicted by their own group. Researchers questioned Israeli Jews about their memory of the conflict with the Arabs, from its inception to the present, and found their “consciousness is characterized by a sense of victimization, a siege mentality, blind patriotism, belligerence, self-righteousness, dehumanization of the Palestinians and insensitivity to their suffering.”[9] They found a close connection between that collective memory and the memory of “past persecution of Jews” and the Holocaust. That is, the more deeply Israeli Jews have internalized a narrative of historic Jewish persecution, the less sympathy they have for Palestinians. It was this victimhood lens that led Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, on the eve of Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon, to declare “The alternative to this is Treblinka.’”

Jewish Indifference to Harming Whites

The harm done to White group interests by Jewish activism in the post-World War II era has been enormous. Jews have used their domination of the commanding heights of Western societies to effectively sabotage the successful biological and cultural reproduction of White people, whom they regard, based on their ethnocentric and jaundiced reading of history, as their foremost ethnic adversaries. This sabotage takes many forms, including: lobbying for mass non-White immigration into Western countries; the entrenchment of multiculturalism and diversity as central and unchallengeable pillars of social policy; the hypersexualization of popular culture and championing of sexual and gender non-conformity; the deplatforming and censoring of all dissident opinion; and, lately, the diffusion and mainstreaming of Critical Race Theory through all sections of society, and the designation of any pro-White advocacy as a form of terrorism. The net result of these policies has been the rapid demographic and cultural decline of White people in countries they founded and dominated for hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of years.

All of these policies, so zealously supported by Jewish activist organizations, and reinforced by the Jewish-dominated education and media sectors, have their ultimate conceptual basis in the Jewish intellectual movements chronicled by Kevin MacDonald in Culture of Critique. These movements were preoccupied with undermining the evolutionarily-adaptive precepts and practices that had historically dominated Western societies, with the implicit objective being to render White Europeans less effective competitors to Jews for access to resources and reproductive success.

Boasian anthropology, for example, overturned established notions regarding the importance of racial differences, and the need to maintain immigration restrictions and instill a strong racial identity in White children (and a strong aversion to miscegenation) as part of their socialization. The ideas of Boasian anthropology were infused (through the determined efforts of by Ashley Montagu) into the 1950 UNESCO Statement on Race (which contributed to the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court desegregation decision in Brown v. Board of Education in Topeka).[10] This Statement (and later UN statements based on it) was described by Robert Wald Sussman (The Myth of Race: The Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea, Harvard University Press, 2014, 207), as “the triumph of Boasian anthropology on a world-historical scale.”[11]This is because of its role in providing an intellectual justification for pressuring the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to abandon their policies favoring their founding racial stock and ending racial restrictions on immigration.

Reporting on the UNESCO Statement on Race in 1950

Reporting on the UNESCO Statement on Race in 1950

Equally damaging to White interests was the assault on the family from the 1960s onwards—part of a great cultural shift from the affirmation to the repudiation of inherited values. The familial, religious and ethnic ties of White people were presented as an oppressive burden imposed by the past—a way in which parents encumber their offspring with an inheritance of dysfunctional norms. Frankfurt School intellectuals insisted the traditional European family structure was pathogenic and a breeding ground “for the production of ‘authoritarian personalities’ who are inclined to submit to dominant authorities, however irrational.” This view echoed Jewish post-Freudian intellectual Wilhelm Reich, who insisted the authoritarian family is of critical importance for the authoritarian state because the family “becomes the factory in which the state’s structure and ideology are molded.”[12] Crucial for Reich was the repression of childhood sexuality, which, in his view, created children who are docile, fearful of authority, and in general anxious and submissive. Reich claimed the role of traditional “repressive” Western sexual morality was “to produce acquiescent subjects who, despite distress and humiliation, are adjusted to the authoritarian order.” Herbert Marcuse agreed, insisting that the “liberation of sexuality and the creation of non-hierarchical democratic structures in the family, workplace and society at large would create personalities resistant to fascism.”[13]

Such ideas motivated the Jewish hypersexualization of Western culture from the 1960s onwards—which led to a revolution in Western sexual mores, family structure and child-rearing practices that have had dire consequences for White group interests. Kevin MacDonald notes that: “Applied to gentile culture, the subversive program of psychoanalysis would have the expected effect of resulting in less-competitive children; in the long term, gentile culture would be increasingly characterized by low-investment parenting, and… there is evidence that the sexual revolution inaugurated, or at least greatly facilitated, by psychoanalysis has indeed had this effect.”[14]

While denouncing the traditional White family as proto-fascistic, Frankfurt School intellectuals also championed radical individualism as the quintessence of psychological health for White people. The “sane” individual was promoted as someone who had broken free from the pathogenic norms of Western culture, and realized his or her human potential without relying on membership in collectivist groups. Jewish Frankfurt School theorist Erich Fromm argued, for instance, in his book The Sane Society(1956) that: “Mental health is characterized by the ability to love and create, by the emergence from incestuous ties to clan and soil, by a sense of identity based on one’s experience of self as the subject and agent of one’s powers, by the grasp of reality inside and outside of ourselves, that is, by the development of objectivity and reason.”[15]The embrace of radical individualism by White people, promoted by the likes of Fromm, was, not surprisingly, conducive (through inhibiting anti-Semitism) to the continuation of Judaism as a cohesive group.

Ethnic Defense or Attack?

Jews, to the extent they admit their involvement in these and other damaging intellectual movements and social policies shaped by them, often portray them as a necessary ethnic “defense” against anti-Semitism. Jewish movie director Jill Soloway claimed, for instance, that Hollywood’s Jews were “recreating culture to defend ourselves post-Holocaust.” From the perspective of White people, however, this “defense” is an incredibly aggressive ethnic attack that threatens our very biological survival in the long term. Research has found that aggressiveness toward outgroups is more likely to be considered legitimate and fair if one’s ingroup is believed to have suffered. For instance, Jewish Canadians who were reminded of the Holocaust accepted less collective guilt for Jews’ harmful actions toward Palestinians than those not reminded of it.[16]

Individuals who identify more strongly with their ingroup engage ever more fiercely in competitive victimhood. As Jews are an extremely ethnocentric group, it is unsurprising that they are particularly prone to engage in competitive victimhood. This behavior is also self-reinforcing in offering psychological payoffs: safe explanations about who is responsible for inter-group conflict and clear boundaries between good and evil.[17] Moreover:

Perceiving one’s own group as the primary victim of the conflict can reduce feelings of guilt that arise when people witness misdeeds perpetrated by ingroup members. By the same token, it may help to rationalize and legitimize acts of revenge against rivals, especially in the post-conflict era. Finally, portraying one’s own group as the “real” victim of the conflict may also serve material purposes, as it frames the group the worthy recipient of sympathy and assistance. Thus, encouraging the perception of one’s own group as the victim may enhance the possibility of receiving moral and practical support from the international community. For all these reasons, it is no wonder that each of the parties involved in a conflict makes great efforts to persuade themselves, rivals, and third parties that their suffering has been the greatest.

A strong sense of collective victimhood (such as that possessed by Jews) is associated with a low willingness to forgive and an increased desire for revenge. The research shows that people with heightened victimhood express “an increased desire for revenge rather than mere avoidance, and actually were more likely to behave in a revengeful manner.” Such individuals and groups “tend to see their use of violence and aggression as more moral and justified, while seeing the use of violence of the outgroup as unjustified and morally wrong.”[18]

Activist Jews well know the policies they espouse for Western societies harm the group interests of White populations (that’s the whole point). Thus, while the stated mission of the Australian Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) is to make Australia a “better place” by “promoting tolerance, justice and multiculturalism,” when it comes to the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians this supposed commitment to “inclusion,” “diversity” and “multiculturalism” suddenly gives way to hardnosed biological realism. The problem with Israel adopting the diverse, multicultural approach to nation-building so zealously advocated by the ADC for Australia (and the entire West) is that while it may sound “simple and fair,” it is actually “code for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with a majority Palestinian state.” The ADC insists “It is naïve and dangerous to believe such a situation will not occur if Israel is taken over by a growing Palestinian population.”

This rank hypocrisy (and barely-concealed malice) is standard across the gamut of Jewish activist organizations in the West. While promoting pluralism and diversity and encouraging the dissolution of the racial and ethnic identification of White people, Jews endeavor to maintain precisely the kind of intense group solidarity they decry as immoral in Whites. They have initiated and led movements that discredit the traditional foundations of Western society: patriotism, the Christian basis for morality, social homogeneity, and sexual restraint. At the same time, within their own communities and in Israel, they have supported the very institutions they attack in Western societies.

Competitive Victimhood through the Construction of Culture

In their quest to outcompete their ethnic adversaries (i.e., White people), diasporic Jews have poured enormous energy into competitive victimhood. Jewish historian Peter Novick has described how today’s culture of “the Holocaust” emerged as part of the collective Jewish response to the Eichmann trial in 1961–62, the Six-Day War in the Middle East in 1967, and, in particular, the Yom Kippur War in 1973. While the foundation was laid at Nuremberg in 1946, it was with these later events, and the anxieties they engendered among Jews throughout the world, that “there emerged in American culture a distinct thing called ‘the Holocaust’—an event in its own right,” and with it a term that entered the English language as a description of all manner of horrors. From that time on, he notes, “the Holocaust” has become “ever more central in American public discourse—particularly, of course, among Jews, but also in the culture at large” and has since “attained transcendent status as the bearer of eternal truths or lessons that could be derived from contemplating it.”[19]

Throughout the West, the proliferating “Holocaust” memorials and museums are lavishly funded by taxpayers, and study of “the Holocaust” in schools is mandated by law in many jurisdictions. As well as serving to morally disarm Whites concerned about their own immigrant-led displacement, the culture of “the Holocaust” is a key part of Jewish efforts to prevent intermarriage in the diaspora. Eric Goldstein, for instance, notes how “Jews discuss, read about, and memorialize the Holocaust with zeal as a means of keeping their sense of difference from non-Jews alive.”[20] “The Holocaust” has become, in the words of Nicholas Kollerstrom, “an ersatz substitute for genuine metaphysical knowledge,” with Auschwitz now serving as the spiritual center of a new religion and a place of awed pilgrimage for millions of penitent Europeans. The narrative has also unleashed an endless flow of money from Germany to Israel and to compensate more “Holocaust” survivors than there were ever Jews in countries under German control.[21]

Novick made the point that that the ubiquity and metaphysical pre-eminence of the Holocaust in Western culture is not a spontaneous phenomenon but the result of highly focused, well-funded efforts of Jewish organizations and individual Jews with access to the major media:

We are not just “the people of the book,” but the people of the Hollywood film and the television miniseries, of the magazine article and the newspaper column, of the comic book and the academic symposium. When a high level of concern with the Holocaust became widespread in American Jewry, it was, given the important role that Jews play in American media and opinion-making elites, not only natural, but virtually inevitable that it would spread throughout the culture at large.[22]

Establishing and maintaining the narrative of pre-eminent Jewish victimhood is supremely important for the cadres of Jewish “diversity” activists and propagandists throughout the West, given the status of the Holocaust as the moral and rhetorical foundation of today’s White displacement agenda. Invocation of this narrative is reflexively used to stifle opposition to the Jewish diaspora strategies of mass non-White immigration and multiculturalism.

Suppressing Counter-narratives

The flipside of this constant invocation of the Holocaust as a testament to unsurpassed Jewish victimhood are efforts to suppress discussion of the unsavory Jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution and communism. This is because free discussion of the Jewish role in communist crimes undermines Jewish pretentions to moral authority grounded in their self-designated status as history’s preeminent victims. For Jewish academic Daniel Goldhagen, for example, any claim Jews were responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution and its predations is morally reprehensible because “If you associate Jews with communism, or worse, hold communism to be a Jewish invention and weapon, every time the theme, let alone the threat, of communism, Marxism, revolution, or the Soviet Union comes up, it also conjures, reinforces, even deepens thinking prejudicially about Jews and the animus against Jews in one’s country.”[23] It is therefore imperative the topic remain taboo and discussion of it suppressed—regardless of how many historians (Jewish and non-Jewish) confirm the decisive role Jews played in providing the ideological basis for, and the establishment, governance and administration of, the former communist dictatorships of Central and Eastern Europe.

Jewish competitive victimhood accounts for the fact that, since 1945, over 150 feature filmshave been made about “the Holocaust” while the number of films that have been made about the genocide of millions of Eastern Europeans can be counted on one hand—and none have been produced by Hollywood. Those Jewish intellectuals who are willing to admit the obvious—that Jews played a large (probably decisive) role in the Bolshevik Revolution and at its bloody aftermath—rationalize this by claiming this involvement was an understandable response to tsarist “anti-Semitism” and “pogroms.” Andrew Joyce has explored how Jewish historians and activists have systematically distorted and weaponized the history of “pogroms” in the former Russian Empire.

Uncritically drawing on this bogus narrative, establishment historians typically ascribe the pogroms to irrational manifestations of hate against Jews, tsarist malevolence, the pathological jealousy and primitive barbarity of the Russian mob, and the “blood libel.” The real underlying causes of peasant uprisings against Jews, such as the Jewish monopolization of entire industries (including the sale of liquor to peasants on credit), predatory moneylending, and radical political agitation, are completely ignored, despite tsarist authorities having repeatedly expressed alarm over how “Jews were exploiting the unsophisticated and ignorant rural inhabitants, reducing them to a Jewish serfdom.”[24] Initiatives to move Jews into less socially damaging economic niches, through extending educational opportunities and drafting Jews into the army, were ineffective in altering this basic pattern. With this in mind, the revolutionary anarchist Mikhail Bakunin concluded that Jews were “an exploiting sect, a blood-sucking people, a unique, devouring parasite tightly and intimately organized … cutting across all the differences in political opinion.”[25]

Rather than seeing Jewish communist militants as willing agents of ethnically-motivated oppression and mass murder, Jewish intellectuals, like the authors of the book Revolutionary Yiddishland Alain Brossat and Sylvie Klingberg, attempt to depict them as noble victims who tragically “linked their fate to the grand narrative of working-class emancipation, fraternity between peoples, socialist egalitarianism,” and that the militancy of Jewish communists “was always messianic, optimistic, oriented to the Good—a fundamental and irreducible difference from that of the fascists with which some people have been tempted to compare it, on the pretext that one ‘militant ideal’ is equivalent to any other.”[26] In other words, millions may have died due to the actions of Jewish communist militants, but their hearts were pure. Kevin MacDonald notes how Jewish involvement with Bolshevism “is perhaps the most egregious example of Jewish moral particularism in all of history. The horrific consequences of Bolshevism for millions of non-Jewish Soviet citizens do not seem to have been an issue for Jewish leftists—a pattern that continues into the present.”[27]

Jewish Competitive Victimhood on Behalf of Non-Whites

Jewish activists not only engage in competitive victimhood on behalf of their ingroup (while suppressing all counter-narratives), but wage competitive victimhood on behalf of other non-White groups (except, of course, for the Palestinians and other groups opposed to Israel). This is plainly motivated by the desire to harm White interests. Through founding and promoting intellectual movements like Critical Race Theory, funding anti-White activism, and deploying anti-White media narratives, Jews stoke non-White grievance and physically endanger White people.

An instructive example of Jews engaging in competitive victimhood on behalf of non-Whites concerns Australia’s Aborigines. Jewish intellectual activists Tony Barta and Colin Tatz, for example, originated the “genocide charge” against White Australians, and have largely succeeded in ensuring that “genocide is now in the vocabulary of Australian politics.” Barta insists that “all white people in Australia” are implicated in a “relationship of genocide” with Aborigines even if they (or their ancestors) lacked any such intention, had only benevolent interactions with Aborigines, or no contact with Aborigines at all. When colonial, and later state and federal governments implemented policies designed to protect Aboriginal people, “genocide” was, for Barta, still “inherent in the very nature of the society.” He advocates this be the “credo taught to every generation of schoolchildren—the key recognition of Australia as a nation founded on genocide.”[28]

Jewish intellectual activist Colin Tatz

Jewish intellectual activist Colin Tatz

Barta’s activism inspired Colin Tatz who, embracing and weaponizing the bogus notion of the “Stolen Generations,” claimed that as a result of “the public’s first knowledge of the wholesale removal of Aboriginal children, the dreaded ‘g’ word is firmly with us,” affirming that the “purpose of my university and public courses” is “to keep it here.”[29] The Sydney Jewish Museum is proudly playing its part in training Australian teachers “not only about the Holocaust” but also about “the Australian genocide.” Inevitably, Barta and Tatz liken rejection of, or even ambivalence toward, their assertion that “Australia is a nation built on genocide” to “Holocaust denial.” In deploying the “genocide” charge against White Australians, they seek to exert the same kind of psychological leverage used to such devastating effect against Germans, who, as Tatz notes, are “weighed down by the Schuldfrage (guilt question)” to such an extent that “guilt, remorse, shame permeate today’s Germany.”[30]

Jewish activists like Barta and Tatz have dedicated their professional lives to ensuring an analogous guilt permeates and becomes indissolubly linked with White Australian identity. In keeping with the exigencies of competitive victimhood, they are, however, careful to not thereby detract from the pre-eminence of the Holocaust.[31] One Jewish source notes how “painful memories of the Holocaust still resonate and make us sensitive to comparisons,” emphasizing the supreme importance of ensuring that “recognising the genocide of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia does not diminish the horror of the Holocaust.” To mitigate this danger, Tatz insists that, in discussing other putative genocides, scholars have a moral obligation to never “ignore, or evade, the lessons and legacies of the Holocaust in pursuit of other case histories.” The Holocaust must forever remain “the paradigm case, the one more analysed, studied, dissected, filmed, dramatized than all other cases put together.” It must endure as “the yardstick by which we measure many things” and be the highest point on “a ‘Richter Scale’ that can help us to locate the intensity, immensity of a case so that we don’t equate all genocides.”[32] This statement is the embodiment of competitive victimhood.


“Competitive victimhood” is a useful intellectual framework for conceptualizing a key strand of Jewish ethnic activism and can be viewed as an important aspect of Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy. This strategy is multipronged: promote Jews as the world’s foremost victims (despite their status as an ethnic ruling class in Western societies); aggressively suppress all narratives that challenge this status (particularly those that accurately represent Jews as victimizers); and, finally, engage in competitive victimhood on behalf of non-White groups against Whites—while simultaneously seeking to deny the latter any positive collective identity. This multi-layered strategy ultimately conduces to the same overriding goal: to deprive White people of moral authority, confidence, political power, economic resources and reproductive opportunities. While many Jews regards this as a necessary ethnic defense, from the perspective of White people this an aggressive (and intensifying) attack that threatens our long-term survival as a people.

Brenton Sanderson is the author of Battle Lines: Essays on Western Culture, Jewish Influence and Anti-Semitism, available hereand here.


New Report Stuns The World: The Vast Majority Of Those Now Dying With Covid Are People Who Were VACCINATED Against It

Public Health England just released a new report showing that at least 62 percent of all deaths associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated.”

by Ethan Huff

vast majority of those now dying with covid are people who were vaccinated against it

The news just so happened to come out the same day that the mainstream media ran a distraction story about British politician Matt Hancock having a secret affair with his aide Gina Coladangelo.

Many people missed it the day it broke, in other words, but now it is circulating the web and causing many to question whether the jabs are truly safe and effective as the government claims.

Fresh data out of the U.K. shows that injected people are three times more likely to die from the so-called “delta variant” than people who left their immune systems and DNA alone by just saying no, as Nancy Reagan once said, to dangerous drugs.

Titled, “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England,” the paper, which is the 17th technical briefing to be released thus far on the matter, is highly telling as to what is in store for the jabbed later on down the road.

A table in the report shows that between Feb. 1, 2021, and June 21, 2021, there have been 9,571 confirmed cases of the “delta variant” in British people over the age of 50. Of these, 8,025 were confirmed just within the past 28 days alone.

This sudden spike in new cases directly coincides with the U.K.’s vaccine push, showing that the more people are getting vaccinated, the higher the rate of infections.

The data clearly shows that a mere 10 percent of all new alleged confirmed cases of the Chinese Virus within this age group are unvaccinated people.

Upwards of 37 percent of new cases are in people who got both of their injections in obedience to the government.

Another 40 percent of cases, it is important to note, occurred in people who received at least one dose of a Chinese Virus injection at least 21 days prior to testing “positive.”

This means that 77 percent of new Wuhan Flu cases are occurring in people who had either one or both doses of the injection.

Claim: Delta Variant Is Caused And Spread By Vaccines

Based on the figures presented by Public Health England, the number of confirmed cases of delta variant among fully vaccinated people over the age of 50 is three times higher compared to the number among the unvaccinated. And in 50-and-over partially vaccinated people, the ratio is nine to one.

What this means, of course, is that the vaccines are dangerous and ineffective at preventing the spread of Chinese Germs, despite having received emergency use authorization (EUA) at “warp speed” from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Very limited trials were conducted beforehand that of course showed that the jabs “work.”

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that Big Pharma has refined the art of tampering with “science” to produce the desired outcome, which is exactly what happened with these “Operation Warp Speed” abomination injections.

Unfortunately, it looks like Mr. Hancock has been lying again and instead of the Covid-19 vaccines being our route back to normal they are instead quite the opposite,” reports Humans Are Free, noting that the only people who are falling for all the lies are people who religiously watch mainstream “news” and trust everything the government tells them.

“Because the data published by Public Health England shows us that the number of alleged deaths due to the Delta variant are highest among those who have received two doses of the vaccine.”


Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish

The source of the world’s problems: The Gentile “leadership” has been chosen for its willingness
to sell its soul to Cabalist (satanic) Jewish central bankers by joining Freemasonry, which is Judaism for Gentiles. Translated, our “leaders” are opportunists and traitors.

“Freemasonry plays the same role in Western society as the Communist Party did in the Soviet Union. Without belonging to the freemasonry, there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is.” -Lina
I always wondered why second-raters rose in society. No-talent people need to sell their souls to the devil to succeed. (Updated from Jan 15 2005 & Aug 14, 2017)


by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Architects of Deception, (2004)  a 600-page history of Freemasonry by Estonian writer Jyri Lina offers profound insight into the true character of modern history.
Essentially, a dominant segment of Western society has joined the Jewish financial elite in embracing Freemasonry, a satanic philosophy that represents a death wish for civilization. They imagine somehow they will profit from the oppression, lies and suffering caused by their Communist “New World Order.”
Incredible, bizarre and depressing as it sounds, Lina writes that 300 mainly-Jewish banking families have used Freemasonry as an instrument to subvert, control and degrade the Western world.
This view is consistent with the 1938 NKVD interrogation of an illuminati member who names many of these banking families and confirms that Freemasons are expendable tools. (See my three-part “Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony” )
Based on the archives of the powerful French Grand Orient Lodge, captured in June 1940 and later made public by the Russians, Lina details how Freemasonry has conspired for world domination and orchestrated all major revolutions and wars in the modern era. (Lina, p.332)
Masons, often Jewish, are responsible for communism, Zionism, socialism, liberalism (and feminism.) They love big government because it is the ultimate monopoly. “World government” (dictatorship) is the final trophy. This is the vision behind 9-11 and all wars.
These “world revolutionary” “progressive” movements all mirror Lucifer’s rebellion against the laws of God and nature which is at the heart of Freemasonry. They ensnare millions of gullible idealists by promising a utopia based on materialism and “reason” and dedicated to “liberty, equality and fraternity,” “public ownership” or some other idealistic sounding claptrap. It’s called bait-and-switch.
According to Lina: “The primary aim of modern freemasonry is to build the New World Order, a spiritual Temple of Solomon, where non-members are nothing but slaves [and] …where human beings would be sacrificed to Yahweh.” (52)
Lina cites numerous Jewish sources that claim Freemasonry is based on Judaism and is “the executive political organ of the Jewish financial elite.” (81-83)
The common goal of these Masonic inspired movements is to undermine race, religion, nation and family (“all collective forces except our own”) by promoting social division, self indulgence and “tolerance” i.e. miscegenation, atheism, nihilism, globalism, sexual “liberation” and gender dysfunction thereby reducing humanity to a uniform dysfunctional and malleable mush.
Lina and others who attempt to alert humanity to its real condition are routinely slandered as anti-Semitic, fascist, and right wing “haters” by people indirectly employed by the bankers.
This tactic shields the conspirators from scrutiny and makes discussion of our grim predicament impossible.
I am a Jew. I am not part of this banking monopoly, nor is the majority of Jews. By way of analogy, the mafia is considered mostly Italian but most Italians do not belong to the mafia.
On the other hand, Italians don’t viciously attack opponents of organized crime and call them “racists” and “hate mongers”. That would look awfully suspicious. Jews compromise themselves by their defence of the Masonic Jewish bankers and their perverse vision for humanity.
My four grandparents perished in the Jewish holocaust. I demand to know the real reason they were murdered. London-based Masonic bankers and their cronies brought Hitler to power in order to provoke war, control Stalin, and justify the creation of Israel. They betrayed non-Zionist Jews and let them perish. They are using the Jewish people in the same way they use the Masons.THE ILLUMINIST CONSPIRACY

We cannot understand the modern world unless we appreciate that it is the result of the Masonic conspiracy. People scoff yet the evidence stares them in the face every day.
The Great Seal of the United States on every dollar bill is a Masonic symbol. There are 33 steps on the side of the pyramid representing the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. The Masons established the United States as a base to advance their goal of world supremacy.
Similarly, the emblem of the United Nations is also a Masonic symbol. The world is caught in a grid consisting of 33 spaces surrounded by acacia leaves, which signifies intense activity in masonry. (215)
Three-quarters of US presidents in the Twentieth Century were high-level Masons. Both Trump and Clinton are Masons. FDR, Churchill, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were Masons. Most Zionist leaders were and are Masons. Gerhard Schroeder, Jacques Chirac and Tony Blair are Freemasons. 
There are over six-million Masons in 32,000 lodges around the world including 2.5 million in the US. In 1929,67% of Members of Congress were Masons. There are 360,000 Masons in England. More than five per cent of British judges are Masons.
Lina believes, “Freemasonry plays the same role in Western society as the Communist Party did in the Soviet Union. Without belonging to the freemasonry there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is.”
Keep in mind that Communism was a Masonic enterprise and the puzzle starts to take shape.Lina says Freemasons not only control politics but also virtually every sector of Western society, including science and culture. “The present cultural life has become virtually unconscious,” he writes. “We have witnessed the beginning of cultural senility.” (333)
In his pamphlet “The Open Conspiracy: Blueprint for a World Revolution” (1929) the Freemason H.G. Wells describes an “open secret society” consisting of society’s leading men operating as a hidden force to secure world resources, reduce population through war and replace the nation state with world dictatorship. (340)

Human beings are naturally attracted to good and repulsed by evil. Thus evil always represents itself as good. To the public, and its own lower ranks, Freemasonry pretends to be dedicated to “making good men better”, humanism, tolerance, Christianity and you-name-it.
If this were true, would they have to extract vows of secrecy from members on pain of slitting their throat? Would they have been condemned by many Popes and banned from numerous countries? (84)
I do not wish to impugn good and decent men in the lower “Blue Degrees” who are unaware of Freemasonry’s true function and character. But there is abundant evidence and testimony that Freemasonry is a satanic cult dedicated to the worship of death. (134-138)
For example, when the Italian Grand Orient Lodge was evicted from the Palazzio Borghese in Rome in 1893, the owner found a shrine dedicated to Satan. The Italian freemasons published a newspaper in the 1880’s where they admitted time and again, “Our leader is Satan!” (135)
The Masons also admit to having a revolutionary political agenda. Typical of statements Lina cites from Masonic publications is the following from a German magazine in 1910: “The driving thought is at all times focused on destruction and annihilation, because the power of this great secret society can only rise from the ruins of the existing order of society.” (272)
The Illuminist Conspiracy is the brake responsible for humanity’s arrested development. Mankind resembles a person suffering from a serious disease and sinking into a coma.
Juri Lina, left, has written a courageous book to revive us. He says we face “the largest spiritual crisis in the history of mankind…They have taken our history, our dignity, our wisdom and our honor, sense of responsibility, spiritual insights and our traditions.”
We are partly to blame, he says: “We have failed to act against the Masonic madness due to our enormous gullibility. We have been totally fooled and ignored the warning signals.” (274)
He ends on a hopeful note, saying evil is dysfunctional and inevitably destroys itself. “Freemasonry carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.” (563)
Wars, revolutions and depressions are all part of a “revolutionary” process designed to frogmarch humanity to “world government” under the rubric of Freemasonry which may be a surrogate for an alliance of occult Jewish and gentile financial elites. Their “self-destruction” seems to be our best hope since the public is too feckless and weak to resist.
Architects of Deception
can be purchased for US$50 by emailing Jyri Lina at jyrilina@yahoo.com
The book also contains many gossipy nuggets such as Hitler had a son; Lenin was a homosexual; Castro is Jewish and a multimillionaire; and Henry Kissinger was/is a Soviet agent! He says the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Rotary and Lions Clubs were founded by Masons. Golf was invented by Masons and has great significance to them—
RelatedVideo Based on BookLina Rips the Mask off Communism in this Video
See also Lyndon Larouche Real History of Satanism
See also my “Making the World Safe…for Bankers”Makow – Freemasonry: The Elephant in the Room


Makow – Biden Admin’s “Inclusiveness” Omits Non-Jews


(Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine)

Let me simplify things for you. Obviously, the issue isn’t “white supremacy.” The issue is (Organized) Jewish supremacy.
How many countries does Organized Jewry (Rothschilds) need? They already have Israel. Clearly from the list below, they have the United States. Apparently they need to own and control every country. This is the meaning of “globalism” aka “the New World Order.”
GLOBALISM  = COMMUNISM = CABALISM = SATANISM = JUDAISM Everyone is controlled by “money” and when you give control of money to your worst enemy, bad things happen. 
They are destroying Western Civilization which was founded on Christianity, a vision based on human brotherhood and everyone fulfilling their Divine potential. They are replacing this with Cabalism (Communism, Freemasonry) a vision based on enslaving, depopulating and dispossessing humanity. 
This is why the covid scam and lockdowns will never end.  
All designed to DESTROY the West: Diversity, homosexuality, feminism, transgenderism, migration, BLM, antifa, migration, critical race theory, cancel culture.


Obviously this would generate a lot of antisemitism were it not for the cognitive dissonance caused by Jewish-controlled mass media. Goyim, you’ve been hypnotized to worship and obey your mortal enemy: Organized Jewry.They are destroying free expression: The human spirit. 
Although its satanic agenda is nearing fulfillment, I speak for assimilated Jews who identify with their countrymen and humanity at large. We want no part of this Evil. In the words of Sam Goldwyn, “Gentlemen, include me out.”
Although they will divert the blame on Jews in general, assimilated Jews are not going to be scapegoats for Satanists, psychopaths and perverts who deserve to be jailed.

Believe me, I desperately want to be wrong about all this, but I’m afraid I’m not. 


The following list came from B with this message:
“Less than 2% of the US population, but ensconced into every nook & cranny of Govt. Media, Education & Banking. That makes for an unbalanced system where everything, in typical Judaic fashion, is torn asunder. It isn’t the Chinese or the Muslims or the Russians! We’re being destroyed from within. A Bolshevik-Communist coup has taken place in Amerika and fluoridated Americans probably won’t lift a finger to counter it. We’ve been conquered & occupied. We’re all Palestinians now.”

The 46 jews in Biden’s Government (So Far)June 28, 2021This was originally compiled by Josh on Gab. Just like Donald Trump was surrounded by jews, so too is Joe Biden swimming in a semitic swamp with some sick creatures.
Bruce Reed: White House Deputy Chief of Staff
Robert Bauer: Co-Chair of the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States
Monica Medina: Asst. Sec. of State for the Bureau of Oceans & Int. Environmental & Science Affairs
David Cervantes: Policy Advisor at U.S. Department of the Treasury
Teddy Nemeroff: Director for International Cyber Policy NSA
Chanan Weissman: Director for Technology and Democracy NSA
Gene Sperling: Senior Advisor to the President
Anita Dunn: Senior Advisor to the President
Nora Volkow: Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse
Alina Romanowski: United States Ambassador to Kuwait
Jonathan Cohen: United States Ambassador to Egypt
Alaina B. Teplitz: United States Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives
Peter H. Vrooman: United States Ambassador to Rwanda
Xavier Becerra: United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
Max Rose: Special Assistant to the United States Secretary of Defense for COVID-19
Andy Slavitt: Senior Advisor to the COVID-19 Response Coordinator
Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall: US Homeland Security Advisor
Ron Klain: White House Chief of Staff
Eric Lander: Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy Science Advisor to the President
Rachel Levine: Assistant Secretary for Health
Rochelle Walensky: Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jeffrey Zients: Counselor to the President
Steve Ricchetti: The other Counselor to the President
Wendy Sherman: United States Deputy Secretary of State
Anne Neuberger: United States Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology
Amy Gutman, new US ambassador to Germany. Fmr. Pres. Univ. of Pennsylvania
Alejandro Mayorkas: United States Secretary of Homeland Security
Doug Emhoff: Second Gentleman of the United States
Jared Bernstein: Member of the Council of Economic Advisers
Antony Blinken: United States Secretary of State
David S. Cohen: Director of CIA until March 19, then transitioning to Deputy Director of CIA
Janet Yellen: United States Secretary of the Treasury
Merrick Garland: US Attorney General
Avril Haines: Director of National Intelligence
Isabel Guzman: Administrator of the Small Business Administration
Polly Trottenberg: US Deputy Secretary of Transportation
David A. Kessler: Head of Op. Warp Speed (Jan-Feb) & co-chaired the Biden-Harris transition’s COVID-19 Advisory Board (Nov 2020-Jan)
Jennifer Klein: Co-Chair White House Gender Policy Council
Jessica Rosenworcel: Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission
Stephanie Pollack: Deputy Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration
Mira Resnick: State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Security
John Kerry: United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
Victoria Nuland: Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Gary Gensler: Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Mark Greenblatt: Inspector General of the Department of the Interior
Elizabeth Klein: Deputy Secretary of the Interior———–Related – All the Jews Joe Biden Has Tapped for Top Roles —————- Paul Craig Roberts – Democrats Have issued a Death Sentence for White America ———— Roberts — Why White Gentiles Can’t Gain Admission to Ivy League Schools —————- Leaked UK Permanent Lockdown Document —————– Rabbi- Islamization of Europe Payment for Persecution of Jews – Rabbi (Jews were persecuted because they hav been engaged in “globalization” for centuries)


French Style Reign of Terror has Started in America

By Andrew C Wallace

You should be afraid, very afraid because you could lose everything of value, your life, your freedom and the food to feed your family. Forget all government assistance, it will no longer exist. Since public schools and media in the inner city plantations  are worthless I must give those residents some historical  context.

Working people have always been exploited by the so called nobility. Today, they are the super rich who acquired their wealth by business genius, luck, inheritance or crime. Our founders came to America to escape life in Europe, now our cities are Europe. The Bank of England and the nobility  tried to maintain  an economic advantage over the colonies just like they did over the English people. This led to American Revolution in 1775.

We defeated the British, but from that day forward we have been beset with Communists, bankers and the super rich; who have unconstitutionally concentrated powers  in the federal government that are powers reserved for the states.

Much of the wealth of the super rich has been stolen from the government and from the people using the unconstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank, bribed elected officials and Tax Free Foundations et al.

The government is printing unlimited sums of fiat money, giving a small portion to the people and the rest to banks and for boondoggles. like the green new deal. Government is paying people not to work causing severe shortages, inflation  and an economic decline when the money is gone. Printing money without corresponding productivity is causing high inflation. In stores its Communism lite with limited and falling inventory. Very costly uncontrolled illegal immigration and money printing must destroy our economy. The private Federal Reserve Bank and our currency are unconstitutional.

Now to the real scary stuff. The French People wanted freedom and a decent living, but the nobles owned and controlled everything. Poor people paid all the taxes, nobles paid nothing, just like our super rich. The French wanted to get freedom and we want to keep ours.

The French saw America get freedom. The French Revolution was from 1789-1799. The Reign of Terror took place in 1793.There were 16,694 death sentences and 40,000 murders. First they killed the nobles, then they killed each other and anyone else they didn’t like. It was a terrible blood bath, they drowned people, shot cannons into tied up people, hung people, shot them and cut off heads. Food was rationed to 1/4 OZ of bread per day, people starved. I would expect similar problems in our inner city plantations. God bless those poor people of whatever color, who have been indoctrinated by media and schools to be useful idiots and live a life in fear and poverty.

I love women for their caring and nurturing. I will appreciate an attractive woman until I die. But some women have a really dark emotional fanatical side. Any policeman knows this. The French saw this in mobs of crazed blood thirsty women who killed. I don’t think it will be different here. You only need to observe some of the obscene and ignorant women in congress.

The super rich and their paid off minions in media, corporations, government, academia et al. were petrified when President Donald Trump ran on a platform of America first. The super rich went crazy when he was elected and kept his promises. The elites wanted open borders, he closed them. The elites were in bed with China for money, to hell with Americans, and President Trump put a stop to it. President Trump put a stop to funding the climate change scam. He made Europe pay their fair share for defense and treat us fairly in trade. He tried to bring our troops home and end wars of no importance to us. He rebuilt the military and gave them proper rules of engagement et al. President Trump promoted energy independence thereby raising the lifestyle of all Americans. The military industrial complex hated President Trump because he was reducing their profits from no win wars not vital to our security.

At present our Constitutional republic has been overthrown. The Communist pretenders must know that power from insurrection has no power to govern. Marxist thugs in the employ of corporate America have burned and looted Democrat cities. Democrat governors, mayors, and prosecutors were complicit and refused to stop it for political reasons. The DOJ and FBI did nothing, but what could you expect of the largest criminal organization in the world. They did arrest hundreds of Republicans for trespassing on January  6 ,putting many in solitary confinement . We now find out that the FBI had 20 people there who participated in the activity. It was a scam. No surprise, the FBI is known for using entrapment, whenever it is required to get people to violate the law so they can get headlines. The FBI is good at one thing, public relations. We would have no major problems  if the DOJ and FBI were not complicit and corrupt When  politicians lie to your face about everything like the green new deal you know they are ignorant, corrupt or both. Follow the Communist renewable energy scam and you end up with a shortage of electricity like in California and Texas. Large scale use of electric vehicles is impossible because we don’t have either the generating capacity or the distribution network.

With most everyone in government paid off and being either anti-American or a coward it was easy to frame President Trump and not follow his orders. The super rich and their minions are so scared of President Trump that they did everything to defeat him including an insurrection by an unconstitutional election with unlimited fraud.

This can only end one way, large scale bloodshed, mass destruction and the end of all government services. The military is useless because a determined guerrilla force can’t be defeated in the field. I would expect the super rich who control everything and have 85% of the money to be really nasty. They are Communists after all, Mao killed 100 million of his own people and Stalin killed 40 million. I would expect no less from our Communists. But when our people are pushed to the wall with nothing to lose that’s when you get a Reign of Terror.

Like the French, we have our share of compliant useful idiot pansies, but everyone else is armed to the teeth and dedicated to preserving freedom and Constitutional rights. Citizens in other countries do not have our birthright of freedom nor the weapons to defend it.

This paper was written to inform both sides of the dire consequences of Treason. I have a faint hope that the super rich, their minions and the Communists will return our Constitutional Republic to the people. The alternative is too terrible to contemplate.

French Style Reign of Terror has Started in America


Covid 19 was and is a pseudopandemic. It was the gross exaggeration of the threat posed by a low mortality respiratory illness, comparable to influenza.

The pseudopandemic was a psychological operation (psy-op) designed to terrorise the public. The objective was to accustom the people to draconian system of government oppression by familiarising them with the mechanisms of a biosecurity state.

The pseudopandemic was based upon an influenza like illness which, regardless of its origin, was not and is not a disease which can legitimately be considered the cause of a “pandemic.” The only way it could ever be described as such was by the removal of any reference to mortality from the World Health Organisation’s definition.

COVID 19 is a disease which has a mortality age distribution profile indistinguishable from standard mortality. Unlike influenza, which disproportionately impacts the young, in terms of threat to life, COVID 19 was and is a wholly unremarkable illness. 

Were it not for political theatrics and mainstream media propaganda, which began in China, no one, outside of the medical profession and COVID 19 sufferers, would have remarked on this disease.

The illusion of overwhelmed health services was created by massively reducing their capacity and staffing levels while simultaneously reorienting healthcare to treat everyone who presented with a respiratory illness as viral plague carriers. 

In reality the pseudopandemic saw unusually low levels of hospital bed occupancy. However, due to the additional policies and procedures heaped upon them, healthcare services were thrown into into disarray.

This was combined with the use of tests, incapable of diagnosing anything, as proof of a COVID 19 “case.” This enabled governments around the world to make absurd claims about the threat level. They relied upon fake science and junk data throughout. As symptomatic illness and resultant disease mortality was relatively low, they asserted that people without any signs of illness (the asymptomatic) were spreading the contagion.

This was abject nonsense. There was no evidence that the asymptomatic infected anyone. Those at risk of severe illness were the small minority of people who already had serious comorbidities, often due to their age.

The mass house arrests (lockdowns) and other measures, such as wearing face masks, were then used to increase the infection risk, to reduce broad levels of population immunity and give the false impression of an extraordinary public health threat. The removal of health care for every other disease, including cancer and ischaemic heart disease, coupled with the health costs of increasing deprivation and immunosuppressant policies, were then exploited to bolster the illusion of a pandemic.

This does not mean that COVID 19 didn’t kill people but those who died of the disease were a small percentage of the total numbers claimed. COVID 19 had no discernible impact upon all-cause mortality. The increase above one of the lowest ever 5 year mortality averages was mainly caused by the withdrawal of health services, as increasing numbers of people died in their own homes or in overburdened care settings, without receiving normal medical attention. 

Despite these efforts, mortality in 2020 was still only the 9th highest in the first two decades of the 21st century and one of the lowest age-standardised mortality rates in the last 50 years.

COVID 19 presented virtually no risk to those of working age an none at all to the young. There was no evidence that children were either at or presented any risk. The school closures were part of the pseudopandemic psy-op. They gave the misleading impression of an emergency and provided fraudulent justification for vaccinating children.

The pseudopandemic was planned to lead to the complete transformation of our culture and society. It has irrevocably changed our relationship with governments, has caused catastrophic economic disruption, shutdown global trade and saw millions become reliant on government subsidies. The pseudopandemic was the opening salvo in a global coup d’état.

The new pseudopandemic biosecurity apparatus is designed to control our behaviour as we are forced through a global transformation. Those behind the pseudopandemic intend to change the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) and establish global governance in the shape of technocracy. Technocracy is a neofeudal, totalitarian system based upon communitarian principles.

We will be offered the illusion of participatory democracy through our required participation and belief in “civil society.” Civil society will be a “stakeholder” in the Technocracy. However, civil society will only be allowed to pursue polices set at the global level.

Applied psychology was used throughout the pseudopandemic to fix our “choice environment.” We were conditioned to believe that following the rules was the responsible and moral choice. In reality our behaviour was being deliberately altered to ensure our compliance with the diktats of the biosecurity state, preparing society for the transition to technocracy.

The new global IMFS is built upon carbon trading and a $120 trillion carbon bond market is currently under construction. Assets are being defined in terms of their Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics which rate investments depending upon their environmental, social and governance (ESG) score. 

These metrics have been established by the World Economic Forum working in partnership with the central banks, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and other stakeholder capitalists, such as the investment firm BlackRock.

The global system of central banks, headed by the BIS, are “going direct” by directly funding government policy. They have linked monetary policy to fiscal policy which means ultimate control of all government spending by the BIS. The Financial Services Board of the BIS regulates ESG’s and determines the value of sustainable financial assets.

In this way, the global technocracy will facilitate the continuation of crony capitalism, as only the right stakeholders will receive the approved ESG rating. Those who don’t will not be able to raise the investment capital they need and will be forced out of business.

“Going direct” began before the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a global pandemic. All of the economic and financial responses to the pseudopandemic, such as furlough and business support packages, were agreed as part of the “going direct” plan in August 2019.

The so called economic stimulus of Quantitative Easing (QE) is a fraud. It is based upon the unbridled monetisation of debt on an unprecedented scale. Going direct means that the toxic junk assets of the financial institutions have been taken on to the balance sheets of the central banks. Thus creating unimaginable levels of public debt that can never, and will never, be repaid.

The QE money, created out of absolutely nothing, has been pumped into the financial markets for the continued enrichment of the right stakeholders. The vast expansion of the money supply will shortly lead to hyperinflation. The mass unemployment that will occur as a result of the austerity, caused both by the staggering levels of debt and our transition to a new IMFS, will create stagflation.

The new net zero carbon economy will mean permanent austerity for the majority. The Technate will provide a universal basic income (UBI), or some variation of the concept, to be paid in Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC). This will mean that no one will have their own money, other than the chosen stakeholders, as all transactions will be monitored and controlled by the central banks.

Those who oppose the neofeudal authority of the corporate, stakeholder Technate and refuse to comply with the imposition of biosecurity obligations will have their CBDC restricted or switched off. The pseudopandemic has established the framework of the biosecurity state that will control all our lives. The vaccine passports are the gateway to full biometric identity for every citizen in the new normal Technate.

We will be required to show our biometric ID on demand. Access to goods and services will be monitored and restricted as desired by the Technate. UBI and CBDC combined with biometric ID will ensure our compliance. The central planners of the Technate will oversee the AI controlled system which will automatically limit the freedoms of those who defy the rules decreed by the stakeholder capitalists.

Money, as we currently understand it, is no longer required by those behind the pseudopandemic. The net zero carbon economy enables them to seize control of the “global commons.” This means that they will have dominion over all of the Earth’s natural resources. All land, the oceans, the atmosphere and even space is being converted into assets via Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics.

Not only will we have no money of our own, we will be unable to access the resources we need to survive without permission from the Technate. While this system of technocracy has been planned for more than a century, it was the financial collapse in 2008 that led the pseudopandemic planners to increase the pace of transformation. The monetisation of debt had long been the source of their authority but this IMFS was unsustainable. As all money was debt, its eventual collapse was inevitable. It passed the point of no return in 2008.

With their going direct plan in place, the stage was set for the pseudopandemic. SARS-CoV-2 provided the perfect opportunity and the core conspirators behind the pseudopandemic had trained extensively in readiness for the operation. We were then barraged by a mainstream media propaganda campaign and military’s information warfare units were deployed to control our “choice environment.”

Scientific and medical doubts were censored as the suspension of normal democratic processes was exploited to introduce the biosecurity state. Laws were passed to allow government to commit any crime it wished in pursuit of stakeholder capitalist sustainable development goals. Laws to end the right of protest and censor free speech are moving unopposed through the legislature as national governments, who are no more than stakeholder partners within the new normal technocracy, prepare us for the coming Technate.

For the core conspirators of the pseudopandemic this is the realisation of their long held dream of global governance. They are steeped in the mythology of eugenics and population control. Once they have total control of the global commons they will no longer need us as consumers and are intent upon significant population reduction.

As insane as this all sounds the evidence, explored in pseudopandemic, is overwhelming. We are facing global neofeudalism unless we act now. Herein lies our hope.

The core conspirators have no real power. It is an illusion that they are desperate to maintain. They invest billions in propaganda, hybrid warfare and security systems because they are terrified that we will realise what they are doing. 

Their plan can only succeed if we believe their lies and comply with their orders. If we don’t there is nothing they can do about it.

We can reset the world.


Glen Oliver Muise – Authentic Canadian Defies the Globalist Traitors


Glen Muise, 66, left with cat Clyde,14, sent this letter to his local newspaper in Nova Scotia.
“Now, the delta variant, which has the exact same symptoms as my hay fever which comes every year. You can’t make this stuff up. I woke up this morning as I do every June and July with a runny nose and a scratchy throat. I guess I’m doomed.”

Glen Oliver Muise is from a long established Acadian Family.  He is a former coal miner and activist who graduated from university in 1989 majoring in political science. He ran for Mayor on Cape Breton in 1995, and exposed the whole Agenda 21, sustainable smart city bullshit. He was jailed on trumped up charges but they could not get him off the ballot. They stacked the ballot with liberals and fixed it so he could not communicate with the outside. He has been boxed in and on the no-fly list ever since. The only candidate for Mayor that has run for office from jail. He had the flu last November; they would not test for antibodies because they knew it was just the flu.

To The Editor,

The past 18 mos. have produced unintended consequences for our medical community. The simple act of warning patients of poor choices concerning personal medical decisions has disappeared. Doctors are being warned if they step out of line during this “emergency” and promote anything but diagnostics of coronavirus, they will be dismissed or refused services at local hospitals as observed across Canada.
Our own Chief of Emergency medicine, Dr. Chris Milburn,left, has been dismissed without cause.
His Crime, questioning the narrative of a Public health officer who has never treated a patient: A person who was relegated to tracking bacteria by paper and diagnostics . Now he has us in his grip. The “Emergency” he declared on the given timeline. Why do I say that? When I had the virus last November, several other people had it too. The lockdown was scheduled for Feb-March so infections on Cape Breton were not disclosed last November. WHY?The doctors have no voice in treatment; they have been under a spell, a contagion of the mind. When I visit a doctor and tell them I have a disease with no symptoms, they tell me I have a mental disease as there are no symptoms to treat.
I leave without finding the asymptomatic virus hiding within my DNA unless I take a PCR test which can find my grandmother’s corona virus from 1918 given the cycles they magnify in the PCR test.
The continuous virtue signalling of uninformed people is very apparent when you see grown adults wearing masks outside in 30c weather with a 25k breeze. When you see children who are not getting sick being forced to wear masks inside poorly ventilated spaces .
Across Canada only 1300 children have tested positive from PCR testing, most false positives. 1 death of a 13 year old overweight girl with preexisting conditions.
There is no reporting of adverse effects of the MNRA injection. Doctors are forbidden to warn patients of side effects from the injection for fear of losing their licence. The reason being given is that if you tell people they may experience side effects from the injection of an unproven vaccine ,their brain may give them a false positive even when magnets stick to their injection site (proven) or if they get sick or die from the injection. They call death from vaccines a breakthrough event. Bizzare.
How many PCR tests have been given in Nova Scotia; how many were false positives and how many people have died from the virus and not underlying conditions?
What level of magnification were used?
Any test above 27 cycles is not reliable yet it shut us completely down. 99.3 percent of covid cases survive and I am one. The Flu disappeared and covid emerged strange days indeed; most peculiar momma.
Now, the delta variant, which has the exact same symptoms as my hay fever which comes every year. You can’t make this stuff up. I woke up this morning as I do every June and July with a runny nose and a scratchy throat. I guess I’m doomed.
No wait, I have the antibodies they will not test for. What a relief. Science says, when you survive a viral load of any virus we retain antibodies to prevent a future attack,that’s what the natural immune system does, that’s science.
They called the flu covid, They fooled everyone into taking a MNRA genetic enhancement of which we have no tests to prove how dangerous or beneficial the jab really is.
(These signs have appeared in Glen’s neighborhood. We are a people under siege by a traitorous government.)
They stopped all animal testing when all the ferrets died. HUMMM. After just 1 month, every big pharma company had the jab ready to go and save them from bankruptcy as many were in trouble. Research it!
Moderna had never before made a vaccine. Just trust them.They are big and they only make a few mistakes and by the way you can’t sue them if they kill your family with the jab or make them sick for life.
In closing, How long will people put up with this nonsense? Fear of getting sick when 99.3 % survive is irrational . Turn off the TV . —–RelatedGlen Muise on Bitchute
———-Medical Mafia in Saskatchewan fire Dr. Francis Christian
