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Authors Challenge Germ Theory & Covid Hoax


(David Parker & Dawn Lester)
“The germ theory is a fallacy, [and] vaccinations, a source of healthy profits for the pharmaceutical industry, are useless and do not provide immunity to any disease.”

“Viruses and bacteria are part of the bodily process of removing toxins from the body. The body contains trillions of viruses and bacteria. According to the authors none of these viruses and bacteria are pathogenic. Viruses and bacteria are essential to the bodily process of removing dead and dying toxins from the body. While bacteria are alive, viruses are not.”

Book Review


WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? Why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong
by David Collins (
This 777-page book by two non-doctors, (Dawn Lester is an accountant and David Parker is an electrical engineer,) challenges the germ theory to its very core, a theory which is the foundation of our current allopathic medical system.
The two British authors spent ten-years researching and writing their massive book. They address every topic from small pox and polio to vaccines, the flu and the Black Death.
But the central thesis of the book is their systematic attack on the veracity of the germ theory. They repeat often that there is no evidence that viruses or bacteria cause any disease.
Chapter three is titled “The Germ Theory: A Deadly Fallacy.” After much research, the authors conclude that there is no evidence that the germ theory has ever been scientifically proven.
Proposed by Louis Pasteur in the 1860’s, the germ theory of disease caught on and became accepted by the medical establishment of the day. By the late nineteenth century the idea that germs caused disease led to the introduction of vaccines to fight the various disease caused by the so called pathogenic germs.
The authors conclude that the germ theory is a fallacy, that vaccinations, a source of healthy profits for the pharmaceutical industry, are useless and do not provide immunity to any diseaseand that Pasteur and Albert Jenner, … responsible for contributing … to the human suffering and misery….”
The authors point to the case of German biologist Dr Stefan Lanka, PhD, and his work on viruses and especially on the measles virus.
Dr Lanka… concludes that there is no virus that can be proven to be the cause of any disease.
In a recent court case in Germany the highest court held, on appeal, that there was no scientific proof that a virus was the cause of measles. While he lost at the lower court level Dr Lanka defeated the pharmaceutical industry when the higher court found that the pharmaceutical industry papers failed to prove that a virus cause measles.
So what are viruses and bacteria? The authors … say that viruses and bacteria are part of the bodily process of removing toxins from the body. The body contains trillions of viruses and bacteria. According to the authors none of these viruses and bacteria are pathogenic. Viruses and bacteria are essential to the bodily process of removing dead and dying toxins from the body. While bacteria are alive, viruses are not.
In chapter ten of the book, Lester and Parker, offer four factors which can cause ill health.
The first factor is nutrition. The human body needs proper nutrition for optimum health. The authors say that a plant-based diet is enough to provide optimum health.
The second factor is toxic exposure. The air we breath, the water we drink and the food we consume need to be free of toxins.
The third factor is EM radiation exposures. Cell phones, living too close to a cell phone tower, wi-fi technology and the new 5G are examples of possible radiation over exposure.
The fourth factor is prolonged emotional stress.
Lester and Parker recommend a plant based diet to achieve proper nutrition. They say that all the vitamins and minerals needed for the body can be obtained from a proper plant based diet. This advice by the authors should be revisited.
Much research by medical authorities dispute the assertion that we can get our vitamin and mineral needs from diet alone. Dr Joel Wallach says that we need 80 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids every day to avoid illness and disease. Dr Wallach says we must supplement every day to get the proper nutrition because we cannot get the proper nutrition from diet alone.
Humans, because of an ancient genetic defect, cannot produce vitamin C in their livers. Dogs, cats, cows, chickens and other animals do produce vitamin C in ample quantities internally.
Two time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling made the case that heart disease in humans was a vitamin C deficiency and that we must supplement with vitamin C every day to avoid this number one killer of the population.
Published in December of 2019 “What Really Makes You Ill?”preceded the current corona virus phenomenon. Lester and Parker address the corona virus issue on their web page at The videos on this web page are must-listening to understand the current corona virus controversy.
In over forty five videos, Lester and Parker expand their discussion of the failed germ theory and repeatedly call the current corona virus pandemic a hoax.
Links for further reading:(1) Dr Joel Wallach –

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