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Law lets government vaccinate unwilling ‘by any means necessary’

A U.S. Navy corpsman administers a U.S. Marine with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Jan. 15, 2021. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Rachel K. Young-Porter)

A new Florida law that prevents companies and organizations operating there from requiring “vaccine passports,” that documentation that purports to prove an individual has been vaccinated for COVID-19, also has a stinger: a provision allowing the government to force vaccinations on people.

The paragraph in the state’s 2nd engrossed version of SB 2006, an “act relating to emergency management” and more, states: “If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.”

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The fight over mandatory vaccinations still is developing in the U.S., following the pandemic that apparently got its start in Wuhan, China, and flooded the world, killing some 600,000 people in just the United States.

Some private organizations have demanded employees be vaccinated, and fired those refusing, and a number of legal cases have developed from those demands. Governments to this point have been encouraging – even bribing – citizens to take vaccines, but have not yet been to the point of forcing them.

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The Florida provision comes in a portion of the law setting the agenda for state officials, when a public health emergency is declared, to identify and document cases and deaths.

The section notes during a public health emergency, the state health agency is responsible for collecting and reporting information about cases and deaths.

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That state officer also “may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health,” including forcing drug makers to prioritize shipping of certain drugs, reactivating the inactive licenses of some medical professionals and ordering the examination, testing, vaccination, treating, isolating or quarantining of “an individual.”

Those who are “unwilling” for reasons of health, religion, or conscience “may be subjected to isolation or quarantine,” it says.Should the unwilling be forcibly vaccinated?Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to WND news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

It is the next section that provides that “A business entity … may not require patrons or customers to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination or post-infection recovery to gain access to, entry upon, or service from the business operations in this state.”

The section does allow “screening protocols.”

It was Kelen McBreen who wrote at Infowarsabout the provision and pointed out that Gov. Ron DeSantis told state residents a short time ago, “In Florida, your personal choice regarding vaccinations will be protected and no business or government entity will be able to deny you services based on your decision.”

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The vaccinations, however, under Section 315 of Chapter 381 of the state’s public health law, can be forced.

“The legislature says any order given to police by the State Health Officer that helps force-vaccinate a person is immediately enforceable,” the report said.

Law lets government vaccinate unwilling ‘by any means necessary’

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