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Stephen Lendman – The Dystopian New Normal


(David Dees was a visionary. Although he died just over a year ago,  he could clearly see what was coming.)
“These are no ordinary times.What was inconceivable pre-2020 is today’s reality. What’s going on should terrify everyone paying attention.The scourge of toxic covid mass-jabbing for social control and depopulation on an unparalleled scale exceeds the worst of what Orwell and Huxley could have imagined.”

Dystopian New Normal

by Stephen Lendman (

The nation I grew up in long ago hasn’t existed throughout much of my adult lifetime.
Notably post-9/11 and especially since early last year — after seasonal flu was deceptively renamed covid with diabolical aims in mind — US/Western war on humanity went far beyond where their earlier regimes hadn’t dare go before.
Not only are US and other Western nations unsafe and unfit to live in, their ruling regimes represent an unprecedented threat to their people and humanity overall.
Are US-led Western regimes on the cusp of mandating toxic covid jabs designed to destroy health, shorten lifespans, and kill maximum numbers of people worldwide?
US federal law prohibits mandated use of vaccines and other drugs unapproved by the Pharma-controlled FDA.
US/Western emergency use authorization never should have been OK’d for unsafe, experimental, fast-tracked, inadequately tested, toxic covid mRNA drugs and vaccines — notably when no emergency exists.


In defiance of federal law and protecting what’s too precious to lose, hundreds of US colleges and universities now mandate toxic covid jabs for students and staff.
Unthinkable not long ago, US higher education today risks harm to health and well-being of everyone on growing numbers of college campuses.
On May 28, a US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) press release said the following:
“Federal EEO laws do not prevent an employer from requiring all employees physically entering the workplace to be” jabbed for covid.
In defiance of federal law as explained above, the EEOC supports toxic mass-jabbing as long as not in violation of “ADA (provisions) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other EEO considerations.”
EEOC guidance breached federal law — the Nuremberg Code as well that requires voluntary consent on all things related to health.
Growing numbers of employers require staff to be covid-jabbed.
The same goes for increasing numbers of hospitals and municipalities.
On June 23, San Francisco became the largest US municipality to mandate covid jabs for city workers.
Refusniks risk termination. The city’s human resources department said the following:
City workers are required to report “their vaccination status…no later than July 29.”
If covid-jabbed, they must provide documented proof.
They must be jabbed “no later than 10 weeks after” FDA approval of at least one covid drug — what most likely is coming, perhaps before summer’s end or early fall.
Emergency use authorization alone exists today — despite hazards to health when covid jabs are taken as directed.
Growing numbers of US municipalities most likley will follow SF’s bad example.
Will growing numbers of business establishments, commercial spaces, other public venues, and perhaps residential buildings follow suit?
Will refusniks be ostracized from US and other Western societies for good health practices to stay safe?
According to Newsweek, so-called US “health experts” urged the Biden regime “to promote (covid mass-jabbing) orders and passports — on the phoney pretext of protecting public health toxic covid drugs destroy.
In California, virtual covid police are reportedly looking for and pressuring covid mass-jabbing refusniks to self-inflict harm.
Last week in Atlanta, unelected Kamala Harris called for “volunteers” to knock on doors and harass refusniks to get jabbed.
She, Biden, their families, other senior regime officials and their family won’t touch toxic covid jabs they’re pushing ordinary Americans to take.
The same goes for at least most privileged individuals in the US and West — knowing toxic covid jabs risk irreversible harm or death near-or-longer-term if jabbed.——————————-VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at
Stephen Lendman —“Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity”

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